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Shiki thread Anonymous Wed 26/06/2024 5:15:59 PM 8 months ago No. 439
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Have you watched this anime, and if so, what are your thoughts? How do you feel about the story and the characters? Have you ever heard of shiki before?
After it was mentioned on /b/ i started watching shiki and it's a pretty quality animu.
I'll elaborate more inside the thread.
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Anonymous Wed 26/06/2024 5:28:12 PM 8 months ago No. 440
Something i appreciated was the visualizations used during expositions, perhaps its a retarded thing to care for but i just thought it was cool. Like when Kaori was talking about being "dragged down". Also i liked how the show kinda makes you feel like you can't tell what's real, when they show the eyes or shadows behind the windows and your left guessing if the characters are freaking out over nothing. I'm not done watching the show, I'm on episode 15 i think and i'm still guessing how everything is going to end.
Anonymous Wed 26/06/2024 5:32:29 PM 8 months ago No. 441
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I don't think toshio had too much of a choice, I mean he has to save the village and he can't just pick up a random shiki and expect himself to make it out alivd esecially since he damn near got himself killed after his first encounter with one. Still a pretty fucked situation i mean holy shit that was his wife and he just cut her open like a fish and she was aware of everything.
Anonymous Thu 27/06/2024 3:35:20 PM 8 months ago No. 442
Explanation of the visualizations reminds me of Bakemonogatari, where long stretches of dialogue are given flavor with visuals that complement the thoughts and intentions of the characters. Like, if it's two characters in constructive conversation, they'll start building an increasingly intricate playing card house. When someone says a non-sequitur or loses composure, the cards fall. Or else, one of the characters starts climbing a rock wall. That sort of thing, gives weight to what's being said and better conveys the feelings of the characters.
Anonymous Wed 21/08/2024 4:10:21 AM 6 months ago No. 457
the visual flair is a nice touch. what i mean is the "camera effects" like fishbowl lens and so on that are used in soap operas for dramatic scenes, it was kinda funny when toshio kicked a wood plank in anger and the screen did the bollywood flash [Play]
Taking a life is not justice. No matter what kind of noble cause you're fighting for, it's still murder. I have no taste for killing, whether the victim is human or something else.
i understand where Seishin is coming from and all and its his opinion but he's a bitch and i wouldn't be shocked if his blood will be sucked and when that happens he'd end up being a vampire and even more of a bitch since so many innocent people will end up suffering by the hand of actually evil people. speaking of bitches, Tohru is also a bitch for making a fake grave for his friend he converted to a shiki, all of the shit he did could have been avoided and he chose the easy path so fuck that guy lol.
Anonymous Wed 21/08/2024 4:19:07 AM 6 months ago No. 458
You know i was not expecting a chocolate juggling funeral home running willy wonka looking motherfucker in a god damn serious vampire anime, i approve.
Anonymous Sun 08/09/2024 5:52:19 PM 6 months ago No. 463
If anyone plans on watching shiki, i wouldn' t miss out on the shiki special episodes, after episode 20, watch special 20.5, and so on.
the manga is actually pretty interesting although i spot no diffrences so far besides the artistic usage of realism on backgrounds, clothes, gloves and such.
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