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Anime Girls: A Study Anonymous Fri 01/11/2024 4:10:00 AM 4 months ago No. 507
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When I see an anime girl or woman it is not like I am seeing a human girl or woman.
If I saw an anime girl in front of me there wouldn't be any contradiction in it. It would not be very unexpected. I've seen these things depicted incredibly often, so it makes sense. There would be no doubt or speculation of insanity. I would not flinch from the hand of an anime girl near my face.
When I see an anime girl I want to grab a potato peeler and run it all over her. I imagine it would reveal something like a mannequin beneath. Without the skin it would be cold, motionless, without character. I would peel the skin from her face, I would peel off her eyes, but beneath there would be no socket. Only a smoothness. If I held in my hand the scrap of skin that held her eye I might see it blinking. This is the sense that I have, my intuition into the nature of a physical anime girl.
Anime women, do they speak? Or are they simply understood? They are heard in, at all times, at least/most two voices. At least two when they are known, at most two when they are beloved. This is another impression of mine, except this time I call it conviction.
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Anonymous Fri 01/11/2024 4:10:34 AM 4 months ago No. 508
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When I use the hand of an anime girl to twist my fingers from their sockets, I do not feel pain. When I use the teeth of an anime girl to puncture my flesh where tendons draw taut, I do not bleed. The damage is never undone.
Is it a mistake to love an anime woman? This is a question I leave open. To do otherwise is too terrifying for me to think about. I beg you, this is a question I do not want closed. It is not something to strive towards. Most fortunately it is a futile question. In the first place it is impossible to love an anime woman. This is not because they do not exist. It is perfectly simple to love something that does not exist. I would name that among the most common species of love.
It's my hypothesis that an anime girl is one of two things. The first, an angelic being. The second, something that is understood through the same required terms as angelic beings. The anime girl DOESN'T speak, to answer an earlier question. To answer another, it IS understood, and ONLY understood. It is the prerogative of these things to be understood, or extend an appearance of something that is understood.
Anonymous Fri 01/11/2024 4:11:23 AM 4 months ago No. 509
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If I were to pull an anime girl from the heavens with my own hand, would I feel anything towards it? Could I crumple it up and place it in a bin? If I did, could I be confident it would stay there? Years later, would I remember that moonless night, the feeling of walking unseen through damp air, and would I hear beyond hearing that rustling by my side? Open questions.
Is an anime girl capable of Evil with a capital E? Instinct tells me no. Deduction also tells me no: angelic beings and things that can be interchanged with them are not capable of Evil with a capital E. Rocks aren't capable of Evil with a capital E either, nor is the cosmic vacuum. Nor is humankind, despite what it may on occasion wish. This means anime girls, if not solely angelic beings, may be constituted entirely or partially by stone, vacuum, human, or a combination of some or all of these.
Is an anime girl capable of Good with a capital G?
Can they be blamed for anything? Open question.
Anonymous Sun 03/11/2024 5:05:27 AM 4 months ago No. 510
Uncanny valley would be an understatement, to discribe the visual genre. I also find the pairing of realism and cartooning very interesting. Like the borders of reality are breaking down and what's left is an indescribable blur. Large eyes tend to give a psychological reaction of "cute" usually done so that instead of getting killed, the predator would actually protect the prey. Now tie that with a fictional cartoon but give a decently realistic but still cel shaded body with a realistic backdrop and sometimes realistic clothing and what do you get? certianly not something of this world. I think it really gives psychological horror manga/anime a nice boost
Anonymous Mon 09/12/2024 9:42:33 PM 2 months ago No. 557
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Uncanny valley, yes. They're presented most typically as an abstraction of the human form, yet they look nothing like a human or anything else that exists. In the beginning of anime, I'm thinking Osamu Tezuka (Astroboy, Kimba) or even earlier with influences like Disney, large eyes link to neoteny or prey. That is only how it started, or maybe just when it started to be recognized. Is that still why these things have large eyes, small noses, smoothness, and symmetry?
I've the impression that an anime girl is something that emerged, not something that was born. Put your ear to its bosom. Turn your ear to something like a heartbeat. It's an echo. Of what? Open question. This is its coveted deception, and the most apparent thing about it. Obvious, like daylight.
What comes next? Open question. Can anime woman come from anime woman? Not without considerable help. Can an anime girl develop from one state into another? Yes, but under what influence? The latter question reopens the former.
I would not call an anime girl shallow or hollow. To the contrary, there is an obscurity about it that perseveres against all dissection. There is also a fractal quality to its organism that ensnares the observer. This is the warp, and this is the weft, and there is the shimmering weave of simulacrum I find so undeniable.
How does this apply across time? Is there any future for anime women? An end? Was there a past for them? A beginning? Can they be used to store memory? Open questions, all. Yet, I've my suspicions.
If the body of an anime girl was made to move, I would hear the faintest sound. It would be the tearing of silk. If you've ever separated the skin of a bird to place spices underneath, you'll know what I mean. That tearing around your fingers is the motion of an anime girl's body.
Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 5:43:08 PM 2 months ago No. 558
i hope this isn't too off topic [Play] [Play]
but i was watching these the other day, and when i heard "disney" i thought maybe they where just making false connections or something bug i guess now you mention it the influences are undeniable.

another thing that may be offtopic is a subgenre of (what i would consider to be) art, anime women in real locations, rundown or otherwise, pic related.
Anonymous Sat 01/02/2025 2:18:11 PM 1 month ago No. 587
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I've a whole folder of these of Lain (101 images). It's from a torrent of assorted Lain content but it's been a few years. Now I can't remember where I got it from. The name of the folder is "d1nzys Lainspotting."
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