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/Spooky/ Anonymous Tue 24/01/2023 12:16:51 PM 1 year ago No. 306
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This thread is for the anons who feel a deeper connection to the abyss. For those who understand everything and trust nothing. Basically, this is an /x/ thread where you can discuss anything you can think of from weird stuff to the paranormal. It doesn't really matter, from ghosts to aliens. Maybe you read a weird book or heard a strange rumour. Internet cults? check. Family horror stories? Weird memories? Anything you can think of applies here.
Conspiracies honestly need to be relabeled to something like "alternative information" since the glowies subverted its meaning and made it a bad thing. nevertheless, they apply too. (political or otherwise.) Do not be afraid to splinter off and make related threads about the similar subject matter or anything discussed herein. No larping or shilling your ARGs
No debunkers plz
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Anonymous Tue 17/12/2024 7:50:00 PM 1 month ago No. 3890
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Also another stargate guy Harold E. Puthoff, was OT 7 in scientology, forgot to mention him. He also stated that his inspiration was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, And if you know that Wicca is a made up religion copy pasting other religions and making up shit, the same goes with the Theosophical Society.
I linked the files someone got off of a file hosting site they chose because one of the google drives i found was already gone, here's a google drive (prob a reupload) that contains the same stuff, even the shitty readme.
This is good, because i can imagine the other thing must feel sketchy.
If i had to say my on thoughts on the matter, ever since i learned of the government doing remote viewing and hearing all of the stories as a boy i thought it was fucking wild, but i never realised the scale and all of the diffrent experiments and how connected it all actually was. The problem is, it tends to be a double edge sword. The cia is known for decimating disinformation and it can be said although a good chunk of research into the occult was actually used, others seems like it was used to fuck with the chinese and the russians. I mean stargate literally cost like 20 million dollars and a singular remote viewer was payed 50K, which seems like overkill for what basically was a few retards in a rotting shack near a military base writing shit on a piece of paper and checking if anything they could do was accurate to reality.
Here is a video reading of the document [Play]
I have some questions about the document, like why the gateway tapes are so fucking expensive. Also, what did he mean by the holy trilogy being christian? I'm no theologist but i thought that was a catholic thing, and in older versions the trinity doesn't even exist. Also i dig the artwork, it's trippy as fuck.
Anonymous Fri 20/12/2024 3:24:04 PM 1 month ago No. 3901
I am now remimded of Frank Long's Hound of Tindalos and H.P Lovecraft's From Beyond. Using Resonance to unlock the brain to perceive higher dimensions
that machine near the table will generate waves acting on unrecognised sense-organs that exist in us as atrophied or rudimentary vestiges. Those waves will open up to us many vistas unknown to man, and several unknown to anything we consider organic life. We shall see that at which dogs howl in the dark, and that at which cats prick up their ears after midnight. We shall see these things, and other things which no breathing creature has yet seen. We shall overleap time, space, and dimensions, and without bodily motion peer to the bottom of creation.
and then the discription of time from the Hounds of Tindalos
"Time is merely our imperfect perception of a new dimension of space. Time and motion are both illusions. Everything that has existed from the beginning of the world exists now. Events that occurred centuries ago on this planet continue to exist in another dimension of space. Events that will occur centuries from now exist already. We cannot perceive their existence because we cannot ​enter the dimension of space that contains them. Human beings as we know them are merely fractions, infinitesimally small fractions of one enormous whole. Every human being is linked with all the life that has preceded him on this planet. All of his ancestors are parts of him. Only time separates him from his forebears, and time is an illusion and does not exist."
I do enjoy it. I finished the section featuring jungs writings which was around 60 pages or so. I appreciate his (for lack of a better word) sensitivity for the subject matter he is writing about, he doesn't want things like dreams to be misunderstood or misinterpeted, for the subject matter to speak for itself and to be approached by those willing to learn, openly.
Dispite being a christian he does not take a bias to symbolism based on his personal beliefs. Also i did not realise how deep these types of things are, like the story of a doctor who saw ouroboros in a dream and realised how it aided him in finding a chemical formation he was researching. It's clear i have more research to do, especially about greek myths and other cultural stories, I didn't think of the homogeneous quality and how they operate as architypes.
Anonymous Mon 30/12/2024 2:43:56 PM 21 days ago No. 3946
Just wanted to mention something about my experience from the Sacred Text website. So i was reading the Kojiki, basically because i thought maybe it would help me digest the little things in japanese culture that sometimes gets mentioned in anime lol. You know, like shintoism.
Anyhow Basil Hall Chamberlain is a nigger and his translation is failed and biased. He westernised the translation like how the japanese underworld was changed to "hades" and the segments he could not translate was lazily changed to latin for no fucking reason.
I was curious because a part of the story reminded me of the greek story of Persephone but that could be because the translator was biased. This is tragic because it allegedly took the guy who added the page to the website FOUR YEARS of work for the whole thing to be copied which is a shame that he wasted his time. I wish they had a better translation but i'm sure copyright is a bitch.
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 4:01:05 PM 13 days ago No. 3983
Being the same nigger who downloaded the gateway tapes, i decided to test that shit out FOR SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I turned off all the audio enhancement related shit on my phone, installed the gateway tapes, and used my AKG K240 headsets. (the manual suggests that you have to do this in order to hear the audio, raw. it apparantly wont work if you have dolby digital sound reduction and shit on.) Also i only did this once while doing dishes just to see what it sounded like, but i decided to actually use them during the middle of the night, in total darkness.
Something i don't like is how robert monroe is talking to you, i thought it was gonna be just random ass audio and not some old dude telling me to stick my penis in the conversation box and do a little dance.
First tape: listened to it while doing dishes just to see what it sounded like, felt nothing special. second time, listened to it in bed, didn't follow instructions, felt nothing special. third time, actually followed instructions like a true believer, felt nothing special whatsoever.
Second tape: listened to the tape in bed and when the voices made the AHHOOOHHHHEEEEAHHHH noise i started shaking like i was having a stroke and i felt a tingle run down my spine. Best way to discribe that shit is whenever i go to the barber shop there's this tool they use for a close shave down the back of my head and neck and if i don't tense up, i get the same fucking reaction. (dont know if its the vibration from the tool or what) Was weird as fuck but i can't say much about that.
Not astral projecting like in the doctor strange comics yet, don't know where i'll go, maybe to your moms house.
Anonymous Sun 19/01/2025 5:37:24 PM 1 day ago No. 4080
More jung books i bought (more like instantly found for cheap out of nowhere) as of late
>Modern Man in Search of a Soul
>Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle
>Memories, Dreams, Reflections
I've heard the term synchronicities used over and over so i'll be cool to actually read what it's about.

22Chan Thoughts Thread Anonymous Fri 10/01/2025 5:53:28 AM 10 days ago No. 4016
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Old thread hit bump limit, so long gay bowser! [Play]
This is a thread for when you want to make a post but it doesn't deserve its own thread!
Share your thoughts, ideas, or opinions that don't fit anywhere else on the site here
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Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 2:15:18 AM 3 days ago No. 4066
More proof pc is master race. The fact that the price is 700 bucks just seems like another 3DS situation.
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 2:21:29 AM 3 days ago No. 4067
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I don't know if it will be 700 shekels, but it seems like a viable estimate to me, considering the OLED was 300 dispite minimal changes being made.
Also i had a funny thought where what if switch 2 games have the little tabs on it, to prevent the games being played on old consoles, and imagine shaving them off and it plays normally LOL
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 5:20:57 AM 3 days ago No. 4068
I hope at least the Switch 2 will be backward compatible. The Switch 2 almost feels unreal at the moment because the modern state of gaming hasn't excited me for some time.
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 5:27:45 AM 3 days ago No. 4069
It says its backwards compatible in the ad.
Anonymous Sun 19/01/2025 6:39:46 AM 1 day ago No. 4079 [Play]
you can find much in the depths of youtube.

Literature Anonymous Fri 10/11/2023 5:52:54 AM 1 year ago No. 1778
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ITT: Books, Novels Short stories and anything related.
I was reading Killers of the flower moon recently and it was a good historical book. Secretly it was also a western thriller. (dispite it being nonfiction) It flipped perspectives to diffrent people which made it almost an anthology of sorts, and it was pretty refreshing to hear diffrent stories from diffrent people instead of a one sided narritive.
Another book i read was the irl adventures of a man exploring the wastes of chernobyle although i forgot the name it was a fun read, he was basically homeless and somewhat suffering but his willpower and attraction to the disaster is what kept him coming back over and over.
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Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 3:22:10 PM 14 days ago No. 3980
Watership down was a fun book, it envokes the themes of old epics, in a jungian fashion, or like that discribed in "the hero with a thousand faces".
If you had no clue what a rabbit was you probably would have sworn it was a fantasy story out of tolkien. He has a heavy usage of ecology and it shows because of the way the animals behave and the pretty discriptions of nature. Also i think the author might have been in the military andight have wrote it to "decompress" because it seems like, war. It's hard for me to discribe but the trama of war is everywhere. It feels like hazel was a low ranking soldier promoted to be a platoon commander and every action he takes he always questions them and even regrets them later. Woundwort is "one of those" military type who forgos his humanity for the sake of "results", I guess i'm remimded of that general from full metal jacket if you know what i mean. I really fucking love the stories, and the mythology spread throughout watership down, Like frith and the trickster el-ahrairahr. It's a good book and i enjoy it. Also worth checking out the old cartoon adaption.
Anonymous Wed 15/01/2025 5:00:56 AM 5 days ago No. 4059
To makes matters kind of annoying, if i am thinking of the the amount of pages in terms of minutes, there's like a two hour long sequence where gwynplane is trying hard not to fuck a dutchess, and it boils down to "i can't fuck her but i really want to" meanwhile the woman is like "i'm a devil, i want to fuck like a cat in heat pls gwynplane your so fucking ugly and i hate you" and it's a tad bit long and i want to go back already to victor hugo basically saying "fuck the government" because it's my favorite part of the book, please victor hugo please go back to talking about the freemasons who kidnap children and deform them so they can do circus shows becaue royalty pays them to, while they also join fraternaties and burn down cities fof fun because society sucks thats like the best part. But, i get it, he's a romance writer and while gwynplane's playing hanky panky, Dea is most likely dead or some tragic shit's gonna go down and gwynplane's gonna kill himself or go insane.
Anonymous Wed 15/01/2025 5:53:24 AM 5 days ago No. 4060
Was thinking of the bionicle lore compilation that was made a while back, I think the problem with the "optional extra" version, is that the style guides included is read too literally instead of someone doing a re-write in a way to actually tell a story instead of discribing what basically is a walking simulator. It looks like this: "I woke up, and i went for a walk, and i found a soda bottle, then i walked untill i found a trash can, then i slowly dropped the bottle inside" and that's no good. Incuding them was a good idea because they are canon, and explains several things that happened in the story, but clearly the inclusion was done poorly. The re-write by greg of the opening "coming of the toa" and the "borok saga" is objectively better but you can still feel the "we are a toy company, please buy our product". What i mean is, yes there's some story and it's fun, and some fun interaction and dialoge but the story boils down to "please go to the stores so you can buy all the colorful critters and collect all the masks because reasons". Mask of light was better when greg wrote the novelization of the movie, but it still sucks because who ever wrote the movie did a piss poor job. (also the inclusion of the comics are damn good because the artwork is kickass and it gives you a visualisation of the characters and the world around them) After the three opening sagas greg gets too much power as a writer and shit gets bonkers and it's pretty hardcore. the two later bionicle movies are actually fine but the visuals are jarring, which is why the book versions are better.
Anyhow the transition of greg is obvious because he goes hard into worldbuilding and storytelling, with no care about selling products and a focus on character building. He jumps back and forth, from the past to the future and its really good stuff.
If i had to point out the stories i like the most, time trap comes to mind, a paranoid thriller of a mistake coming back to haunt a character and his efforts to correct them before it's too late. Can't remember the name but greg wrote a fucking detective story with a character, Lhikan solving a murder mystery. Another fun story was (if my memory is correct) symbolic of jesus getting tempted by satan, i think it was called "into the darkness". Can't remember the name but there was a fun story where a character is thrown into a dark alternate dimention of orwellian scale and it ends brutally with the antagonist of the story getting brutally torn in two, screaming in pain. I'm sure there's more but it's been a few years, i'm gonna read that stuff again soon because it's my autistic passion. I'm torn because there's the "wall of history" site, which has all of the stories/comics/ect pretty much copy pasted from the book in reading order, but then the biological chronical has everything neatly edited in 10 pdfs in chronolgical reading order with the cutting out of comics that don't matter and the tastful inclusion of comics that do. Might do wall of history but use a list someone made of all the stories in direct chronological reading order, even more accurate then the pdf compilation.
Anonymous Sat 18/01/2025 2:18:37 AM 2 days ago No. 4074
>frost giant's daughter
To be honest it serves atali right, she was playing a stupid game and eventually she would have been caught and conan was autistic enought to almost do it. To be fair conan also offered to take her back to her village. For some reason my literature course i took ages ago is ringing in my ear, themes of "man vs nature" literally so and "man the animal" with themes of the wildman like ekidnu maybe. Liked how he playd with my expectation, was kind of thinking it was a dream conan was having. Also thought it was cool how the writing had an apocalyptic feel with all of those dead bodies in the middle of nowhere. Felt old school and of i didn't know better i would have thought it was one of those old mythological stories like beowulf.
Anonymous Sat 18/01/2025 3:03:50 AM 2 days ago No. 4076
>The God in the Bowl
Laughed when the watchman just stood there like a fucking idiot while his boss was just laying there, dead. ARSUS WHAT ARE YOU DOING
and then conan was just dragged along akwardly to solve some stupid murder mystery like "do i really need to be here"
Really fun stuff honestly, i hope the marvel comic adaption is this good as the original serials. This is the type of stuff i WANT to read, pure creativity and storytelling in another world instead of something contemptuary with the author bitching about politics.

Caturday Thread Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 5:07:19 PM 2 years ago No. 70
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"i has risen"
Its caturday, post and discuss cats.
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Anonymous Sat 04/01/2025 2:50:49 PM 16 days ago No. 3956
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My cat had flea medicine applied wrong and he ended up having a seizure. Thankfully he is Ok now, but it was a rough day for my cat.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 3:45:11 AM 15 days ago No. 3964
is he feeling ok now? did he shake off the trama?
Anonymous Sat 18/01/2025 2:55:53 AM 2 days ago No. 4075
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someone remake this thread tomorrow before I forget
Anonymous Sat 18/01/2025 3:06:58 AM 2 days ago No. 4077
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No, mew.
Anonymous Sat 18/01/2025 5:25:42 AM 2 days ago No. 4078
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Do it right meow anon!

toys Anonymous Tue 03/01/2023 6:59:49 AM 2 years ago No. 112
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Do you own any toys? Maybe want to share pics of them?
Do you think it's weird for adult male to buy toys and keep them on display or play with them? I started doing this last year and I really enjoy it so far.
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Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 4:02:48 PM 1 month ago No. 3767
It turns out they are going to release a figma of issac clarke.
Do you believe dead space would have gone down better if aniki was there?
Anonymous Tue 26/11/2024 12:27:10 AM 1 month ago No. 3771
No...? What would some half-naked forest fairy in his underwear achieve in such a situation? "Ohh, the Ishimura is overrun by Necromorphs, I guess it can't be helped!" Head starts flying. Also what is there to win in such a situation if there are no pants to take off? I can only imagine Isaac having flashbacks to Pants Wrestling Aniki that serves as a sort of mental anchor, reminding him to persevere in the face of overwhelming odds妖精哲学の三信
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 3:32:50 PM 3 days ago No. 4071
So lego is a toy company, as we all know. But, sometimes a story based IP begs to differ. This means that there where various things that didn't get adapted to toys, or that the actual sets are "non-canon", or that they can't flat out get adapted. The bionicle figures are for the most part representitive of the characters, like an attempt to summon them into "our world". I'm not being mean and there's nothing wrong with buying a cool robot because robots are cool, (i know i did) but it's interesting to see what was missing from the picture. Here are a couple of examples of what i mean.
The metru nui matoran used airships to fly around, they where for the most part designed by christian faber, it has a very retro yet adcanced feel, and very un-bionicle.
Tren krom was a lovecraftian critter greg farshty cooked up because he loved lovecraft. He was diffrent because he's totally organic, which is very scary in a totally biological, robotic world. Karzani runs hell in the bionicle world, and not because he consented to it either. He was given a figure much later but a heavily mutated one for story reasons. He was mentioned WAY early on in the lore, as a name of a plant and an unnamed terror. The funny thing was, is that he was mentioned as tarnished gold in the lore and yet the artist drew him in a diffrent color, and later lore wise it was mentioned that he has a habit of "remaking" himself, which is where sometimes art alters lore. The kestora exist as workers in the red star, a place in the bionicle world where the dead are revived. They only exist in artwork and there was no consideration as to if they should have sets. Artaka, karzani's brother was only given a "set" and "offical" artwork in recent years by a contest in which greg farshty declaired it canon. A tragic loss happened when bionicle died in 2010 because the batterra, as pictured was supposed to get a lego set but only got featured in comic form. The other pic seems to be a correct assumption on how their lego set would have looked like, which i still would have bought.
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 3:58:04 PM 3 days ago No. 4072
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Didn't feel the need to drop pics for this one but the large toa mata nui set, was non canon due to the size and appearance, brutaka was only given one set for his non mutated form, the toa mahri was given non canon feature of breathing apparatuses and tubes for underwater breathing even though in the main story they had gills and the tubes are not discribed or mentioned besides "offical" art. also there are many kritters, slightly more on rhe biological side which are dipected in comics and in the story but where not given sets.
Pic related is kickass artwork, infact the only known drawing of the shadowed one.
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 4:40:21 PM 3 days ago No. 4073
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Here's where i go full retard, i had to make sure to seperate the posts so i don't post a wall of text, and i have images related to the posts i make.
I still laugh at this and i find it funny, but love and sex are not canon to the (matoran) bionicle universe. The matoran, Toa, those types of people are 50/50 robotic and organic and do are incapable of love or romantic feeling. They have lungs, can breathe, have muscles (deep within the metal), cannot eat food, don't drink water. How do they make more bionicles? Pulled out of a pool of living liquid metal as needed. If it was actually considered, they might have added romance, although the demographic for bionicle are young boys so there was no need. Three times that i do know is instances of non canon love was mentioned, and written out. In the mata nui online game maku and hewki fell in love, blushed at eachother, and held hands. In the second bionicle movie, matau was attracted to nokama and tried to woo her. In the third bionicle movie, the characters mutated to more organic kritters and matau and nokama built a nest together. Some of the animals in their part of the universe do fuck.
So it turns out a bunch of fabian society type niggers who called themselves the "great beings" CREATED the matorans, toa, ect in their own image. They are from the Glatorian, Agori side of the bionicle universe. They have teeth, hair, CAN FUCK, can eat, can have children, shit, it goes on. They are 70/30 biological with a robotic appearance, and cybernetic augumentations. The faces are only transparent so the eyes appear to glow. They are fully organic on the outside, they just wear armor. The toys do not represent them properly. The character, sahmad had a wife, children AND SLAVES, some characters had romantic interactions, it's wild stuff and an interesting change of tone. The matorans/toa had their world destroyed so they got moved into the great beings world so if they continued the story no doubt things would have gotten interesting.

Comic books and Graphic novels Anonymous Tue 18/07/2023 5:24:38 AM 1 year ago No. 1159
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This thread is for Comic books and graphic novels. I The genre doesn't matter, and The discussion doesn't have to be just about superhero comics. (Although tainted nowadays I don't think that particular genre is over). Also, Anime and manga belong on /a/.
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Anonymous Sun 15/12/2024 4:53:30 PM 1 month ago No. 3881
I've been reading doctor strange comics and the storytelling and visuals are kickass
Also noteworthy is the thor run after kirby left.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 3:03:09 PM 14 days ago No. 3979
I was reading the graphic novel adaption of watership down, for some reason i feel like something's missing but overall it feels like a rock solid adaption. I appreciate the little things like the grit and edge from the original story, they could have toned things down, but they didn't and thats a good thing. The little moment like the rabbit holocaust, fivers visions and the brutality of woundword still hits hard. The art itself is pretty, after all its a nature story, also the usage of light, darkness and shading is pretty good.
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 10:37:33 PM 13 days ago No. 3985
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The final tf2 comic was released last month. It's a fantastic conclusion to a storyline that's been going since 2013, maybe earlier if you count update comics. Many people were saying the last comic would never come so it's a great Smissmass present. These comics are phenomenal and the conclusion is PERFECT and so damn cathartic. You don't need to have played tf2 to appreciate but watch Meet the Team if for some horrible reason you haven't yet. Great sense of humour but still hits all the emotional notes.
Anonymous Wed 08/01/2025 3:20:19 PM 12 days ago No. 3991
Why was there such a gap in release of the comics? Also why quit now?
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 6:01:46 AM 3 days ago No. 4070
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Dammit after finding this i was a fool not to post it when i saw it the first time. This was the third time kitty pride in the xmen comics called someone a nigger no joke it's totally canon and funny as fuck.

Development Hell/Vaporware CAT Thu 22/02/2024 6:26:57 PM 11 months ago No. 2342
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itt: we share, discuss, and track projects in development hell
>Development hell, also known as development purgatory or development limbo, is media and software industry jargon for a project, concept, or idea that remains in a stage of early development for a long time because of legal, technical, or artistic challenges (Wikipedia). The term Vaporware may alternatively be used for software and video games.
Here's 3 projects that I check in on every now and then:
Anime written by Chiaki J. Konaka with designs from Yoshitoshi ABe, the duo that brought you Texhnolyze and Serial Experiments Lain. First announced in 2009. Despera was to be directed by Ryutaro Nakamura, also of Serial Experiments Lain, before his death in 2013. Konaka is still invested in the project, giving brief updates on Twitter every couple years. The most recent piece of info I could find is from March 2021, just saying the project was delayed for a year due to the pandemic but has never been abandoned. The protagonist of Despera is Ain, a young girl in Taisho-era Tokyo one year prior to the Great Kanto Earthquake. She is an inventor of some description, who miraculously builds devices with no prior technical knowledge. It seems she'll be very similar to a certain other technophile protagonist. The setting seems very interesting. It is very well researched and historically dense. There's an art book out containing illustrations and a short story written in period accurate Japanese:
Art Book Scan:
Story Translation:
>At the Mountains of Madness
A film adaptation of the best (don't try and deny it) Lovecraft story by Guillermo del Toro that he's been trying to get going since 2006. His main battle has been getting a studio to pick it up. He's been through Warner Brothers and Universal. Del Toro wanted a weird, horrifying film true to the Lovecraft novella, studios kept trying to shoot the idea down for being too scary and R Rated and not having a typical hollywood love story and not having a happy ending and other such bullshit. A brief VFX test and screenplay script from 2013 were recently dropped, but since then Guillermo del Toro has retooled into making a shorter/weirder film with Netflix and having it be in stop motion, both fantastic decisions in my book.
VFX test: [Play]
>The Bob and Larry Movie
This one treads the line between development hell and lost media. A VeggieTales origin movie that's been struggling since 2003. It covered it all; where the talking vegetables came from, how they influenced world events. It would have had humans in it, and veggie-human interaction. It would have revealed how Bob and Larry met, and what they did before they got their jobs on the VeggieTales show. All the deep lore, finally out in the open. Unfortunately this piece of cinematic history was strangled in the cradle. Big Idea's 2003 bankruptcy following the HiT suit, the abject failure of Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie and the In the House series, the acquisition by Universal and subsequent firing of all 10 members of the VT creative team. But, wouldn't that just make this film a failed endeavor? That's not development hell! What am I trying to pull here? Well, let me tell you: the film is out there. The series creator, Phil Vischer, claims to have a copy of the film stowed on his laptop. Furthermore, he is willing to share it with the hungry public. The only obstacle is Universal and Dreamworks' claims to the IP. These are difficult times, but we must be patient. The day will come.
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Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 2:44:13 AM 1 month ago No. 3859
Is 2015 old enough? 10 years might be the bare minimum tbdesu, but the final(?) Puella Magi Madoka Magica movie has been in the works since then. It's called Walpurgisnacht Rising. Three trailers have been released in the past year:
1: [Play]
2: [Play]
3 [Play]
There's no exact release date yet but all signs point to release in 2025.
If you haven't seen the OG Madoka series and the Rebellion movie, go do so. It's brilliant on all fronts. Walpurgisnacht Rising is the only thing I'm looking forward to in 2025.
Anonymous Tue 10/12/2024 3:35:29 AM 1 month ago No. 3861
I made the mistake of reading the manga adaption so i switched over to the actual anime, and it's really good.
Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 3:53:43 AM 15 days ago No. 3965
So they are releasing a larryboy movie in 2026, so the question is, will they use that as a means of finally releasing the bob and larry movie?
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 10:52:27 PM 13 days ago No. 3986
The TF2 comics concluded. They started in 2013 and the penultimate comic dropped in late 2017 so almost 8 year gap lmao
Anonymous Thu 16/01/2025 5:12:23 PM 4 days ago No. 4062
So around 2016 the bionicle brand was revived, but to little fanfare, mainly because although most of the figures was decent the storytelling was not like the original and lacked substance. Also, the original lore was long as fuck and ONGOING and that's not friendly to a new audience, and the original audience was around their late 20's, to the IP was bound to fail. (Me being me, i bought all the fucking figures anyhow lol) There are many more problems as to how bionocle fell, one of which is how far the plastic parts strayed from the "system" and the amount of new parts created, which costs money to contantly create new molds. I can come up with several ways that they could have avoided failure and revived bionicle without a hitch but i'll post that elsewhere, for now, here's the main deal why i'm posting this.
As i mentioned, brand flopped hardcore, pulled off of shelves, fans got pissed, the end. Around 2019, one of the concept artist for bionicle made an esoteric post on instagayram titled "biovival 2020" which had the fanboys going nuts over a potential revival of bionicle, and had me thinking, maybe he'll leak his secrets, or make a ongoing bionicle comic, or story serials continuing the lore?
Here's what actually happened.
Christan faber was hired to help revive bionicle but after a major fight which was very fucking major and painful for him, had stepped down in the most part and they took some of his ideas but abandoned the others.
Biovival was christian getting the OK from lego's legal team for him to leak all of his secrets and ideas for gen 2.
Here is christian faber's youtube
Now, here is the actual meat of the matter, [Play]
musings and background [Play] [Play]
a little taste of gen 2 [Play]
and the actual esoterica behind everything gen 2 was supposed to be lego metaphysics, and how all lego IPs are interconnected.

Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 8:51:50 AM 1 year ago No. 928
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How much do you know about theology?
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Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 8:38:40 PM 1 year ago No. 932
Why did you not lurk? Making a thread with a snazzy one liner isn't quality. Why not talk about theology in the thread op and add something of note that others can talk about?
Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 9:30:10 PM 1 year ago No. 934
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In the pursuit of not following the footsteps of the other goofball retards in this thread, I'm gonna talk about Theology.
I don't really consider myself a "Theologist" in any way, and most of my knowledge of the subject is just gained through osmosis from topics I'm interested in that often brush shoulders with it, such as philosophy. I haven't read any religious texts and in general I'm not very learned in the subject.
However, I do have my theories upon the nature of God. I'm a believer in the "we are God experiencing itself" brand of 'religion'. If you break the world down into the tiniest of things, we are all made of basically the same stuff-- atoms and matter. Everything is made of matter. Despite that fact, we as sentient beings also seem to be "divine" in some manner. We haven't figured out which parts of the brain are actually responsible for consciousness, so it reasons that our sentience comes from somewhere outside of our material realm, I.E the soul or something similar.
I believe that this "soul" that is responsible for us being... well, us, is God. That God is us, and we are God. We are also matter, and "of the world". God is everything, and we are OF everything, therefore we must also be God. We are divine in the sense that we can experience the reality that is ultimately the same as us, yet different.
What the implications of that are I haven't quite figured out, but it's what I believe.
What do you believe, anons?
Anonymous Wed 17/05/2023 2:11:29 PM 1 year ago No. 939
There is a special place in Hell for faggots and OP you are being one. You remind me of 1 Corinthians 6 9-10. Don't try to play God as well as 22chan with poor OP.
Anon Wed 06/11/2024 12:37:34 AM 2 months ago No. 3666
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If you're really serious about theology, how about starting with the basics?
- The Bible was originally written without columns, like a normal book for the time of writing (clay tablets then papyrus/other material scrolls). So why not format it like a normal book?

Pic is of a church in Georgia, with a double walled defence from the musket days.
Anonymous Wed 15/01/2025 6:38:03 PM 5 days ago No. 4061
If you want to have a laugh then go check out "the message" bible, it's written with contemporary english and slang. I actually own the audiobook and the actual run time is a week long, it took me a whole day of ripping the discs to my computer.

>10 Jesus’ refusal was curt: “Beat it, Satan!” [Play]

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