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Minecraft Server Anonymous Wed 06/09/2023 10:24:48 AM 1 year ago No. 1
(3.11 MB 1920x1013 )
Yet another 22chan minecraft server. I would've liked to make it in an older version but the server provider we'll be using only fully supports more modern versions.

Type of server: Forge 1.16.5. Latest Forge version. Only two mods are required (for now):



You can download both mods here:
Recommend any mod you'd like to see on the server whenever you want.
World generation: AMPLIFIED
Game type: Survival (Hard)
Cracked clients are welcome, SKlauncher is recommended (
Rules: Don't break the site's rules (the ones that apply, that is).

Due to the way the server provider works, it can't stay on 24/7. If the server is down and you want to play, say so in the thread and it'll be opened shortly after.

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Anonymous Wed 14/02/2024 1:38:45 PM 11 months ago No. 134
Could the anon who runs the server post a download for the world file? I wanna see it
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 5:09:13 PM 11 months ago No. 139
(3.77 MB 1920x1013 )
Here it is. If for some reason it spawns you in spectator mode and you are unable to change the gamemode, just open the world in LAN and activate cheats from there.
The server has been left gathering dust in the last few months due to a loss of interest and real life stuff from myself and other former regular players. I doubt I'll pick it back up any time soon. regularly at least.

Happy Tworsday and sorry for taking this long to reply.
Anonymous Wed 22/05/2024 3:47:14 AM 8 months ago No. 162
is there a seed for the 22craft world?
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 5:20:53 AM 1 month ago No. 199
what's up anons, i just got a 40 slot vanilla 1.21.4 server up and running. join if you feel like it or
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 5:48:23 AM 1 month ago No. 200
Will it be open 24/7 or is it available on request?

Worms Armageddon Server Anonymous Fri 05/01/2024 6:38:33 AM 1 year ago No. 113
(424.49 KB 1366x768 )
From >>>/vg/38/#38

I host games on Worms Armageddon twice a week at 5 PM EST on Wednesdays and 10 PM EST on Saturdays. This has been going on for a while now, and the format is a fit for /server/, so I'll try and move hosting notifications and other related posts over here to keep the clutter down on /vg/.
I've introduced a few custom maps and an original scheme (22normal) since I started hosting, so come by if you want to try it out or even contribute something.
The room is always called 22, and the password is always caturday. Anyone is welcome to join; just show up within 10 minutes of either of the aforementioned times.

Useful links:
Worms Armageddon -
wkTerrainSync -
wkPin -
Tutorial - [Play]
Shot calculator -
22normal -
77 replies omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
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Anonymous Sun 15/09/2024 2:00:14 AM 4 months ago No. 193
Now hosting
Room: 22
Pass: caturday
Starting in 10 minutes
Anonymous Wed 18/09/2024 9:00:01 PM 4 months ago No. 194
Now hosting
Room: 22
Pass: caturday
Starting in 10 minutes
Anonymous Sun 29/09/2024 2:00:04 AM 4 months ago No. 195
Now hosting
Room: 22
Pass: caturday
Starting in 10 minutes
Anonymous Sun 06/10/2024 2:00:05 AM 4 months ago No. 196
Now hosting
Room: 22
Pass: caturday
Starting in 10 minutes
Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 9:00:05 PM 3 months ago No. 197
Now hosting
Room: 22
Pass: caturday
Starting in 10 minutes