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How to use Nico Nico Douga CAT Fri 24/11/2023 11:26:48 AM 1 year ago No. 1825
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This thread exists to explain to the anons browsing twentytwo on how to use the Japanese otaku video-sharing website Nico Nico Douga (Smile Video). So by the end of this I am hoping you will be able to upload videos, create mylists, and search for videos properly.
Nico Nico Douga's English variation platform was abolished recently although it wasn't really usable to begin with given how poorly it was maintained and nothing was explained to the user in the end.
I will also mention that the website best works with chromium based browser (I recommend ungoogled chromium, free of spyware) with Firefox there is tons of stuttering and slow loading times making it really unusable a lot of the times.

I will start off with Nico Nico Douga's Navigation Bar and explain what each of these tabs are.
Nico Nico Douga Icon: Click the Nico Nico symbol to return to the homepage.
Videos (動画): Browse all uploaded videos.
Images (静画): View user-submitted artwork.
Live Broadcasts (生放送): Explore a variety of available live streams.
Channels (チャンネル): A dedicated space where content creators, businesses, and organizations share videos, live broadcasts, and blogs.
Nico Nico Pedia (大百科): An extensive knowledge base featuring community-contributed articles on Nico Nico and Japanese internet culture.
Live Commentary (実況): Engage in sharing real-time danmaku (bullet comments) while watching TV or listening to radio broadcasts.
Nico Nico Douga Anime (Nアニメ): A comprehensive anime information and streaming platform, enabling users to share live danmaku comments during anime viewing.

Bloggers (ブロマガ): User-created blogs.
Contribution (ニコニ貢献): A service designed to visualize the contributions of supporters and the gratitude of creators.
Commons (コモンズ): A wide range of free user-created materials (BGMs, Sound Effects, Voice, Image/Video Materials, Character materials, Backgrounds & Wallpapers, Video Production Tools, Voice Synthesis, etc.) for versatile creative use like creating videos.
Nico Nico 3D (ニコニ立体): User-created 3D models many of which are available for download.
Partner Pass (NicoFT): Obtain personally signed digital items from creators in limited quantities, and support creators as "Partners."
Community (コミュニティ): A service where premium members can establish communities (groups) where participants can post, play, and comment on videos within the community (Newly uploaded or existing on Nico Nico Douga). You can use a community-specific comment thread, allowing for member-only conversations.
News (ニュース): A service that allows users to enjoy communication with each other triggered by news which receives news offerings from approximately 189 distribution media. There is also News Original for exclusive articles related to user-submitted videos on niconico and interviews with renowned users.
Nico Nico Q (ニコニコQ): A question submission service provided by niconico.
Premium Exclusive (特典コンテンツ): When you subscribe to their premium service, you also get the ability to enjoy premium-only videos like the ability to watch limited animes.

Search Bar:
Search by format: Video, Image, Live Broadcasts.
Anonymous Sun 26/11/2023 2:22:09 AM 1 year ago No. 1833
I will explain now the most basic ways you can search stuff on Nico Nico Douga without having to worry about the language barrier:

Video 1: Start by using search engines like DuckDuckGo or Google to find the Japanese version of the term you're looking for. Once you have it, copy and paste it into Nico Nico Douga's search bar, specifically in the キーワード (Keyword) section. This will show you videos related to that keyword, whether it's in the title, description, or comments. Remember, English terms are often written in Katakana, so it helps to have a basic understanding of Japanese Hiragana and Katakana. If searching with the Katakana version of an English word brings no results, try the English word itself.

Video 2: This approach displays videos that precisely match the tag you've entered. It's an effective way to find particular kinds of videos while avoiding unrelated content. To use this method, it's important to recall the exact tag name without any typographical errors, or you can navigate to a saved video where the desired tag is present and simply click on it.
You can also search by mylists, images, and livestreams in the exact same way.
Anonymous Sun 26/11/2023 2:48:42 AM 1 year ago No. 1834
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Have you ever wondered when you open a Nico Nico Douga link why sometimes there are just no comments showing for you despite how it says there are like 30,000 comments? We'll let me quickly explain.
There are 3 regions for Nico Nico Douga and if I remember correctly there used to be even more, when you open Nico Nico Douga from Europe or the U.S your location will be automatically set to English (US) and will only show you comments made by English speaking users which in most case don't exist on there.
So what you can do is scroll down to the bottom of the page where you can change the region back to Japanese and the comments will appear once again.
Anonymous Thu 09/05/2024 7:22:16 PM 10 months ago No. 2756
Here's a very basic python script to download videos from Nico Nico Douga utilizing:
import nndownload
import os

def download_video(url, output_template, username, password):
output_path = output_template.format(id="{id}", ext="{ext}", title="{title}", uploader="{uploader}")
#If you don't want to be asked for a OTP code every time you run this script remove the ""-u", username, "-p", password," segment. you will download as a non premium user low quality.
#for more download options see:
nndownload.execute("-u", username, "-p", password, "-f", "-a", "-o", output_path, url)
print(f"Download completed for: {url}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to download {url}: {str(e)}")

def main(urls, output_template, username, password):
for url in urls:
formatted_output_template = os.path.join(output_template, "{uploader} - {title} - {id}.{ext}")

download_video(url, formatted_output_template, username, password)

if __name__ == "__main__":
#You can put multiple urls here including mylist urls just separate them by a comma like "","".
urls = [""]
base_output_path = "C:\\NND"
username = ""
password = ""

main(urls, base_output_path, username, password)
Anonymous Sat 08/06/2024 2:26:28 PM 9 months ago No. 2928
Well this fucking sucks...
Nico Nico Service, which operates the video community site Nico Nico Douga and other services, has suspended its services since around 6:00 a.m. on June 8, 2024, announcing on its official website updated around 7:00 p.m. that it is “under a large-scale cyber attack. The site explains that “we do not expect to be able to restore the service at least during this weekend” as we cannot begin restoration until we are confident that we have completely eliminated the effects of the cyber attack and that it is safe to do so.

We do not expect restoration to begin until we are confident that the cyber attacks have been completely eliminated and that it is safe to do so. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.” It also stated that the restoration was not expected until the 9th, and that ”we will inform you again on Monday (June 10, 2024) regarding the latest situation.

Services such as Nico Nico Douga, Nico Nico Live, and Nico Nico account login for external services have been suspended.

As for the “current situation,” the company stated, “We are investigating the route of the attack and the possibility of information leakage in parallel with the restoration work,” and also stated that no credit card information has been confirmed to have been leaked.

Nico Nico said, “We deeply apologize to all users who were looking forward to the video posting and live broadcast programs scheduled for this weekend. We ask for your understanding and cooperation until we can complete our response".
Anonymous Sat 08/06/2024 6:46:26 PM 9 months ago No. 2929
i wonder why they are under attack?
Anonymous Thu 27/06/2024 9:36:19 PM 9 months ago No. 3053
I'll be extremely surprised if KADOKAWA goes through with the deal given that they were seriously raising nico nico douga premium prices due to inflation making me think that the company really doesn't have enough money to go around. The small amount they offered might be really everything they can afford.
Anyways I hope in the "downloaded data" they have danmaku comments included since KADOKAWA/Dwango stated they had all of the videos and stuff saved failing to give any comment on whether danmaku comments were included in that list. I'm also assuming that we'll soon have doxx information on every single Nico Nico Douga creator that bought premium although any foreigners would be safe given that the only payment method is paypal.
Anonymous Fri 28/06/2024 5:47:46 AM 9 months ago No. 3057
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I can't wait until Nico Nico Douga is back...
There's so much more stuff I have not watched yet...
Too many articles that I haven't read yet...
So much more stuff that still needs to be translated and made into a thread...
Without Nico Nico Douga there's not much point going forward...
The pain is real and the future is so uncertain.
Anonymous Fri 28/06/2024 1:36:07 PM 9 months ago No. 3060
there was a 9 year old video i was looking for and waiting for everything to work again so i can spend hours seaching for it is a pain
Anonymous Sun 30/06/2024 1:22:45 PM 9 months ago No. 3074
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the translation was done initially with whisper but had to spend some time cleaning up a lot of garbage it came up with so I don't feel like checking for errors anymore especially with how badly edited this news show is. Also they promised to redact personal information but fucking put kurita's email in full view? [email protected]
Anonymous Tue 02/07/2024 12:26:25 AM 9 months ago No. 3079
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It got leaked but apparently only the first 100 GB more to come later?
http://ro4h37fieb6oyfrwoi5u5wpvaalnegsxzxnwzwzw43anxqmv6hjcsfyd.onion/ Here if you want to browse it yourself.
Russian hackers declared that they would release data on July 1 if the ransom was not paid.

Nothing happened on July 1, but as soon as the date changed to July 2, the data was released.

Kenmomen (members of the Kenmo community) dug through the released data and reposted some alarming content.

It was discovered that personal information of N High School students, which should have been on a separate server, was stored in Nakamura's directory.

Celebrity fee information was found, revealing that VTubers and voice actors were paid more than comedians, with even Noda Crystal earning 300,000 yen.

Abe Shinzo's bank account information was discovered, and Kenmomen confirmed that they could actually make transfers.

Contracts of individual streamers and VTubers were found, leaking real names and other personal information.

Personal information of the identity-exposed VTuber Tenma Shirotsubu (self-identified as Sato Ama) was also leaked, revealing a completely different real name. It was found that her personal information had been leaked on sukikiraidotcom before the hacking.

People started making actual calls to the leaked phone numbers.

An NG (no-go) word list was found, and it became a topic of conversation that "interesting" was included as an NG word.

That's roughly the flow of events.
Anonymous Sun 04/08/2024 2:50:43 AM 7 months ago No. 3212
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Nico Nico Douga is finally coming back tomorrow after the ransomware attack. I tried to convince myself that maybe this was a blessing in disguise thinking that the staff at Nico Nico Douga were taking this opportunity to completely overhaul the site, considering how awful it has become over the years since the disaster that was Nico Nico Zero in 2012 (with its resource-intensive video player, confusing layout, high system requirements, ignored user feedback, etc.). I had hoped they might return to their roots, refocusing on the otaku community, fixing all of the playback issues between different browsers, and easing up on the restrictions between premium and non-premium users.
But how naive was I? It's always been clear that the current corporate staff at Dwango have forgotten the website's BBS origins of being a platform for otakus to share videos with other otakus, and taken to heart the misguided notion from clueless foreigners that Nico Nico is just "Japanese YouTube." This is god damn awful, you can't discern this from any other video website.
Anonymous Wed 07/08/2024 5:10:07 AM 7 months ago No. 3221
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NicovideoDL is a web-based method used to download niconico video content, without having to futz with GUI and terminal-based programs, and also the headaches of attaching premium login cookies to your downloader.
As of the relaunch of Nico Nico Douga, you can insert the two letters "dl" after "nicovideo" on your current sm id URL. A message, like the first image attached, should appear, and it will refresh every 5 seconds. Once the video is ready to download, a blue hyperlink appears; simply just click and download the contents to your local filesystem, and you're done! The attached video is an example of the output of nicovideodl.
As of posting, the team is working on guaranteeing premium quality output using this method once those services are fully restored on DWANGO's end. Until then, this is a useful method to bypass content loading errors that might occur, and you simply just want to view and/or save the video locally for backup/safekeeping. (especially if another incident like this happens again!)
Anonymous Wed 25/09/2024 7:19:01 AM 6 months ago
(edited 1x)
  • Sept. 25, 2024, 7:20 a.m.
  • No. 3445
    Holy fucking shit I thought that the past logs feature on nico nico douga to view old comments was gone for good but lurking this thread here: someone managed to implement it here: The output will be a .xml file which you can put into something like (commeon) along side the video and it will display all of the comments. commeon by itself should be able to fetch past logs but I keep getting a bad request for some unknown reason.
    Anyways the nicodl_option.json should look something like this:

    "dl_dir": "", (put in the url where to save video, MAKE SURE IT IS DOUBLE BACKSLAHES \\)
    "yt_dlp_path": (put in the url where yt-dlp.exe is located, MAKE SURE IT IS DOUBLE BACKSLAHES \\)
    "comment_mail": "",
    "comment_pass": "",
    "user_session": "", (Press F12 in chrome and go to application and go to cookies and find the value of user_session.)
    "is_video": "true",
    "is_comment": "true",
    "is_kakolog": "true", (make sure this is set to true to download past comments)
    "is_kantan": "",
    "comment_fileformat": "",
    "end_presswait": "true" (press enter on finish)

    then when this configuration is correct open nicodl.exe and press the "a" key put in a URL and then write "nico" to start downloading.
    Anonymous Thu 31/10/2024 5:26:34 AM 5 months ago No. 3610
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    As of October 30th, 2024 (Unknown Time, JST), access to niconico content flagged as sensitive and explicit are geo-restricted if you are detected as a user (registered or not) outside of Japan. Attached to this post are two images: first is the restricted results, even with sensitive content displayed turned on in user settings; second image displays what it is like with a Japanese non-residential IP. The final image is a message when attempting to access flagged-as-explicit content as a non-Japanese IP. Side note: it's really interesting seeing the nicopedia content preview hidden when looking up tags as well under a foreign IP.
    Anonymous Wed 20/11/2024 6:58:21 PM 4 months ago No. 3744 [Play] You thought KADOKAWA was bad? I bet one of the first things sony will do with Dwango once they acquire KADOKAWA is to shut down nico nico for good due to it being such a drain on resources.
    Anonymous Fri 20/12/2024 4:59:15 AM 3 months ago No. 3899
    It's official. Sony is now the largest shareholder of KADOKAWA under the white knight strategy.
    Fuck you South Korea.
    KADOKAWA and Sony Agree to Strategic Capital and Business Alliance
    Strengthening collaboration to maximize the global value of their IP assets

    KADOKAWA Corporation
    Sony Group Corporation

    KADOKAWA Corporation (hereafter "KADOKAWA") and Sony Group Corporation (hereafter "Sony") have announced today that they have entered into a strategic capital and business alliance agreement. Under this agreement, Sony will acquire 12,054,100 newly issued shares of KADOKAWA for approximately ¥50 billion through a third-party allotment scheduled for January 7, 2025. As a result of this acquisition, Sony will become the largest shareholder of KADOKAWA, holding approximately 10% of the company's shares, including shares already acquired in February 2021.

    KADOKAWA and Sony have collaborated on various initiatives in the past. This capital and business alliance will further strengthen their cooperation in maximizing the global value of their respective IP assets. The collaboration will include exploring joint investments in the content domain, co-discovering new creators, and advancing the media mix strategies of both companies’ IP assets. The companies aim to engage in more extensive and in-depth collaborations.

    Future joint efforts will focus on the global live-action film and drama adaptation of KADOKAWA's IP, co-production of anime works, expanded global distribution of KADOKAWA's anime titles via Sony's networks, enhanced publishing of KADOKAWA's games, and the promotion and dissemination of virtual production technologies through talent development.

    Comments from Key Executives
    Takeshi Natsuno, President, CEO, and Representative Director of KADOKAWA Corporation
    "I am delighted to announce this strategic capital and business alliance with Sony. This partnership will not only bolster our IP creation capabilities but also expand the range of media mix opportunities through Sony's support for global deployment. This will enable us to deliver our IP to a wider global audience, significantly enhancing its value while contributing to the medium- to long-term growth of our corporate value. We are committed to making this collaboration with Sony a great success in the global market."

    Hiroki Totoki, President, COO, and CFO of Sony Group Corporation
    "Through this capital and business alliance, Sony becomes the largest shareholder of KADOKAWA, a company known for its diverse IP, including light novels, comics, games, and anime. By combining KADOKAWA’s rich IP ecosystem with Sony’s strengths in global entertainment, including anime and gaming, we aim to maximize IP value. Together, we will work closely to realize KADOKAWA’s 'Global Media Mix' strategy and Sony's long-term 'Creative Entertainment Vision.'"
    Anonymous Tue 11/02/2025 7:54:28 PM 1 month ago No. 4169
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    Since VISA, MasterCard, and potentially even PayPal are putting a knife to KADOKAWA/Sony's throat recording content moderation on the platform. It's not just trends involving gay porn source material (Homocaust/ホモコースト), but also anything of a lewd nature in the titles, description, and tags.
    Attached to this post is a removal notice that user 634さん received regarding a mid-2010s video he made with Mami-san set to Touhou music.
    It's time to rev up those hard drives (especially if you live in a country where tariffs are going to jack up prices of hard drives), and start archivng.
    Anonymous Tue 11/02/2025 7:59:52 PM 1 month ago No. 4170
    Corrections: she, as it is rumored that 634-san is a really messed up women in her middle ages that's making this content for the last 15+ years. That's some dedication right there.
    Also, I don't know why I called it "homocaust.jpg", since the attached photo is a removal notice for nonke, but bizarrely lewd content on the website.
    The days of niconico being a "freedom of speech, as long as it does not violate Japanese law and IP violation" is no longer a thing. (Even sigekun, current head of niconico's operations will block you without a second thought if you confront him on this bizarre 180 degree turn. Looks like niconico addicts are going to learn what the west has gone through in the last decade or so.)
    Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 12:00:27 PM 1 month ago No. 4204
    Update: Niconico is working to restore VISA payment options starting February 21st, 2025.
    This really came at a huge cost of nearly 50k or more videos, but at least they can accept VISA payments now!
    Incompetent, the administration staff are.
    Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 12:07:21 PM 1 month ago No. 4205
    For anyone curious about the deleted videos:
    Be warned, some of these are deleted/privated by the uploaders discretion, so it might not all be due to payment processors holding a knife at UNEI's throat.
    Anonymous Tue 04/03/2025 5:14:19 AM 27 days ago No. 4260

    Today, U.S. based internet corporation FC2 officially lost the lawsuit against DWANGO after Japan's top courts, specifically the Second Petty Bench, rejected FC2's appeal of two separate rulings on July 2022 and May 2023.
    Judges rule that, "If the patent has to lose its effectiveness only because the videos are distributed from abroad, the patent law cannot serve its purpose of contributing to the development of industry through the protection and promotion of inventions."
    So, unless you're based in a country where such patent laws are not valid (PRC, for example), this means any attempts to bolster or have a comment system similar to that of niconico abroad, especially for commercial intentions like FC2, it is highly unlikely there will be any competitive platform that will have a similar comment system to niconico. You can also find a ton of comments and SNS posts congratulating DWANGO on the lawsuit victory, despite a lot of people's qualms about management's incompetent. I saw one ニコ厨 pleading bilibili to create a Japanese version of the website for them after the implosion that was niconico (ku)'s underwhelming press conference.
    Anonymous Tue 04/03/2025 5:17:30 AM 27 days ago No. 4261
    Actually, I was mistaken. I keep forgetting that Twitter has a huge issue with impression zombies, and most of the "positive towards DWANGO" posts are Indian/Pakistani botfarms attempts to gain revenue through these posts. There was even a song about this last year, and it seems to still be getting rather bad: [Play]
    Anonymous Tue 04/03/2025 5:52:37 AM 27 days ago No. 4262
    This is the May 2023 appeal submitted by FC2's lawyers, and it mentions bilibili four times. It is likely though players like DPlayer or any commercial bilibili player with danmaku functionality are outside of the legal jurisdiction of Japan, and why they are still not sued by KADOKAWA-DWANGO.
    In this post, even sigekun (Dwango COO, niconico representative) encouraged niconico users to report any danmaku comment add-ons and extensions, as they also infringe DWANGO's patents (this may also include Twitch's user-created danmaku extension). Some of the links to these add-ons posted in the replies were also taken down by KADOKAWA's IP lawyers.
    Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 6:08:48 AM 20 days ago No. 4281

    Well, good news, apparently niconico staff are upping the audio bitrate limit to 576kbps, not quite lossless quality, but its better than the current 192kbps limit.
    Still, it won't really rectify the damage on a ton of old "high audio quality" uploads that were encoded in 320kbps back in the day, as those have been permanently encoded to 160-192kbps, with the smile_high encodes completely wiped. Thanks, UNEI.
    Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 6:37:31 AM 20 days ago No. 4282

    Video submission specifications for niconico:
    Video Overwrite Correction Campaign (Premium members only can participate)
    24-hour Overwrite Correction Submission Guidelines (Premium members only feature)

    More information regarding submission of works that wish to take advantage of the high-quality audio feature. Note: High-quality audio option will not be available until around April 2025, and it is a premium-member only feature. If you attempt to upload a video with high quality audio, but it doesn't show up, you have 24 hours to correct your submission following the video submission guidelines to have your high-quality submission recognized.
    If you wish to use the 576kbps feature, you must set the sampling frequency to 88.2kHz-96kHz.
    Otherwise, your audio that is posted in PCM and FLAC will be converted to 320kbps (kind of like what this website does); although if you upload audio at 256kbps or higher, it will also upconvert it to 320kbps.
    Side note: I had no idea niconico supported AV1 already, it was already one of the most requested technical features to add to niconico to ease the burden of storage space on niconico's servers and bandwidth for both dwango and the users, but it came at a cost of processing power since most devices did not support AV1 decoding until many devices that came out a few years ago to now and the future.
    𝄞 𝄡 𝄢 𝄖 𝄗 ( ) $ ¥ £ ¢ ω Д ´ @ _ + × ÷ = π
    Privacy - Terms
    • Supported file types are: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, MP4, WEBM, MP3, OGG, OPUS.
    • (AAC, M4A, FLAC, WAV, AIFF, AIF) are automatically converted to high-quality OPUS format at 192kbps.
      The combined file size can be up to 300MB.
    • You can choose up to 8 files.
    • You can choose up to 1 drawing.
    • Maximum file size 100MB.
    Test your posts here