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Comic books and Graphic novels Anonymous Tue 18/07/2023 5:24:38 AM 1 year ago No. 1159
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This thread is for Comic books and graphic novels. I The genre doesn't matter, and The discussion doesn't have to be just about superhero comics. (Although tainted nowadays I don't think that particular genre is over). Also, Anime and manga belong on /a/.
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Anonymous Wed 19/07/2023 6:50:03 AM 1 year ago No. 1166
i was reading an adaption of bloodborne called "lady of the lantern" and it was really good. it took only minor creative liberties but nothing that really matters. the other bloodborne comics from the same publisher on the other hand suck, poor art quality and terrible storytelling. maybe the creator of lady of the lantern actually played the damn game? I read the full 2016 to like 2019 of Ninjak and it was pretty damn solid, There are so many things i want to say about that comic but i don't want to spoil anything. thought it was best to avoid modern day comics so i dont get pissed off (also never bothered reading brands besides dc and marvel because severe mental retardation)
i had stumbled onto an old collection of bloodshot comics and it was really worth the read. bloodshot is a brilliant character and i like how interconnected he is with other characters in the universe, and valiant comics focus on realism.
Anonymous Sun 30/07/2023 5:59:19 AM 1 year ago No. 1195
Comic book recommendation: Scud The disposable assassin.
Starts with a simple premise, Robot assassin must die after finishing job, Decides to prolong his life by having doctors place his hit on ice amd has to pay for the medical bill regularly by doing odd-jobs.
Then things get real crazy.
Quality artwork and pretty solid read throughout, Was mentioned on the old site by another anon and i never forgot it.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 7:03:51 AM 1 year ago No. 1223
i was digging through my collection and i found the full run of wildcats and i did some googling and there was a 90's cartoon.
one of these days i'm gonna read all the comics and then watch the show and do a review and comparison of both lol.
here's another comic book recommendation: Ultraverses PRIME
think of shazam, but if he was real. 13 year old boy has the power to incase himself in a meatsuit which gives him super powers and the appearance of a superhero but only for a limited time and then he has to dig himself out or he'll suffocate. great fucking story that even has a decent ending even though it was kind of premature because marvel bought ultraverse out (fuck marvel)
it was a mature story that handled topics that the main character wasn't always mature enough to deal with and he had to do what he could as a kid to work around the problem without losing himself.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 6:11:57 PM 1 year ago No. 1233
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Recommendations for good Spider-Man comics? For a character with such a long and storied history, it doesn't seem like many of his paperback stories are good at all. They're all seemingly filled with standard Marvel dogshit, Bendis and his cuck fetish, Slott's Twitter addiction, or Stan Lee-tier overly wordy slop.
I've read a good chunk of Ultimate which was okay but I quit when Kitty Pryde got involved. It wasn't even really a Spider-Man comic most of the time, instead just "Peter Parker and his Adventures in Teen Cuckoldry". At least the game was good.
I've tried to read the original ASM run and that was awful. I tried to read 2099 but that was also needlessly garrulous. Spider-Man Noir was really great but that was so short I don't think it even counts. I'm not even going to TRY to read the modern runs. What good stories are there?
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 10:42:45 PM 1 year ago No. 1234
Keep in mind my taste might be terrible but i read two alternate universe stories that came out recently that i enjoyed.
Spider-Man: Life Story (2019)
Peter ages normally since the 60's and the storyline of every era is condensed, and altered to fit the era of that generation. in my opinion the ending is shit but the rest of the story is pretty good. fuck miles morales
Spider-Man: The Spider's Shadow (2021)
peter says "fuck it" and doesn't remove the symbiote and becomes a psycho and goes on a killing spree of everyone who fucked him over,then he removes it after remembering that great powers have great responsibilities and has to deal with the consequences of his murder spree AND hunting the symbiote down.
great story, at least i found it enjoyable.
Your right about the wall of text, it's too damn distracting, i thought it was a feature involved in shit webcomics and modern-day comics, but it is in some old marvel comics like captain america.
I had a bunch of spider-man comics from the 80's and it goes all the way to the 2000s and i was going to to a dive one of these days to see if it was decent. i heard the clone saga also i heard there was a spiderman news strip although i dont know if its good or not.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 10:48:37 PM 1 year ago No. 1236
*i heard the clone saga was shit
Anonymous Fri 04/08/2023 4:05:03 PM 1 year ago No. 1237
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I'll keep those in mind, but I'm always wary about modern Spider-Man comics. You know how editorial is.
At least I'm not an X-Fag, that would be a total nightmare.

Also fuck Miles Morales.
Anonymous Wed 09/08/2023 6:06:18 AM 1 year ago No. 1271
What is it with comic artists starting really massive projects and then never finishing them? Berserk, while being a Manga, is a legendary example. Another I can think of off the top of my head is Lackadaisy, because the writer hasn't updated that in years. Vagabond is also a story that never finished, but the technical term is "permanent hiatus".
Umami could animate and put together an entire goddamn 2 hour movie completely by himself and he finished it. ( [Play]) Hell, he's working on another project right now. I know the real answer is "the art is just so good" but why do these artists never have the self awareness to recognize that if they keep upping the caliber of their art, they're never actually going to finish telling their story? I understand the pursuit but it's an impossible task.
People with talent tend to try and push themselves too far I've noticed, where their obsessive desire to catch that white whale acts as a greater detriment to their works as a whole. I feel like some of these folks would be better off doing one-off works like painters of olde.
Anonymous Wed 09/08/2023 7:50:38 AM 1 year ago No. 1274
complicated narratives can easily spin out of control when too much unseen information is built up around the characters. this means the artist/writer is going to focus on brooding more than writing, and when writing he's going to revise information a lot. the need for realism and the creation of the graphic novel format means that instead of taking a day to finish a page, it means taking weeks to finish a page, and oh boy is there going to be a fuck ton of pages. Mangas are pretty damn huge and a lot of young people nowadays grew up reading long Mangas with tons of story arches instead of short comics like 10 pages long and 6 issues. (60 issues if you have your shit together, and 100/200 issues if you are a goddamn rockstar) because of that artists to try and innovate and up the ante to emulate the people they admired once as a child. because of the rising trend of deconstructivism and postmodernism, old formats are frowned Apon as silly and the comic book art is seen as crude. tropes and costumed crusaders are now gay and childish. marvel movies are kind of to blame, and perhaps the watchmen comic helped to muddy the waters but i digress I think the key is to ignore trends and do your own shit. I think life also gets in the way too. link slightly related
Anonymous Mon 21/08/2023 6:47:47 AM 1 year ago No. 1331
what do you mean by x-fag? the modern day run (roughly 2000s to now) or the old run from the 60's, upward?
Anonymous Mon 21/08/2023 7:00:00 AM 1 year ago No. 1332
Something interesting i noticed about wolverine is that in the original first few appearances his claws didn't retract. in the weapon x story arc it was explained by the glowniggers that they fucked up with the adamantium in his wrist area with too much metal and they decided to say "fuck it" and they made blades, and fucked with his arms surgically to make them retract (his claws where artificial and not a result of his super powers, the only power he had is a healing factor and getting really pissed off along with decent sight and an enhanced sense of smell) weapon x is absolutely amazing for a story arc, a mix between a slasher flick and Manchurian candidate and then after wolvies claws get ripped out by magneto, it was reviled that he had bone claws that are natural to his powers. another thing i noticed is the fans and the writers didnt want logan to have a back story and it was hinted that he was super fucking old, as an example he dicked around in feudal japan and made his mark, pissing a lot of clans off and one particular demon. another story hinted that he was around during the ice age.
Anonymous Wed 23/08/2023 5:09:29 AM 1 year ago No. 1349
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I'm not a Superman fan, but this comic is one of my favorites period. I'm not going to spoil anything-- you just need to read it. of all the Superman media I've seen, this just takes the cake.
Please don't ban me this isn't an advertisement post.
Anonymous Wed 23/08/2023 5:14:22 AM 1 year ago No. 1350
Oh shit, Alex ross and Paul Dini, guess I'll have to check it out then. advertising would be shilling a community or a product you made and intending to sell or whatever that'd get you revenue. you don't own and it isn't a community so i think your fine
Anonymous Wed 23/08/2023 5:27:18 AM 1 year ago No. 1351
It reminds me of some of the early superman stories from the 40's where it was focused on personal stories of superman helping people out. It's a pretty good comic and a tribute to the eternal boy scout.
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 3:44:19 PM 1 year ago No. 1365
comic book suggestion: warhammer monthly. An anthology of stories set in the warhammer fantasy and warhammer 40k universe. the stories are in black in white and basically 80% of the stories in that anthology are rock fucking solid. i love the redeemer lol.
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 6:12:35 PM 1 year ago No. 1366 [Play]
fan films are a mixed bag overall but this ones pretty good
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 7:11:34 PM 1 year ago No. 1370
Horror comic recommendations:
The king in yellow
adapted by i.n.j culbard from robert chambers novel
great art and accurate adaption instead of derivative of the original work.
30 days of night
featuring old school vampires instead of twilight teir niggers
alien labyrinth
its pretty damn twisted, even for a alien comic.
harrow country
folk/gothic supernatural horror with great art.
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 7:21:16 PM 1 year ago No. 1371
Simon Dark, a somewhat forgotten Frankenstein allegory superhero creature. He had a pretty solid comic series in my opinion.
Anonymous Thu 31/08/2023 5:53:15 AM 1 year ago No. 1412
I was reading about Wolverine on wikipedia and i discovered something gay.
>Speaking on why the classic comic book costume of Wolverine has never been worn onscreen,
>the director James Mangold believed the yellow costume has never made sense in any X-Men movie and seemed out of character, stating,
>'Finding the rationale for a uniform when the character disdains self-promotion, why he would put on some outfit that promotes himself as some kind of hero?
>The flesh and blood character is very loyal to that iconoclastic rebel who doesn't seem to be the first to don spandex.
>[...] who puts a special branded outfit on when they do good deeds? And why? The only reason you do it is so you can have some sort of trademarked claim and get credit for what you did.
>Nothing seems less Wolverine-like than the desire to put on a trademarked outfit, particularly canary yellow,
>[...] Essentially, it's something that lives on the page and I'm not sure could live anywhere else.'
Superheros don't wear costumes so they can sell childrens toys. Its representive of something, Of a higher standards and ideals. Wolverine wore the costume at first so he can he could be an asset to the canadian goverment. To make a mark for that governmental institution in the superhero community. (at first that is) Afterwards, when Charles freed him, He wore it for his new family. To not be a dick, and to not be so much of a brutal killer. To set an example to other students, and to himself to be the better man. (and to his wife(s)) Whenever wolverine removes his costume, He's just "Logan". Logan is the "lesser" man prone to human mistakes and emotions. Barfights, drinking, etc. When logan removes his clothes, He's the "animal" and he literally roams the wilderness without a care in the world.
He's constantly fighting the animal on the inside, Sometimes he wins and mostly, loses. Sometimes he actually achieves symbiosis. That's what makes him an interesting character and they missed out on potraying that. The least they could have done is make a back story for the costume, like after he rescues mariko, She draws him the old school costume in like, mangaka style (would explain the garish colors, and tiger stripes) because it makes him look "less scary" and that "our future child would have someone to look up to"
Boom. That's all it took.
There's his reason to wear the mask, For his wife and humanity. And he'd fucking do it to remember her by.
I really don't understand why costumes are so bad.
Another thing that i found annoying was a batman comic featured in the anthology batman black and white. Katsuhiro Otomo (dude who wrote akira) Wrote a story, Issue number 4 to be exact. It was about batman trying to stop a killer who has multiple personality disorder who fucked with batman enough to the point where he questions his identity. In short, batman decides, "I am not batman."
This is retarded, (i know this is a short story but come on) Actuality, Bruce wayne is actually a cover for "batman". He said it himself.

Dad's estate left me wealthy. I am ready...but first I must have a disguise. Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot. So my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts. I must be a creature of the night, black, terrible...a...a...
- As if in response, a huge bat flies in the open window!
Bruce Wayne: A bat! That's it! It's an omen. I shall become a BAT!

That day bruce died, and he evolved to something else. The other qoute goes something like

"Yes father, i shall become the bat"

It ends the same way. Not, I shall look like a bat but BECOME a bat. Why does batman say "I'm batman", Because its funny? to explain the costume he is wearing? Because he's literally fucking batman. I get in his early appearance he says its a disguise but he also killed killed a few criminals too. Shit changes and the most important features of the character stick. Bruce wayne is a billionare asshole who gives no fucks and fucks quite alot. Batman gives less then two fucks about money or his social status, what he really wants is to be the light in the darkness, to make a world where no child has to live without its parents. Bruce has to manage some bullshit job he can give zero fucks about, its a means to an end and a way to fuck over all his enemies. Writers tend to write him diffrently but what i wrote tend to be the most consistant explanation.
Anonymous Sun 01/10/2023 6:34:28 PM 1 year ago No. 1571
If you liked "the boys" comic book series, I can reccomend you check out "Supreme Power" Which still has some humor but is slightly more serious in tone. It was apart of the marvel MAX imprint.
I like how they potrayed a man who was raised as a lab rat his whole life and how he was struggling to figure out "who he was".
It feels like it ended too soon though.
Flex mentallo was a fun series and a great character, He was "The Insult that made a Man out of Mac" ad that came to life and its hilarious how they treat him seriously in every appearance hes made.
Have you heard of spiderman: blue?
Anonymous Fri 03/11/2023 8:58:25 AM 1 year ago No. 1740
The 80's might be good, I think thats when they get to Kraven's first hunt, Spidey VS the punisher, Hobgoblin, Tombstone, The alien costume and a bunch of other decent arcs.
Anonymous Mon 20/11/2023 1:16:56 AM 1 year ago No. 1815
Fun little spidey story that was posted on the 'net ages ago.
Anonymous Wed 22/11/2023 4:34:47 AM 1 year ago No. 1822
There was a comic i read recently called godzilla in hell. It had great art and an interesting with very little dialoge.
I read another comic and everyone who considers themselves gatorgangers should read it, its called SOBEK published
by ShortBox and written and drawn by James Stokoe
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 6:12:12 AM 1 year ago No. 1839
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the images i am posting is from marvel age issue 13, "how to color the marvel way
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 6:13:34 AM 1 year ago No. 1840
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this is another marvel color chart but i don't remember where i got it from besides that its offical.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 6:23:12 AM 1 year ago No. 1841
p.h martins syncromatic watercolor dye is what made the color really pop back in the day although because of its nature, it was a pain in the fucking ass to work with. its a dye, like the type you use to dye easter eggs but in liquid form so its super potent. you have to place a tiny drop in your watercolor easel (hopfully its glass lol because it stains platic forever) and slowly mix the other colors in to get the right one. then its another thing to actually paint the stuff, it was intended to be used to color correct pictures so it stays the single color intead of the watercolor flow its just super fucking potent and once its on its on so using a smaller brush is important. another thing to note is back in the day they sold it in a pack of 36 and they dont do that anymore lol. oh and its 60 bucks for a students set with 14 colors.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 6:26:33 AM 1 year ago No. 1842
i know they used other paints for other projects but i haven't found anything yet after researching the matter.
i will post my research and books and the latter that i do know of some of which might be useful or interesting to know.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 6:34:50 AM 1 year ago No. 1843
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I forgot part 6.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 6:44:31 AM 1 year ago No. 1844
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The offical marvel tryout book contains more information on what they use, and there is a second tryout book released in the 90's. these can be found on the interwebs and on your "readcomiconline" websites and so on if you look hard enough. how to draw comics by solson publications is one resource but the "offical" one is how to draw comics the marvel way. it was actually the tools of the trade of the time and 90% of the stuff marvel used, DC also used.
pic related is what marvel considers to be "bad" and "good" camera angles in comics.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 7:13:00 AM 1 year ago No. 1845 [Play]
(video version of how to draw comics the marvel way.)
I'll go over the equiptment they used back in the day.
FW Liquid Artists' Acrylic Ink 1 oz. Black (India)
That was the india ink they used back in the day (atleast it was mentioned once)
Daler-Rowney Pro Ink - 1 oz, Pro White (used for correcting mistakes.)
Strathmore 300 Sequential Series Bristol - 11" x 17", Smooth, 24 Sheets (10 x 15 also good) they used this for actual comicbooking.
Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Brush - Pointed Round, Size 3 (and size 2) they used this for painting and inking.
a ruiler
a triangle
a t-square
a ames guide (during usage, 3 1/4 for guidelines, 1/8 for letters, 1/16 between lines) they used it for lettering.
they used a ruiling pen for making panels but you can use a speedball pen and nib.
a compass
i have no clue what pencil they used. i know they used 2HB and harder.
they used art gum and kneaded erasers.
They used (speedball hunt 107 crowquill,) (A-5, FB-6, B-5 1/2, regular nibs.) for other shit such as lettering and even drawing and so on.
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 7:20:32 AM 1 year ago No. 1846
here is the books that was suggested from how to draw the marvel way
earnist watson composing in landscapes and still life
huges lairdman animals: how to draw them
donald w graham composing pictures
ralph fabri artists guide to composition
john vanderpol the human figure
george brigeman guide to drawing life
burne hogarth drawing the human head
burne hogarth dynamic anatomy
joseph campbell a hero with a thousand faces
chelsea, david. perspective for comic artists
faigin, gary. the artists complete guide to facial expression
Rex Vicat Cole
Perspective for Artists
Jack Hamm
How to Draw Animals
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 7:44:31 AM 1 year ago No. 1847
and thats literally it besides that they used adobe photoshop a bit in the 90's
now, even though its unrelated i'll post other books related to comicbooks and comicbook art in a sense and after that i'll shut up.
chris-chan had emailed fucking jim lee with links to his fucking sonichu webcomic and jim told chris to try and create something original instead of copypasting shit together and to check out the book "drawing on the right side of the brain"
scott mccloud wrote some books about comics which i found pretty damn good , making comics and understanding comics. there are more book suggestions and tools suggested in his making comics books and it also talks about problems seen in comics such as the infamous "wall of text". i'm not gonna go and repost every suggested tool and book that was in there.
Anonymous Sat 02/12/2023 5:10:28 AM 1 year ago No. 1866
It seems like they seriously could have done something with spider-man noir if it didn't get sideswiped by the spiderverse bullshittery. It had a very fresh spin on the character and i would have liked seeing his story play out more.
Anonymous Sat 02/12/2023 5:16:36 AM 1 year ago No. 1867
I liked the spin on doc oc with him being a natzi scientist and it was interesting to see him get pardoned because of operation paperclip, I wonder if they would have explored that further. I read x-men noir and it had a super strong noir vibe like an old gangster flick, it was quite incredible. i'm not sure about investigating the other parts of the noir series but i enjoyed those.
Anonymous Wed 13/12/2023 4:08:29 AM 1 year ago No. 1921
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150 something issues in the old uncanny x-men run they finally mentioned nightcrawler being religious. from when they introduced him to pic related it took quite the long while to talk about it. he was super religious in the cartoon and in the movie and at first i was kinda confused and curious if it was something that was even in the comics in the first place. pic 2 is something interesting because i don't recall reading any wolverine (old) comics that featured him with anything religious in it and i'm wondering if they even bothered fleshing that idea out more.
i'm also reading new mutants, (classic) its fucking great, i like how it has a little psychological horror bent to it and i like the characters.
Anonymous Thu 14/12/2023 6:42:32 AM 1 year ago No. 1933
I was reading a collected edition of x-men and i found this in the opening.
Anonymous Thu 14/12/2023 6:57:26 AM 1 year ago No. 1934
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My problem is the site i used to read comics (readcomicomiconline) is not working well for me because brave browser is not blocking all the ads and is making reading comics hell for me. I fucked with an app i use to read books online from the liberary and they had master works x-men 7 (where i left off) to 9 which ends at x-men #175 (there is 17 in the full collection)
For what it was worth, i enjoyed it.
The downsides of x-men are few, maybe a comic or two that get kinda dull but thats basically it, So far the comic series is solid and it seems like they do what they can to keep the story going in ways that feels natural and refreshing while branching off to more series and characters that are just as enjoyable.
It was nice to fill in the gaps of comics i haven't read yet such as the aftermath of the 5 issue wolverine miniseries by frank miller, where wolverine invited the x-men to his wedding to his hot anime waifu in japan.
Anonymous Thu 14/12/2023 7:11:53 AM 1 year ago No. 1935
Another problem on the top of my head is editorial, I mean off the fucking bat they make major earth-shattering revelations that either had to get retconned or cencored down the line and its pretty jarring. One thing is they seem to have a hard time deciding if they want wolverine to be a stone cold killer or a pacifist. Another is Jean grey being killed off in the most insane way possible and then rapidly scrambling to revive the character in an equally insane manner. "i know! lets make a clone of her thats actually the evil version of herself which is also pheonix (sike! or is it?) fuck it lets just do that. Also after that lets go and revive jean, she was living in a coffin of sorts made by pheonix at the bottom of a lake and all this time it turns out she never became pheonix at all and the entity did a little freaky friday bodyswap so regular jean is free of genoside. ALSO scotty fucked pheonix and had a baby and after pheonox finally fucking died jean and scott decided to raise the fucker but the baby got infected with mutant AIDS and had to be sent to the future only to come back as an old man lol get fucked Sure its jarring as fuck and as a new reader it might be seen as gay but honestly (i could be retarded here) it was fine to me. Actually it was quite enjoyable and i'm eating every second of it.
I'm wondering when gambit will be introduced.
Anonymous Thu 14/12/2023 7:22:04 AM 1 year ago No. 1936
New mutants tends to be more grounded unlike x-men who tend to be thrown in the most outlandish situations possible. As a quick example the x-men got wisked away to an alien planet where they had to fend off rape aliens who impregnated them with eggs that would make them into aliens meanwhile the new mutants are basically stuck on earth and dealing with either other mutant groups or whatever. That's also why the new mutants are given such a name because the writers was bored with x-men and didn't want to give the new team a retarded name or deal with shit that devolved into gibberish or didn't make sense because they're supposed to be school children, not juiced up superheros.
Dispite being called x-babies by kitty pride it seems like they really got the shaft because they not only have powers that end up disturbing themselves (such as turning into a wolf or showing the enemy or yourself their inner secrets) and getting involved in situations that end up emotionally scarring themselves.
Anonymous Thu 14/12/2023 7:28:44 AM 1 year ago No. 1937
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Pic related
Anonymous Fri 15/12/2023 5:00:22 AM 1 year ago No. 1940
I would like to recommend a more vintage comic book series, "Sandman Mystery Theatre". I think it's a great mystery noir series. It tends to have a very grimy, scratchy art style which fits the more grounded down-to-earth writing style. In general, I think it's a beautiful breath of fresh air when compared to most comics, especially big two. Also; Sandman Midnight Theatre is a personal favorite and one of the only standalone issues. Avoid the 2023 run, it's a complete disgrace.
Anonymous Fri 15/12/2023 6:05:18 AM 1 year ago No. 1941
It is a great series, It felt like an old school masked mystery men comic.
I also like their take on the JSA,
Anonymous Sun 17/12/2023 5:58:28 AM 1 year ago No. 1961
Garth ennis's run on the Punisher, Punisher MAX, Dispite several pitfalls is actually quite incredible. Tyger, Tyger was an exelent comic, the part where he rescues a woman from trafficers, another part thats outstanding is punisher saving a child that was injected with a virus. Also when they introduce bullseye. The way punisher behaves is also well done and i like how throught the series he ages in real time. Garth has a habit of adding stupid or degenerate shit because either he thought it was funny or he liked it and those sadily exist but its easy to skip. What comes to mind is the storyarc where this mob boss who digs up punisher's wife and child, they depict the mob boss as a boy fucking his aunt and its disgusting. Another is a spin off comic focusing on a character barracuda.
If your not a fan of superheros and want a grim and gritty action comic then this one stands out.
Anothed comic that comes to mind is John ostranders run on the spectre and most of the early story arcs featuring the specter, he's a pretty fun character. Also, jonah hex is great if you like westerns, Its easier if your liberary has "showcase presents jonah hex" but if not i'm sure theres a guide that shows what comics hes in, and there's also his appearance in his 77 issue long series. The original series in the 70's don't have no superheroes or time travel but anything newer does have 'em and they are kinda gay.
Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 6:53:38 PM 1 year ago No. 2050
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I read this Alien comic series that came out recently by marvel, I was bored and had nothing else to read and i figured it would be something to laugh and cringe at but actually, i was supprised. The story for the two series was pretty damn solid. One was about this operator who's son fucks up royally and he has to clean up the sons mess and he has to confront his past and deal with shit he thought he left behind. The other thing was about a cult who not only has to deal with invaders from outside, but from within and they have to deal with the forbidden truth about their religion and what they really believe. (only nit-pick was the art, it gives me an uncanny valley feel but that's just me)
Anonymous Wed 17/01/2024 4:40:17 PM 1 year ago No. 2148
Why did they abandoned the way they used to do things? I understand people tend to come up with their own art styles but western comics used to be drawn in a certian way and now they tend to ignore it and kinda draw like >>2050 pic related.
At least with manga even in the modern era some people still draw how they used to.Is it that that one cannot take a story seriously unless it is drawn in a realistic manner? The old spiderman comics green goblin was drawn in a cartoony manner and yet it is easy to take him seriously as a character. The original one punch man webcomic by ONE has a very simple art style and yet its quite solid. The artist who worked on kenshin admitted that he drew characters in a way so they can be thrown on paper in roughly five minutes and yet the art is solid. cardcaptor has no inking and sometimes simple pencilwork and yet it was also a solid series.
It is still possible for ben grimm for the fantastic four to be potrayed as a tragic, deformed hero without laughing him off.
Anonymous Thu 18/01/2024 6:25:55 PM 1 year ago No. 2156
In this comic there is an adaption of Eight O’Clock in the Morning, Both of which was used in the development of "They Live"
It was interesting how nadas gleeful killing of alien scum was adapted in the movie. I like the art and the colors, too.
Anonymous Sat 03/02/2024 4:17:20 AM 1 year ago No. 2225
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i read jim starlins "adam warlock" (it was a tpb) for fun and it was a great series, its too bad they killed warlock off because allegedly readers didnt understand the story and they didnt get enought buyers.(i mean they revived him for the infinity gauntlet story but his original series could have lasted alot longer.) he's like a cosmic dr strange.
Anonymous Sat 03/02/2024 5:02:13 AM 1 year ago No. 2226
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i like spidermans first appearance in amazing fantasy #15. he's just an average kid who had a decent family, and does well in school but who's an overall fuckup. he gets powers but he dicks around with them, only to face the consequences after when his uncle gets murdered by the burglar he let slip away. i do like his original costume with the armpit webbings and the darker colors and the squinty eyes. i'm pretty sure the eyes on the costume was inspired by a luchador mask which makes sense, especially since he wrestled for a bit. i think it worked well that he got an original costume, versus a steriotypical superhero outfit, and if i remember correctly he always has to repair it and at one point it gets totally fucked and he has to go and buy a fucking cheap ass halloween costume version at a store lol. i like how peter was drawn like a kid and not like a mini adult, i guess some of the art of spidey in some of the panels is inconsistant but overall its solid with plenty of action instead of just flat and bland cardboard cutout shit. the ending was great because instead of it being a plain "hero beats the bad guy" stuff, spidey is pretty much defeated, uncle ben is dead as fuck and there's no way do undo his fuckup and he slouches away into the night. something i noticed is a panel where peter and flash are drawn in the same exact manner, i wonder if there's any symbolism behind that or if i'm just seeing things. also fun fact about spider-mans costume, the red in the costume was originally supposed to be orange, and the black (not blue as it is in later comics) was supposed to be purple. guess he would have had halloween vibes going on lol.
Anonymous Sat 03/02/2024 5:13:46 AM 1 year ago No. 2227
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These pages are great, pure silver age goodness.
When I was a kid my dad had a compilation book of early spiderman issues, some anniversary thing. That was my only exposure to superhero comics for a long time, so those comics hold a dear spot in my heart. I think your assessment is good, that first appearance defined Parker. Kind of interesting Spidey has become the hands-down most recognizable Marvel superhero from such humble beginnings.
Anonymous Sat 03/02/2024 6:04:07 AM 1 year ago No. 2228
pic one has me reeling because holy shit, nigger just teamed up with a pilot and is riding a jet thats going fuck knows how fast, has to then (at the right time) get himself onto a reentry capsule and then fix the parachute, they really played the gravity of the situation well. (and spidey still gets fucked over in the end lol.) pic 2 is nice to see because they could have written it to where he pucnched his way out but they played it like real life to where he forgot to fill his web fluid and he couldn't just crawl out and he had to solve the problem creatively. with pic 3 and 4, i kinda think nowadays i think they forgot he's a jr scientist and its nice to see him use science to fight crime and solve the problems he has with running out of web fluid. (also you can kill a magnet with either extreme cold or with an electric current so its possible for him to pull that off irl)
another comic i read that had the main character use detective skills, science and creative problem solving was green lantern (with hal jordan. as an example a sinestro trapped hal and a bunch of green lanterns in a yellow room and gassed them with chlorine and hal told the lanterns to help him turn the gas in the room to hydrogen chloride and then into hydrochloric acid and they did this by extracting water from hal jordans breath by making a tool with their green lantern rings, they used the acid to burn a hole in the room to escape) and its kinda rare in my eyes to see that in comic books.
Anonymous Sun 04/02/2024 10:56:51 PM 1 year ago No. 2239
after thinking about doc ocs first appearance, he was just some innocent scientist who got brain damaged. will they end up turning him into a sympathetic villain? does he become a hero or a jekyl and hyde type of character? surely he'll get a moment of clarity or SOMETHING. of not then that sucks because i think i'd be cool. i think they did that to sandman in the later comics and if i remember correctly, leapfrog.
Anonymous Wed 07/02/2024 5:24:41 PM 1 year ago No. 2253
When i was a boy i was at a yard sale and bought a bunch of comics from an old man who didn't want his comics anymore. He had this omnibus of "John Carter, Warlord of mars" by Marv Wolfman. He told me that if i was new to comics and wanted to learn more about the genre i should totally read the abformentioned omnibus. It was the most expensive thing i owned (and i payed only 10 bucks for it lol) and the book is fucking huge. (also he had just bought it
but figured he was going to fucking die soon and didn't want the damn thing thrown away or whatever) At least in my opinion i could see what he was talking about, A good comic usually is composed of Action, Adventure and Soap Opera-teir Drama and the john carter comic had it all. There's plenty of themes about slavery, and the totality of war. It's a good mix of Sci-Fi, and Fantasy. The colors pop, And the artwork is out fucking standing. I guess i was thinking about that interaction and that story recently, It was something i never really forgot. I discovered recently that i had a few old "Conan" comics from marvel, And what appears to be damn near the entire Dark horse run of conan, Also, "The Warlord" By Mike Grell. both seem similar to john carter and i'll check them out soon.
I'd also like to point out it wasn't afraid to experiment with genres, As an example one issue was written in pulp style.
Speaking of pulp i was wondering of any of you guys have read any pulp based books, Even though i'm binge reading several comic books at the moment i was also thinking of dipping my toes into the genre, I mean i did like the old time radio adaption of The Shadow with orson welles so the original pulp book adaption might be fun. I was wondering if anyone read any pulp books though and how they thought of the medium and anything they'd reccomend. Personally i've been eyeing "Night Raven" by Marvel UK.
Anonymous Fri 09/02/2024 7:57:57 PM 1 year ago No. 2268
this is an important topic to me for several reasons. do you guys know of decent endings to comic books? as an example, the ending for silver age superman is "whatever happened to the man of tomorrow" by alan moore. i feel like its kind of sad to be honest especially with the death of lana lang but at the same time it feels like a decent ending with all of the bad guys destroyed and a happy de-powered superman with his child and wife all together as a happy family. I heard batman of earth 2 (aka the silver age batman) has a happy ending with adventure comics #462. i haven't read that one but i'll be sure to check it out. one of the reasons i'm reading spiderman comics is because, to be frank i haven't read too many of his older stories and also i'l like to know when to stop instead of reading hot garbage like the clone saga. i'm guessing my stopping point is 1994 but there could be a stopping point somewhere in the '80s. i'll be sure to check out self contained spidey books to see if there are any other good books out there. i havent thought if modern badman with damian wayne as his son has a decent ending or not, scott snyder at the end of his run did something where batman will live on even after he dies with clones of himself as batman imprinted with his memories as a type of supernatural force in gotham city, still punishing the wicked and cowardly evildoers. is that a decent ending for him?
Anonymous Fri 09/02/2024 8:55:08 PM 1 year ago No. 2269
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i have marvel tales featuring spiderman and marvel team ups featuring spiderman from the 80's, with 25 issues of each although i dont know if they are good or for shit. something i did notice is that i also had all issues of the clone saga (which i'm selling for sure) and only like 4 issues of spiderman from the 70's and the rest is a mix of web of spiderman, spectacular, amazing, etc. also, mcfarlanes run of spiderman from 1 to like 50 but i have to say it was shit in my opinion, one way to discribe it is that he tried to emulate frank millers the dark night returns, another is a qoute from miles moralis "IGHT, IMMA DO MY OWN THANG" and another that comes to mind is 90's comic books, but not in a good way.
It starts off with a story called fucking TORMENT, OW THE EDGE. it was also titled "the anarchknight returns" which makes no sense because its not like spiderman was gone for 30 years or whatever like in the book so i guess the point of the reffrence was fanboying for millers book. mcfarlanes art is kinda mixed because on one hand some of it works fine but on the other his faces for characters are weird, he was given too much creative feedom (as they always do with new hot-shot writers and artist with disasterous results) and changed the appearance of spidey and other characters like the lizard. he sometimes throws in WAY too much detail for no reason and it can be very distracting. the TLDR of the first story arch, Calypso poisons spidey with hoodoo voodoo nearly killing him and she also poisons the lizard turning him into a killer and he murders several people and eventually dies a gory death. spidey suffers, calypso is caught, the end. the second story is spidey in antartica chasing after a killer who he thought was the wendigo but was actually a child molester. he teams up with wolverine "just because" and i'm sure the marketing team was whispering in his ears because wolvie's new costume gets thrown away for the old one from the 70's most likely because of the rising popularity of the x-men cartoon and also at that time if you throw wolvie in a book for no reason you'll get a lotta fucking cash money. only good thing that came out of it is that mcfarlane admitted he did a shit job later and i do like this qoute from spidey that was in the child molester issue, pic related.
Anonymous Fri 09/02/2024 11:47:06 PM 1 year ago No. 2270
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i used to watch re-runs of the 90's spiderman show on tv, and thats when i first met daredevil. afterwards a few years later daredevil came on netflix and i was a lucky bastard because i got it by accident from some dumb fuck who forgot to deactivate his netflix account so i ended up bingewatching the show. i never had read the comics he was in because i never had access, none where sold at comicbooks shops, none where at the liberary, and i didnt realise some sketchy sites hosted the daredevilcomocs for free until now. being busy reading other comics i never did read any of his comics although he did make an appearance twice in the old fantastic four comics, which are pretty great to be honest. theres a graphic novel which i like called "daredevil: yellow". the color yelow is related to "optimism" which is the central theme of the book. the art is outstanding and i like the way everything looks and the wash technique used. i like how they kept everything retro instead of modernisng the characters. it seems like a project of passion and it just radiates with this nostalgic feeling. its kind of nice to see daredevil find the silver lining in his life and finally move on.
Anonymous Sun 11/02/2024 2:44:53 AM 1 year ago No. 2278
if your a fan of sandman mystery theatre, then look no further for night raven if you want something with the same feel. (at least the comic book aspect) i finished the part of night raven where it splinters off into pulp and it was a hell of a run. who knew that a comic from the '80's can pull off the feeling of an old 1930's masked mystery men comic book? i'm looking forward to the pulp aspect to the run and hopfully it hold up.
Anonymous Sun 11/02/2024 4:40:21 PM 1 year ago No. 2285
the old run of deathlok with luther manning was great but it pretty much ends with issue 36 and the rest is just the marvel universe crossover bullshittery. one of the reasons i like it is the unique writing with the protagonist talking to himself and the cinematic visuals. i like when it was an isolated story, but i guess for what its worth they didn't revive the character nowadays and the old run have him a real ending so he couldnt be revived later only to be pissed all over by a new writer.
Anonymous Thu 15/02/2024 4:01:18 PM 1 year ago No. 2300
I'm around issue 30-ish of Killraven and i'm enjoying it so far. You'd think something that was a spin off of The War Of The Worlds would be retarded but in actuality the writing is great. The same goes with the art. I almost feel like marvel bought the IP because they where desperate for money and didn't really care about the creative team so they allowed them to do whatever they wanted and instead of fucking it up (it was a disposible IP anyway) They turned it into something great.
Anonymous Fri 23/02/2024 7:56:07 PM 1 year ago No. 2352
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I liked this panel in killraven, forgot to post it when i left a review.
Anonymous Fri 23/02/2024 8:00:07 PM 1 year ago No. 2353
Although a trend i am noticing is that its pretty fucking solid then it does kind of peter off to kind of shit, and it just ends. its when they try and somehow state "hey kids this IP also takes place in the marvel universe and "insert character here crosses over"
it kinda ended with a shitty crossover story and then a graphic novel that closes the killraven story off that had great art but was overall mediocure.
Anonymous Fri 23/02/2024 8:06:16 PM 1 year ago No. 2354
something i'd like to add was the unique writing style, deathlok talked to himself and the story was told in the third person. you had luther, who's text was in yellow, the computer, who's text was in blue who was immoral and only focused on the job at hand and a type of fusion that appears in green, this scary fellow who's text was in green that'd appear from tiem to time.
it was unique to see in a comic book.
Anonymous Fri 23/02/2024 10:22:04 PM 1 year ago No. 2355
another comic i read recently (ofc another marvel comic for some reason)
was werewolf by night
again for the life of me everything is great but it peters off and i really just wish it had a fucking ending, either the main character could have found a final solution to the werewolf question and fully cured himself, killed himself or passed on the disease to someone else.
at least killraven and deathlok had an ending of sorts. for what its worth the ending is still good, the writing improves threefold with marv wolfman as the writer around issue 7.
they introduced the bloodstone which was pretty interesting, there was this fun character made for the comic called "the hangman" who's a nutcase that watched to many movies as a kid and emulates his heroes from the movies and he captures women and locks them in cages to "protect their purity"
one of the sequences from the series that was neat was jacks (the werewolfs ) sister becomes a werewolf because its a family curse but because of this magic faggot called glitternight she became a fucked up demon wolf thingy and as jack and his sister are fighting, he recalls a time where he and his sister was rough housing and eventually he hurt his sister on the neck, she started crying and asked her brother to kiss her neck and "make it better" well during this story is being told jack and his mutated sister are mauling eachother and when the story reaches the point where "he kisses her neck" jack fucking rips his sisters throat out the whole sequence was well framed and its great. the whole treatment of werewolves in general is great amd the main character is freaked out about the whole ordeal.
also moon night was introduced and he's pretty great in this comic series, just a guy payed to do a job and he gives no fuck about anything else.
great run while it lasted i'd say.
Anonymous Tue 19/03/2024 3:16:10 PM 1 year ago No. 2556
as most people know, dune is an old book series and i was wondering if someone made a fan comic or something of any of the books, and so far i only found some art from some dude named paul pope. i think it's pretty fucking decent. the first image is from dune messiah, and the second is from dune.
Anonymous Thu 18/04/2024 1:50:48 PM 11 months ago No. 2672
i mentioned a comic book series in the old comic book thread called warhammer monthly. it"s an anthology of small stories that was released in the 80's to the 90's covering both warhammer fantasy and warhammer 40k.
a fun story i can suggest is "darkblade" which is about a haughty dark elf who get's fucked over royally by a demon because of huberis. on one hand he's totally fucked and at any point the demon can eventually take over his mortal soul, (and the fucker wont shut up either) on the other hand he has gained INCREDIBLE powers. it's a race against time to see who will outsmart the other and it's also a fun story. from what i understand it was also a novel released afterwards which expands on the original story although i haven't read it.
been dipping my toes in fantasy recently, thinking about checking out two D&D comics recently Advanced D&D and Forgotten relms by jeff grubb. It was released by DC in the 90's and it might be fun.
Anonymous Fri 26/04/2024 4:16:09 AM 11 months ago No. 2715 [Play]
this video is fucking great. it discribes something that i wanted to talk about (old vs modern coloring, and reprints)
Anonymous Tue 07/05/2024 6:17:37 PM 10 months ago No. 2746
if i had to give any advice about "getting into comics" i'd say this:

avoid paying money. due to all of the recent bullshittery from the 90's to the modern age at the most comic books should be worth no more then 1$. even if the quality of the book is as if it was brand fucking new it isn't worth paying more then 1$. paying 4 to 6 to 7$ for a new book fresh from the printing press is insane. browse 1$ bins in comicbook shops and in many cases you'll find shit in there thats in good shape. if anything if you find a better copy of a comic in better shape then the one originally bought, sell it or donate it back to a comic book shop or something. continuing with what i mentioned earlier, read comics online for free, either shady websites hosts bullshit, internet archive and yeah some autistic redditor might have shit saved also some liberaries might allow you to access comic books via in house or even digital comics online and there are even apps like libby that can allow you to read shit offline on the go. i also found this, dont know if its any good.

store your comics. most people have the "one box rule" where they fit what comics they own in a single bankers box or somesuch and what comics that cannot fit, are sold. you can buy metal file cabinets to store comics in, there are plenty of options.

preserve your comics. do some research on this one. find comic bags that not only fit your comics but also are made out of shit thsf wont affect your comic. also, find acid free comic backings to keep your books stable. it costs alot but if you plan on keeping books then you actually have no choice.
you have to keep your comics free of moisture, of the elements, and in the dark so they dont rot away and fall apart on you.

research your books unless you dont give a fuck and catalog it. make sure you have things in chronological reading order, comic miniseries usually kick off a run and start off with a 4 to 6 issue teaser, and a full run usually consists of 60 or so issues unless its super popular and in that case it'll last till 160 issues. in many cases comics cross over or have exclusive mini epics (precusor to grapic novels), other series, and so on and it can seem strange reading a book and wondering why shit would happen without context or even a story seems like it was missing something only for you to realise that you where a sucker who missed out on reading the full story. it also helps you to fill in the blanks when you go to a comic shop so you can buy missing issues and whatever.

its a personal choice if you dont want to buy single issues, and instead want to buy epics, graphic novels, omnibuses and so on. if i had to give a suggestion i would say it really depends on how much detail you want and what you can afford. graphic novels cut out a fuck ton of details, omnibuses collect more details, tpbs are the middleman. (also they sell 500 pages of black and white reprints in volumes for super fucking cheap.) i would like to point out they are really doing a terrible fucking job with collecting and archiving and reprinting shit so you really have to do research on what you want to buy because you can get your wallet murdered by buying trash. as an example new mutant classics is better then new mutant epic collections, and new mutant ommnibus allegedly is ok with all the comics contained within although its super pricey. i was at a store recently and i found new mutant ommnibus on sale for 40 bucks which is insane to say the least, you never know what you can find out there so don't give up. but like i said a real nigger might literally have scans online in high quality in chronological order and thats really what you should do unless you want to own yourself something you can hold in your hands but really if its in pdf format and you have the ink you can reprint that shit for yourself lol.

write down names of artists and writers you like so you can find more of what you like. do the same with people you hate so you know what to avoid.

dont just read superhero comics or settle on brands, expand outwards. you'll get burnt out easily and hate the genre. the superhero genre isn't bad though, it just got afflicted with shit writing both in the early era, and especially in the modern age.
i was personally shocked when i discovered that daredevil was a hot fucking mess. issue 1 to 20 was good but fell in quality till issue 50. this was pretty much daredevil marvel masterworks volume 1 to 6 and i'm pissed because i enjoyed the netflix show and daredevil yellow by tim sale. i also read a few of millers version of daredevil so i had a vison of what i enjoyed in my own head. maybe it was stan lee's fault? stuff like that always happens and its good to just skip over what you dont like although me being me i'll read it anyway especially if i didnt have to pay money for it.

comicbookdb was useful because of the amount of detail it had, there are still ways to find out info on new comics and characters that might interest you. back in the day marvel had a Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe which was the perfect way to find stories and characters that might be interesting to the reader and dc did something similar. comic book covers used to be a way to go and find stories that catch the eye. movies, tv shows and cartoons do help, as an example the original marvel gi joe comic series is fucking outstanding and much better then the cartoon. i can say the same with eastman and liards TMNT comic series. i was expecting to be dissapointed but i found an interesting comic called the The Eternaut just by watching a youtube video, most of the comics i read was suggested by someone from the old comic thread on old 22chan. the western comic is such an old genre and even if everything seems like trash there are still thousands of old and new comics out there waiting to be found and read, in my opinon there's still hope.
Anonymous Mon 13/05/2024 1:27:14 AM 10 months ago No. 2777
i just realised that stan lee is the motherfucking chris-chan of marvel comics like every time he appears in old marvel comics its so meta and fucking cringeworthy, and its EVERYWHERE. as an example for no reason whatsoever he appears in a daredevil comic just to say hi and daredevil is acting like "hes such a good friend and such a cool person" like ew
also the nonexistant marvel bullpen being featured in an old "what if" comic. i think it was called "what if marvel bullpen was the fantastic four"
the only "meta" appearance of writers and artists i know of is jim aparo appearing in a batman brave and the bold comic issue in the 70's and grant morrison in the vertigo animal man comic series in one issue.
Anonymous Mon 13/05/2024 1:30:03 AM 10 months ago No. 2778
and in the latter two meta appearances at least they where kind of charming i guess i mean maybe im biased but i thought it was funny that jim gets kidnapped and its like "oh no without jim penciling the whole world is going to fall apart" and the art went to shit for a few panels untill he was saved by batman
Anonymous Mon 13/05/2024 1:53:01 AM 10 months ago No. 2780
and in the latter two meta appearances at least they where kind of charming i guess i mean maybe im biased but i thought it was funny that jim gets kidnapped and its like "oh no without jim penciling the whole world is going to fall apart" and the art went to shit for a few panels untill he was saved by batman
Anonymous Wed 26/06/2024 5:42:44 PM 9 months ago No. 3040
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Man sometimes you hope normalniggers won't adapt certian characters to the big screen so they won't lessen in value, thd generic man is one of those precious retards i hope they won't notice lol.
Anonymous Wed 26/06/2024 5:51:48 PM 9 months ago No. 3041
Adrian Chase was one who i was hoping they would avoid but alas, peacemaker by james gunn pissed all over him. The whole deal wih adrian is that he was kind of a romantic, His potrayal is kind of a callback to old superheros and stories like scarlet pimpernel. I guess he is a rip off of the punisher but really he felt the weight of every kill and every fuck up he made and his story ended tragically, and keep in mind it actually fucking ENDED. He did not revive from the dead or whatever nonsense, he stayed dead.
Anonymous Fri 19/07/2024 3:24:59 AM 8 months ago No. 3148
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A comic book i would like to reccomend and i probably will talk about soon is Marvel presents: Weapon X by Barry Smith
If the cover doesn't indicate anything it's pretty hardcore and it can actually be read by itself without knowing like who wolverine is or whatever. The story genre isn't like superhero stuff like you might have guessed and has more of a horror / sudo slasher movie vibe, The writing is great and the art kicks ass and they have failed replicating it to this day.
Anonymous Sat 27/07/2024 5:23:45 AM 8 months ago No. 3178
I read The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen recently. The runs are divided into nice, graphic novel sized chunks for easy reading. The first two are basically perfect. Snappy, well written, exploring the shared universe of fiction concept in a way that's really fun without getting too bogged down, and the art is fantastic. The third one, "Black Dossier", is way bigger and weirder, and harder to follow with how densely it integrates other fictional properties into its story, but it's still good. The fourth run has some neat stuff but most of it's pretty weak and you can tell Alan Moore has become really petty and insufferable as a person at this point. The fifth and final run I didn't finish, it's basically unreadable dogshit. The third run is a perfectly fine conclusion so just stop there.
Anonymous Wed 31/07/2024 3:53:14 AM 8 months ago No. 3196
fucking harry potter is the antichrist lol
Anonymous Mon 05/08/2024 3:10:35 PM 7 months ago No. 3217
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i like guardians of the galaxy, the original one that is. not the movie version or the 2008 version. the art is great, the characters are fun and the story is only good once they move out of the marvel team up phase and get their own series. its the same problem as before in a way where marvel has to flex on how large their IPenis is and muh multiverse or whatever. i'm fine with it being a sort of spin off of killraven and stuff but it took some time for them to get their own series. dont get me wrong i like the korvac saga and i also like the thing marvel team up issue, that was fun but at the same time i like guardians as an isolated universe with a little marvel flavor. i am actually pissed at james gun for pissing all over OG guardians and some of the enemies they faced like taserface is a fucking badass and yeah he gets a shittier name later (overkill) but he's literally even more of a badass later and the story of his alien race is awesome, the starks are such a great concept and it would have been bonkers to see that shit on the big screen. i also like spiritual yondu, he's not just some indian rip off, there was a lot of passion that went into the development of the character. i like how most of the guardians are genetically manipulated humans and i think the whole mystery of their people dissapearing was neat.
Anonymous Tue 06/08/2024 1:25:04 AM 7 months ago No. 3219
so i was going through some comics i bought recently and it fucking turns out my green lantern comic from the 80's was a signed copy by joe staton and i bought it for 50¢
Anonymous Tue 06/08/2024 1:25:38 AM 7 months ago No. 3220
to be specific it was Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual No 3 1987
Anonymous Mon 12/08/2024 3:16:21 PM 7 months ago No. 3238
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The ending sucked since they got canceled so multiple storylines didn't get resolved which is a shame. I kinda don't want to read the 2008 storyline because i don't know if anyone cares for OG guardians, and if they'll get resolved or killed off or something so i'll leave it at that. Starhawk had a fun arc, from space jesus to an asshole to a fucking menace anti-hero type. I think now that the whole "marvel inclusion" thing worked out because the writing is very good instead of shitty cameos or fanservice. I like rancor and the starks specifically and mainframe and hollywood and i like the new ghost rider. OG guardians was good while it lasted for what it was worth. Now i'm thinking of Quasar and i should dig up my old collection to see if its any good since he seems interesting. Also, i really like the "cosmic" setting, its a new addiction for me.
Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 4:41:57 AM 7 months ago No. 3252
i remember reading new warriors as a kid, lol i got into karate because i wanted to be just like night thrasher and i trained super fucking hard with arnis sticks and like a dumbass i'd skateboard around while flailing about in my neihborhood while no one was looking. i'm a few issues in and so far the run holds up.
Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 4:45:33 AM 7 months ago No. 3253
For those who enjoy old spiderman from the OG run in the 60's it might be worth checking out the 1995 run of amazing fantasy from
issues 16 to 18. the art is pretty neat, i think its watercolor and the writing reminds me of ditko.
Anonymous Sat 24/08/2024 2:58:06 AM 7 months ago No. 3275
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things i don't like about western comics:
1, time travel
especially when done without concequences whatsoever
2, alternate reality
its fine if there are severe concequences if a mainline character crosses over and interesting stuff actually happends but its rare for that type of story. in many cases it feels like a marketing scam.
3, racebaiting/moralfagging
i think the average person reads comics to escape, not fucking sit through a god damn diversity, equity & inclusion training program. only good writers can be "inclusive" without thinking about it and tell an enjoyable story but its fucking rare. sometimes a good writer can fuck up and make it cringey because of their own personal bias, like chris clairmont and muh holocost. i read in a new warriors comic about an alt reality story where the blacks took over society and there was a black captain america and a black iron man and the story was actually a solid 10/10 and not cringe worthy whatsoever.
4, too much superheros, and if superheros, a major misunderstanding of the genre.
whenever i walk into a comic book shop all i see are funko pops, manga, and superhero comics. don't get me wrong i am a superhero junkie but fuck is it not possible for someone to make something fucking original? i do enjoy regular shit and i read plenty of comics like elfquest, conan, johna hex and such. the least they can do is spice up the genre like making a super hero horror comic or insert genre here and make it not shit but i doubt it. people ask why comics are dying and they forgot about genre stagnation.
5, shit art. there are anonymous islamic cat whisperers on this website who can draw better with digital art then some diversity hire who gets payed 500 bucks per page, i feel like this says alot about our society. most art i see even if its standard fare is fucking weird uncanney valley shit, in a way i miss the way comics used to be drawn, maybe digital made people lazy or maybe standards dropped i dont know.
6, macguffin
its a shit way to resolve a story. using some throw away thing that came out of nowhere is treating the audience like children.
7, death and rebirth
is nothing sacred? it actually doesn't make money to beat a dead horse, all you do is actually making the thing you are trying to sell more undesirable. it negates CONCEQUENCES. why even bother reading a comic that does this at this point? characters die for a reason and reviving them sometimes brings them into the hands of bad witers and all they end up doing is tarnishing the legacy of the character.
8, sliding timeline
speaking of not dying, characters don't even age and in many cases it makes no fucking sense and makes comics unreadable. dc comics atleast tried making sence of this by having characters exist in seperate realities like 60s batman being in his old timeline and dying of old age. the least they can do is not namedrop what year it is in a comic, keep shit in a dubious time line in a alternate reality (like how the gotham tv show had actors use old ass flip phones and dial phones lol) then our earth and find better excuses for characters to age slowly like quantum bullshit or superpowers and the like. and i don't know AGE YOUR FUCKING CHARACTERS.
9, too much of a good thing
making money is great and all but honestly it doesn't last forever. every story has to end some times. especially in our current age of information and characters made in the 60's you have to wonder how characters haven't gotten their asses caught on camera or why the fuck is peter parker still 16 years old fighting a mayan god meanwhile mary jane is running an femminist strip club and married to a cuck. with 80 years worth of lore, (amd bloat) a fuck ton of retcons, meta humor and deconstructionist bullshit you have to ask when enough is enough. i would say otakusim to the extreme or fanboyism is one reason for the collapse, when people eat sleep and breathe a thing and they love a thing to death it encourages intellectual rot in writers since they don't need to try because people will just throw them money to write bullshit. creation is no longer at the hands of creators, but fans. and this sounds great because i'm a fan and i give a fuck, and your a fan and you give a fuck, but is quagnar, (who is a fan) the aromantic polygender black crippled queer dyke going to give a flying fuck? once quagnar gets power in the company running your favorite stories, will end up fucking nuking all the shit you love. george lucas should havd killed star wars in the 2000's instead of selling out to disney. star wars is in the hands of the fans instead of the original creator and they are mentally rotting. marvel should have died as a company after stan died and before they got bought out by disney. they are in the hands of ""fans"" and will mentally rot for life. you really can have too much of a good thing.
10, spin off characters
do you really need 70 spiderman spin off characters? spiderman noir is cool and great but at the end of the day his story is done and he is a throw away character. all these new rip off characters do is steal the limelite from the original character and do all the shit i have mentioned above from sucking away the joy to causing mental rot.
pic related is nothing related to the thread, i just thought it was funny dialoge.
Anonymous Fri 30/08/2024 2:14:11 PM 7 months ago No. 3307
It's too bad they couldn't extend the "spidy going nuts" psychological horror arc past one issue, it fit well for mysterio and it was interesting to see spidey reaching his breaking point, you expect comics to be campy during this era but there are times when they can really push some edge when they need to. FF also had some great edge even in the early issues unlike say, batman which went fully campy because of the comics code of conduct nonsense.
Anonymous Fri 30/08/2024 2:43:01 PM 7 months ago No. 3308
Thoughts on batman hitting public domain? What would you do with him once it expires?
(to be specific, its batman up to issue 37, which is before robin and minus the bat symbol which is copywrited i think.)
Anonymous Fri 30/08/2024 5:43:08 PM 7 months ago No. 3309
Bat-man: Mystery Theatre!
Go back to pulp/noir/horror roots, set in the 1930s, his alter-ego "The bat-man" would be cemented as a night terror urban legend cryptid that bruce made up to terrorise criminals, he's throwing mobsters off of buildings like he used to. i'm remembering hugo strange and his monster men, the weird shit in batman #34, doctor death, i'm reminded of batman: the cult and the court of owls, batman: city of crime.
your free of the joker, and the rouges gallery of his, hell gotham can be a place of mystery as a living entity in its own right, so much good can actually be done. sure assholes can make shitty horror movies but man will batman be unshakled by the chains of megacorperations that are sucking the character dry.
Anonymous Sun 08/09/2024 2:30:21 PM 6 months ago No. 3364
I guess i was wondering about characters featured in Batman: R.I.P and i realised that Swagman was inspired by former bushranger turned criminal Ned kelly
Anonymous Sun 08/09/2024 2:38:06 PM 6 months ago No. 3365
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On one hand kelly was pretty much bulletproof, but the trade off was the weight. The armor was made using scrap iron 6 mm thick. Other members also got custom armor for themselves but there was constant bickering over if they really even needed that shit in the first place, i guess its true because one member got shot in the groin due to a gap in the armor and kelly eventually died due to bloodloss because there was areas where the armor did not protect lol.
Anonymous Wed 11/09/2024 5:06:56 AM 6 months ago No. 3378
One of the reasons i like the green lantern stories is the cosmic background. I have a dream of eventually reading all of it to like maybe 2018. Had a cosmic horror hunger and read blackest night. funny because i thought it was going to be shit but actually it was pretty fun!
Anonymous Thu 12/09/2024 5:03:44 AM 6 months ago No. 3384
found this on internet archive, honestly i havent watched it since i was a kid so damn i have some re-watching to do, also
also i haven't seen this since i was a kid and its not like they re-aired this or something so hell yeah, the venom episodes where especially good.
Anonymous Sun 15/09/2024 12:51:24 AM 6 months ago No. 3393
bought a bunch of comics from a flea market, maybe 200 comics for 60$, especially happy to own a bunch of infinity inc comics. also some old stuff from the 60's like "supermans girl friend lois lane". and an old magazine from the 30's lol.
memory says that infinity inc was a good story line, and mr bones was an exelent character and something about helyx was fun. clearly i have some re-reading to do.
Anonymous Thu 19/09/2024 3:40:45 PM 6 months ago No. 3427
i was reading tpbs of dragonlance comics from the 80's and volume one and two are rock solid, if thats the case the the other dnd stuff i have in my collection also might be pretty good.
Anonymous Thu 05/12/2024 3:38:25 PM 3 months ago No. 3822
I was reading a backlog of old spiderman comics titled "spiderman, the venom saga" which focused on venoms creation to a good chunk of his appearances later in the series. Another fun series and an equally fun character to boot. >>2269 i can say what i want about mcfarlanes run and take on spiderman but venom here was a good addition, i like the humor of the character and the strangeness of it all like when he sings or like when he dresses up like a preacher to kill spiderman or comments on how he loves innocent people, its what i like qboug him. Lethal protector was also a decent run and i like how it had a 90's action flick feel to it.
Anonymous Thu 05/12/2024 3:43:42 PM 3 months ago No. 3823
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I wish i took more screenshots but i read some infinity watch issues
In a way its a tragedy because as thd story goes on, things fall apart and the issue ends, members leave and the story ends on a bad note. There was alot of good in what i read but i felt like it could have ended on a better note. Atleast plot threads from earlier warlock issues got closed up.
Anonymous Thu 05/12/2024 3:50:15 PM 3 months ago No. 3824
I wish i actually read the silver surfer books while i was reading the entire FF run, also i wish they had more surfer books on the app i'm using so i'll probably have to go and check online for more stories with jack kirbys version of the character. I can say adam warlock was what kirby wanted to do with this character (he wanted silver surfer to be a punished, vengeful jesus type) but he got fucked over by everyone and was forced to tone him down which was a shame. Still hardcore silver age goodness with fantastic art and writing.
Anonymous Thu 05/12/2024 4:21:51 PM 3 months ago No. 3825
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For those unaware, the xmen in a sense died by the ending of chris clairmonts run because marvel is a nigger, it fucked with chris because he never was able to tie up some plot threads and give it a solid ending and basically the new guys that came in fucked all of that over anyhow. It threw him off of his game, he forgot things abouf the characters he wrote and plot threads. Xmen: the end is the result of marvels fuckery. It's like when you get brain damage, the person is there but things aren't the same, you have lucid moments where you get a good taste of the past but only just so. If you read all of xmen, including x-factor then pic related might feel like a fucking gut punch, it was a solid moment and there was several more but there are many major flaws and choiced made that felt wrong. The only good thing i can say atleast its closure. Also, gambit being the third brother/clone to cyclops and also mr sinister, GOD DAMN i wish they made that shit canon.
Anonymous Sun 15/12/2024 4:53:30 PM 3 months ago No. 3881
I've been reading doctor strange comics and the storytelling and visuals are kickass
Also noteworthy is the thor run after kirby left.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 3:03:09 PM 2 months ago No. 3979
I was reading the graphic novel adaption of watership down, for some reason i feel like something's missing but overall it feels like a rock solid adaption. I appreciate the little things like the grit and edge from the original story, they could have toned things down, but they didn't and thats a good thing. The little moment like the rabbit holocaust, fivers visions and the brutality of woundword still hits hard. The art itself is pretty, after all its a nature story, also the usage of light, darkness and shading is pretty good.
Anonymous Tue 07/01/2025 10:37:33 PM 2 months ago No. 3985
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The final tf2 comic was released last month. It's a fantastic conclusion to a storyline that's been going since 2013, maybe earlier if you count update comics. Many people were saying the last comic would never come so it's a great Smissmass present. These comics are phenomenal and the conclusion is PERFECT and so damn cathartic. You don't need to have played tf2 to appreciate but watch Meet the Team if for some horrible reason you haven't yet. Great sense of humour but still hits all the emotional notes.
Anonymous Wed 08/01/2025 3:20:19 PM 2 months ago No. 3991
Why was there such a gap in release of the comics? Also why quit now?
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 6:01:46 AM 2 months ago No. 4070
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Dammit after finding this i was a fool not to post it when i saw it the first time. This was the third time kitty pride in the xmen comics called someone a nigger no joke it's totally canon and funny as fuck.
Anonymous Tue 28/01/2025 4:32:22 PM 2 months ago No. 4122
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I read the Steve Lichman comic. It goes downhill into the bitter ravings of a nerd that never got over getting bullied in high school for taking his Gundams to school but the first ones have soul and I screenshotted this panel in case some day a retard walks up to me talking about how 4chan is actually good now
Anonymous Tue 28/01/2025 4:45:11 PM 2 months ago No. 4123
>unless you can unfuck that girl, its over god dammit

I will now read this webcomic, first issue was funny.
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