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/fit/ CAT Mon 26/06/2023 11:03:34 PM 1 year ago No. 1075
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This is the place to discuss all aspects of enhancing our physical and mental well-being. Let's explore topics such as exercises, daily routines, diet and nutrition, while also emphasizing the importance of motivation, discipline, and dedication in achieving a healthier lifestyle.
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Anonymous Tue 27/06/2023 5:30:42 AM 1 year ago No. 1081
There was a post on the bunker by an anon about how he self-taught himself martial arts via YouTube and I wished I copy pasted the text and YouTube link because that's a pretty good idea overall.
Anonymous Wed 28/06/2023 9:12:23 AM 1 year ago No. 1090
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Yay fit thread.
Fitness is a big part of my life, unfortunately I didn't start until I was 23ish years old, too late! I think everyone here is much younger than me so pls frens start lifting weights. Now! :)
As a kid I was overweight, as a student my BMI was 30 which is not healthy. So my partner and I decided to eat better, do cardio & bodyweight exercises at home, learn more about nutrition and cooking, minimize drug use. A few years later I was underweight and had very few muscles, I was thin but sick. Not good either. I had to flip a switch again, eat more, gain muscle mass.
At some point bodyweight exercises were no longer helpful, so we bought a multi-gym and changed our workout routine to 5x5 (for me, just using it as a basis because I have to avoid some types of exercises and include Physiotherapy). I can recommend. Anyone else doing it?

The biggest problem I have right now is protein intake. I track my meals to make sure I consume enough per day, without protein powder it doesn't work.
Anonymous Wed 28/06/2023 11:32:53 PM 1 year ago No. 1092
Since doing anything outside now will melt you, I have begun swimming laps as an exercise. Doing laps is probably more beneficial than cooling off because it works your whole body.
Anonymous Sun 09/07/2023 4:28:45 PM 1 year ago No. 1126
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It's not easy to stay motivated if temperatures are that high, but I do my workouts anyway.
What keeps you motivated? For me it's health and stability, lastly appearance.
Anonymous Mon 10/07/2023 3:21:22 PM 1 year ago No. 1128
My motivation for exercising is to feel good and escape from my issues. Making time and eating the right food honestly are the hardest parts.
Anonymous Fri 14/07/2023 6:17:20 AM 1 year ago No. 1141
going for bike rides and walks are actually really fun. include audiobooks and its literally the best.
Anonymous Sun 16/07/2023 3:01:25 AM 1 year ago No. 1150
One way to stay motivated while running is to think of a Big, Black man chasing you.
I think its motivating to think of the skills and abilities one can only do when he is will tempered. Imagine being able to do backflips and scale walls! The possibilities are endless.
Anonymous Tue 18/07/2023 2:20:10 PM 1 year ago No. 1164
One factor that motivated me to lose weight was that I didn't like how much extra sweat I got from being overweight and how I looked fat. Normalfags also get ammo to treat you worse when you are overweight they can accuse you of being lazy. Normalfags are not the main reason you should change, but they make your quality of life worse when they feel like they can make themselves feel superior. Now that I've lost weight, I like how clothes fit better and how much physical activity I can do.
Anonymous Sun 30/07/2023 5:07:44 AM 1 year ago No. 1193
Instead of drinking Gatorade, consider drinking flavorless Pedialyte. another alternative is pickles and pickle juice, which also helps with heatstroke and cramping muscles. Gatorade is kinda gay because the sugar tends to slow you down. Like the aftereffects of drinking coffee where you crash after the caffeine high.
Anonymous Tue 29/08/2023 2:39:16 PM 1 year ago No. 1402
I gained some weight, and to be honest it won't be too hard to lose weight because it will only take time to count calories. Previously, I would have been very demoralized by the prospect of losing weight.
Anonymous Thu 31/08/2023 2:05:30 AM 1 year ago No. 1411
I played some tennis and I lost every match. It was fun still, mainly because I am rusty at the sport. I suppose I'll get better with more playing.
Anonymous Sun 14/04/2024 7:30:34 PM 11 months ago No. 2653
There was this thing i bought at a yard sale called the "perfect pull-up bar" and i have to say it works pretty damn good. It goes in between a doorframe and you can do several diffrent workouts but pullups are the primary reason to use it. It took a few weeks but i started feeling results. It was nice to have the ability to climb stuff and do more yardwork without burnint out faster.
Anonymous Mon 15/04/2024 3:11:47 AM 11 months ago No. 2657
I have a pull-up bar somewhere in my room but I've failed to set up the bar properly. It has escaped me why I never went through with finishing it but I never did.
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