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Natural and Cheap Healing Anonymous Sun 30/07/2023 1:37:33 PM 1 year ago No. 1196
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So, You got sick or injured, And you can't afford a doctor (and expensive medicine) Or you don't like all the unhealthy shit they put in the drugs that are supposed to help you feel better and want a better alternative. This thread is for you. Feel free to share what you know and discuss if it works or not.
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Anonymous Tue 01/08/2023 2:23:49 AM 1 year ago No. 1199
1oz prevention = 1lb cure
Don't be sedentary. Take a multivitamin. Take the time to plan and cook decent meals. Try to avoid crowded areas, especially during flu season. Wash your asscrack and nuts/puss with soap.
Anonymous Tue 01/08/2023 4:04:54 AM 1 year ago No. 1201
Manuka honey is expensive with higher grades, but it can treat illnesses and even burns.
Green tea, lemon, and honey (regular honey, or manuka) is pretty damn good for treating colds, flus, and it kills sore throats (that isnt caused by other means such as fungal infections or whatever)
don't take my fucking word on this one, but I heard from a very old family member, around like 3 years ago that one way to treat a handful of illnesses is by getting a coconut, cutting a hole in it, filling it with honey, sealing it back uo and then burying the fucker like 6 feet deep and waiting for a week then digging it back up. you cut it in half and extract the liquid from inside which is a type of black mold thing which functions like penicillin, and you eat that shit straight up. Again, most likely probably not better off doing that shit.
Anonymous Tue 01/08/2023 4:17:03 AM 1 year ago No. 1202
oregano oil is an effective medicine. make sure that shit is raw, and take the recommended amount via drink, with food, or straight up. Essential oils although seemingly cheesy do help, Sage, menthol or mint oil, orange oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil are the most important overall but you should not use it if you have pets because it'll kill them.
Also, Sunlight is literally natural medicine and anti-bacterial. Staying inside when sick tends to circulate the same bad air around. Taking vitamin C is pretty fucking important or at least getting it via fruit. Also, garlic pills can be of use to boost your immune system but it's hard to get and kind of redundant unless your paranoid. Probiotics are a must and its good practice to eat yogurt every day.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 4:07:31 PM 1 year ago No. 1230
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Could you guys help me out with my ingrown toenails? I also got general muscle cramps and always feel tired in the mornings. thx 22shaman
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 5:59:46 PM 1 year ago No. 1232
I don't know any super great home remedies but I do have some tips my doctor gave me when I was dealing with my own ingrown toenails.
>Soak your feet in warm water with Epsom Salts
In general, Epsom Salts are a good soothing mineral and they can heal your body in very subtle ways. They're also good for reducing stress physically and mentally. Consider even taking baths with them.
>Cut your toenails into squares
Back in the day, we used to tell people to cut them into rounded shapes but that actually makes ingrown toenails worse. Cut them into squares and ideally they should stop growing into your toes so hard.
>Get better fitting shoes
If your shoes don't fit super well, and they're too tight, then chances are when you're wearing them your toes have nowhere to grow so they just grow into themselves essentially. Do this to supplement healthy toe growth once the toenail issue itself is fixed

I don't know if I could recommend digging into your toes with a needle and some angled nail clippers, but you can certainly try to cut the ingrown bits out yourself. It's gonna be very painful but possibly worth it? Doing this never worked for me but my ingrown toenails were so strong that I had to get them removed entirely.
I don't have big toenails.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 10:47:14 PM 1 year ago No. 1235
Tea tree oil kills fungus and bacteria to prevent infection. Eucalyptus oil treats inflammation to help heal the ingrown toenail quicker, oregano and lavender oil can also do the trick. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not really, dabbing a small amount with a cotton ball or a q-tip is how you apply that shit.
good shit
Anonymous Sat 12/08/2023 6:30:14 AM 1 year ago No. 1282
>feel tired in the morning
Anonymous Tue 22/08/2023 6:33:07 AM 1 year ago No. 1340
how the flying fuck do I get a good night's sleep? how can i get good sleep? what can i do when i am tired? are there ways to Deel with sleep exhaustion in a natural way without caffeine?
Anonymous Tue 22/08/2023 2:35:41 PM 1 year ago No. 1344
That is relatable because, in the last year, I've done more physical work and exercise by myself. I am not the one trying to come up with the answer but sleeping in the most comfy position possible is the only way I can guess.
Anonymous Mon 11/09/2023 10:36:42 PM 1 year ago No. 1464
Some normalnigger posted on 22 about being infected with candida, which reminds me that you can use MCT oil, And oregano as an affective treatment. Although i must say its expencive kinda (20 bucks) Florastor is another way of dealing with the infection. You really gotta stay away from carbs and sugar which feeds the fungus, Honestly i got fucked so bad all i could do is drink broth and water with no food for like 3 week.
Anonymous Tue 12/09/2023 9:23:09 PM 1 year ago No. 1471
Tonic water contains quinine and was used to treat cramps, and malaria and other diseases. Doesn't mean you should drink a fuck ton of it or drink it every day. Also, grapefruits contains quineine too which is why it tastes bitter.
Anonymous Tue 12/09/2023 9:31:50 PM 1 year ago No. 1472
Something important to note, Eating foods with antibiotics tends to fuck up the probiotic levels in your gut, Another thing is your body can adapt to stuff like antibacterial soap, and alcohol gel so that shit needs to be done sparingly or else you'll be more prone to serious bacterial infection. Another interesting thing i learned the hard way is that viruses tend to lead your body open to bacterial infections, in your ears and in other places you least expect.
Anonymous Mon 25/09/2023 4:09:08 AM 1 year ago No. 1533
If you are having a bad headache, place a teaspoon of rosemary in a tea strainher and boil, then drink.

Aspen bark is a natural painkiller. You can peel the bark off the tree, make sure its clean and remove a few layers, grind it up and use like half a teaspoon.

Dandelions can be eaten, They can help with circulation and contains vitamins.
Anonymous Mon 25/09/2023 4:15:53 AM 1 year ago No. 1534
i mean
willow bark (Salicis cortex)
Anonymous Tue 26/09/2023 7:33:46 PM 1 year ago No. 1541
When foraging plants and fungus, take care not to do it where people walk their dogs often. Dogs like to piss on all the good stuff. Also watch out for toxic pesticides or heavy road traffic that can put heavy metals in the soil.
Anonymous Sun 01/10/2023 6:24:26 PM 1 year ago No. 1570
I must report that for me, tea tree oil did not work. I applied it with a q-tip to my Athlete’s foot. FOR SCIENCE. It was pure oil, stored in a closet and about a year old, I dont think it lost its purity. I also dont know if i was supposed to mix it with water or coconut oil to use as a buffer and if that would have made it more effective.
Anon Sat 09/11/2024 12:14:04 AM 4 months ago No. 3688
If it's just a cold you have, safety pinning a hand towel to the front of a t-shirt and wearing under something else, so the chest is warm but the torso doesn't overheat, always sped up getting over it by a few days. For me at least.
Anonymous Sat 22/02/2025 8:00:56 PM 1 month ago No. 4219
When i got sick with some type of illness recently, i bought some sinus rinse and did it daily and i think it actually helped me recover faster.
Anonymous Sat 22/02/2025 8:03:36 PM 1 month ago No. 4220
It was just a saline solution with no additives.
What i think is when you blow your nose out with colored mucus, that's a bacterial infection so by clearing that out regularly that's less of a chance of staying sick instead of leaving that bacteria just sitting there.
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