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Let's All Appreciate Lain Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 7:29:13 AM 2 years ago No. 47
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Thoughts on this anime? Personally, every time I watch lain, I notice something new. I realized that the humming of the telephone pole represents collective unconsciousness. That's all I got because I haven't watched it for like 2 years. I am still curious to see what 22chan thinks about Lain.
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Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 12:13:29 PM 2 years ago No. 48
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I love Serial Experiments Lain. It's a really cool anime and I like the surreal style and non-linear storytelling. The 90s computer aesthetic is also a plus. I've watched it two or three times and every time I do I get new ideas about it.
Anonymous Wed 01/02/2023 4:21:27 PM 2 years ago No. 52
after recently rewatching the series I've been really racking my brain to understand what kind of message or moral its trying to convey, if any. There's so many loose ends. It's objective that Lain is able to alter the memories of others at will through a combination of her omnipresence in the wired and esp. By the end of the series it's safe to say lain is the acting god of the merged world, but that's as much as I can clearly comprehend. She seems to be living a double life in the beginning, but when she literally confronts herself I can't tell if it's supposed to be metaphorical or if the second Lain is even real. For a moment I considered that others could be masquerading as Lain in the wired. There's also the issue of what the wired is. Is it a black void? a kind of sim game? Is it literally just the internet? What can / can't you do in the wired without attaching fiber optic cables to your person and sitting in a pool of shallow water? What I really can't explain is what happened to Lain's family. Their disappearance by the end supports the idea that they weren't a real family, but I'm not sure what to think of it. Basically, I don't know what's real, I don't know what's flying over my head and what i'm overthinking. It kind of prevents me to talk about the show with any authority.
Anonymous Wed 01/02/2023 8:23:44 PM 2 years ago No. 53
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It's been a good while since I watched it last.
I always assumed that the other Lain was somehow subconsciously created in the Wired by the real Lain. I also saw it as a very literal metaphor for acting out a different persona online. Wasn't Lain ignored by her family? I remember her being withdrawn and she retreated into the Wired. Isn't the Wired kinda like Facebook's Metaverse but much more advanced? As in a virtual world that you can go into and interact with. That what I always thought.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 6:12:31 AM 2 years ago No. 54
I get that lain's family was fake (they are goverment agents who where there to keep her in line)and she's clearly being monitored by the "knights of lambada" but what does it all mean? are they from the japanese government or is it more nondescript? so either they fucked up and made something dangerous and tried reforming her into a normal schoolgirl, or was it that they found a literal living internet god and decided to chaining her to a mortal shell so she doesn't fuck with humanity?
Anonymous Mon 06/02/2023 10:01:19 PM 2 years ago No. 55
I see a lot of people think SEL is told nonlinearly, which is one way to understand the story, but I never got that impression. It seems more like what we're seeing is what Lain is experiencing as she's experiencing it. She slides in and out of reveries, zoning out as she does mundane things like walking to school. Traumatic flashbacks and dissociative episodes make everyday life very difficult for her. She is as confused as we are. This explains most of the abrupt scene changes, strange dia/monologues, etc.
Her reality is falling apart, and she knows it. Whether the reality breaks are literal or just her own psychosis is another matter of interpretation.
Anonymous Sat 11/02/2023 1:07:03 AM 2 years ago No. 57
I'd love to hear someone's interpretation of the story told nonlinearly. I certainly don't think it is. It's probably just an artifact of how confusing the plot is overall. The aspect of Lain not being lucid for the parts we don't see definitely puts an interesting spin on things.
Anonymous Fri 18/08/2023 5:14:00 AM 1 year ago No. 250
I read a SEL manga called the nightmare of fabrication. It was short yet interesting.
Lain was so screwed up, she had lost reality and decided to bring her doll to life so she wouldn't be so lonely but it backfires. a nigger in a labcoat harasses her with metaphysical bullshit to get her to do evil shit, but she eventually wakes up and realizes it was just a dream OR WAS IT
I almost feel like it would have slapped me harder if i watched the anime with a fresh pair of eyes.
Anonymous Fri 01/09/2023 7:06:31 AM 1 year ago No. 287
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I watched episode one of Lain so far, it was an interesting experience. I wonder what that rainbow text thing represents, Maybe some higher entity of some sort? it seems to be important somehow. It demanded that whoever must return to the wired or whoever wont return, which is interesting.So basically the student killed herself so she can become digitised and meet god? Computers back in the day used to be connected to phone lines and when lain was on the train, hearing the phone/ lines "talking", i'm guessing it's the collective unconciessness of humanity streaming to her head. Was that javascript on the chalkboard? It seems like code of some type, If so its weird, Why not have computers nearby to actually use it in class? When lains fingers produced "steam" it connected to everyone else, like lain was seeing how everyone was connected. There was a qoute from a movie about louis wain,
>Electricity is what pushes us through time. We turn the past into the future with the power of our electricity. But that process is entirely reversible. Remembering the past is no different from imagining the future. And neither is different to life itself.
Is that related? I don't know (yet).
Anonymous Fri 01/09/2023 7:07:43 AM 1 year ago No. 288
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I don't like lains family, They not only don't look like her, but they also don't talk to her at all. I mean come on, lain mentioned that a dead student fucking contacted her, How could that not raise eyebrows? And what the hell is going on with the father? He basically acts like he would never expect lain to see him and he's busy dicking around on 4chan and suggesting that lain should make friends online. It's like he has some serious internet addiction. What's with his set up too? Why does he need a fucking super computer? Also nice password. Apparantly it's related to a story that i haven't read yet but i do fully plan on reading to see how it's related to the story
Anonymous Sat 02/09/2023 6:03:22 AM 1 year ago No. 289
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Watched episode two. The federal agent stalking lain is interesting to say the least. It makes you wonder why they'd gave a damn about some random schoolgirl unless there's more going on then it seems. Or of course lain is just high but i doubt it. Getting high on nanobots is sketchy as fuck because its fucking technology that someone can get into and control.From what it looks like it was used to treat cancer at first but then it was used to get people high but do you really think that shit breaks down in the body like it says?
I've seen my parents kiss before and people irl but honestly lains parents seem to have something weird going on because they just stood there for fuck knows how long untill they noticed lain and i doubt they'd stop if lain wasn't there. i'm also wondering what is lains sisters deal since the made a smart comment about lains dead friend and just fucked off. Lains bear outfit seems to potray a sense of innocence, and naïvety. Especially interesting to note her lack of willingness to give up her old computer (as if she was more comfortable in her little personal bubble) and her room filled with stuffed animals. Even her "friends" commented on her childish outfit. Spooky moment when the man approached lain with the gun in cyberia, It seems like the nanobots had something to do with merging the internet with real life but as lain said, " everything is connected" which is pretty much true i guess. If you consider the Collective unconscious of mankind,(if its true) radiowaves and fequencies it does really seem like its all connected forever like a hivemind (after all we are all energy) and if lain killed that man, she has the ability to connect to that shit? What's with the second lain?
Anonymous Sat 02/09/2023 6:15:45 AM 1 year ago No. 290
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I wonder if the full text of picrelated is availible online. Also, Do you think someone replicated the navi os in real life?
Anonymous Sat 02/09/2023 6:27:33 AM 1 year ago No. 291
Someone made a lain voicebank based after the japanese version of SEL and made her sing duvet. [Play]
Anonymous Wed 22/11/2023 5:15:18 PM 1 year ago No. 341
I appreciate the fans but the whole thing bounced off me when I watched it 4-5 years ago. I don't think it's bad but it just didn't hook me.
Anonymous Tue 12/03/2024 2:35:58 AM 12 months ago No. 395
serial experiments lain? more like serial experments boring.
Anonymous Tue 12/03/2024 2:49:28 AM 12 months ago No. 397
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I think it's important that the resolution of SEL comes with Lain talking to a couple consisting of a teacher and alice, now a teacher-in-training. Modern homes and the modern family are alienated from reality, but the love of a schoolfriend or the genuine care of a good teacher still offers salvation.
Anonymous Wed 24/04/2024 8:57:21 PM 10 months ago No. 409
Let's all love Lain
Anonymous Thu 25/04/2024 12:14:13 AM 10 months ago No. 410
for some reason that flew over my head, holy shit. thats a good take.
Anonymous Wed 20/11/2024 9:47:34 PM 3 months ago No. 533 [Play] [Play]
One of the book that was used in devlopment is availible online, via text or audio both of which i have linked.
Also if you haven't watch the anime Cyberia Café & Club is a location Lain visits.
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