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/a/ - Anime & Manga
What is the most optimal way to read manga communally? Anonymous Sun 26/05/2024 11:24:50 AM 9 months ago No. 423
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I got a friend who I watch anime with alot. But I was wanting to read some manga with him too, only issue is that there aren't too many good ways to do that communally. Currently my method is to stream my screen to him and read it out loud, which isn't the best way I feel. Are there any sites made for this, and/or is there a obvious way I'm missing that would be more ideal?
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Anonymous Sun 26/05/2024 1:57:31 PM 9 months ago No. 424
Consider the book club way, set a reasonable amount of pages, or chapters and a amount of days to read them. like, "let's read up to page 20 of dragon head and then talk about it"
Anonymous Sun 26/05/2024 6:54:52 PM 9 months ago No. 425
I like being able to comment on events happening as they happen, though ;-;
Anonymous Sun 26/05/2024 11:19:49 PM 9 months ago No. 426
connect your laptop to a projector, or a tv
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