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Cardcaptor Sakura Thread Anonymous Thu 05/01/2023 12:54:00 PM 2 years ago No. 20
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In my opinion, Cardcaptor Sakura has been one of the most heartwarming and enjoyable shows available on television. So far, I have loved how simple the show is and how comfy the show has been for me. In general, I have been laughing at how cute Sakura is, as well as the rest of the show. I love how the show makes every problem in the universe because of clow cards. Clow cards are blamed for so many things. In your opinion, what problems have clow cards caused that have not been addressed in the show? RELEASE
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Anonymous Thu 05/01/2023 6:50:02 PM 2 years ago No. 21
Clow cards ruined my life
Anonymous Fri 06/01/2023 2:34:21 AM 2 years ago No. 22
How long has this been happening? Sakura, aka anime, God will heal your iniquities in your life in no time. Just elaborate.
Anonymous Sat 07/01/2023 3:02:35 PM 2 years ago No. 23
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We know, Meirin
Anonymous Sat 07/01/2023 5:48:18 PM 2 years ago No. 24
Checked what? Li was a weird character. He was repulsed by Sakura until he wasn't.
Anonymous Sat 07/01/2023 6:16:06 PM 2 years ago No. 25
>He was repulsed by Sakura until he wasn't
Yeah. But I remember there were some signs he started taking a liking to Sakura, even before Yukito revealed himself as Yue. I cannot name any of them especifically, but I do remember there was at least one sign. Maybe it's an anime only confusion and the manga was more direct, but I'd have to actually read it
>Checked what?
Lurk at least 3 decades before posting
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 12:04:29 PM 2 years ago No. 26
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>Checked what?
Anon, are you fucking serious? I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 1:37:35 PM 2 years ago No. 27
I think that was a clow card that would explain your stupid reaction image.
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 3:25:38 PM 2 years ago No. 28
I don't know what a "clow card" is and you should lurk moar.
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 4:44:44 PM 2 years ago No. 30
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I don't know what you are on, but you are a faggot. I guess it is because you butt your head in places you don't belong. In the end, why would anyone want to deal with someone with a head shaped like a whopper? No one wants someone who doesn't belong. Stop being a sore thumb and watch Cardcaptor Sakura!
The anime made it look like Li was repulsed by females in general. I am reading too much into a kid's show at the end of the day.
Anonymous Sun 08/01/2023 5:01:10 PM 2 years ago No. 31
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>can't into dubs
>outs himself as a newfag
>gets mad when lulz are had

Get off my board, you fucking idiot.
Anonymous Mon 09/01/2023 1:53:46 PM 2 years ago No. 34
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I think the second movie is vastly superior to the first one. I couldn't get into the first one all that much because the story felt rushed, whereas the second movie felt like a quality Sakura episode that was more than an hour. I also enjoyed the visuals of the second movie. It didn't feel rushed in any major way. Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card is a very good movie that is worth a watch.
Anonymous Wed 22/03/2023 5:57:54 PM 1 year ago No. 73
I watched the series and the first movie. Honestly, the second part of the series (or third, depending on who you ask, but I mean the last 24 episodes, after Sakura completes her initial quest of collecting all Clow Cards) was a disappointment for me. The only great thing about it was the development of the relationship between Sakura and Xiaolang. But I hated the new characters, they were really annoying.
Anonymous Thu 23/03/2023 12:16:50 PM 1 year ago No. 74
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Due to its dramatic nature, the show seemed to end around episode 50. I was thankful to see more episodes because Sakura is adorable and it was heartwarming to see the frenships in the show bloom. It was fascinating to see Sakura's relationship with the older kid with prematurely gray hair because she seemed willingly ignorant of what Yukito is like.
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 6:28:51 PM 1 year ago No. 154
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I was rewatching and catched this small animation error in ep 19 where Sakura's eyes are the same color as Tomoyo's instead of being green. I'm surprised something like this would happen given the insane animation and drawing quality the show has from beginning to end

I agree. Crow card is peak Sakura, when she began upgrading the cards was entertaining enough but it's not anywhere near what came before it.
Anonymous Wed 23/08/2023 5:04:52 AM 1 year ago No. 259
The art style of the manga is interesting. Minimal inking and mostly penciling gives everything a "soft" look.
Anonymous Wed 23/08/2023 5:31:14 AM 1 year ago No. 260
Another thing i enjoy is the dynamic paneling. its not even disruptive to the flow of the story and really pops out.
Anonymous Wed 23/08/2023 5:43:59 AM 1 year ago No. 261
Yukito goes to the archery class? well damn why the fuck don't they have that shit in America? I'd literally kill to do some archery.
I think it's cute that Tomoyo makes outfits for sakura to wear. Although I doubt this will ever be addressed I am curious if tomoyo's recordings will go into the wrong hands since it pretty much proves that magic is real.
Anonymous Thu 24/08/2023 2:46:12 AM 1 year ago No. 262
As a camper, I remember trying archery and having trouble gaining confidence that you could control the bow. It would be awesome if America had stuff like that because we need more things to feel better about ourselves.
Anonymous Thu 24/08/2023 6:17:31 AM 1 year ago No. 263
>my mother was 16 when she married my father, he was 25
Geez, that's a large age gap there.
Anyhow I'm at chapter 5 so far and when Sakura takes a plunge into the lake and almost drowns, i wonder why Tomyo didn't take her to a hospital? it would have protected her identity and having to explain the costume and how she fell in the lake in the first place. Another thing is the manga states that there's 19 cards, does the anime have the same amount?
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 5:06:38 AM 1 year ago No. 264
they say the flower card is useless but you know what, if your in a bind then you'd hardly be seen by a flurry of petals.
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 5:31:50 AM 1 year ago No. 265
it turns out i got rused, there's lgblt sandwich shit in the manga and it's a constant theme lol, in the dub and in the anime its apparently censored so i'm better off watching the anime.
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