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Q&A Thread Anonymous Thu 12/01/2023 2:58:14 PM 2 years ago No. 205
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Ask a question, and hopefully, you'll receive an answer. 22anons will ask and answer the questions themselves. I'll ask the first question. Why does the time go by so fast when I am having fun?
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Anonymous Fri 13/01/2023 2:13:58 AM 2 years ago No. 207
Common side effect of meth.
Now, for my question: How am I going to die?
Anonymous Fri 13/01/2023 5:44:48 AM 2 years ago No. 210
something that gets me is, lets say the internet is shut down incase of a political situation in the US, wouldnt radio get fucked too? couldnt there be a way to fuck over people who use the radio? what would be used as a means to commmunicate anonymously? (does LORA count?) is there even an alternative internet?
lets push things further and say the grid was fucked?
what then?
Anonymous Fri 13/01/2023 5:48:05 AM 2 years ago No. 211
A (joke) answer: Tie paper notes to cats.
Anonymous Fri 13/01/2023 6:05:34 AM 2 years ago No. 213
>Why does the time go by so fast when I am having fun?
a dopimne rush
you get high and it screws with your perception.
>How am I going to die
Natural causes like old age unless something like eating habits or circumstances changes things.
Worst case being hanged by a doorknob or say """heartattack""" by some bullshit cia weapon for no reason other then fuck you, specifically you only.
or by your cat.
Anonymous Fri 13/01/2023 9:01:52 PM 2 years ago No. 219
I don't know how but I read that broadcasting pirate radio is pretty easy if you know what you're doing. I also read that it's hard to regulate.

>is there even an alternative internet?
No, internet would be fucked for quite some time. If it happens I hope it gets reset back to early 2000s style shit.
Anonymous Mon 16/01/2023 2:06:00 PM 2 years ago No. 242
You will get stuck in a stampede for a Bagel Convention.
Now answer my question. Where am I?
Anonymous Mon 16/01/2023 9:13:56 PM 2 years ago No. 243
>Where am I?
On 22chan.
Anonymous Tue 17/01/2023 3:53:01 AM 2 years ago No. 245
ah, brother. you see, that is how they get you.
from what i understand from several quick google searches, if you call yourself a "pirate" it makes you an easy target. nay, you would be an "unlicensed operator". you brutally tortured a man? no it was " enhanced interrogations." if you did not commit a crime avoid calling yourself a criminal. if you play your cards right, do the research you can operate a LEGAL, NON COMMERCIAL, INTRA STATE, LOW POWER FM RADIO BROADCASTING STATION. you cannot play music that is copyrighted. you cannot play out of state and you have to pay for it out of pocket but it can fucking work (from my understanding)
i smell an opportunity lol.
Anonymous Tue 17/01/2023 10:58:34 PM 2 years ago No. 251
Maybe this should be a /yu/ thread and feel free to use this question for a thread. Will 2023 be better in general?
Anonymous Tue 17/01/2023 11:39:32 PM 2 years ago No. 252
It better be or else.... What kinds of purpose can a piece of wood serve?
Anonymous Wed 18/01/2023 3:44:55 AM 2 years ago No. 257
For 22, (and for you)
It is up for you to that. You have the power to make this year great. You can avoid letting life drag you down and let yourself make things great if you work hard for it.
Endless creativity. turn it into a flute or use it as kindling. the possibilities are endless...
Anonymous Wed 18/01/2023 7:06:38 PM 2 years ago No. 261
>Will 2023 be better in general?
Depends entirely on you.
CAT Fri 20/01/2023 12:49:17 PM 2 years ago No. 271
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Do you have a collection you are kinda proud of? It can be anything: coins, rocks, games, cards,...
Anonymous Sat 21/01/2023 8:20:11 AM 2 years ago No. 279
I collected a few things, in this order:
>rocks that I found in the dirt while digging potatoes
>music CDs
My music taste changed and I didn't enjoy most of my collection, sold some of it.
>video games for PC, NDS, 3DS, PS2
Got bored of it when my backlog became too large, also in 2020 prices of used games increased a lot, and collecting PC games with steam DRM is useless anyway.
>manga volumes
I bought 8 inch ebook reader and realized it's way easier to just pirate, also your average 30 volume manga takes up a lot of shelf space. But I still buy volumes of few series that I started.
That's what I'm currently buying.
Anonymous Sun 22/01/2023 7:34:38 AM 2 years ago No. 295

when I was a kid I amassed a pretty sizable collection of pokemon cards. Nearly every recess several of my friends and I would spend the whole half hour at the picnic table making offers for each other's cards. None of us knew how to play the game, we just traded for ones we thought looked cool. Still, I was the first to figure out each card had a rarity assigned to it and took advantage of it. I made bum deals with retards in private to snag their best cards, cheated in a sort of blind gamble trade game i came up with, I got plenty of memories from that time and could go on.... Most of my collection got thrown out when I got disinterested, but I curated what I thought to be the most valuable stuff and tucked them away in an old lunch box. I valued them recently at about a grand if I were to sell it to an autist as devoted as I was

Since then I've been buying used games. Like >>279 said the prices have really spiked, so I'm being more discerning with it, trying to avoid compulsively buying stuff I have 0 interest in actually playing.

I also collect b-movies on vhs, which i admit are worthless to vast majority of the public. they're 240p, most often deteriorated, and what's on them can be easily torrented, but I buy them anyway. A lot I haven't even watched, but I figured there's no harm in it when they're like 50 cents each and they make me happy. anyways, thanks for reading
Anonymous Sun 22/01/2023 11:52:10 AM 2 years ago No. 296
I own a bootleg VHS of the 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The cover advertises itself as the uncut version of the film but it's not, which I think is pretty cool.
Anonymous Mon 23/01/2023 3:56:16 PM 2 years ago No. 300
Cats or dogs?
Anonymous Mon 23/01/2023 9:44:51 PM 2 years ago No. 301
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Do you even need to ask?
Anonymous Fri 27/01/2023 9:29:43 AM 2 years ago No. 344
What does it mean to you to be on imageboards?
CAT Fri 27/01/2023 10:33:34 AM 2 years ago No. 346
'Why do cats push shit off of ledges?
Correct answer.
For thousands of years the anonymous individual either wreaked havoc or made important changes in the world. the founding fathers used fake names to protect the identities. Japanese businessmen tired of being polite decided to speak out about work and their bosses anonymously in the first Japanese imageboards. You might be tired of modern society and wanted to find a place with like-minded people. You might want a place that actually encourages productive behavior and discussion. You might want a place to post where you can speak your mind without censorship or being reported to the thought police. Either way it means you are a different type of person.
CAT Sat 28/01/2023 2:04:21 PM 2 years ago No. 368
Speaking for my cat, he does that only for attention, always when I'm here and in front of me.

I wanted to know if anyone else here is interested by these threads :
>tabletop games/roleplay
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 4:00:30 PM 2 years ago No. 370
Sounds fun!
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 7:01:33 PM 2 years ago No. 372
Any of those would be great, as long as the site is too slow to dedicate a whole board to them.
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 7:57:20 PM 2 years ago No. 373
It's an addiction to instant gratification, and occasionally a poor surrogate for social interaction. Even this place I've tried to shake off, but I keep coming back
Anonymous Sat 11/02/2023 8:33:17 PM 2 years ago No. 492
What is everyone's plans for twosday this year?
Anonymous Sat 11/02/2023 9:14:06 PM 2 years ago No. 493
postan on 22chan. Not a hell of a lot else
Anonymous Sun 12/02/2023 11:15:02 AM 2 years ago No. 495
It's not really twosday, though. The whole gist was that it happened on 22/02/2022.
Anonymous Sun 12/02/2023 3:36:13 PM 2 years ago No. 496
and it was a rather shit day for this imageboard with nothing whatsoever planned to happen on that day by the staff or the users
Anonymous Sun 12/02/2023 11:11:20 PM 2 years ago No. 498
What do you guys think of making a /meta/ thread to post and discuss ideas for 02/22?
Anonymous Mon 13/02/2023 3:02:41 AM 2 years ago No. 499
If anyone makes a thread about this, I support making it because the concept can still be used for good.
Anonymous Tue 14/02/2023 2:42:18 PM 2 years ago No. 502
At the very least, we need to use 2/22 as a day to post more. Sure, we could do that now but have we?
Anonymous Thu 16/02/2023 2:18:48 PM 2 years ago No. 513
What would people think of a /meta/ thread for people to make their own stylesheets for 22chan?
Anonymous Fri 17/02/2023 9:22:38 PM 2 years ago No. 518
Has anyone been on a night walk? If so how was it?
Anonymous Sat 18/02/2023 11:47:16 AM 2 years ago No. 519
Peaceful, if you live in a safe neighborhood.
Anonymous Sat 18/02/2023 4:15:45 PM 2 years ago No. 523
IDK if I could do that because someone stole stuff out of my shed.
Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 12:36:24 AM 2 years ago No. 531
Why do my eyes look green and brown at the same time?
Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 1:56:44 PM 2 years ago No. 532
For more context, I've always thought I had brown eyes because my eyes aren't light-coloured. In the last year, I've noticed more hazel quality in my eyes. My dad said they look dark green recently. I don't know how to describe the color of my eyes anymore since they have both brownish and green aspects.
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 3:55:12 AM 1 year ago No. 662
Make the threads. Its been forever since this was posted amd nothing happened. If you are anxious that they wont be good enough or if it will be ignored or something, then talk it out in a thread.
Anonymous Fri 31/03/2023 6:37:57 AM 1 year ago No. 705
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I would like to know if 22chan anons would have any interested in seeing a older Nico Nico Douga fandoms explanation thread. I know for a fact that there's barely any people in the western internet left that have any knowledge about any of the Nico Nico Douga fandoms and when they do it is usually on a very surface level. Hell, even the majority of the new generation Japanese users on the internet have basically zero knowledge about them, and have no interest to read into them at all. The wikis that exist for them in English also basically all suck and sometimes don't even get the basic message across taking information from god knows where and sometimes completely made up.
The thread would include very spoon feeding like detailed explanations about older popular fandoms such as KYM, Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling, Shuzo Matsuoka, Airmoto, Chargeman Ken, Keyboard Crusher, etc. while providing more resources where people can read deeper into them.
Anonymous Sat 01/04/2023 1:11:38 PM 1 year ago No. 709
I don't see why not. It would only make 22chan more interesting imo.
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 4:47:54 AM 1 year ago No. 715
Make the thread! even if the thread gets ignored (which i highly doubt) someone will eventually get interested and bump it so it doesn't matter.
Anonymous Sun 23/04/2023 5:02:45 PM 1 year ago No. 800
Is there any good ways to do all nighters?
Anonymous Mon 24/04/2023 2:15:05 AM 1 year ago No. 803
Be sure to have a task you can really focus on for the night, and don't leave any room for distractions; It takes willpower.
Have spare time the next day so you can recover.
This is coming from a guy who's done 2 of these in his life.
Anonymous Fri 12/05/2023 3:34:33 AM 1 year ago No. 907
Why do people suggest thread ideas, but don't go through with making them? Not trying to be aa dick, just curious since some of the ideas thrown round are neat.
Anonymous Fri 12/05/2023 3:35:09 AM 1 year ago No. 908
Anonymous Fri 12/05/2023 8:28:51 AM 1 year ago No. 913
Be VERY VERY motivated to stay up all night. That is it. You can prepare by being free the next day or something, but people rarely do all-nighters when they AREN'T busy the next day. Just be ready to suffer hardcore for well over 12-18 hours. Be strong and DO NOT TOUCH YOUR BED.
>t. chronic all-nighter haver
Anonymous Sat 13/05/2023 9:07:11 AM 1 year ago No. 920
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What are you gonna do about it?
Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 12:06:13 AM 1 year ago No. 927
What threads from the very old 22chan do you guys miss and would like to see brought back to life?
Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 5:52:43 PM 1 year ago No. 930
Interesting sites and autism stories
Anonymous Mon 15/05/2023 3:24:19 AM 1 year ago No. 936
I miss the emotional posts on /yu/ that would be met with conversation. On our current /yu/ that doesn't seem to happen.
Anonymous Wed 24/05/2023 4:43:48 PM 1 year ago No. 954
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Has anyone tried to put a straw through a pull tab of a can? I recently found out that was a use of it, but I have never gotten around to trying it.
Anonymous Wed 24/05/2023 5:14:16 PM 1 year ago No. 955
I did that around 5 years ago once. I don't really see the need to use it since I prefer when the straw enters the can diagonally
Anonymous Thu 25/05/2023 4:04:26 PM 1 year ago No. 958
The straw with a can tab feels like you are doing too much for a simple task. Is that how you felt?
Anonymous Thu 08/06/2023 3:13:11 AM 1 year ago No. 992
Does anyone have any tips on taking naps?
Anonymous Wed 21/06/2023 3:15:28 PM 1 year ago No. 1041
Depends on our circumstances. Rule of thumb is to turn off all electronics, and LEDS because blue light radiation.
Anonymous Sat 15/07/2023 5:08:31 AM 1 year ago No. 1144
>tabletop games/roleplay
still waiting for your threads...
also waiting for this although i can understand waiting for activity or something but personally i dont think activity or "interest" matters. someone will find the thread a year later and like make it super active or something. you never know.
quite interesting to say the least. quiet as hell where i live and the animals at night are more active.
Anonymous Sat 15/07/2023 8:00:03 AM 1 year ago No. 1146
I will eventually make it within this month probably just not enough time and motivation on hand to plan this thing out as I was also focused on maintaining my other threads first.
Anonymous Thu 20/07/2023 5:05:59 PM 1 year ago No. 1168
Who sees stray cats out and about? I've only ever seen that a handful of times and I want to hear about those who do see cats in public.
Anonymous Fri 21/07/2023 4:21:11 AM 1 year ago No. 1169
I often see stray cats when I go to the beach. They like to hang out on the mini-golf course. Sometimes they have territorial disputes. They're too cautious to let people come close to them.
Anonymous Sat 22/07/2023 4:48:31 AM 1 year ago No. 1170
Only seen them in the night, Before they used to be out and about all the time.
Sad to see society fall so hard that gang warfare is out in the open.
Why the golf course?
Anonymous Sat 22/07/2023 6:32:58 AM 1 year ago No. 1171
The mini-golf business is seasonal, so there aren't any people around during the off season. The cats seem to enjoy lying on the astroturf.
Anonymous Tue 25/07/2023 5:15:58 AM 1 year ago No. 1179
My local theater (in america) is airing Psycho-Pass Providence (with subs)

I didn't know theaters here air anime, Am i going insane or was this like, a thing?
Anonymous Tue 25/07/2023 8:00:15 AM 1 year ago No. 1180
I've heard of an event in my area where various Ghibli movies are playing on the weekends for a while. I think it's related to some anniversary. Of course, those are all mainstream and highly acclaimed, so it's not surprising.
Anonymous Sun 30/07/2023 5:28:53 AM 1 year ago No. 1194
Anyone know about the "Laughing man" trope? I remember it being mentioned on old 22chan. Also i know it has to do a bit with The catcher in the Rye book, and one of the ghost in the shell anime, but I'm sure there's more to it than that unless I'm retarded.
Genuinely curious about this and is something i plan on studying.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 4:03:32 PM 1 year ago No. 1228
What cigarettes do they use when making movies? is it a collection of herbs to make smoke or do they use real cigarettes? i'm thinking they don't use real shit but i/m wondering if the herbal ciggies still fuck up the lungs or not.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 4:04:19 PM 1 year ago No. 1229
you can make chain mail armor and fishing hooks out of those.
Anonymous Fri 11/08/2023 3:59:06 AM 1 year ago No. 1275
Do you guys think the 22chan OC Software thread >>>/b/1239#1239 should be stickied on /b/? I think it's a pretty useful thread for basically anyone who wants to contribute to the website.
You rolled the number 8434875377. dubs
Anonymous Mon 04/09/2023 7:18:00 AM 1 year ago No. 1430
Why do cats get stuck in trees?
Anonymous Tue 05/09/2023 2:39:44 AM 1 year ago No. 1432
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Trees have weird twists and turns, which is the most simple explanation. Going up may be straightforward since most trees start off the same, but as you explore further, the trees take on unique characteristics. These weird turns freak out the cat and that sort of freaks out the cat for a while.
Anonymous Tue 05/09/2023 5:59:51 AM 1 year ago No. 1433
I'd climb up there and save them.
Anonymous Mon 11/09/2023 3:30:34 AM 1 year ago No. 1460
Yeah, cats just need help sometimes like everyone else.
Anonymous Wed 13/09/2023 4:47:54 AM 1 year ago No. 1473
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Is this true? I'm curious if this is true!
Anonymous Thu 14/09/2023 4:05:41 PM 1 year ago No. 1475
It checks out. If you'd have asked me I would have guessed that they just went with the alphabet for the first bunch of boards, like /a/ was the main one for anime discussion then /b/ came along as a catchall for anything else and then /c/ for cute pictures so that /a/ could be more for discussion and then /d/ so that /c/ could stay cute and then /e/ for a middle ground and then /f/ because flash is cool and then /g/ for the nerds and then /h/ because /d/ just wasn't cutting it and then /i/ because art :) and then /j/ because they needed a secret board to contain the jannie erotic roleplays and then /k/ for the harmful extremists that though /j/ should be for /jihad/ and then /l/ for another secret board and then /m/ for mecha because /a/ had a mecha infestation and then /n/ and /o/ to reinforce class stratification and then /p/ for people who still had some grasp on reality and then /q/ as a joke that nobody really understood anyway and then /r/ because /d/ and /e/ and /h/ and /l/ still just weren't enough and then /s/ because /d/ and /e/ and /h/ and /l/ and /r/ still just weren't enough and then /t/ because you are a pirate and then /u/ because /d/ and /e/ and /h/ and /r/ and /s/ still weren't enough and then /v/ because /b/ at that point was all porn even though there was /d/ and /e/ and /h/ and /l/ and /r/ and /s/ and /u/ and people needed somewhere for their non-porn off topic discussions then they made /w/ because there wasn't enough anime and then /x/ because schizo containment and then /y/ for further schizo containment and then /z/ because everyone got tired and went home
Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 7:22:52 AM 1 year ago No. 1493
In your opinion what does it mean to be a CAT★STAR?
Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 12:55:24 PM 1 year ago No. 1496
>The basic idea of the song was for VIPPERS to aim to be VIP STARS that aim to hold up the quality of the board but unless you know Japanese and were around at the time to experience the VIP QUALITY culture there's basically no way you will understand what any of the lyrics means even by looking up every term in japanese search engines it will yield almost zero results and there's not really any archives.
>if you are interested you can always look up the related tags on this page to get an idea of the quality projects that were made on that board.

Although we did not consider the information posted on sewers, For us it was (supposed) to be used permanently by oldfags who knew the codewords to seperate oldfags from new users. Now, as time changed CAT was used unconsciously for posts (and funposts) of QUALITY and sometimes without real discretion.
From the usage on sewers it means to really know your shit, And in my opinion, it means how to become a CAT, (besides knowing the password) Lurking hard, posting regularly for years, Understanding why we have the rules, "Getting" /Sewers/, Understanding why 22chan exists and posting QUALITY shit. None of it operates in the "superiority complex" type of way, it just exists as a means to understand our version of oldfaggotry.
Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 1:24:43 PM 1 year ago No. 1497
This: [Play]
Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 5:00:23 PM 1 year ago No. 1498
Is this a comfy chan?
Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 5:37:34 PM 1 year ago No. 1499
Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 11:35:09 PM 1 year ago No. 1501
>Comfiness was focused on because it was comfiness meant for the primary users of the site; comfiness rooted in protectiveness of the community.
Anonymous Mon 18/09/2023 2:36:39 AM 1 year ago No. 1502
I think 22chan is comfy because I enjoy it but comfy means something different to everyone.
Anonymous Thu 21/09/2023 6:46:46 PM 1 year ago No. 1519
Salinger's The laughing man, Victor hugos The man who laughs.
Might be related in my opinion
Philip Wylie's The Murderer Invisible
Wells The invisible man.
Anonymous Fri 29/09/2023 5:29:30 AM 1 year ago No. 1549
How do i become an Otaku?
Anonymous Fri 29/09/2023 6:25:03 AM 1 year ago No. 1550
What kind of otaku?
Anonymous Thu 05/10/2023 3:22:26 AM 1 year ago No. 1581
Does anyone get superstitious during October? I get more cautious at night than usual during my night walk.
Anonymous Mon 09/10/2023 10:50:47 PM 1 year ago No. 1601
Unless you are a pagan halloween is just a regular day unlike any others. Because of the people and the way i tend to celebrate, There is a "magic" in the air but nothing supernatural.
Anonymous Tue 10/10/2023 3:16:33 PM 1 year ago No. 1604
As the weather changes, I hear more things when I go for night walks. It is hard for my mind not to think of undesirables instead of the supernatural being around to haunt me.
Anonymous Tue 10/10/2023 4:18:14 PM 1 year ago No. 1605
Debase yourself and indulge in whatever fandom you so choose. Not too hard. Disregard anything but the Japanese influence and mostly keep to yourself
Anonymous Mon 16/10/2023 4:39:44 AM 1 year ago No. 1625
Deny Japanese war crimes and be shameless about your love for the lowest quality animu.
Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 4:32:33 AM 1 year ago No. 2045
Why do cats stare out of the windows?
Also, What's with mangas with strange long names like "AWESOME! I CAN FLY FOR ONE HOUR (ONLY AFTER I DRINK A GALLON OF PISS)"
Anonymous Sun 31/12/2023 5:01:41 AM 1 year ago No. 2046
I can only answer the first question. I think cats are looking for prey that they want to hunt and basically observe things.
Anonymous Mon 29/01/2024 3:37:24 PM 1 year ago No. 2196
What would YOU do if you managed to get hold of a fuck ton of MONEY?
Let's say, You won the lotto and you won a million bucks.
Anonymous Tue 30/01/2024 5:30:16 AM 1 year ago No. 2197
I would try to invest it and try to live off it for the rest of my life and use the earnings as neetbuxs.
Anonymous Tue 30/01/2024 4:12:18 PM 1 year ago No. 2199
I would walk to the happiness store and buy some happiness
Anonymous Tue 30/01/2024 5:25:41 PM 1 year ago No. 2200
I need more than a million, but I'd start a massive ad campaign with an absurdist message. Something like, that peeling oranges with a spoon has many advantages. I'd pay for billboards, tv ads, youtube sponsorships and celebreties in general. You'd hear about it from everywhere
Anonymous Tue 06/02/2024 8:36:35 AM 1 year ago No. 2247
i have a question ive been curious about for a while, and i couldnt find a proper book on the matter. for the western comic book it seems its easy to trace the history, understand the visual medium and see how it was made, how the artist drew and why, what inks and colors they used, how characters where designed, and soforth. what im curious about is the mangaka. (atleast up to the 1980s) for anime i know that anime has influences from shadow puppets, and kabuki. i know much from the western mindset but the japanese mindset is a mystery to me and as a bonus i'd like to know that too. (even a simple book suggestion would be appreciated)

its actually fasinating learning about these things, so far ive seen the corruption of mediums such as videogames and the western comic because of corporatism (and generally hiring the wrong people and having a poor work eithic) and its almost like reading about the rise and fall of rome.
i forgot the books i read on the history of vidya but i can name a few of the books ive read about comic books.
"all the marvels", (not the exact fan of the book because of the authors blatant political bias but as an overview of the comics and the stories therein, it does a decent job) "marvel comics: the untold story" "i am stan" (its a graphic novel) "slugfest" "marvel comics in the 1970s" "the 10 cent plague" and i'm sure theres more out there for that subject matter but i haven't read them yet.
Anonymous Tue 06/02/2024 8:45:55 AM 1 year ago No. 2248
I must be prey then, Sad.
This is great because to be honest i'm sick of ads in general. Also, It reminds me of something the CIA did in the 70's to Left-wing activists and terrorist groups. The CIA had studied the occult and mystisim and decided to make ADs, and even Prank calls and send letters with statements like BEWARE! The serbian Beetle.
They thought this would induce certian groups and people to paranoia and dispel movements, It didn't lol.
Anonymous Fri 09/02/2024 5:05:49 AM 1 year ago No. 2265
I don't know how to describe this phenomenon, but I sometimes forget people's faces despite hearing their names a lot. This has happened with family, friends, and both Trump and Biden. I can blame not being a politisperg for forgetting Trump and Biden, but I feel rude for forgetting in real life people's faces.
Anonymous Sat 10/02/2024 4:19:49 PM 1 year ago No. 2274
A. Used to have similar problems, until I realized that I am terrible at eye contact and never actually looked at anyone. It made sense that I wouldn't remember what I only see rarely. Maybe you're in a similar situation.
Q. I get painful hives on my arms and torso when I get too warm or anxious. It's clearly some kind of histamine response. How can I get my body to knock that shit off?
Anonymous Mon 11/03/2024 3:56:10 AM 11 months ago No. 2500
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Does anybody react when they notice a car behind them at night? I personally force myself to go a little under the speed limit just in case it is a cop.
Anonymous Wed 13/03/2024 1:10:57 AM 11 months ago No. 2512
I used to go on night walks when I lived at my parents house. They don't live in a bad neighbor, but within close proximity of one. We had a lot of car burglaries in our specific area, but it never phased me from going out for night walks. But one day I got stopped by an undercover cop who pulled over in a beater Toyota and shined a light in my face telling me to stop (I thought he was a guy trying to kidnap me so I almost ran). But, again, it turned out to be an actual cop who was an asshole. It stopped me from going on night walks.
Anonymous Wed 13/03/2024 4:16:51 AM 11 months ago No. 2517
I am scared of going on walks because I live next to bad neighborhood. I am scared some criminal spills over to my neighborhood. For that reason I don't go further than my yard.
Anonymous Wed 13/03/2024 11:40:12 PM 11 months ago No. 2524
Carry a gun and learn to fight. The world is a dangerous place, you shouldn't live in it without knowing how to defend yourself.
Anonymous Thu 14/03/2024 4:15:22 AM 11 months ago No. 2525
I am also worrying of falling because it is dark outside in a hilly neighborhood.
Anonymous Thu 14/03/2024 9:26:42 PM 11 months ago No. 2528
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Do you live by any hiking trails or parks that are safe? That seems like a good alternative.
Anonymous Fri 15/03/2024 3:05:57 PM 11 months ago No. 2533
Buy a headlight.
Anonymous Sat 16/03/2024 4:32:24 AM 11 months ago No. 2541
There are hiking trails nearby but I am too worried to attempt a nightwalk. A day walk seems like it would be pretty comfy.
Anonymous Thu 21/03/2024 2:20:11 AM 11 months ago No. 2567
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Playing cards and musical instruments.
I get to learn the craziest shit from people of all backgrounds and nobody here thinks I'm weird or even super notable.
Transcendent. Very nice being able to walk with nobody around. Also, no sun to make me sweaty and hot!
My question: anyone here have experience with coastal areas in the Baltic countries? I've been hashing out some worldbuilding for a story I might write someday. The setting takes inspiration from Estonian wetlands and a few other sites around there like the Curonian lagoon, Cape Kolka, Pape and Guajas national parks, and the Salacgriva cliffs. The geological history of these places is interesting to me, with Pleistocene era glaciation and formation of fens and bogs and whatnot. If anyone has been near these places or similar ones (British bogs, American great lakes esp. Minnesota or upstate NY), please share your experience! Climate, wildlife, sights, smells, sounds!
Anonymous Sun 07/04/2024 4:31:01 AM 10 months ago No. 2611
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What does it mean when your cat puts their paw around your neck? He was purring when he did which made it more confusing.
Anonymous Mon 08/04/2024 8:52:12 PM 10 months ago No. 2614
Maybe your cat wanted to hug you? They sometimes copy people and maybe your cat figured that hugging is a way to show someone you love them. Wholesome if true.
Anonymous Wed 10/04/2024 4:42:51 AM 10 months ago No. 2622
When I woke up he got out my bed and led me to his food bowl so it didn't seem to be for the most wholesome reasons.
Anonymous Wed 10/04/2024 2:15:54 PM 10 months ago No. 2624
So it was bribery? Sad.
Anonymous Thu 11/04/2024 4:07:17 AM 10 months ago No. 2632
I suppose the cat saw it as a quid pro quo. My cat is more civilized and savvy than me for sure.
Anonymous Fri 03/05/2024 6:38:01 AM 9 months ago No. 2732
i am attempting to collect switch games even though i don't have the system. i try to buy them for cheap although to be honest sometimes if you wait too long you miss out on games forever. what switch games am i better off passing on, like if they are better played on a diffrent console? what switch games in your opinion are must haves?
and finally, am i better off waiting for switch two, or buying the oled model?
Anonymous Sun 05/05/2024 4:12:24 AM 9 months ago No. 2736
They probably don't have anything else because most good titles are on other platforms besides Nintendo's stuff. Most good Switch games can be obtained on other platforms except Unicorn Overlord.
Anonymous Sun 05/05/2024 3:16:42 PM 9 months ago No. 2741
Anonymous Sun 05/05/2024 4:39:08 PM 9 months ago No. 2742
you don't need to bump a thread by typing "bump", say something like a question you have to ask instead.
Anonymous Sat 01/06/2024 11:02:55 PM 8 months ago No. 2898
What would be the best way to re-watch Evangelion? The original dub, or subs? (accuracy to the original script anx intentions is important to me) And should i continue with "the end of evangelion" and the newer movies that came out or focus on the original tv series?
A year ago i watched the dub on netflix but skipped out on the end of evangelion. I forgotten the story and was thinking of rewatching with a fresh set of eyes.
Anonymous Mon 03/06/2024 9:40:17 PM 8 months ago No. 2912
To me, the original dub is the best experience you can get. The voice work is really rough for the first few episodes but then it gets really good and stays that way.
Some people would recommend you watch End of Evangelion BEFORE the last two episodes of the show, but you shouldn't do that. The last two episodes of the show are some of the most important and a lot of the meaning and depth of EoE is lost if you haven't seen them.
In order to preemptively answer any questions you might have about it, I believe that the last two episodes of the SHOW are what happens in Shinji's MIND during the last few moments of the MOVIE. The movie is what physically happens, the episodes of the show are what happen mentally.

Enjoy, anon.
Anonymous Mon 03/06/2024 10:28:29 PM 8 months ago No. 2913
Yeah, i was reading that the writers only included religious imagery because they thought it looked cool, so i'm plannng of watching with the esoterica of the show in mind without religious bias. I'm not religious but once i heard various phrases and imagery used it tainted my thoughts of what the show is about. Instead of angels, they are beings or dimensional entites. The spear is more of a key, The dead sea scrolls is not the biblical one but more of like writings from an alien race. With that out of the way and my memories being blank its going to be an interesting watch.
Anonymous Tue 04/06/2024 4:23:32 AM 8 months ago No. 2916
Today, I mowed the lawn with a hoodie to avoid the sun clobbering my skin. During peak summer heat, what is the best way to avoid the sun while mowing the lawn?
Anonymous Tue 04/06/2024 9:47:10 AM 8 months ago No. 2919
Anonymous Sun 09/06/2024 10:50:42 PM 8 months ago No. 2931
i have a question, is the west trying to subvert japanese culture?
Anonymous Sun 09/06/2024 10:51:26 PM 8 months ago No. 2932
neck gaters
Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 1:28:40 AM 8 months ago No. 2933
jesus christ i got conned so bad lol so it turns out fuckin robotech is a american stitch up of THREE DIFFRENT ANIME
so which is better, the american version or the actual three diffrent anime series? i used to watch the robotech thing on tv and i even had a few ps2 games lol but really it seems like perhaps i should check out the originals?
Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 2:29:51 AM 8 months ago No. 2936
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Maybe... I mean it's been a few years when I first realized this when I found out that there were some Japanese animation studios that were purposefully trying to insert LGBTQ propaganda into their Anime (Hoshiai no Sora, where you see a person questioning their gender while outright holding a LGBTQ book) which at first which lead me to lurk the "LGBTQ" tag on Japanese twitter as it was slowly starting to gain traction which made me realize that this movement was already a thing and there were pride parades and all the other crap for years now.
Rather than me babbling on about it I'll attach an image that explains the current situation with Japan and its government that's responsible for speeding up the process that matches with everything I have observed for years now (sorry for the low quality).
I also wanted to mention another aspect of Japanese internet culture, which has been increasingly influenced by Western trends. This shift began with the newer generation embracing "trend culture" and moving from NicoNico to YouTube, especially after the introduction of smartphones in 2013. The rise of Vtubers significantly accelerated this process. Like for example Vtubers marked one of the first instances where Japanese users began giving money to people on the internet, a practice which on the Japanese internet was previously frowned upon. As a result, many more traditional Japanese "internet" values started to erode from there. This period also saw increased interaction between Japanese and Western internet users, leading to the Japanese adopting Western memes and trends. Consequently, movements like LGBTQ and diversity began to gain even more traction in Japan. Nowadays, the Japanese internet is filled with this content that is almost indistinguishable from Western internet culture.
Also: (note how they still kept the old directory name CSR, which is the previous alias of ESG) (Nintendo hasn't changed to ESG, they're still kept at CSR which was before CSR included woke retarded nonsense) (once the largest shareholder of Alibaba, especially around its beginning also probably the largest carrier for smartphones in Japan, especially key in spreading the use of iPhones in Japan during the early days to now)
Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 2:37:49 AM 8 months ago No. 2937
Japan in 2024: Struggles and Transformations

In 2024, Japan has faced significant changes and challenges. Even buying orange juice has become difficult, leading to the creation of a makeshift "orange and mandarin mixed juice." Women have increasingly traveled abroad for prostitution, to the extent that many are denied entry to the United States. Some even head to South Korea, which was much poorer until recently, for prostitution work.

Once a major exporter, Japan now suffers from massive trade deficits and lacks exportable goods. The tourism industry strives to attract not only Westerners but also people from Southeast Asia, India, and other less-known countries to earn foreign currency. Despite being a low-wage country, Japan provides substantial subsidies to foreign investors to build factories domestically, yet young people still seek employment abroad.

The top talent from Japanese universities is largely absorbed by foreign companies. Graduates from prestigious institutions like the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Waseda University pursue careers in consultancy and other less tangible fields, offering no prospects for earning foreign currency. Many top professionals have emigrated to the United States and never return.

In urban areas, Japanese people pay rent to Chinese property owners, unable to afford real estate themselves. Meanwhile, Chinese buyers purchase properties with cash, finding them inexpensive. The cost of imported building materials has skyrocketed, making home purchases increasingly difficult. A real estate company with the slogan "Let's go for a trillion" achieves record sales, despite offering only small, cost-effective homes.

While the US dollar price of iPhones remains unchanged, Japanese people complain about rising costs, with almost all mobile communication tools controlled by foreign companies. The country, unable to complete even the third industrial revolution, masks its shortcomings by promoting unclear concepts like Society 5.0 and IOWN, pretending to be active in IT technology.

Discussions about immigration to solve labor shortages have become obsolete. Japan, facing low wages, is told, "I'll go to Korea or Taiwan instead" and "Salaries are higher in urban China." As a last resort, the country deceives Vietnamese workers into a form of modern slavery to secure labor.

The healthcare system, once among the best globally, is overwhelmed by the elderly. The active generation is heavily taxed, and the system reaches its limits, leading to drastic cuts in drug prices. As a result, many essential foreign medicines are no longer available in Japan. Young people who could be saved by new drugs suffer, while elderly patients gather in hospitals for minor treatments.

Medications costing 3 million yen per person are administered to slow dementia by 20-30%, and hospital beds are occupied by bedridden elderly patients in their 80s and 90s. Their 60-year-old single sons occasionally visit, hoping to claim their pensions. The young working generation bears all these costs, leading to the lowest marriage and birth rates in post-war history.

The yen, once a desired currency, is now frequently sold off. It has become one of the volatile currencies of the Far East, with Japan sustaining itself by selling off the foreign currency reserves accumulated during its glory days, uncertain how long they will last.

The nation and its people mistakenly believe that monetary and fiscal policies alone can solve their problems, delaying structural reforms and neglecting technological development. This attitude has left the country stagnant, with old, vested-interest-driven companies and organizations stifling new technologies and ideas.

Young people, burdened with a ticking time bomb of depleting foreign currency reserves, foresee a future where Japan can no longer afford basic necessities like beef, wheat, soybeans, oil, gas, and uranium. Despite this bleak outlook, they turn a blind eye to reality. Today, while a sugar baby is asked about her underwear color by an older man, another young person drinks mandarin juice, contemplating the uncertain future.
Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 4:44:54 AM 8 months ago No. 2938
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although slightly unrelated this creature was working for viz media [Play]
which is why it is important to be wary of english translations in general.
for more cia fuckery in other countries i would suggest researching operation gladio, color revolutions and stay behind units.
pic related
>The company later apologized and stated that if they were to create a third game in the series they would "strive to design a gameplay experience from the ground up that is more inclusive, and better represents all players."
also maybe you havd watched the golden age berserk anime and wondered "why is warner bros producing anime?" well they are getting into the market i guess
now theres gonna be a shitty suicide squad anime and a lord of the rings anime, they failed with western media so now they move to anime first starting off with hosting japanese anime then moving to japanese adaptions of western IPs. it seems like the west has more of a stranglehold over japan then you'd think.
Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 6:30:44 AM 8 months ago No. 2942
yeah it's gonna be a hard pass on unicorn lol, i already made the mistake of buying live a live and the world ends wih you NEO.
Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 7:07:07 AM 8 months ago No. 2943
now granted having played live a live the changes are in some cases retarded but its still playable but the world ends with you is retarded beyond words with a fuck ton of meme slang and weird shit like a tagger bitching about capitalists and pic related and just bad writing that didn't exist at all in the ds version, i was looking at unicorn and for whatever reason its like they played willy nilly with the translation it seems like a weird choice to go for
>“Our ‘great’ general, reduced to little more than a base traitor, hm? You’ll find my head not so easily parted from my shoulders, Valmore. I wonder if you can say the same.”
which is flat, and dry instead of
>“General Valmore… I never thought you would lead a rebellion… However, I refuse to let you do as you like! I will strike you down here!”
it just seems silly as fuck since the writing here was good. maybe i'm silly but it seems to me like a waste of money to buy a diffrent product. at least with live a live it comes of as moee philosophical but it still feels kinda gay to realise that you got something that was altered from the original without realising it, and you got potentially a diffrent experience then someone playing the original game.
Anonymous Sun 07/07/2024 5:00:49 AM 7 months ago No. 3096
How do I differentiate between a hostile bite and friendly bite from a cat?
Anonymous Sun 07/07/2024 5:14:23 AM 7 months ago No. 3097
this is from my personal experience but no matter what it'll hurt, but if it makes you bleed then its hostle. they'll bite for various reasons either to play or something is bothering them or they are scared or pissed off. how did your cat react after biting you? if his tail is waving it might have meant he wanted to play although i am not the cat whisperer here and there could be something the internet or a vet is better answering
Anonymous Tue 09/07/2024 4:09:33 AM 7 months ago No. 3109
He was meowing and biting but not hard at all.
Anonymous Wed 17/07/2024 9:57:37 PM 7 months ago No. 3142
Why do people wear hats, and when should they be worn?
Anonymous Fri 19/07/2024 4:07:01 AM 7 months ago No. 3149
I wear hats to slow down sweating from the summer and to reduce exposure to the summer.
Anonymous Tue 03/09/2024 11:04:38 AM 5 months ago No. 3329
Should i create a drugs general thread? 22022222222 get
Anonymous Tue 03/09/2024 1:49:15 PM 5 months ago No. 3331
22022222222 get?
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 6:41:21 AM 5 months ago No. 3342
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Yea i clicked on preview options...
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 10:44:41 AM 5 months ago No. 3343
You were just preparing for the thread you were planning to make we understand
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 1:18:51 PM 5 months ago No. 3347
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Well at first i wanted to talk about growing mushrooms and weed but maybe it's a bit too niche idk if someone here's interested?
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 1:33:13 PM 5 months ago No. 3348
Clearly on 22chan out of all the other places engaging in such topics to attract the attention of troublemakers and three-letter operatives just what this place needs right now.
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 1:44:59 PM 5 months ago No. 3349
Understandable, that's why i asked first. Btw if someone interested by growing gourmet shroom im in too.
Anonymous Thu 03/10/2024 2:27:17 PM 4 months ago No. 3480
What do cats think when they sleep at your feet simultaneously as you are?
Anonymous Thu 03/10/2024 3:04:10 PM 4 months ago No. 3481
Most likely they feel secure, or that they are guarding you from potential prey.
Anonymous Fri 15/11/2024 5:14:55 AM 3 months ago No. 3718
What is the visual difference between tired eyes and bug eyes?
Anonymous Fri 15/11/2024 2:03:05 PM 3 months ago No. 3720
tired eyes is when they squint

bug eyes is when the eyes are wide open to the point where they appear to pop out
Anonymous Sun 17/11/2024 2:33:27 AM 3 months ago No. 3729
What touhou games should i play first? Is there a specific order i can play for story reasons?
Anonymous Sun 17/11/2024 5:21:51 AM 3 months ago No. 3731
I thought I had bug eyes this week but I could barely keep my eyes open all the way.
Anonymous Thu 28/11/2024 1:36:06 PM 2 months ago No. 3782
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What was the argument against the creation of an AI gen thread on /cre8/ again?
Anonymous Thu 28/11/2024 1:52:27 PM 2 months ago No. 3783
>What was
Don't you mean "was there?"
I don't remember 22chan ever having such a discussion in the first place. Wasn't AI art sometimes posted on livechan as well as on the old 22chan. Although now that you are bringing this up I wonder if it could be seen as low quality but since porn is banned here maybe it could lead to some interesting generations depending on the topic at hand. Anyways, just make the thread nigger. I'm sure if there ever arises a problem associated with those types of threads that puts the community at risk it will be dealt with in an instant.
Anonymous Tue 24/12/2024 4:20:55 PM 1 month ago No. 3917
how is it possible for fat cats to climb fences, its 8 feet tall and they have no objects to aid in climbing like to use as stairs, besides claws. he did it again, he was fat but also had thick fur and he was up on there again and i am so confused.
Anonymous Mon 27/01/2025 4:15:45 PM 25 days ago No. 4119
I just got my paws on a soundtrack for an anime, The problem is that i have to choose between two audio codecs, One is OGG, and the other is MP3 at 320kps. Which one is better?
Anonymous Tue 28/01/2025 3:50:44 PM 24 days ago No. 4121
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OGG is lossless (high quality), MP3 is lossy (small filesize). Go with OGG if
>you're listening on a pair of headphones/speakers that cost over $50, including car speakers
>you plan to use the music in some kind of project
>you are downloading the music for archival (always archive the highest quality)
Go with MP3 if
>storage space is scarce
>you need wide compatibility
Your priorities may be different, but I'd go with OGG. It offers a better listening experience and can always be converted to MP3 with LAME, but MP3 cannot be returned to a higher quality.
Anonymous Wed 29/01/2025 4:29:20 AM 24 days ago No. 4125
What is a narcissist to you? I hear it thrown around a lot these days, and I am unsure how common it actually is. How common are narcissists?
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