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Demon Slayer / Kimetsu no Yaiba Anonymous Sun 30/04/2023 9:35:49 AM 1 year ago No. 113
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Let's talk about this highly successful anime/manga.
Have you read or watched it? Do you watch the new season 'Swordsmith Village Arc' that is currently airing?
What in your opinion made this franchise so successful? According to Wikipedia article:
it's the #1 manga of all time in average sales per volume, and it began to be published in 2016.
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Anonymous Tue 02/05/2023 7:58:48 PM 1 year ago No. 114
I don't know about that. It doesn't look too great. Can you give me your two cents op? You only said it was successful.
Anonymous Wed 03/05/2023 9:15:28 PM 1 year ago No. 116
No I haven't watched it and this thread doesn't really sell me on it.
Anonymous Mon 08/05/2023 2:48:41 PM 1 year ago No. 119
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I don't know about whatever it is you are watching, but here is the real masterpiece every 22channer should read at least one chapter of.
Anonymous Tue 27/06/2023 6:36:58 AM 1 year ago No. 156
I was curious but sometimes curiosity kills the cat. I like demon and beast slaying, and the art and time period it was set in makes it an attractive item but i generally tend to ignore something new because "everyone likes it", "its popular" and "its new". Trends and fads are fucking gay and exhausting to keep up with. Perhaps time will tell if it is good, I intend on reading when a decade passes and there is no merch in stores, although retarded this is how i generally operate.
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