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22Chan Thoughts Thread Anonymous Fri 10/01/2025 5:53:28 AM 1 month ago No. 4016
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Old thread hit bump limit, so long gay bowser! [Play]
This is a thread for when you want to make a post but it doesn't deserve its own thread!
Share your thoughts, ideas, or opinions that don't fit anywhere else on the site here
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Anonymous Sun 16/02/2025 8:32:51 PM 4 days ago No. 4184
Probably going to go back soon to buy resident evil village for 10, i felt mixed because to be honest i only played RE4 so i was kind of out of the loop but fuck it, sounds pretty metal of a story.
Anonymous Wed 19/02/2025 9:58:35 PM 1 day ago No. 4197
I am sick of the readings for my courses not having anything to do with what we are going to be talking about in class.
Anonymous Wed 19/02/2025 11:27:00 PM 1 day ago No. 4198
Why do they do it?
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 6:08:33 AM 1 day ago No. 4202
That happened so many times in High school and University. It is almost as if the teacher acts as if they are the most important class. When the homework they give is useless I try to find workarounds because a lot of teachers think they have more important classes.
Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 4:32:39 AM 13 hours ago No. 4209 [Play]
Ever since thriller bark the quality of one piece went down hill, Just the typical shit you'd see in any shonen anime, which sucked because it actually had fucking potential. It makes me wonder about what's going on with the authors headspace considering the tonal shift. I liked the bit about
Sabaody Archipelago and slavery and the over all super fucking dark tone but god damn, then theres an episode or two or three or just stupid shit like fan service thrown in there and its just another blemish.
And i heard too that after the timeskip shit was supposed to be DARKER, but for the sake of what? shit writing?
Maybe it's just me but i'm reminded of
Berserk where it's super fucking massive and the first couple story arcs up to golden age are fucking outstanding then after it kind of just melts into typical shonen shit, what the hell happened there?

Caturday Anonymous Fri 24/01/2025 5:45:51 AM 28 days ago No. 4103
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Check the clocks, it's caturday. Post and discuss cats. (cats aren't real, this thread wasn't made by a cat, leave now)
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Anonymous Mon 17/02/2025 2:44:15 PM 4 days ago No. 4187
Saw storecat again (cat who works at the local hardware store)
She was tucked into her catbed, she had a mini pillow under her head, and she was sleeping, holding a stuffed animal (rabbit)
She moved her head in a super retarded position to sleep better, imagine being payed to sleep on the job, lucky.
Apparantly she tried escaping by climbing into a stroller, they caught her at the last second because her tail was sticking out.
Anonymous Tue 18/02/2025 4:19:47 AM 3 days ago No. 4191
The cat's life seems eventful. I also sleep in retarded permissions to get to bed.
Anonymous Wed 19/02/2025 5:15:56 AM 2 days ago No. 4194
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Anonymous Wed 19/02/2025 5:12:42 PM 2 days ago No. 4195
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This is hardcore.
Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 2:35:31 PM 3 hours ago No. 4213
I was working in a shed and i was leaving and i spotted an orange cat stalking something and when he noticed me i decided to chase after him and he climbed over the fence, and he looked back at me before jumping off.
Very suspicious

Random Webm Thread Anonymous Fri 24/02/2023 11:27:25 AM 1 year ago No. 558
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Since we now have a webm feature implemented here is a thread for random webms which is basically just a copy of the Youtube Hidden Gems thread >>305 but for webms. Please provide additional context for the webms that you are posting.

I remember finding this translated video from a Japanese show posted on a blogspot website on which I happen to have this downloaded. As I'm not that interested in making a thread for Japanese shows for now I'm posting it in this thread since it has been just sitting on my drive for some time and god damn who knows how many times I've rewatched it now and I want to finally share it with someone.
This particular episode is called "Foreigners' Opinions Of Japanese People" from "Arita and Matsuko and Men and Women" featuring Matsuko Deluxe which is the fat guy crossdressing and Teppei Arita, the guy standing besides him, both comedians and acting emcees for this show. The show as far as I know has since been cancelled. I think my favorite parts of this entire thing is Martin, the watermelon addict, asking if he's a monster or something with that face, and the italian guy called Carlo with his perverted comments.
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Anonymous Sat 16/11/2024 7:56:42 AM 3 months ago No. 3722
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Thumbnail [Play] Elements arranged in order of melting point
>I suddenly felt the urge to list the elements in order of how easily they turn into a liquid, so I went ahead and did it. I didn’t bother with the finer details, like whether helium actually has a melting point or the questionable values for radioactive elements.
Anonymous Sat 21/12/2024 7:22:26 AM 2 months ago No. 3904
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Mama, um... what are they doing?
Anonymous Wed 25/12/2024 1:11:34 PM 1 month ago No. 3924
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Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 12:29:12 AM 1 day ago No. 4199
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Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 12:18:53 PM 5 hours ago No. 4212
sugoi chinpo!

Wrestling Series (レスリングシリーズ) Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 8:42:15 AM 6 months ago No. 3254
This thread is exclusively for discussing the Wrestling Series (レスリングシリーズ). I want to emphasize that the focus will be strictly on the Japanese instance, and any discussion of its overseas counterparts is absolutely prohibited. This includes posting videos or content created by overseas creators. Also, please keep the celebrity and character completely separate from each other.

Beginning in June 2007, users on 2channel's YouTube board began to suspect that the MyList rankings on Nico Nico Douga were being manipulated. This led to the creation of an official term called 工作 (Manipulation) after a July 1st thread pointed out the artificial inflation of views, comments, and MyLists. By July 27, 2007, a thread titled ニコニコマイリストのランキング工作動画について (Regarding Mylist Ranking Manipulation Videos on Nico Nico Douga) was created, marking a significant moment as it was dedicated to resisting ranking manipulation on Nico Nico Douga. The discussion in the thread mainly centered around the activities of a group known as 80垢 (80 Accounts), derived from the practice of adding 400 Mylist votes to several videos in the early hours, with 400/5 = 80 accounts (since each account could create up to 5 Mylists at that time). Their activities were particularly noticeable during the early morning hours, where they would push videos like the infamous "The Idolmaster KOTOKO Princess Bride!" ( [Play], IM@S was a pioneer in ranking manipulation believe it or not) and "Tsurupettan" to the top of the Nico Nico Douga Mylist rankings, suggesting a coordinated effort. As this method was exposed, discussions in the thread intensified and attracted not only those who aimed to raise awareness about the issue but also individuals who wanted to exploit it, including 信者 (Believers/Fans), アンチ (Antis/Foes), and ただの愉快犯 (Just Pranksters) who looked at 80 Account as a deity. This led to either 順工作 (Forward Manipulation, where users manipulate trends, excluding genuinely popular videos) or 逆工作 (Reverse Manipulation, where users vandalize videos suspected of manipulation). The creators of the videos who were caught in the crossfire often deleted their videos because of this. Other users in the thread adopted a more radical approach, deciding to engage in manipulation themselves as a way to raise awareness about the problem. This led to the thread’s original purpose being sidetracked, eventually resulting in the split of users and the creation of the ニコニコ動画工作支持スレ【80垢神】 (Nico Nico Douga Manipulation Support Thread) General, on the same day, where users began organizing their own manipulations, partly as a form of protest against the 80 Accounts.

Members of the Manipulation Support thread began to manipulate a video called アメリカン ゲイ レスリング2 (American Gay Wrestling 2, [Play]) that was uploaded on April 26, 2007, which depicted two men wrestling with the saturation on max and low video quality. After, a few more videos were uploaded to the アメゲイ (Amegay) series until August 10, 2007, when the first video titled 本格的 ガチムチパンツレスリング (Authentic Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling) from the Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling series was uploaded and manipulated into the rankings. However, it was shortly deleted due to the original creator deactivating his account, but then reuploaded on September 30, 2007: [Play]

Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling (GPW) is a wrestling style with a special rule: if your pants get taken off, you lose.

So why did this video become one of the key driving forces behind Nico Nico Douga's Golden years, and why does it remain one of the most viewed videos on the platform, with 9.8 million views to this day? This wasn’t just some passing joke; it became deeply ingrained in Japanese otaku culture, being referenced in anime, video games, news, and even on game talk shows, cementing its place in the Japanese internet otaku sphere.
The reason is the same as why a lot of other foreign media on the platform gained popularity during that era: 空耳 (mishearings). The two men wrestling in the video, Billy Herrington (a.k.a Aniki) and Danny Lee (a.k.a Kiyoshi Kazuya), had thick New England/Canadian accents combined with intense grunting, which led Japanese viewers to mishear nearly every line as something completely different in their own language.
For example, when Aniki shouts to Kazuya, "Huh? How do you like that, huh?" it was misheard as Thick and Saucy Fried Rice and now Aniki's favorite food is Ankake Chahan:
(Aniki) "Huh? How do you like that, huh?" ->「あぁん?あんかけチャーハン?」-> "Aan? Ankake chyaahan?" -> "Huh? Thick and Saucy Fried Rice?"
A lot of the character names too are based on mishearings such as for example Creamstew Ikeda from Shinnippori Fire Station (Firefighters): [Play]
(Aniki): I'm finished with you, get up -> くりぃむしちゅー池田 -> Kuriimushichuu Ikeda -> Creamstew Ikeda
But a lot of them are actually derived from how close a character looks to some kind of celebrity like Hatakeyama Bacon who resembles both the Japanese lightweight boxer Takanori Hatakeyama and American actor and musician Kevin Bacon.

I included a translation I made of the original Professional Pants Wrestling video posted to Nico Nico Douga (Video 1). In the next few posts, I'll try to continue explaining a bit more about the Manipulation Incident history and things such as the popular Sanshin of Fairy Philosophy by Pants Wrestling Aniki.


Quotes = Orange
Translations = Blue
Names & Titles = Pink
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Anonymous Sat 14/12/2024 7:26:24 AM 2 months ago No. 3870
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Putting this here to not allow foreign influences to ruin my love for this song.
From Billy's 40th Birthday collaboration, using a medley of Touhou-related music: [Play]
Anonymous Sat 14/12/2024 6:54:43 PM 2 months ago No. 3872
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This just got in the mail this morning. A step back in time. Did you know that the video in the middle is no longer available in its original sm ID?
Anonymous Sun 15/12/2024 5:55:56 AM 2 months ago No. 3876
>>3872 at the top it says:
>In 2008, a flood of ridiculous videos emerged, and our magazine’s pick for the No. 1 ridiculous videos is the Wrestling Series by the ガチムチ兄貴 (Gachimuchi Aniki)
>Because of how seriously they commit to such absurdity, it became popular on "Nico Nico Douga." The reason our magazine awarded this series the grand prize lies in the fact that an obscure American gay video became a widely shared meme on Japanese video sites and gained a lot of attention, or rather, turned into complete chaos (lol).
>Additionally, there’s no way other media outlets could properly introduce such a popular series, and that's part of why we chose it. By the way, the editorial team is all straight (not gay), just so you know.

the box in the bottom left asks the questions of how to enjoy the pants wrestling videos
>The classic way to enjoy the wrestling series videos is by adding misheard subtitles. It’s a staple pattern for these videos, and strangely enough, as you watch, it really starts to feel like they’re saying those lines. It’s truly fascinating. No distortion here!
Examples of mishearings:
>Now we even the score. -> ナウい息子♂ (Naui Musuko) -> Naughty ♂ Son (penis)
>Oh my shoulder! -> お前、人のモノをっ… (Omae, hito no mono o…) -> You, took my thing...
>That's not right, man. -> 仕方ないね (Shikata nai ne) -> It can not be helped.
>Two can play it! -> 新日暮里 (Shinnippori) -> New Nippori (the location this fictional series takes place)
>Huh? How do you like that, huh? -> あぁん?あんかけチャーハン? (an? Ankake chaahan?) -> Huh? Thick and saucy fried rice? (making fried rice is usually like a joke for masturbating)
Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 7:14:22 AM 10 hours ago No. 4210
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A parody of that show that made 2channel popular in Japan (Densha Otoko).
Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 7:57:52 AM 9 hours ago No. 4211
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Since it was based on a true story here are the original Densha Otoko posts: and the original clip for comparison. The english subs that came with the show aren't great... stuff like using "yes" for キタ――(゚∀゚)――!! is just stupid and also yeah that's Nasubi (Tomoaki Hamatsu).
I was honestly only reminded of this today because the maid working at my house broke a $325 Hermes plate that was a birthday gift for my mother.

Bugs Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 9:27:55 AM 1 day ago No. 4203
Bugs, insects, arachnids, creepy, crawly, and everything in between
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Anonymous Fri 21/02/2025 4:13:54 AM 13 hours ago No. 4208
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I met a kind praying mantis once at a rv park, it was pretty big and allowed me to pick it up, was very calm and honestly it seemed curious about me.

Internet Privacy Thread Anonymous Sun 29/01/2023 6:20:40 PM 2 years ago No. 381
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This thread is for advice on how to be anonymous on the internet among other things. Do not be afraid to share tools that can provide security, such as stripping EXIF data from images, or anything else that comes to mind, such as advice on reducing your digital footprint. You can and should suggest security and privacy-related stuff that works well within 22chan without breaking the site to enhance the anonymous 22channers' overall well-being such as how to use photoshop and tools of the trade to enhance one's threads and posts. If you have any thoughts about the internet or anything else related to it, please feel free to share them.
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Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 11:45:33 AM 2 months ago No. 3765
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I just installed Windows 10 LTSC N 2021 (EU version) and I think I am in heaven...? It's empty... No bloatware... I just got in and the first thing I did was uninstall Microsoft Edge after installing ungoogled chromium. It's surreal looking into the "Programs and Features" tab and seeing it completely empty of any windows bloatware. Holy fucking shit why didn't I do this sooner.
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 11:58:22 AM 2 months ago No. 3766
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Oh also I found this on /g/ I forgot to share regarding people use tutanota as their email service.
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 4:07:40 PM 2 months ago No. 3768
And i have a tutanota email account..
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 3:10:46 PM 1 day ago No. 4206
[] use an instance where it's disabled. Select the URL on the address bar, click add as search engine, picrel.
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 3:11:48 PM 1 day ago No. 4207
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How to use Nico Nico Douga CAT Fri 24/11/2023 11:26:48 AM 1 year ago No. 1825
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This thread exists to explain to the anons browsing twentytwo on how to use the Japanese otaku video-sharing website Nico Nico Douga (Smile Video). So by the end of this I am hoping you will be able to upload videos, create mylists, and search for videos properly.
Nico Nico Douga's English variation platform was abolished recently although it wasn't really usable to begin with given how poorly it was maintained and nothing was explained to the user in the end.
I will also mention that the website best works with chromium based browser (I recommend ungoogled chromium, free of spyware) with Firefox there is tons of stuttering and slow loading times making it really unusable a lot of the times.

I will start off with Nico Nico Douga's Navigation Bar and explain what each of these tabs are.
Nico Nico Douga Icon: Click the Nico Nico symbol to return to the homepage.
Videos (動画): Browse all uploaded videos.
Images (静画): View user-submitted artwork.
Live Broadcasts (生放送): Explore a variety of available live streams.
Channels (チャンネル): A dedicated space where content creators, businesses, and organizations share videos, live broadcasts, and blogs.
Nico Nico Pedia (大百科): An extensive knowledge base featuring community-contributed articles on Nico Nico and Japanese internet culture.
Live Commentary (実況): Engage in sharing real-time danmaku (bullet comments) while watching TV or listening to radio broadcasts.
Nico Nico Douga Anime (Nアニメ): A comprehensive anime information and streaming platform, enabling users to share live danmaku comments during anime viewing.

Bloggers (ブロマガ): User-created blogs.
Contribution (ニコニ貢献): A service designed to visualize the contributions of supporters and the gratitude of creators.
Commons (コモンズ): A wide range of free user-created materials (BGMs, Sound Effects, Voice, Image/Video Materials, Character materials, Backgrounds & Wallpapers, Video Production Tools, Voice Synthesis, etc.) for versatile creative use like creating videos.
Nico Nico 3D (ニコニ立体): User-created 3D models many of which are available for download.
Partner Pass (NicoFT): Obtain personally signed digital items from creators in limited quantities, and support creators as "Partners."
Community (コミュニティ): A service where premium members can establish communities (groups) where participants can post, play, and comment on videos within the community (Newly uploaded or existing on Nico Nico Douga). You can use a community-specific comment thread, allowing for member-only conversations.
News (ニュース): A service that allows users to enjoy communication with each other triggered by news which receives news offerings from approximately 189 distribution media. There is also News Original for exclusive articles related to user-submitted videos on niconico and interviews with renowned users.
Nico Nico Q (ニコニコQ): A question submission service provided by niconico.
Premium Exclusive (特典コンテンツ): When you subscribe to their premium service, you also get the ability to enjoy premium-only videos like the ability to watch limited animes.

Search Bar:
Search by format: Video, Image, Live Broadcasts.
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Anonymous Fri 20/12/2024 4:59:15 AM 2 months ago No. 3899
It's official. Sony is now the largest shareholder of KADOKAWA under the white knight strategy.
Fuck you South Korea.
KADOKAWA and Sony Agree to Strategic Capital and Business Alliance
Strengthening collaboration to maximize the global value of their IP assets

KADOKAWA Corporation
Sony Group Corporation

KADOKAWA Corporation (hereafter "KADOKAWA") and Sony Group Corporation (hereafter "Sony") have announced today that they have entered into a strategic capital and business alliance agreement. Under this agreement, Sony will acquire 12,054,100 newly issued shares of KADOKAWA for approximately ¥50 billion through a third-party allotment scheduled for January 7, 2025. As a result of this acquisition, Sony will become the largest shareholder of KADOKAWA, holding approximately 10% of the company's shares, including shares already acquired in February 2021.

KADOKAWA and Sony have collaborated on various initiatives in the past. This capital and business alliance will further strengthen their cooperation in maximizing the global value of their respective IP assets. The collaboration will include exploring joint investments in the content domain, co-discovering new creators, and advancing the media mix strategies of both companies’ IP assets. The companies aim to engage in more extensive and in-depth collaborations.

Future joint efforts will focus on the global live-action film and drama adaptation of KADOKAWA's IP, co-production of anime works, expanded global distribution of KADOKAWA's anime titles via Sony's networks, enhanced publishing of KADOKAWA's games, and the promotion and dissemination of virtual production technologies through talent development.

Comments from Key Executives
Takeshi Natsuno, President, CEO, and Representative Director of KADOKAWA Corporation
"I am delighted to announce this strategic capital and business alliance with Sony. This partnership will not only bolster our IP creation capabilities but also expand the range of media mix opportunities through Sony's support for global deployment. This will enable us to deliver our IP to a wider global audience, significantly enhancing its value while contributing to the medium- to long-term growth of our corporate value. We are committed to making this collaboration with Sony a great success in the global market."

Hiroki Totoki, President, COO, and CFO of Sony Group Corporation
"Through this capital and business alliance, Sony becomes the largest shareholder of KADOKAWA, a company known for its diverse IP, including light novels, comics, games, and anime. By combining KADOKAWA’s rich IP ecosystem with Sony’s strengths in global entertainment, including anime and gaming, we aim to maximize IP value. Together, we will work closely to realize KADOKAWA’s 'Global Media Mix' strategy and Sony's long-term 'Creative Entertainment Vision.'"
Anonymous Tue 11/02/2025 7:54:28 PM 9 days ago No. 4169
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Since VISA, MasterCard, and potentially even PayPal are putting a knife to KADOKAWA/Sony's throat recording content moderation on the platform. It's not just trends involving gay porn source material (Homocaust/ホモコースト), but also anything of a lewd nature in the titles, description, and tags.
Attached to this post is a removal notice that user 634さん received regarding a mid-2010s video he made with Mami-san set to Touhou music.
It's time to rev up those hard drives (especially if you live in a country where tariffs are going to jack up prices of hard drives), and start archivng.
Anonymous Tue 11/02/2025 7:59:52 PM 9 days ago No. 4170
Corrections: she, as it is rumored that 634-san is a really messed up women in her middle ages that's making this content for the last 15+ years. That's some dedication right there.
Also, I don't know why I called it "homocaust.jpg", since the attached photo is a removal notice for nonke, but bizarrely lewd content on the website.
The days of niconico being a "freedom of speech, as long as it does not violate Japanese law and IP violation" is no longer a thing. (Even sigekun, current head of niconico's operations will block you without a second thought if you confront him on this bizarre 180 degree turn. Looks like niconico addicts are going to learn what the west has gone through in the last decade or so.)
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 12:00:27 PM 1 day ago No. 4204
Update: Niconico is working to restore VISA payment options starting February 21st, 2025.
This really came at a huge cost of nearly 50k or more videos, but at least they can accept VISA payments now!
Incompetent, the administration staff are.
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 12:07:21 PM 1 day ago No. 4205
For anyone curious about the deleted videos:
Be warned, some of these are deleted/privated by the uploaders discretion, so it might not all be due to payment processors holding a knife at UNEI's throat.

Snacks Thread Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 2:40:21 AM 2 years ago No. 3
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I like to eat snacks. I got a bunch of imported ones that appear to be from Korea and Japan, so now I am eating pic related. It's a lot like Corn Nuts, which are one of my favorites, so that's nice. Earlier, I ate a box of Whoppers, and I've been on the lookout for Haribo Berries lately, because I like those. I'll post more if I have anything interesting, though I probably won't always have photos. What snacks are you eating?
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Anonymous Sun 05/01/2025 3:40:42 AM 1 month ago No. 3961
chocolate jamican rum balls are really fucking good, haven't tasted alchohol or rum for thd matter so i'm not able to rate it that way but the flavor profile is rich and smooth (like chocolate cake) and there's a nice numbing sensation in my mouth after eating one.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 4:51:09 AM 1 month ago No. 3974
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I tried the black monster energy, and it tasted exactly like the prime drink I am replying to. They taste like sugar garbage, and I don't intend on drinking any more of these flavors unless I get these drinks for free.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 5:24:01 AM 1 month ago No. 3977
I recently bought a Japanese/Korean exotic candy sampler pack and I regret my decision so fucking much because the candy contained within is something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. More than half of it tasted so horrendous but I kept sampling and sampling because eventually something decent will come up right? I reached this one candy which was made out of corn and also looked like a toy replica of a corn and the first bite into it I didn't think of it that much but the after taste sent me to throw up and so I threw all of it away. I stayed away from all sweets for a good while after that.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 5:41:42 AM 1 month ago No. 3978
now i'm curious, do you remember which ones tasted bad? or was it so terrible that you blanked it out of your mind.
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 6:04:37 AM 1 day ago No. 4201
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I tried the new Blue Hawaiian Monster Energy and it is an excellent flavor. The first time to me it tasted like a carbon copy of the Gold flavor to me. After a few cans, I grew fond of the blue and gold flavors I tasted. The taste has a relaxing feel for me. I'd recommend it if you are a fan of both the gold and blue monster flavors.

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