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Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 12:28:33 PM 2 years ago No. 23
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For those who hung in there since the old 22 went bust, we're officially oldfags now.

Fuck everyone who didn't believe.
Link Icon Edit
Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 1:16:37 PM 2 years ago No. 24
What are you going to use your status as oldfag for?
Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 1:25:21 PM 2 years ago No. 25
I will use it as a trump card for certain situations.
Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 4:09:28 PM 2 years ago No. 28
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We made it bros. I'm so proud of us.

We've all made it.
Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 6:36:51 PM 2 years ago No. 29
Right now, it's unbelievable to me, and it will take a few days before it becomes normal again.
Anonymous Tue 27/12/2022 8:38:02 AM 2 years ago No. 30
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browsed 22 for a while till it went down. decided to randomly search it up for no reason today and found that it’s up and running again.
you love to see it.
Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 7:15:41 AM 2 years ago No. 38
why the hell isnt there a caturday thread?
Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 7:18:38 AM 2 years ago No. 39
i like CAT better then oldfag
Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 7:32:23 AM 2 years ago No. 41
Maybe because the board just went up last Cat Sunday
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 3:33:51 AM 2 years ago No. 47
Quite happy to see 22 is back.Looking forward to us catching up to where we where at before old 22 was deleted and i'll do my best to help however i can.
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 4:09:41 AM 2 years ago No. 48
also must be edited.
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 4:36:52 AM 2 years ago No. 50
>we're officially oldfags now.
always was desu
ill miss twoot but hopefully things go well without them
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 5:54:51 AM 2 years ago No. 51
Not quite. Anyone that came before 22/2/22 is a newfag even if they somehow found the site a day later
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 2:24:27 PM 2 years ago No. 53
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Let's draw something soon.
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 4:20:08 PM 2 years ago No. 55
Are the Neocities going to be as secure as last time?
Oldfag status implies you know what quality content is for 22chan. You better not let us down.
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 7:20:07 PM 2 years ago No. 56
Wait, wat? Don't you mean "Anyone that came AFTER 22/2/22"?
I remember twosday.
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 7:22:40 PM 2 years ago No. 57
>ill miss twoot
LOL not me, I'd rather have someone more mentally stable at the helm.
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 2:15:47 AM 2 years ago No. 58
Sorry, I was drunk and hadn't slept. I meant exactly that, yes
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 5:05:17 AM 2 years ago No. 61
by and for anons with no namefag trannies as a figurehead who contributes nothing but short experiments and forgotten projects
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 6:19:39 AM 2 years ago No. 62
Fellow CATs of the board, Remember that lurking solves nothing. This was only proven when lurkers became more active only when 22chan shut down. They literally ran out of time so therefore, Shorten your lurking time by only doing so productively. Read all threads on all boards, then all posts on those threads but no more then that. Do not be fearful of the banhammer or the CAT, For i have been banned and even yelled at by experienced anons and all that was no more then a learning curve and didn't ruin my overall 22chan experience. Bored? No clue on what to post? Make a mental checklist on what you havent done to lurk, and what you havent posted yet. DO NOT be afraid to discuss what you enjoy (hobbies or otherwise) even if you think it will be ignored. The anon who posted the M@d thread is a decent example of this, his thread died, and i decided to check it out because of boredom. i then realised that he was talking about and posted several M@ds that i knew of and other anons followed suit. A month old thread became active out of knowhere, such is 22chan. My next example is otaku. Lets say you are an otaku and you want other anons to follow suit. Pretend that beig an otaku is an alien thing thats literally brand new. Provide proper context, Instructions on how to be an otaku and perhaps some resourses, then discuss otaku related subject matters. (keep in mind to not be too spoonfeedy, threat it like fishing and provide bait to reel people in) Then after all that, discuss otaku related subject matter untill you feel that you posted enough and arent talking to yourself. If everything works out then even after a month or so someone will respond and if not, TRY AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. Do not be scared to put yourself out there, Do not be afraid to even make a thread that will help you and other anons to test if the water is fine. An example is me making a thread to throw out thread ideas so i can see if people would enjoy a News thread to discuss news, political or otherwise. Something of that sort but i hope you lads understand what im getting at. Do what comes natural and you will help 22chan flourish instead of rotting away.
>Fuck everyone who didn't believe.
Proved them wrong lol
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 5:30:34 PM 2 years ago No. 66
Where my 2019 bros at
Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 5:13:02 PM 2 years ago No. 72
Checked, but 2019fags are out, 2020bros are in
Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 5:27:01 PM 2 years ago No. 73
2021 anons are a superior breed.
Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 6:25:26 PM 2 years ago No. 76
Forgetful anons, where am I?
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 3:07:30 AM 2 years ago No. 89
Edited. Any suggestions welcome!
It is (hopefully) secure now, but nobody can edit it except for me. That's lame, but I wasn't able to come up with any better solution. So if you have any edits/images/text/suggestions you want to contribute, just post them
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 3:42:42 AM 2 years ago No. 90
       ^ ^
     (^ω^ )  ni ~yuu!
⊂二二二(    )二⊃
      (    )
⊂二二二(    )二⊃
      (    )
⊂二二二(    )二⊃
     (    )
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 8:54:11 PM 2 years ago No. 104
Right here, comrade.
It's been a hell of a run.
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 10:32:14 PM 2 years ago No. 108
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I'll forever be salty towards him. I understand people change (in this case for the worse) but he really bitched out by being distant for a long time then suddenly nuking the site out of nowhere. I still remember his half-assed QnA on twosday where I asked if he was losing interesting in the site and he said he wasn't.

And for the record, he nuked 22chan for absolutely no fucking reason. He couldn't just hand the site over, no. Instead we got some bullshit about it being "his creation" and that it should "die with him" or some sort of melodramatic drivel. Seriously, I think the only reason he nuked the old 22 is that since he went off the deep end and tranny'd himself he doesn't want anyone to know he was the creator of an imageboard which had literal anti-LGBTQ rules.
It was clear from the few posts that he made towards the end that he wasn't in a good place mentally. He sounded depressed and lost, like every mentally ill faggot who gets roped into a self-destructive community.

I wish him the best. Otherwise, good fucking riddance.
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 10:35:46 PM 2 years ago No. 109
*losing interest
It's been a long day and I am very tired.
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 6:12:05 AM 2 years ago No. 118
i dont think copy-pasting or reviving threads from old 22 is bad idea at all.
i also feel like if people are scared about making threads then they can either talk it out in a thread, or make one for that purpose but other then that they really have nothing to worry about and in the worst case itll get deleted, and at best ignored if things dont work out so their like better off trying anyhow.
not only that but i have to ask: what do you guys like and hate about old 22? what do you like and hate so far about new 22?
for new, i really loved the creative and well thought out threads especially as we gained momentum. i hate the petty scuffles that could have easily been avoided or downright deleted.
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 6:13:39 AM 2 years ago No. 119
add another cat and make a thread for the neocities thing
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 6:32:26 AM 2 years ago No. 123
switching boards and entering threads takes seconds!!!!!!!
i didnt even realise this until now
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 8:45:57 PM 2 years ago No. 132
I'm liking the new 22 so far. There are some things left to iron out which is perfectly understandable. Actually liking the atmosphere here better than on the old 22.

Personally, one thing I never liked about old 22 is the "comfy" thing. I liked the focus on high-quality posts (and still do) but how the fuck is an imageboard "comfy"? I never liked that, made the place almost feel like a safe space. Should I avoid posting certain things because they might make someone uncomfortable? This one feels a bit rougher, which I like.
Anonymous Mon 09/01/2023 2:11:47 PM 2 years ago No. 176
Everything is "comfy" if you like it. A term such as "comfy" is subjective and doesn't mean anything if other imageboards are using the same term. High quality posts are something most people can more easily recognize, so I agree with you.
>Should I avoid posting certain things because they might make someone uncomfortable?
Can you give more details?
Anonymous Mon 09/01/2023 7:51:01 PM 2 years ago No. 178
The term just reminds me of a safe space. Makes it sound like we're all sitting around hugging pillows. I'm not saying degenerate shit like porn or gore should be allowed, stuff like that is toxic to the mind, but sometimes I felt the whole "comfy" thing got in the way of posting. In my opinion the fun of browsing imageboards is the fact that they're often rougher, more wild, than other parts of the internet. I think 22chan could benefit from a little roughness while still maintaining the focus on high quality posts.
Anonymous Tue 10/01/2023 4:40:23 AM 2 years ago No. 179
In old 22chan, people used to call it uncomfy, and they weren't wrong because it's subjective. When someone calls a site comfortable, it seems entirely subjective and like looking for a hugbox.
Anonymous Tue 10/01/2023 6:44:17 AM 2 years ago No. 180
>more wild, than other parts of the internet
(this is my opinion)
i'm not a fan of the internet nor imageboards (besides 22) as a whole (i'm also not a fan of fags) which is why i came to 22chan in the first place.
rough is also something that needs details
part of the problem here is that people seem to expect every imageboard to be the same, one guy on /b/ said "is this even a chan" and that /b/ should be anarchy. on sewers recently one retard thought that making fun of twoot is bad because imageboards is for dysfunctional retards only. just because imageboards, and the internet is "x" doesnt mean we should follow suit. dispite saying that, being nice isn't something thats forced, it comes naturally. being rude isn't banned and if it was it would cuck over discussion so there is a silver lining. discorse and debate was always the heart and soul of the site (anyone remember the philosophers of 22chan?) and for what it was worth our pol really worked well untill it was abandoned and ripe for takeover by those natzi retards. early 22 pol was generally relaxed but it didnt put a tamper on serious discussion and public discorse. the news thread was fun. one guy asked how our anons feels about jews and blacks, you'd see diffrent people racist and non racist, and from differing political spectrums. all interacting without overtaking. another made a thread about how "trump is going to start a war for votes" and everyone called that guy a retard and explained how he was overblowing things. it wasnt a hugbox, nor was it shitflinging. it wasnt acting like a child nor was it acting like an animal. the political discussion on the bunker site really worked too. our pol (in its early days) and the political discussion on the bunkersite could be seen as "rough" and it was natural and free flowing, we hate fags which can also be seen as rough. 22chan is comfy per say, but it has a natural roughness that wont be going away any time soon. (i dont know if i defined things correctly or if im retarded) it depends on what roughness means i guess but its pretty subjective too. a subject maybe "rough" yet important to discuss. maybe a fellow anon got raped and was venting. yeah its rough but like not discussing that would suck for that anon if he or she didnt. the news thread was "rough" but hey i learned alot and kept up with (and made fun of) current events. the discussion on the war on ukrane (on our /b/) was "rough" we knew that shit was fake and its not like theres alot of places on the internet where you can speak your mind on the matter without getting nuked. as mentioned, roughness is subjective. i guess its also depends how its done. i guess its done well when it isnt "toxic on the mind" and roughness really isnt. i guess being comfy can be toxic too so it really depends.
Anonymous Tue 10/01/2023 6:59:37 AM 2 years ago No. 181
nah. anyone who found the site now is a newfag. unless someone plans on making a new way of explaining newcomers in a type of "teir" system, the old system of new and oldfag works the same. CAT is also its own thing since anyone who knows the real name is the CAT and there is only a handful of fellows who know.
the new system would have to be complex then just two variables such as "new" and old". would probably based on experience, wisdom and time joining. i've been here since april 2019, and saw the formation of the spidergang. i can say i know what quality content and how shit works.
some anon may be from 2018 but is a total retard, someone may have joined 2021 and is pretty damn wise. one anon may be an oldfag of 4chan who started back in 2005 and found 22 just now. a new system would be cool but would it even be used? probably not.
Anonymous Tue 10/01/2023 12:10:41 PM 2 years ago No. 185
>> 23
This fells really bizarre.
I always felt like I was never part of any community
I mean since my youth family has been a thing that I never participated in because I was taken to another state by my parents
And even in this region I always felt like a isolated thing because my contact to the world was always really limited
Thanks to that my tendencies to just lurk and observe eventually grew
And even then 4chan just felt like a place that lost it's way long ago
Not just their way but everything there was just awful
It was always the same thread that would eventually spiral into a chaotic mess and lose it's way
It had no meaning
I was neither satisfied nor happy
But then I discovered this place in a list
And now
Man I am glad
22 will always be a special place for me
Just thank you all and here's to hope that the subsequent years will be great like before
Anonymous Tue 10/01/2023 5:58:00 PM 2 years ago No. 187
>it has a natural roughness that wont be going away any time soon
I agree, anon. You make a good point, 22chan is interesting because it's different from other chans. I think we're one of the only chans that aren't full of toxic retards.
I also remember that dude on /sewers/. What a retard, lol. He was pissy over the same thing in livechan, too. I found that weird. He doesn't seem like a regular, how the hell did he find his way there?

The only response to newfags should be ridicule followed by "lurk moar".
Anonymous Wed 11/01/2023 4:21:25 AM 2 years ago No. 195
here here. i really think things will go well this time.
Anonymous Wed 18/01/2023 3:23:50 AM 2 years ago No. 255
add a link to the 22chan album
Anonymous Sun 22/01/2023 4:18:04 AM 2 years ago No. 291
Speaking of oldfags,The ourworldoftext is still up. Still hasn't been changed, Or even raided which is nice.
Good to bookmark so when we get more active in the future it can be used to make stuff.
Anonymous Sat 11/02/2023 12:02:53 PM 2 years ago No. 485
I didn't know this existed, very nice!
Anonymous Mon 13/02/2023 6:23:28 PM 2 years ago No. 501
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You are under attack m'lord
Anonymous Tue 14/02/2023 3:54:33 PM 2 years ago No. 504
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I've been faced with the same situation, except here I still don't really feel like I'm 'part' of 22chan. I feel like an outsider even though I've been here for the better part of a decade I think. It's like there's several isolated groups and I'm not allowed to be a part of any of them.
I'm not interested in music or composing it, so there's no point in contributing to the album.
I don't really care to watch old anime, so I rarely visit the MMC guys.
My taste in videogames is completely different from everybody else's here and even though I could sperg out about the games I like it wouldn't generate much discussion because I'm the only guy here who's played them.
I love you guys, but there's just nothing here for me. I relegate myself to emotional threads and occasional autism posts about whatever in /vg/ but that's about it. I don't feel any sense of community or camaraderie with any of you even though we all went through the Twoot abandonment together like total troopers. I do my best to keep each other tight knit and close, and I try to protect what 22chan means as best I can, but I don't actually partake in any of it. It just feels cold and desolate here now.
Perhaps this is necessary, and I am destined never to experience, only observe.
Anonymous Tue 14/02/2023 9:35:03 PM 2 years ago No. 505
You sound hella depressed, anon.
Anonymous Tue 14/02/2023 9:57:26 PM 2 years ago No. 506
Objectively my life has done nothing but get better and I'm in a much better situation than I was even just a year ago but even now I feel like I have some big problems. I am immensely thankful for the good people in my life and 22chan, but even then it all feels alien.
This would be more appropriate for a /yu/ thread
Anonymous Tue 14/02/2023 10:20:44 PM 2 years ago No. 507
If you like imageboards but dislike modern 4chan, then you're one of us, that's all there's to it honestly
>I feel like an outsider even though I've been here for the better part of a decade I think. It's like there's several isolated groups and I'm not allowed to be a part of any of them.
I feel a lack of belonging sometimes too. I do hope that you find a way to relate with the anons here or other people in general. For now I think you should read this (just the first quote):
Sometimes the idea that everyone else is doing better is an illusion, even though it's not surprising you'd get that with how everyone here tries to be positive.
>My taste in videogames is completely different from everybody else's here and even though I could sperg out about the games I like it wouldn't generate much discussion because I'm the only guy here who's played them.
This is a common problem here in fact. This anon made a thread about a game series he liked a month ago and he got no replies:
I personally find that my music taste has little to do with what people here tend to listen to. Outside the big cliches like dark souls or lain you'll struggle finding people to talk with. But if nobody makes an attempt, then we'll never discuss anything. Maybe it's ok to get no (You)'s sometimes.
Anonymous Wed 15/02/2023 5:34:25 AM 2 years ago No. 508
Sounds like you're overthinking things just a bit. For one, no one's identity on here goes further than a single post (unless it's absolutely needed) , so you already become part of the site just by posting, no matter how little you post or how trivial your posts are. With a smaller userbase comes a more narrow range of topics to discuss. If you can't contribute, it is what it is, and you definitely shouldn't force yourself to. Even if there's parts of the community here I can't relate to, I still like the community for what it is at its core. I can't really deal with the kind of cancer bigger communities have, so I stay here.
I agree with how >>507 ends. Making a thread about something you're interested in, putting it out there, provides an opportunity for discussion.
Anonymous Wed 15/02/2023 4:25:44 PM 2 years ago No. 509
>Maybe it's ok to get no (You)'s sometimes.
Exactly. They can't all be winners.
Anonymous Tue 28/02/2023 6:07:38 PM 2 years ago No. 574
My first time on this new 22chan...
It really makes me happy to see my influence on that website :D
Anonymous Tue 28/02/2023 9:03:15 PM 2 years ago No. 575
In what way?
Anonymous Wed 01/03/2023 11:33:49 PM 2 years ago No. 577
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That cat anon character, the thread that he is viewing on his laptop. ITS MY THREADD!!!!!!
Sadly I do not think that I still have the original cat anon image.
Anonymous Thu 02/03/2023 1:45:28 PM 2 years ago No. 579
my favorite!
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 3:58:40 AM 1 year ago No. 663
We need more catanon.
If your an anon and not a fag and a total degenerate then congrats, your one of us.
Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 7:14:10 PM 1 year ago No. 673
Oh fukken nice you saved my catnon drawing. I lost it along with a ton of old 22 stuff some months ago, glad to see it wasn't lost to time
Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 7:48:27 PM 1 year ago No. 674
Will you make more catnon drawings?
CAT Wed 23/08/2023 4:56:43 AM 1 year ago No. 1348
>im scared of being banned and having my post deleted
YOU DON'T NEED TO OVERTHINK WHAT YOU POST. worst thing you can do is be scared. all you need to do is ask questions if you are unsure about something, lurk the board, and read the rules. the worst thing you can do is make a shit thread with a snappy one liner and break the rules on purpose. I have gotten banned before and I talked the situation out and was back on my feet in seconds with no real problem and no harm done. your post doesn't need to be a fuckin novel or a Picasso or whatever bullshit. just use your brain when you make a post and deal with the consequences.
>i dont know what to post i ran out of ideas, im bored, etc.
Browse all the threads, and every post board by board. If that doesn't give you ideas, look online for archived 22 threads/posts and get ideas from that. Hell, there's so much content on the internet, you'll never be bored and there are still plenty of stuff to talk about. What you are is a lazy cat.
Record everything you see, hear and feel. Record audio, use a notepad digital or otherwise, write anything interesting or how you feel about things as they happen.
When you consume media, do so in a sense that makes it easy to digest and explain online. When I read a manga, comic, tv show I go by a single page, chapter, volume and episode per day based on what my brain can tolerate.
Remember to document and explain, not just mindlessly consume. Take pics and screenshot regularly if you feel that it can aid discussion or make a point or its just funny.
When I watch a tv show or movie, I take a break every 10 or so minutes to think about what I watch and to take note of anything interesting that I can then translate into content.
Make a fucking thread even if you feel that it would be ignored or something. I will personally go out of the way to review it, and I'm sure others will too. (this goes for really anything including music and vidya)
If you don't know what to watch, read etc then document what people here consume and make a list and watch/read it yourself.
Here is a kind of accurate list of anime featured on the site as being good.
This is not a perfect list and I'll update it in the future with stuff I missed. I am going through one by one and reviewing the manga version of the titles featured in that list. so far, I knocked off azumanga and lain. If I can be productive, You can too. do not burn yourself out when posting and save posts and threads for later. I mostly post 5 times per day and save some extra posts for later or in case of an emergency. if i post more than 5, then I get burnt out and it takes me a few days to recover.
>i want more people to use the site and I don't know what to do.
1 do nothing.
2 tell your friends and family you can trust.
4 word of mouth
3 advertise, but actually use your brain. look online on how to advertise. look online how 22chan advertised in the past and take notes on how people felt, what they liked and hated. you do not want to be a parasite and displace a nice altchan or a communities userbase just so we can be more active. we want friends, not enemies. you do not want to make enemies or be rude. you do not want to make a personalized ad like you see on billboards. you do not want to advertise on a community that has porn, a really bad history (doesn't matter if you like it, we don't like lolcows and sketchy admins) or anything 22chan is against. You probably should only deal with people who want to find a site like ours if it's allowed by that community.
If you don't know what you are doing or doing this out of desperation, then don't do it. If you feel that the staff will clean up whatever mess you make then you're a retard. (Worst case scenario just let the staff advertise)
I don't claim to be the expert nor am I expecting what I posted to be taken seriously, I'm just doing this for posterity.
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