Was thinking of the bionicle lore compilation that was made a while back, I think the problem with the "optional extra" version, is that the style guides included is read too literally instead of someone doing a re-write in a way to actually tell a story instead of discribing what basically is a walking simulator. It looks like this: "I woke up, and i went for a walk, and i found a soda bottle, then i walked untill i found a trash can, then i slowly dropped the bottle inside" and that's no good. Incuding them was a good idea because they are canon, and explains several things that happened in the story, but clearly the inclusion was done poorly. The re-write by greg of the opening "coming of the toa" and the "borok saga" is objectively better but you can still feel the "we are a toy company, please buy our product". What i mean is, yes there's some story and it's fun, and some fun interaction and dialoge but the story boils down to "please go to the stores so you can buy all the colorful critters and collect all the masks because reasons". Mask of light was better when greg wrote the novelization of the movie, but it still sucks because who ever wrote the movie did a piss poor job. (also the inclusion of the comics are damn good because the artwork is kickass and it gives you a visualisation of the characters and the world around them) After the three opening sagas greg gets too much power as a writer and shit gets bonkers and it's pretty hardcore. the two later bionicle movies are actually fine but the visuals are jarring, which is why the book versions are better.
Anyhow the transition of greg is obvious because he goes hard into worldbuilding and storytelling, with no care about selling products and a focus on character building. He jumps back and forth, from the past to the future and its really good stuff.
If i had to point out the stories i like the most, time trap comes to mind, a paranoid thriller of a mistake coming back to haunt a character and his efforts to correct them before it's too late. Can't remember the name but greg wrote a fucking detective story with a character, Lhikan solving a murder mystery. Another fun story was (if my memory is correct) symbolic of jesus getting tempted by satan, i think it was called "into the darkness". Can't remember the name but there was a fun story where a character is thrown into a dark alternate dimention of orwellian scale and it ends brutally with the antagonist of the story getting brutally torn in two, screaming in pain. I'm sure there's more but it's been a few years, i'm gonna read that stuff again soon because it's my autistic passion. I'm torn because there's the "wall of history" site, which has all of the stories/comics/ect pretty much copy pasted from the book in reading order, but then the biological chronical has everything neatly edited in 10 pdfs in chronolgical reading order with the cutting out of comics that don't matter and the tastful inclusion of comics that do. Might do wall of history but use a list someone made of all the stories in direct chronological reading order, even more accurate then the pdf compilation.