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Meka Sun 25/02/2024 6:21:23 PM 7 months ago No. 380
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This thread is for the discussion of Mechs, Exoskeletons, and Giant Robots featured in Anime and Manga, This thread is more focused on the robots and not exactly the story about them so seperate threads is needed if you want to talk about that. Nothing wrong with discussing say, That cool moment when char kicked amuro's rx-78-2 in outer space or whatever. Even if the thing is a one off that appears in one panel don't be afraid to talk about it. Pic related is the Armored Shrike from Blue Gender, I think it's neat how the pilot is kind of positioned on the outside of the machine instead of sitting in an enclosure on the inside although to be honest if i had to kill giant bugs i'd rather be sitting on the inside where i'd not be exposed.
Anonymous Mon 26/02/2024 7:26:37 AM 7 months ago No. 381
to me the heat hawk from mobile suit gundam seems more practical then the beam saber, especially in an emergency situation where your just fucked and outta ammo sure maybe the heat hawk won't be able to get hot no more but at leasts its still a fucking ax, how much does it take to power the beam saber? what happens after it runs out? at least the gundam hammer exists although i'm sure close combat would make the damn thing useless or if your in outer space.
Anonymous Mon 26/02/2024 7:48:55 AM 7 months ago No. 382
not to be a bitch but was it wise to place jets in the feet of the zaku 2? like especially if you are walking around in the mud isn't that going to fuck up the rockets? also even with the jetpack in the back wouldn't that be akward if you are trying to fly upward? (i mean flying is redundant because it isn't aerodynamic. we're talking just making big jumps in the air to doge something or to move ahead quickly) at least with the sinanju there's jets all over the damn place so in zero g you can move EVA style.
Anonymous Mon 03/06/2024 2:28:52 PM 4 months ago No. 427
i dont consider evas to be meka, they are way too organic to be considered robotic.
Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 12:54:22 AM 15 days ago No. 481
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I find zeon toe be hilarious because their mobile suits are much cooler then the feds on one hand, but on the other they come up with the most retarded bullshit possible like what the fuck is this thing and how is it even practical? What purpose does it serve?
Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 12:55:52 AM 15 days ago No. 482
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What jackass thought this was a good idea?
Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 12:35:38 PM 15 days ago No. 483
It's a great idea. You just walk forward
Anonymous Tue 01/10/2024 9:08:14 PM 14 days ago No. 484
>>482 >>>/sewers/6 chicken in the year 2079
Anonymous Wed 02/10/2024 3:50:48 AM 14 days ago No. 485
I'd take it. It would be fun to roam the city in one of those but it seems unpractical in battle.
Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 6:07:33 PM 6 days ago No. 496
i like the way mobile suits are piloted in g fighter gundam, i feel likd its more practical and realistic vs the regular series with a sitting pilot.
the fighting and moves for a mech in the regular gundam series would have to be pre generated like a video game, even then i 'm sure it would be prone to error due to how complicated the human body and movement is. doan atleast exploited the controls so he can do unarmed combat which is quite noteworthy. with g fighter, it has haptic feedback so one can actually move and feel when the mech get damaged, the limits are on how the mech is made and the combat ability and training of the pilot.
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