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Weird Habit Thread Anonymous Thu 06/07/2023 2:22:58 PM 1 year ago No. 1114
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In this thread, we will discuss our habits people would find weird. These habits are stuff that people won't call you a freak for doing but will still shake their heads at the actions. Just because the thread is for weird habits doesn't mean it'll excuse breaking the site rules. don't bother discussing anything that's rulebreaking. I'll start off this thread.
> Crushing aluminum cans with tires
I sell the aluminum can for the money I can get for them. Selling empty cans are more satisfying to me than throwing the cans away. Full-sized can't be stacked for long until they become a mess. To make things less cluttered, I crush the cans. Empty cans are not exactly stable when you try to stand on them. The most efficient way I've found is to crush the cans with my tires. First, I flatten the middle section of the can with my hands, and then I place them sideways under the wheels. Whenever I go out, I get four flat cans that are easier to store. Thankfully cans are not sharp enough to puncture tires.
>Spending time with cats
I like to hold my cats to show my cats I love them. My cats like to run around and are generally active, so sometimes it is hard just to be with them. Sometimes I hold my cat and meow at them. The cats don't understand why I meow at them, but I find it funny and hope they understand my affection for them. I try to let them go when they want to go, and it hurts sometimes.
When I communicate with people I am not close with sometimes I don't want an immediate response. Forced communication with professors or people I don't know makes me not want to look at my devices. I shouldn't overthink a simple email but I have at times.
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Anonymous Thu 06/07/2023 10:29:54 PM 1 year ago No. 1115
I'm a weirdo, but I'm not sure I can quite remember everything. When I eat salad, I check each leaf from both sides for bugs. When I walk on the street and cross someone I sometimes get nervous and start smiling on my own, typically imagining something embarrassing or funny. I talk to myself, out-loud, for up-to an hour sometimes. Sometimes when people ask me something, I freeze up and don't know what to say. And it's not difficult questions or anything...
Anonymous Fri 07/07/2023 6:06:17 AM 1 year ago No. 1116
When no one is there I go to the kitchen and start taking random food out of the refrigerator to eat and begin to walk in a random circular pattern around the kitchen lost deep in thought munching away...
Anonymous Sat 08/07/2023 11:52:04 AM 1 year ago No. 1125
Everytime I smile out of nowhere my mom likes to ask me why I am smiling. I am not sure why but that question has always rubbed me the wrong way because the question feels intrusive to my mind. Sometimes I also freeze up because I am not mentally prepared to talk.
You have to get physical activity somehow.
Anonymous Mon 10/07/2023 7:15:29 PM 1 year ago No. 1129
I do something similar in my room. Whenever I'm plying a game, watching an anime or doing whatever and I get too excited I have to stand up and walk around the place to calm myself down
Anonymous Tue 11/07/2023 9:39:04 PM 1 year ago No. 1133
One weird habit I forgot to mention in my OP was I pick petals off my tree during the summer. My tree's flowers always die within a week of blooming. Maybe it is because there is not enough rain I don't know. It is pleasurable to take apart a petal because it feels nice on my hand and is pretty. Maybe I am a bad guy for this habit, but I enjoy it.
Anonymous Sat 12/08/2023 6:16:23 AM 1 year ago No. 1278
As a kid i used to lick my hands, and i mean really lick them until they were soaked with saliva.
Anonymous Mon 21/08/2023 1:04:11 AM 1 year ago No. 1328
I like to charge my phone with my computer exclusively. It makes me feel the phone is secure in its charging.
Anonymous Mon 21/08/2023 6:43:30 AM 1 year ago No. 1329
secure in a hacker way or in a "electricity wont fry my phone" way?
Anonymous Mon 21/08/2023 9:33:18 PM 1 year ago No. 1335
My charger won't unplug if I step anywhere near it and it is more accessible when I am in bed.
Anonymous Wed 13/12/2023 4:59:37 AM 1 year ago No. 1922
I make up nicknames for my pets on the fly and never call them the same thing consistently besides their actual name.
Anonymous Wed 13/12/2023 5:21:36 AM 1 year ago No. 1923
Do you take notes of the way your kitties respond to you when you call them by a nickname?
Anonymous Fri 15/12/2023 3:30:20 AM 1 year ago No. 1938
No, because I rarely notice them looking back at me unless I call them by their real name?
Anonymous Fri 15/12/2023 8:14:22 PM 1 year ago No. 1943
same here. only much more crude
Anonymous Sun 17/12/2023 5:26:13 AM 1 year ago No. 1957
Why do you do that?
Anonymous Sun 17/12/2023 5:30:36 AM 1 year ago No. 1958
Not him but cats don't speak english, And for all he knows his cats do the exact same to him.
"Hey, Retard. Feed me you stupid fuck or i'll smother you in your sleep"
A cat meowed at me when i went for a walk the other day, for all i know he could have said "nigger".
Anonymous Wed 20/12/2023 4:30:36 AM 1 year ago No. 1969
Cats have a massive halo effect with their cuteness, so I find myself being nicer to cats.
Anonymous Wed 20/12/2023 6:50:57 PM 1 year ago No. 1973
i noticed that too. cats can be assholes (i still like and respect them as an animal) and people think its more adorable than anything. its all thanks to their hair though, hairless cats have less halo effect points
Anonymous Thu 21/12/2023 6:37:52 AM 1 year ago No. 1979
How is it possible for hairless cats to convey such malace? Even if its a nice cat they have an apperance of sheer hatred and its incredible.
Anonymous Thu 04/01/2024 10:02:06 PM 1 year ago No. 2072
I have a strange way of thinking about model kits. For the gunpla stuff i have, i haven't finished anything gun related or with beams or plasma weapons because it isn't "real"
i have the strong urge to ignore model kits that look cool but have shit articulation because "if i was riding in it i would want to have a clear range of motion"
Anonymous Tue 16/01/2024 6:02:48 AM 1 year ago No. 2137
>In this thread, we will discuss our habits people would find weird.
I have a habit of being kind of awkward around people sometimes I suppose and way too honest but because of that I'm treated weirdly. I've learned over the months last year that I should remedy that and it's working for the most part.
Anonymous Tue 30/01/2024 5:41:02 AM 1 year ago No. 2198
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This habit has backfired on me recently. I called my cats "catface" a lot, but my Dad found that name retarded, so he decided to make "catface" my nickname when he is referring to me and my cat.
Anonymous Wed 31/01/2024 4:39:51 AM 1 year ago No. 2201
When I eat trail mix I usually let other people eat the M&M that are usually included. I do that because it feels healthier not eating them with the other snacks included.
Anonymous Sun 04/02/2024 11:03:25 PM 1 year ago No. 2240
How does it feel to be a catface?
Why not buy trail mix without m&ms?
Anonymous Mon 05/02/2024 6:26:29 AM 1 year ago No. 2242
I feel like a disgrace to cats.
Anonymous Wed 07/02/2024 6:21:43 AM 1 year ago No. 2252
M&Ms are too common in trail mix to go out of your way to get one without it.
Anonymous Thu 15/02/2024 5:15:19 AM 1 year ago No. 2299
why not buy the ingredient seperate? is there a store near you that sells almonds and the like in bulk?
Anonymous Fri 16/02/2024 4:57:28 AM 1 year ago No. 2302
It is the novelty that is the main appeal of trail mix. For better or worse that is how trail mix is.
Anonymous Thu 25/04/2024 3:41:12 AM 10 months ago No. 2701
I walk in my garage around a car because there is no turning around or pause in the walk.
Anonymous Sat 22/06/2024 3:24:13 AM 8 months ago No. 3012
Me and my family sometimes randomly break into our imagined human voice for our cats. We do this cat human voice mainly out of love for our cats.
Anonymous Sat 22/06/2024 3:40:03 AM 8 months ago No. 3013
do you feel your cats talk of esoteric wisdom or are their conversations plain
Anonymous Sun 23/06/2024 3:39:23 AM 8 months ago No. 3018
They are wise because they have common sense and I lack common sense.
Anonymous Mon 24/06/2024 3:33:12 PM 8 months ago No. 3027
been talking to cats by attempting to imitate their voices
Anonymous Tue 25/06/2024 4:05:45 AM 8 months ago No. 3033
I do that, but when I do my cats look like they are judging me.
Anonymous Sun 13/10/2024 4:55:09 PM 5 months ago No. 3518
I like hitting excess Ice in a freezer with a hammer and feeding plants the ice shards.
Anonymous Tue 15/10/2024 12:06:31 PM 4 months ago No. 3523
I fap nearly every day but haven't watched porn in years. Just think about women that I know instead. In todays world, not watching porn when you fap is probably a bizarre habit.

I stopped watching porn years ago when it occurred to me one day: when you watch porn and fap at the same time, you're basically getting cucked right? Even though you're separated by both time and space, you're still fapping while watching another dude have sex with a girl that you're not having sex with. That means you're getting cucked.
Anonymous Tue 15/10/2024 6:02:55 PM 4 months ago No. 3525
but its also faggotry if you think about it further. your a man, who is grabbing your own penis to pleasure yourself, if grabbing the penis of and pleasuring another man is homosexual, then the same also applies to a singular man, pleasuring himself.
Anonymous Tue 25/02/2025 5:53:36 AM 17 days ago No. 4240
I look behind my back randomly, even when I know I am in a safe area like my home or my yard. Idk what made me so cautious, but it must be for good reason. I do this especially when I have headphones in or I am walking throughout the house.
Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 3:18:08 AM 3 days ago No. 4279
The fuck are you on about nigger. Fapping isnt wrong, its excessive fapping thats to blame
Anonymous Thu 13/03/2025 3:33:52 AM 1 day ago No. 4286
When I am mentally sperging I shake my hands in a circular motion.
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