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Mobile Suit Gundam/Universal Century Anonymous Sat 28/09/2024 7:11:10 PM 5 months ago No. 474
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This thread is for the discussion for Mobile Suit Gundam, and other content that exists inside the Universal Century timeline. I would also include any gundam novels by Yoshiyuki Tomino as an example and other stuff like the Origins manga series as "alt takes" of the gundam series. Also stuff by other authors like Harutoshi Fuku's Gundam unicorn novel which for what i understand was "made canon" by sunrise.
Anonymous Sun 29/09/2024 6:23:00 AM 5 months ago No. 477
i can't remember if this was discussed in the actual show, but something interesting i learned from the origins manga is that guntank was a prototype of guncannon, and guncannon led to the development of the rx-78-2. wasn't simultaneous.
hayato also was wary of amuro's father and the screwy behaviour of the earthfeds on side 7. also it was obscured in the show but in the origins manga locations are explicitly mentioned, like garma has a base in fucking hollywood. also new yark = new york.
something i need to check out is the first episode and compare it to the manga, because i thought amuro was screwing around on the computer, and he was struggling with the manual while combatting the zakus. in the manga he hacked into his dads research about the rx-78-2 and he had no manual and combatting the zakus was kind of by memory.
Anonymous Sun 29/09/2024 5:57:56 PM 5 months ago No. 478
go ahead and laugh at me since i haven't watched the anime in ages and i might get things wrong. also i'm personally going to watch stuff soon in chronological order, its a bucket list thing. also i missed out on watching zz and zeta gundam with you guys and i have been itching to watch them ever since.
now i will talk about the trilogy movies. on one hand an effort was made to have it conform to the real robot genre, which is great. no more g-part upgrade nonsense which was personally fucking tiresome to watch. on the other hand things got cut which in my opinion is retarded like why remove the black tri-stars? why cut doans island? if the quality was so fucking bad why not cut all the other sequences that sometimes had more low quality then the two abformentioned episodes? i could be wrong with this but also it felt like it was a freak of the week situation wih zeon's mobile suit, that they came up with stuff to combat the rx-78-2 instead of being pre existing weapons of war, most of them don't make a second appearance. only later in other shows they show previously introduced mobile suits in battle. also something that came to mind recently lol was the similarities of gundam and battlestar galactica. both are kind of survival stories of a rag tag group vs an oppresive force, they both have space magic by the evolution of mankind in space leading to psionic powers, also there is a civilian class in thd lower decks who are taking refuge and are a pain in the ass. commander cains outfit reminds me of chars uniform, but the similarities stop there.
Anonymous Mon 21/10/2024 5:54:09 PM 4 months ago No. 502
requim for vengance is offputting as fuck. i don't understand the perspective of the writers and bandai amd what their intentions and design choices. one of the characters is a straight up tumblr art hoe alt-girl, tatted up with peircings and i wasn't exactly expecting to see that in a japanese production. the visuals are weird, like they wanted to go realistic where you can see pores on skin but at the same time have graphics similar to halo 3 /2008 dead space. (also like the fucking fox engine if you know what i mean) i dont know if they used mocap or whatever animation but its off as fuck, like if they didn't bother even syncing the mouths and motion to the audio
the story allegedly takes place in 0079 early on but i thought amuros gundam was the first and only prototype and they couldnt even mass produce that shit (even shit like the guncannon) till the end of the war and yet the gundam EX is another prototype thats unstoppable.
the story is fine i guess and the protag is also fine i guess and she's not a mary sue dispite being a newtype. its the same newtype fuckery amuro had early on that made him look like he was insane instead of being like space magic. mech fights are cool i guess and the gundam EX is potrayed as a monster/serial killer and i fucking love that perspective.
Anonymous Fri 06/12/2024 5:02:33 PM 3 months ago No. 550
I take it back, actual hot garbage and not worth watching.
Anonymous Tue 31/12/2024 4:46:11 AM 2 months ago No. 567
I was thinking recently on if amuro should have saved the circut his dad made him. I get he was brain damaged but at the same time you have to wonder if it actually could have been something important or useful. Atleast i'm wondering what would have happened if amuro kept it, like if he would have tossed it away on the ship and someone either realised it was junk, but got in inspiration from it or realised outwardly it was junk but in reality it was some next level shit from a retarded genius.
Anonymous Wed 08/01/2025 2:55:58 PM 2 months ago No. 577
From what i heard they wanted to get Timothée Chalamet in the live action gundam show and honestly i hope not because it sounds retarded as fuck.
I think we're reaching the point where they are really taking the piss with the gundam franchise and i think thats really the last thing they need to do lol.
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