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Devilman Thread Anonymous Wed 04/10/2023 2:49:08 PM 1 year ago No. 301
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In this thread, we will discuss the Devilman franchise. A large part of the discussion of this thread will be centered around the original manga from back in the 70's. Before we get into the manga, I would like to discuss the three OVAs for Devilman. Devilman: The Birth was one of the first animes I have ever seen. I am not much of a horror guy, but I enjoyed the suspense that was built up throughout the episode. The craziness kept my interest, and it felt sudden how Ryo's father died. Ryo seems to have something off about him. The party scene was an interesting place to have a battle of demons and Devilman. It is funny in a way, but I was distracted by how awesome the fight was. The Anthem song that played during the fight scene was a good song choice too. The first OVA is worth a watch to this day, in my opinion. Devilman: The Demon Bird is a worthy follow-up to the first OVA. Demon Bird is probably the best entry in the series in terms of action. The fight against Silene was great. I didn't know if Devilman would win or not because they did a good job showing how vicious Silene is. Words can't describe how good the fight was. The final OVA in the series is not canon for a reason. It is hot garbage and is just a gore fest without the impact. The deaths were not memorable except for the girlfriend. I would skip this one.
Throughout October I will be reading the manga from the 70's, and my goal will be one volume every three to four days. I will post the highlights, and I hope people join in on the discussion.
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Anonymous Sat 07/10/2023 4:38:05 PM 1 year ago No. 302
The visuals here excite me because of how vivid they are to me. I am not much of an art person, but this hooks me into the world. I am excited to see what is coming up in the future volumes. These monsters are huge and seem terrifying. It is also interesting how they are hiding under the surface.
Anonymous Sat 07/10/2023 5:54:39 PM 1 year ago No. 303
One change I noticed about the anime made from the dub was that Miki was more confrontational than the OVA. If anything, Akira was the meek one in the anime at the beginning. It is a good characterization of Akira and makes me interested in how he will change throughout the four remaining volumes.
Anonymous Sun 08/10/2023 2:22:06 AM 1 year ago No. 304
Ryou and Akira's interaction was even more off-putting than how it was in the anime for me. Ryou comes across as even more twisted than he was in the OVA because it had more time to give context to his past. It was crazy how much Ryou's dad was willing to do for his research. Even before dying, he was in too deep. It is outrageous how many evil monsters there were in the Devilman world. I could only imagine the shock Akira was going through hearing all this. Akira, from my point of view, was timid and was being exposed to the worst of the world. It almost makes sense they ended up drinking alcohol because it is a lot to handle.
Anonymous Sat 14/10/2023 10:40:29 PM 1 year ago No. 306
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Cat in the Devilman manga for caturday!
Anonymous Mon 16/10/2023 5:13:46 AM 1 year ago No. 307
Miki's action of going back and forth about Akira becoming tougher due to him becoming devil man. It is typical indecisiveness of someone who doesn't have to face any real consequences if they mess up. Either Akira is the goodie two shoes or he is a shady tough guy.
Anonymous Tue 17/10/2023 4:50:59 PM 1 year ago No. 309
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One thing I hope Devilman continues within the last three volumes is the visual of Devilman at the beginning. It makes me wonder when he is going to show up and how much is Akira going to show the dark side of his heart. The world seems to be getting darker in Volume 2, but I have no idea how Volume 3 is, and I am excited to see how dark the world becomes. In the manga, they seem to be using Devilman more than they did in the anime.
Anonymous Tue 17/10/2023 9:41:12 PM 1 year ago No. 310
Around cats, Never relax.
Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 5:13:23 AM 1 year ago No. 311
I liked how the monsters were drawn in volume 2. It gives me a good idea of the depths of darkness Devilman is and is into at this point in the story. It is literally fighting fire with fire. And to think Akira was timid in volume 1.
Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 5:32:45 AM 1 year ago No. 312
Akira/Devilman now seems to be all too aware of how the darkness in the universe. I like how it almost feels like Akira cannot be at peace till he feels his fight is done. It was crazy how the monster was this weird bird thing. If anything I am just confused why this is the scary monster.
Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 5:42:01 AM 1 year ago No. 313
The fight with the bird lady was a good one. I liked how the monsters that came before the Sirene were just a part of her strategy. Being carried into the night feels like how you'd die. Devilman isn't something to have around 24/7 so it is easy to overpower a normal guy. Ryo came through for Akira. It was satisfying to see Devilman get the hits in on Sirene.
Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 5:45:11 AM 1 year ago No. 314
Originally, I thought Sirene's fight against Devilman would require another volume. Until it was revealed Devilman had won it seemed like he tied or lost to Sirene. It was suspenseful, and I am glad they haven't made Devilman too powerful.
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 3:14:58 PM 1 year ago No. 315
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The first two volumes of Devilman are great reads whether you have already seen the OVAs or not. For people like me who have already seen the OVAs, the added details that the anime did not have to include. The reoccurring bully characters give perspective to how Akira changes throughout the events of the first and second volumes. Showing how meek Akira was at the beginning of the manga makes the story more interesting. It gives more perspective to the story and gives me a greater appreciation for the story. For people who haven't read or watched Devilman volume, 1 and 2 are good stories that are only the beginning of a big conflict, so I encourage you to read or watch Devilman.
Anonymous Tue 24/10/2023 5:28:44 PM 1 year ago No. 317
Volume 3. starts in a way you feel worried about the world in which this story takes place. Characters are speaking of nuclear war, murders, etc. I can't help but feel like something big is going to happen in the story. If the story goes live up to the name of the manga, it will match the fever Devilman has for fighting.
Anonymous Tue 24/10/2023 5:37:47 PM 1 year ago No. 318
This part of the story was actually kind of funny with how I read it. Ryou running around wherever they are and Akira fighting these demons reminds me of when you have to level up your characters in RPGs. It makes me think Akira is trying to get stronger the fight the bosses of this volume.
Anonymous Wed 25/10/2023 4:32:43 AM 1 year ago No. 319
Akira is now ignoring Miki in volume three. It is interesting to see how Miki is the less assertive one now.
Anonymous Wed 25/10/2023 5:05:10 AM 1 year ago No. 320
Things are getting serious because Akira is uniting with the bullies. That goes to show how things are getting real. It was crazy how, twenty pages prior, Akira beat up the bullies.
Anonymous Wed 25/10/2023 5:13:50 AM 1 year ago No. 321
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Spidergang has made an appearance in Devilman!
Anonymous Wed 25/10/2023 5:22:11 AM 1 year ago No. 322
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This page in the book gives me the impression that Akira is sort of doing things on instinct. The events of the story are getting insane, and what is happening is having an impact on Akira's mind and soul. If something like the events of Devilman happened to me, it would feel like an out-of-body experience.
Anonymous Wed 25/10/2023 5:32:57 AM 1 year ago No. 323
In volume 3, there are just so many monsters appearing that Devilman has to deal with. The story is just becoming too chaotic to ever come back to earth. That is how probably war feels for soldiers. It doesn't seem like it will ever end. There are just so many things that Devilman has to fight
Anonymous Wed 25/10/2023 5:36:44 AM 1 year ago No. 324
Everything in volume 3 just seems to be too chaotic for Akira. It is a state of emergency, and I hope to see a resolution. Will Akira lose touch with reality? Will Akira win or lose?
Anonymous Sat 28/10/2023 5:33:36 AM 1 year ago No. 325
One thing that is interesting about the story to me is Akira and Ryou are unknown in the grand scheme of things. Akira's aggressive behavior and Ryou's scientist father are not noted by all the intelligence agencies. I guess at the very least the government isn't as efficient as they would like us to believe.
Anonymous Sun 29/10/2023 4:05:18 AM 1 year ago No. 326
The destruction of the world from the panic is a very effective way of conveying the anti-war message of the manga. The facial expression of the soldier stands out to me the most because you can see the fear on his face.
Anonymous Sun 29/10/2023 4:18:20 AM 1 year ago No. 327
The way Akira drifts away from Ryou is sort of natural but sort of off-putting to me. Ryou has always been secretive and has something to hide for sure. Akira has pure intentions based on my judgment and is emotionally driven. What is off-putting is how Ryou acted all mysteriously to me. It feels like Ryou was withholding information.
Anonymous Sun 29/10/2023 4:22:56 AM 1 year ago No. 328
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I forgot to add this image to the last post. Akira's facial expression shows how dedicated he is to his mission.
Anonymous Sun 29/10/2023 4:42:38 AM 1 year ago No. 329
Volume 4 of Devilman drives the anti-war message of the overall story home. The way they make the politicians look evil shows how the author thinks it is immoral for politicians to decide to go to war. Volume 4 doesn't show Devilman fighting as much as it shows the effect war has on the Earth. Personally, this decision made me want to see Devilman fight the battle to finish the war. The impact of war shouldn't be understated.
Anonymous Sun 29/10/2023 5:00:17 AM 1 year ago No. 330
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The story of Devilman is getting surreal to me again. What is happening in the story is just crazy, and this creature just seems like a symptom of how the story is chaotic.
Anonymous Sun 29/10/2023 5:27:25 AM 1 year ago No. 331
Ryo turning out to be Satan is not surprising, to be honest. What surprises me is how confident Ryo was around Akira. Akira is willing to fight at this point and if his ruse fails he will fail.
Anonymous Sun 29/10/2023 5:29:22 AM 1 year ago No. 332
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I am shocked Akira managed to get a Devilman team. Devilman seemed like something for one person only.
Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 3:54:47 PM 1 year ago No. 333
It was interesting how Ryo was the first character to show up in volume 5. I wonder what Ryo is doing. He is trying to sound noble when, in the last volume, he is acting weird. To me, it seems like Ryo has some ulterior motives. With the way he was talking with Akira, he seems to have a motive.
Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 4:12:25 PM 1 year ago No. 334
The answer to the weird feelings I got from Ryo's action on the previous pages came sooner than later. Ryo was a snake in the grass because of how casually he betrayed Akira. It is going to work, too because Akira has changed a lot in the course of the story, and all his edgy characteristics will be scrutinized. Akira was soft at the beginning of the story, and now he is a tough guy. Akira is like a bug in the net with this plan, and even Miki is questioning him.
Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 4:24:20 PM 1 year ago No. 335
The final battle is upon us and for obvious reasons. Akira has been socially ousted, and Akira has nothing to lose now. I like how they made the story end comfortably. All Akira has left is the fight he has to do. It has made the story more satisfying because I like how final it feels.
Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 4:49:00 PM 1 year ago No. 336
I was right when I said Akira/Devilman was losing everything. The mob of people just signifies it is over for Miki and her dad because they can only keep so many people at bay, and they will die. It is sad, but the story is coming to an end soon.
Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 4:52:43 PM 1 year ago No. 337
The final battle was a good fight and a satisfying end to the story. It was a good read overall, and I'd recommend others to read this manga.
Anonymous Thu 03/10/2024 3:25:05 AM 5 months ago No. 486
I started off by reading the prequel manga, demon knight. For starters i find the way demons are drawn neat, it reminds me of warhammer 40k and also lovecraft. Speaking of lovecraft its implied that they ended up that way do to science and fucking with dna of living creatures which is interesting to say the least. This implies too that they aren't a supernatural threat and instead the timeline these characters exist is a type of advanced pre-humanity like the isu from assassins creed. also lol some forshadowing with lucifer warning amon not to get absorbed, i'm sure he'll be fine.
Anonymous Thu 03/10/2024 3:45:54 AM 5 months ago No. 487
Why yuria would go into battle naked is beyond be, considering that demons can absorb people.. It was probably a mistake to read it lol since the final chapter fucking skips a ton of details including an unsatisfactory ending including introducing characters that i have no clue about which will probably be introduced in he regular manga.
Anonymous Thu 03/10/2024 4:42:36 AM 5 months ago No. 488
Artwork is FUCKING insane and i love it
This sequence actually reminds me of the mountains of madness by lovecraft, also the transition from mass insanity to "just another day at school" made me laugh for some reason. Also SAWED OFF FUCKING HUNTING RIFLE LOL i thought they did that shit in america in like the 1800's, like an obscure practice by vagabonds. "is it ok to leave our shoes on" Is he retarded? I'm guessing he's going to have a major personality shift soon.
To make matters worse akira was kind of forced into this, If it wasn't for the demon he could had learned more, and prepared. All this terrifying build up, i was expecting ryo to lead akira to a demon locked away in a cage in his dads lab but instead it was a fucking hidden strip club? Either way its actually fucked up ryo would lead people to unknowingly become demons, couldn't he and akira just taken lsd or whatever bullshit and abandon reason without harming innocents? Moralfagging aside it seemed like a bad call if all of those who got infected by demons, escaped but i was wrong and akira pretty much nuked everyone. >>307 I thought akira might go through a situation where he'd behave like a nigger (like a venom infecting spider-man situation) and drive his friends away specifically miki but instead he's more self-assertive.To me it's weird because it was a change for the better because he protected miki and it changed his personality in a healthy way that probably should have happened to him anyway. He could have gutted the delinquents but instead beat the shit out of them, which i find interesting.
Anonymous Thu 03/10/2024 3:35:52 PM 5 months ago No. 490
Often characters act so irrationally that it doesn't make sense. I don't understand why they change things for the animated version but the manga ending is good.
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 7:37:29 AM 5 months ago No. 494
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Holy fuck Crybaby was such a glorious trainwreck.
Anonymous Mon 07/10/2024 4:03:10 AM 5 months ago No. 495
i find it hilarious that getting possesed by a demon somehow gave akira a backbone but he's still moral like refusing to sleep with miki, BUT OH MAN DRIVING REAL FAST IS REALLY HARDCORE. not stabbing BUT PUNCHING A DELIQUENT IS FUCKING REAL SHIT, its like if someone started getting all hyped after ignoring a "do not walk on grass" sign and walking on the grass as a form of sticking it to the man.
This is what they do to us irl?
i'm getting mcfarlane vibes like the violator's true form from spawn. also what a bunch of fucking idiots i'm actually glad those drivers crashed.
pic 2/3 is an under rated sequence, i don't know how miki could've survive this one, she was lucky to be saved by the sliding glass door. i thought devilman would've gotten doxed inorder to save her but things kind of worked out.
also interesting how silen's terrified of devilman.
i was wondering why it took so damn long for amons full form to pop up.
i thought it was hilarious that akira's arm magically re-attached itself like resident evil village
Anonymous Mon 18/11/2024 7:27:02 PM 3 months ago No. 515
I've been thinking recently on how it makes zero sense for ryo to somehow survive the slaughter at the underground club. There's a few things that comes to mind that just feel sketchy as fuck to me. Clearly i haven't read the full story yet and i will soon, i mean even akira mentioned how weird it was for ryo to just make it out alive unaltered. I'll see eventually what happends with that plot thread. At least to me it seems like ryo very well could be the hidden antagonist setting up akira to fail for some reason.
Anonymous Tue 19/11/2024 4:16:31 AM 3 months ago No. 516
I think the whole scene demonstrated Devil Man's powers and abilities, and I guess Ryo survival is proof ┐that Devilman is powerful.
Anonymous Fri 22/11/2024 5:12:24 AM 3 months ago No. 540
>wars are used to depopulate
real stuff in a manga about demon slaying no less
also with pic two, i just feel like it proves my fucking point with ryo being sketchy as fuck, there is no god damn way a regular ass human can face off against a demon and live and he allegedly forgot what happend afterwards?
i think it's cool that they are teaming up for once.
>pic 3
this is so fucking cool, the concept alone is great.
i like the face it's creepy as fuck.

with volume 3 coming to a close i cannot understate how great the art and storytelling is although it seems like things are starting to escalate, which feels way too fast if i'm being honest. i would have liked for the story to last a bit longer.
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