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does intellectualizing things invite trolling? Anonymous Wed 24/04/2024 11:26:36 PM 10 months ago No. 2698
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have you ever noticed that any time you try to make a post making an observation, even if you try to be as non pretentious as possible, you get trolling behavior? why is that? is there something inherently bad about intellectualizing behavior? i am mostly referring to IB culture
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Anonymous Thu 25/04/2024 12:11:31 AM 10 months ago No. 2699
well, i guess it makes sense to see trolling behaviour since the poster is anonymous, they feel they can pretty much do whatever without any consequences. i would say though dispite that atleast with imageboards the trade off is being able to avoid forum behaviour and (depending on the rules of the board and the community) have free-ish speech and conversations you normally wouldnt see on forums.
Anonymous Sun 10/11/2024 4:33:50 AM 3 months ago No. 3694
I can't say I can differentiate between genuine and pseudo-intellectualizing but I can tell you one of them is definitely more common and would tend to be called out more.
Anonymous Sun 10/11/2024 5:58:48 AM 3 months ago No. 3697
It is hard to make your point in a concise manner which makes the onlooker think you are just trying to make yourself smarter than you are. Also, the amount of pseudo intellectuals makes it hard to know if someone is not acting in a self-praising manner.
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