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Steins;Gate Anonymous Wed 12/04/2023 9:24:29 AM 1 year ago No. 92
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I've been watching the anime after reading the original VN and 0, both of which I've enjoyed greatly. But man, this adaptation I really am not able to enjoy
The editing is obnoxious, the characters are flanderized, the color palette is grey and depressing, the flow of information is all jumbled and it rushes through the story at a absolutely breakneck pace.
To those that enjoy the anime, could you explain why? I don't mean it condescendingly, I am legitimately curious. Whenever I watch it I just wish I was reading the VN instead.
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Anonymous Fri 05/05/2023 4:41:33 AM 1 year ago No. 117
keep in mind i only made it to episode 6
I had gotten interested in this anime because of john titor himself. I grew up listening to episodes of Coast to Coast AM and i had heard re-runs of old episodes with titor being a subject and with titor himself. I had read all of his posts online on the Coast to Coast AM BBS and the time travelers forum.
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Needless to say, I'm a bit of a fan so when I heard about him being mentioned in a anime that was easily accessible to me i bit the bait. At first i was hooked, CERN? Check, One world totalitarian socialist government? Check, Titor?, Check. I especially like the labcoat guy.
>editing is obnoxious
Maybe i'm the retard but i think it has to do with time dilation
I liked the anime at first but the second they introduced the tranny i kind of zonked out. At first the sex jokes where witty but then it became an annoyance but that's just a nit-pick Maybe I should push forward anyway and see if it gets better and focuses on titor more? i think that annoyed me the most, that the focus was on stupid shit instead of saving the damn world or details on how or why shit is happening like that satellite crashing and whatever Or perhaps i should skip it and just read the VN?
How does the VN and anime differ besides the editing?
What does that mean?
Anonymous Mon 08/05/2023 7:26:29 PM 1 year ago No. 120
>I liked the anime at first but the second they introduced the tranny i kind of zonked out.
Thats something the anime fucks up, specifically the dub but the Japanese version as well to a degree. Lukako in the VN is not a tranny, even if it might initially appear otherwise.
>Or perhaps i should skip it and just read the VN?
Yep, the VN is at least 10 times better than the anime. Go for the Steam translation and just push through the slice of life segments, you wont regret it. Also important to note: The sex jokes and retarded gags are mainly the anime's doing, the VN has a lot less of them.
Anonymous Mon 08/05/2023 7:26:51 PM 1 year ago No. 121
Meant for
Anonymous Tue 12/03/2024 2:38:50 AM 12 months ago No. 396
currently watching it with some people who have seen it before, and apparently its more enjoyable the on the second watch when you notice all the clues and detail you missed.
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