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Let's Talk About NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) Anonymous Sat 27/01/2024 7:38:44 AM 8 months ago No. 2188
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Are you a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
What led you to become a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
How do you feel about being a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
What are your daily activities as a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
Do you think you are a burden to your parents as a NEET?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
Any plans to change your NEET status?━━━\(^o^)/━━━
Anonymous Sun 28/01/2024 5:36:21 AM 8 months ago No. 2192
>Are you a NEET?
I am not a NEET, but I understand and sympathize with NEETs. I am unable to be a NEET due to my life circumstances.
>What led you to become a NEET?
What made me understand NEETS was trying and doing my best and getting nothing but negative feedback. It is just insane to do the same thing over and over again just to get the same mediocre to terrible results and be happy. Even though I have tried to do better, normal scum won't take the time to understand that. They will give you generic advice that will only fuel the ego by giving you one-size-fits-all solutions. If you have any hiccups in life it is all your fault.
>How do you feel about being a NEET?
I can only imagine being a NEET is a chance to breathe and do things you want to do.
I can't answer further because I am not an actually NEET.
Anonymous Sun 28/01/2024 6:46:27 PM 8 months ago No. 2194
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>Are you a NEET?
>How do you feel about being a NEET?
It's amazing, these last years have easily been some of the best of my life. I don't regret turning into one at all.
>What are your daily activiies as a NEET
Play games, watch anime, jack off, lurk imageboards, the usual for the kind of guy who gets in this situation. Although I do go out quite a bit for family reunions and to buy stuff so I'm not a hikki at all, my biggest streak of not leaving the place is just like 2 or 3 months (this wasn't in 2020, I don't really think the quarantine time counts). I simply am not doing anything "productive" with my time, up until now at least.
>Do you think you are a burden to your parents as a NEET?
Yeah, but then again, I've always thought of myself as a burden since I was little so it's just more of the same. I constantly help out around the house so it evens out a bit I guess.
>Any plans to change your NEET status?
I was planning on finishing high school this year and picking my creative hobbies back up, but of course, I've "planned" all of that for the past 4 years so my main concern is actually getting to it. Building habits is a pain in the ass in the beginning so that's my one and only obstacle for now.

Also, wow, that NEET generation video is in a surprisingly high quality. I had never seen it above 360p or so, even the .swf at swfchan looks like ass.
Anonymous Mon 29/01/2024 3:32:11 PM 8 months ago No. 2195
I pretty much got the shaft as a NEET. Plenty of emotional baggage, No time to do shit for fun, ECT. I was going to go on a rant but i figured i'd only weight down the thread.
I wish the best of luck to people that are NEETS and i hope they use the free time they have to do cool shit.
Anonymous Wed 31/01/2024 5:04:38 AM 8 months ago No. 2202
I hate the expectation that everyone has to work at all points of their youth. Life can be hard, and when you don't have any freedom, you are just being sold short, in my opinion. I feel like people need more time to self actualize.
Anonymous Thu 01/02/2024 11:38:03 PM 8 months ago No. 2214
I've heard that in some countries it is common for young people to take a year off as a neet before they get a job. Germany if I'm not mistaken
Anonymous Fri 02/02/2024 5:22:38 AM 8 months ago No. 2217
In Burger Land, you are endlessly shamed and ridiculed if you even hint about not wanting to work. Shaming language does no one any good, and if you feel worn out, it will only exacerbate the problem. Even a few months seems to be sufficient to get rid of negative emotions or make it more manageable.
Anonymous Fri 02/02/2024 6:31:22 AM 8 months ago No. 2219
I saw someone say elsewhere recently that NEETism is both the goal and life's greatest punishment, that matches my feelings about it pretty well.
Anonymous Sun 04/02/2024 5:32:36 AM 8 months ago No. 2232
I think that is more because the person doesn't feel like they are in control of their life. That is sort of how I feel being a wageslave. Do you feel in control of your life anon?
Anonymous Mon 05/02/2024 9:37:24 PM 8 months ago No. 2245
That's certainly a way to look at it. When you go NEET, if you didn't make it with crypto or possess a large inheritance then you're at the mercy of welfare/your parents and you'll only be able to live like that as long as your parents can put up with you or your NEETbux don't get removed for any reason. However, you can also look at it as achieving complete control over every small thing in your life along with completely controlling of managing your day, hygiene, appearance and such. This seems like something basic to most but others simply lack the incentive to do stuff like this without external pressure.
Almost everything you do in this state will be your very own responsibility, so if you just rot away day by day doing nothing you'll have no one to blame but yourself and this can make you feel and get even worse. Pursuing a "constructive" hobby of your preference can be a way to not feel like you're just rotting away doing the same mundane things every day and it can even serve as a way to get money if you get good enough at it. This works for terminal wagies too because I'm sure they need anything to keep their minds off their shitty job and in most cases dim future, but in their case they lack much more free time than a NEET so if it goes wrong they'll probably drop it due to stress.

Do you feel in control of your life anon?
Yes, and it pains me because while I can do anything with my day, I can't stop myself from doing the same over and over, every small improvement quickly regressing to my usual status quo which I'm way too comfortable with despite knowing it will end horribly if I just keep going at it. I don't know if this is just a part of getting older, something relating to NEETdom or both but my perception of time is way too fast. An entire day feels like what an afternoon felt like before going NEET, which leads me to accomplish even less than I would because what I think is just "15 minute break before I do [thing]" rapidly turns into 3 hours and I think the classic "Well, I guess I'll do it tomorrow" despite the day having so much of it left.

Also, something that has always been a bit scary to me about being confined most of the time is "How you think the world works vs How it actually works". Having a warped perception of reality can be absolutely brutal, especially if you never have a chance to realize it. I don't really think I've suffered from this but I fear it might happen while I have no idea it has.

Only a punishment if you're prone to guilt, can't mentally handle large periods of solitude or prone to addictions. It's almost like a filter in a way
Anonymous Wed 14/02/2024 6:27:21 PM 8 months ago No. 2294
My Life as a NEET.

Being a NEET is mid. It's alright for me being a NEET. How did I become a NEET in the first place? I'm glad you asked, I decided to be in Hikikomori mode because I was struggling with societal pressures and family dynamics. I express a deep hatred, fear and distrust against society (Family, friends, etc), law and the government. That's why I prefer initiating a severe social withdrawal. I'm much of a doomer/Hikikomori/NEET kind of individual.
Anonymous Sat 23/03/2024 2:36:09 AM 6 months ago No. 2572
Do you see yourself ever wagecucking? This can go for anyone who is a neet.
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