I like to eat snacks. I got a bunch of imported ones that appear to be from Korea and Japan, so now I am eating pic related. It's a lot like Corn Nuts, which are one of my favorites, so that's nice. Earlier, I ate a box of Whoppers, and I've been on the lookout for Haribo Berries lately, because I like those. I'll post more if I have anything interesting, though I probably won't always have photos. What snacks are you eating?
As a gift for Chrims, I got some nerds balls. Those are called nerds gummy clusters, and they were really good, but I had to brush my teeth afterwards.
I drank soda for the first time in many months during Chrims. My teeth felt really strange the day after even though I brushed.
i ate mochi balls today
gummy outside layer, and soft icecream center, not bad to be honest.
Let me tell you about Choco Boy. I actually ate this a little while ago, but it took a long time to e-mail it to myself for some reason. This snack is very nice. It reminds me of Pocky, but there is more chocolate. The snacks in the bag are just like the little mushrooms on the package. I would probably get these all the time if they weren't a wacky import thing. Does anyone know an American snack like this?
Do you not have a Japanese or Korean store near you? Try to look one up if you haven't because I got a bunch of Japanese and Korean stores nearby and I live in the U.S where I get that exact treat from.
That's a good idea. I think there are a few grocery stores like that near me, so I'll have to check around sometime.
Rmune is interesting, More fizzy then regular soda and more natural tasting but still manages to taste like soda then sparkling juice.
I got Botan Rice Candy! I love these things; I used to eat them when I was a kid. Each one has an edible wax wrapper on it. I tried putting one in my water, and it dissolved. The art on the packaging apparently hasn't changed in all this time. I think it's pretty cool. Apparently they include a sticker now, so that's also in the picture. Maybe they always did and I just forgot. Anyway, there's one of a cat, but I got this raccoon apple thing. I highly recommend this candy. As I recall, it's not too hard to find even in America.
cute packaging, you should keep an album of them or something
Chinese dried jujube snacks are so good- super crunchy and sweet and addicting.
I gave up candy and conventional snacks cause I wanted to get healthier. Now a days my go-to snacks are chocolate-covered raisins mixed with cashews and almonds, alongside a glass of water.
I recently decided to give up on G Fuel. The majority of the time, it gave me headaches so I stopped using it.
No picture today, but I'm eating some crispy dried seaweed snacks. They are very nice and salty. I recommend trying this if you can find it.
Energy drinks are bad news and just make you crash after the caffeine wears off.
I can't remember experiencing what you describe ever.
That's literally what caffeine does. It perks you up for a while, then wears off.
That is why I don't drink my energy drinks in one sitting. When I am satisfied with my sip I put the drink in the fridge.
serving size is quite important
In what way?
You'd be surprised at the serving size of some products. Some candy bars have a serving size of one bite. Really makes you think just how fucking unhealthy some things are.
That is true. There would be less overweight people if they just limited servings of unhealthy foods.
How can people eat spicy foods that burn to the point where you can't taste anything besides pain?
I'll assume most people who do eat very spicy food are Male. Most of the time, I've seen people eat spicy food to prove they are tough alphas.
A pretty unconventional but healthy snack which I eat often are raw carrots dipped in crunchy peanut butter.
How does that compare with apples and peanut butter?
Apples and peanut butter are a great snack too, I just really like carrots.
Is there anything else that is good with peanut butter?
I make peanut butter cheesecake from time to time. Or peanut butter sesame confection.
Crackers can be good with peanut butter but they're not very nutritious.
When I was a kid, I used to eat sour patch straws as snacks. I remember loving it as a kid, but it has been a while.
Today I tried out the new flavour, and it tasted like a water-down pink monster. The flavour is called Ultra Strawberry dream.
Do any sodas count? I really enjoy the new dr pepper strawberry flavor
I tried some of the new Dr P, I wasn't sure what to think of it.
Yesterday I tried Monster Energy Drink Ultra Peachy Keen, and it tasted decent. It tasted just like the Bang Flavor of peachy mango, and tbh I think I'd go with that because the monster is more expensive.
I found some Ferrero Rocher chocolates in a bag some minutes ago. They are good, but I don't get why people around me think they are above and beyond, specially for their price and quantity. I could get a huge chocolate bar that lasts me a week or more for just a bit more than it costs me for a package of these
I tried the ghost energy Swedish fish and it was a little sweet for my taste yet good. I'd buy more if it was sold in more stores.
Hey you guys, I got another box of imported snacks. These ones are from Turkey.
Get a load of this snack cake! It's real! Pretty good, too. The chocolate filling elevates it above the average Little Debbie cake.
That looks cool. I don't often drink energy drinks, but I like Swedish Fish.
It tastes pretty true to the original flavor.
>from Turkey
How does Turkish food compare to Burgerland food?
Seems like everything I got has chocolate in it, so that must be popular there. It's not the cheap American kind of chocolate, either. Most of it is at least a little bitter, which is nice.
I tried the radical skadattle flavor of Bang and it is underwhelming. It taste sort of like the skittles you get in the purple package.
Look, I'm on Crax.
Actually, it was a few days ago that I ate these. They were with the other Turkish snacks. So, it's not likely you'd be able to find them, but if you can, try them out. They have a really nice garlic flavor. They're like a more zesty version of Pocky. If anyone knows of an American snack comparable to this one, tell me about it.
Got a massive box of expired oreos yesterday at a great discount. 3 bucks for 156 cookies. Americans keep winning. God bless.
Diabeetus, you say?
Update me on how those Oreos taste.
Anyone who says cheese is unhealthy in any form is a goddamn liar
As long as it's not fake cheese or a "cheese product" its actually pretty fucking healthy. Even nacho cheese is healthy and its healthier if you can make it yourself. thought i saw a recipe online for that using cheese and milk but i forgot. makes me so mad that they always forche what is and isnt healthy on you. Gentlemen we have been conned by the powers that be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQmqVVmMB3k [Play] i mean come on
it fuckin aint i even knew it and i was told to fuck off and sit and color.
godamn do i miss those mcdonalds fries with the beef fat cooked in,
I tried the Ultra Sunrise Monster, and at first, it tasted like a watered-down regular zero ultra. I found it to taste like some cool orange juice as I tried it more.
This week, I tried the last Monster Ultra that wasn't red. The fiesta Monster tasted like the Peachy keen one except they were trying to pander to Pedro this time instead of some suburban White mom. If I didn't cover a monster drink you are curious about let me know and I'll review it. By the way, this flavor is weirdly popular
I tried Mountain Dew Energy Blue Pomegranate Blue yesterday, and it tasted like watered down gatorade. It was a waste of money.
For weeks, it leered at me from the bottom of the box. I put it off again and again until it was the last one left. It taunted me, dared me to taste Smurfette's feet. I hesitated still, knowing her to be false Smurf, a godless homunculus of Gargamel's design. But I had to know.
It's okay, but I think a lollipop and a bag of Pop Rocks don't really gain anything from being paired together. You're supposed to eat them like Fun Dip, but it's more trouble than it's worth. The flavor is nice, anyway. Maybe this questionable branding is just what flies in Turkey.
Just woke up from my diabeetus coma. It was worth it. The oreos tasted like oreos, just a little dried out sometimes which wasn't noticeable once they were dipped in heavy whipping cream (as God intended)
How many oreos did you make it through?
WHY is it shaped like a foot?
I tried the Bang Blue and Yellow limoncello and it was trash. The taste is sweetness overkill and it is trash because of that. I could barely finish the can.
I tried Red Bull, and it worked great as an energy drink. It refreshed me, and its taste reminded me of Sprite. Red Bull is a comfy drink.
A few weeks ago, I got a large bag of crab-flavored chips. They were Utz brand, which I often get, since they're cheap and decent enough. These chips were okay at first, with a remarkably accurate flavor, but I don't think I should have bought such a large bag. The chips went stale before I could finish them all. They're seasoned a bit too strongly to eat in such large quantities. I still like Utz, but I'll probably stick with other flavors.
Sometime later, I got a bag of Doritos. I used to eat those all the time, but I hadn't had any in a while. After eating the cheap stuff, I was surprised by how good Doritos actually are. I remember when they were really heavily marketed and were all over the place, so I guess I wasn't expecting them to stand up on their own merits, but they have a very nice, crispy texture, and the flavor (BBQ in this case) is good without being overpowering. I don't know how they do it, but I guess they're on top for a reason.
Incidentally, I also picked up one of those big barrels of mixed snacks (chips, pretzels, etc.) around the same time I got the crab chips. If you're cheaping out, just get one of those. It'll last you a while, and with everything mixed together, it's not too noticeable how they're off-brand.
>I was surprised by how good Doritos actually are
Yeah, Doritos are not my go to chips, but they are great to have when they are available.
>it's not too noticeable how they're off-brand.
Name brands and off brands are hard for me to distinguish. How does it feel to know from the difference?
Well, the most noticeable difference was the cheese flavor of the replacement Cheetos. It was unconvincing, although I'm not sure how to articulate it. Plus, this generic snack mix didn't have any replacement for Sun Chips, which are included in Munchies (the name brand mix). But like I was saying, it's still good value.
Those mixes contain way too many Cheetos for some reason, and it really doesn't appeal to me. It's a great mix with everything else. Cheetos feel cheap to me for some reason. I don't know why.
I tried the Monster Ultra Blue and it tasted really good. It tasted like the normal zero ultra, but with just enough blue raspberry. This flavor is in my top 3 of monsters.
I tried the Citrus flavor from Ghost and it was very underwhelming. It tasted like Mt Dew but for nearly triple the price for a single can. That was a very underwhelming drink.
Trust me on this one, especially when it gets hot this summer, you're going to thank me later, I promise.. Gatorades cucumber flavor beverage is absolutely amazing!! It's really hard to describe, other than to say it tastes extremely natural, just like ice cold sweet cucumber water, with the tiniest hint of line in the background
And if you're thinking to yourself "cucumber??? ewww", you'd be making a huge mistake, because it is absolutely the most delicious, refreshing, crystal clear light and natural tasting beverage I've had in years, if not my entire life!!
And I'm not exaggerating. It is not a heavy overbearing artificial cucumber flavor. It's super light and natural, not too sweet, and so thirst quenching, you won't believe it!!
It doesn't leave a sticky sugary film in your mouth, has just the right delicate amount of lime hidden in the background to make it mysterious, and on a really hot summer day, it will refresh you like no other drink on the market...
Coincidentally enough, the Gatorade Corporation recently announced that the Cucumber flavor is ==THE NUMBER ONE BEST SELLING GATORADE PRODUCT OF ALL TIME==
It's so God damn Delicious, that the Gatorade company has sold more cucumbers Gatorade than any other Gatorade flavor in the company's history...
This summer when it gets really hot, buy a bottle of cucumber gatorade, and get ready to find out what refreshment is really all around! You'll slam an entire bottle of this and immediately want to buy another one.
So go ahead and buy two bottles instead of one, and save yourself the return trip...
It's that fucking good
Take my advice, and purchase at least two of the Cucumber Gatorades, because you're going to end up driving back to the convenience store again, after finishing the first bottle
Buy six of them and take them home, put 4 of them in the refrigerator, and put the other 2 in the freezer for 30 minutes, taking them out right as they are reaching the slushy stage...
It's the most refreshing thirst quenching drink, absolutely essential on a hot sticky day
for the past few Summers, when it had reached the peak humidity and temperatures, my wife and I have LIVED ON CUCUMBER GATORADES...
Imagine jumping into a crystal clear swimming pool.. that's exactly the sensation you get when you turn up a bottle of delicious cucumber Gatorade
It's actually more thirst quenching than just ice cold water
Because the flavor is very light and clean, and it's not a thick sticky syrupy beverage, it's just fucking amazingly refreshing!
We have both found ourselves working in the summertime, dripping sweat and sticky from humidity, absolutely brutal during the summertime here in Georgia....
but ever since we accidentally stumbled onto cucumber gatorade, we have both relied primarily on this beverage to keep us going and feeling refreshed
It's actually a brilliant beverage, the most unique different individual unlikely flavor I've seen in years, and an instant favorite after the first sip
When Gatorade called this drink THIST QUENCHER, they weren't joking
it's unlike any other drink on the market
America is the only country that calls it SWISS CHEESE
All other countries call it EMMENTAL (or Emmenthal)
named after the Emmental region in Switzerland
( if the cheese is made in Finland or another country, it is referred to as EMMENTHAL, but if it's actually made in the emmental region of Switzerland, it is called EMMENTHALER...
But only trailer park America refers to it as Swiss cheese...
while the rest of the world refers to American cheese as "plastic"
I would imagine you are obese, and if you would ever like Rock Solid advice on how to lose weight fast, I can teach you how I lost 80 lb without even trying, requiring no diet or effort whatsoever
A year or so ago, I admittedly became very comfortable with my life, settled down at home with my wife, eating tons of delicious healthy home cooked meals, and taking it easy, enjoying the good life, and I put on a little bit of weight
Actually, I put on more than just a little bit of weight
Without realizing it, I had added an extra 80 lb to my frame, but I earned it the old fashioned way, eating the most amazing food, because my wife and I are both exceptional Cooks...
and YES, I admit I had grown a bit too comfortable sitting on the sofa and pouring another single malt scotch, or smoking another doobie and eating some homemade brownies...
I didn't even really realize I had gained so much weight, because I wasn't even paying attention
but one day, I was pouring a glass of iced Pepsi, and my wife (a registered nurse) told me "YOU'RE DRINKING ALL YOUR CALORIES"
I asked her what she meant, and she reiterated:
"you are eating a very healthy diet, but you keep drinking sugary soft drinks, and that's why you've gotten big in the middle"...
I stopped and realized :
I am a Pesco vegetarian, and we eat a really clean healthy diet everyday, but I was cheating by continually wanting a glass of Pepsi or other soft drink (I'm not a coca cola guy, but I loved Pepsi and ginger ale and other soft drinks)
So that day, I made a decision to stop drinking sugary beverages all together, and I went to the grocery store to purchase several different flavors of Mio water flavoring...
yes, they are sugar free, containing artificial sweeteners, but after researching the subject, I discovered the artificial sweetener are much less dangerous than refined sugar itself
It was really easy! It took no effort on my part at all
It actually encouraged me to start drinking more water in general, and I rehydrated my body with pleasure, completely removing corn syrupy sugary soft drinks from my diet whatsoever, and replacing all of my beverages with sugar-free flavored water
I never even gave it a second thought.. I didn't think of it as going on a diet, so I didn't even monitor any changes in my body weight.. I just continued living the good life, eating tons of really delicious healthy Pesco vegetarian meals, but simply replacing Mio flavored water for my previous soft drinks...
And like I said, I never gave it a second thought
Until 2 and 1/2 months later when my wife pulled the scale out of the closet, and I weighed myself
It was an overwhelming realization, the fact that I had magically melted away 80 lb without any effort whatsoever, but there was an even bigger side effect attached with my victory:
These days, soft drinks make me want to vomit. I am no longer addicted to them at all. These days, the idea of drinking a Pepsi makes me want to vomit.. I lost 80 lb with no effort, and these days I actually go out of my way to make sure I get a little bit of refined sugar when I drink cucumber Gatorade
But like I said, cucumber Gatorade has a very light, delicate delicious flavor, not too heavy, and definitely not too sweet...
I'm not somebody who worries about my weight, especially after losing 80 lb so quickly, so these days, I have no problem slamming a couple bottles of Gatorade cucumber flavor on a hot ass day...
but YEAH... looking at your beverage choices, I would imagine you probably have a spare tire around the middle, the same way I developed one when I was drinking garbage sugary beverages
You should take my advice and try going two or three months with no soft drinks or energy drinks, just drinking Mio water flavoring exclusively, and weigh yourself at the end of 2 months. You might be surprised
Pic related -: Believe it or not, one of the most delicious beverages you'll ever taste is Walmart's Great Value brand raspberry black tea water enhancer flavor
It tastes exactly like delicious raspberry and black tea, just right, not too sweet and not too weak
If I had to choose one drink for an entire year, the Great Value brand raspberry black tea water enhancer flavor would be my choice, hands down.. I could drink it for a year without growing tired of it
If you didn't know it was a Mio equivalent, and I told you I made it from scratch with Organic black tea leaves and real raspberries, you would never know the difference
And since you foolishly seem to enjoy hazardous caustic energy drinks, the second best tasting sugar-free water and answer flavor is Kroger's brand ACAI BERRY ENERGY....
it's fucking delicious
Have you ever researched Candida? It's a very strange topic, because candida is a yeast that literally controls your brain
Candida will proliferate and flourish in your gut, and it will make your brain actually crave sugar, which the candida feeds on, and the more sugar you eat, the more the candida grows, and it becomes out of balance, where you are literally addicted to refined sugar, simply because of a yeast that is growing in your abdomen
2/3 of Americans have a Candida yeast infection, and don't even realize it
The candida also causes abdominal swelling, and it's what's primarily responsible for a big gut on Americans
If you stopped drinking all sugary beverages, and cut sugary Foods out of your diet for 2 months, you would kill the Candida, and it will reset your entire digestive system and other bodily functions, because little do you realize as you read my words, you are physiologically controlled by a yeast proliferation in your intestinal tracts
What do they use for sweetener? Don't have Krogers here but plenty of alternatives. I use Mio sometimes, and Publix has one with Stevia. Been eating pork rinds instead of chips lately, much lower calorie, supposedly healthier, but I haven't done much research.
I tried the Gold Monster, and depending on the can you have, it tastes like a pineapple, as the name says. It is a great drink but isn't as good as the orange, gold, or pink one but still worth purchasing at a reasonable price. The recent cans I purchased have less flavor, and if the next batch I get tastes like this, I don't know what I'll do.
Gushers are one of my favorite snacks. I like the experience of eating them in its entirety. The gushers are quite nice when stored at the right temperature. It excites me to hold the packaging once I open it. The best part is the taste, mainly the juice. To put it concisely, it is like liquid jew gold in your mouth.
I recently tried the rice krispie treats birthday cake flavor, and it was really good.
I had a sizeable jar of "black and white" trail mix and a bag of cool ranch Doritos over the course of the last week or so. The Doritos were nothing out of the ordinary, but I've never had that kind of trail mix before, and I liked it. It consists solely of peanuts and raisins, many of which have either a chocolate or yogurt coating, hence the name. Since it's just milk chocolate, the two coatings taste similar. It's pretty filling, and I wasn't going on any trails, so it lasted me a while. I see many varieties of trail mix at the store. Maybe I'll try some other ones later. This one was sweet, but the spicy ones are usually good too, especially the kind with wasabi peas.
After eating some Doritos today, I noticed a clump in them, so I stopped eating them. That clump reminded me of stuff I clean out of the litter box. I apologize for sharing this, but it disgusts me, and I wonder how many other people experience the same thing.
For whatever reason I've always had a liking for salted crackers
It's nothing special, but pic related has always been my favorite throughout the years
Anyone here have any salted crackers that they particularly enjoy?
I don't favour any particular brand, but salted crackers with tuna and ketchup on top are top tier
One of my more eccentric ideas for a snack is saltines with salsa. You should try it to see if I am not crazy.
I tried two more kinds of trail mix: Korean BBQ and Monster. Monster is pretty basic; it's peanuts, raisins, and various chocolate candies. The Korean BBQ one was very unique. It was mostly nuts with spicy seasoning, but it also included bits of dried apple that nicely complemented the salty flavors. It's worth a try if you can find it.
The hardest part about trail mix is that they always give the most of the stuff you don't want and it doesn't make me want to buy it with my own money.
I tried some Monster Energy water last Friday. The flavor I had was blue flavor. It tasted like blue Gatorade but with a hint of blueberry in the mix. Overall the taste was fine, but it isn't worth the money. The water Monsters don't give you energy, so it is not appealing when I want something from a Monster.
I recently tried the classic Reese's cookie at work, and it was OK. The cookie kept my hunger at bay for the remainder of my shift. Not to a significant effect but it was something for that time because I haven't had anything that day. The taste was OK but it really isn't worth the calories for the taste.
I had a sleeve of Buffalo flavored Pringles. Since they were the extra spicy kind, it was a bit like eating actual chicken wings. They have the same buttery flavor you'd except, but they're very salty, too. They made me thirsty. Since I like chicken wings a lot, I thought it was a nice flavor. Pringles can be really hit-or-miss with novelty flavors, as I learned from trying the dill pickle variety, but I'd eat the Buffalo flavor again.
I can't eat any Pringles besides the regular and sour cream & onion flavors. With all these intense flavors it ceases to taste like Pringles to me.
I tried Flamin' Hot Cool Ranch Doritos. It's a new flavor, and it's what it sounds like: a spicy version of Cool Ranch flavor. I found that the original flavor got a bit lost in the added spiciness, such that it might as well have been the Nacho Cheese kind for all the difference it would make, but I enjoyed it. I'm still impressed by how well the texture keeps.
Lol, that sounds like a trainwreck of a flavor. I appreciate the original because it has a lot of flavors to absorb, but this new flavor sounds like too much.
I picked up some snacks recently at a clearance sale. One of them was a jar of peanut-butter filled pretzel nuggets, which I quite liked. The jar was big enough to last me a few days.
It's the kind of snack that makes me thirsty, since it's dry and salty. The peanut butter seemed real enough, although it would noticeably rattle inside each pretzel nugget when shaken, suggesting that it somehow shrank after being added.
It was surprisingly enjoyable to eat Ritz Crackers as a snack again. It was consistently good and the crackers all had the right amount of flavor.
Today I realized something. You know how when you open a cookie's wrapper and then leave it out it gets stale? Well, apparently if you do that but you put it inside a tupperware instead and wait a couple of days it gets really good. I tried it with some generic brand chocolate chip cookies and it was great with milk
I just finished a big barrel of caramel popcorn that I got at the same sale. It's like Cracker Jacks without the peanuts. The whole thing lasted me about a week, and I think if it had taken any longer to finish, the popcorn would have gotten too stale. The flavor wasn't as salty as I expected, but pleasantly sweet, and of course the quantity was impressive. I'd say I liked the peanut butter pretzel nuggets better, though.
i miss when crackerjack used to have cool stuff in the inside
One new snack I've tried out recently was the pop rock, Hershey. It isn't anything special it is just white chocolate Hershey's with pop rocks inside. Try it out if it is convenient or if you have a good deal.
your right, it was pretty regular. i guess it can work better if you use it to dip stuff like fruit or marshmallows.
I am a wagie so I don't think of doing that with my limited time. If someone did that it would be nice enhancement to my initial thoughts.
I've been eating taffy, and it is addictive. Blue and pink are complementary colors that taste the best. I have to limit myself so I don't gain weight from how good the food is.
what flavor is blue and pink?
Bubblegum for the pink flavor and the blue flavor tastes like blueraspberry.
Grape tastes like grape soda. I enjoy grape.
Grape soda is great. I don't know why I don't have it more often.
taffy is one of my favorites. I treat myself to a bag full at the bulk foods store every so often. They got a range of flavours: sweet, savoury, and tangy alike that makes them unique from other candies. I like the banana and watermelon ones.
This flavor is growing on me because I am getting more familiar with the taste. I like how it tastes like a lot of candy in liquid form, and because of that it is getting better and better for me.
What is good autumn and halloween related food and snacks?
I have memories from last year eating a premade pumpkin pie from the store. Another recommendation I'd say is cornbread.
Apple cider is the best, you can even re-use it for other stuff like in cakes.
Frozen grapes make an interesting snack, Atleast i find them to be sweeter and the texture is nice.
Can you elaborate on that? How does the coldness bring out the sweetness? I might want to try it out myself!
It was good to try the Bubblicious Strawberry Splash recently. It lived up to its taste, and it was always something I'd enjoy when I spent time outside.
i had some tart white grapes and they tasted rather sweet like whelches sparkling grape juice.
A new mountain dew flavor came out recently: VooDew 2023. It's Air Heads Cherry flavor. It says "Mystery flavor" And the soda is white color but i can tell you 100% that its AirHeads Cherry. It was good. The first voodew flavor was candy corn but it tasted gross, i didn't try the second flavor and the third one is the one i just tasted.
I tried out the Faze Pop Ghost Energy Drink, and it is great. Popsicles in drink form without the hassle of dripping.
I recently tried the Prime Energy Popsicle, and it tasted exactly like the ghost drink I am replying to, except it is in Gatorade form. It tastes like Gatorade if Gatorade made a popsicle flavor. It tastes good and all, but it is not worth paying a good chunk of money per drink.
I tried the Alani Nu COSMIC STARDUST drink, and it was a decent grape drink. The grape taste was very good. The price is just not good enough to justify buying it in bulk.
I finished everything in a box of imported Australian snacks that I had received. My favorite snack in it was the Tim Tam cookies, which had a nice chocolate coating. There were also Wagon Wheels, which seem to be an Australian version of Moon Pies. They're a bit crunchier in comparison, and I liked them. Then there were Shapes, a type of cracker similar to Chicken in a Biskit but firmer in texture. I tried 2 flavors, Barbecue and Mini Chicken Crimpy. Both were fine, but I still don't know what a crimpy is. Lastly, 3 packets of vegemite were included, of which I have used one. It has a strange taste, but I think I'll eat the rest. It's mostly salty, but also strangely acidic in a way that doesn't befit its thick consistency. I had the first packet on buttered toast, and I may pair the others with eggs or cheese on toast. I'd welcome suggestions from anyone who uses vegemite regularly.
Other than all that, I ate a package of Goldfish crackers in a novel flavor based on Frank's Red Hot. I usually have Tabasco instead, but they're basically the same. The crackers tasted uncannily similar to the sauce considering that they were completely dry. When I checked the ingredients, vinegar solids were included, and I think that accounts for the distinct taste.
mountain dew removed the bromulated vegetable oil and added orange juice concentrate. it tastes better which is nice.
I always hated scrambled eggs, They always taste awful and even with seasonings and sause its hard to swallow. The way they always got cooked is with seed oil and i decided to use beef tallow and let me tell you niggers something, Best idea i ever had in my life. The flavor improved dramatically. I think its because seed oil tastes terrible in general and spoils fast it affects the flavor no matter what it is. I wonder how fries would taste with beef tallow.
Good to hear you found something that works. Next time you should try putting chocolate in them
Yes report back to me your thoughts on chocolate.
The Alani nu red slush flavor tastes just like a red slush. The flavor is good, but I'm not always in the mood for slushies, so it's not my favorite.
I got some more Japanese imports. The Umaibo are in there as always. They're an acquired taste. I had a salad-flavored one, whatever that means. It reminded me of Cool Ranch Doritos.
The box even included a bottle of ramune, although this one was plastic unlike the glass ones I'm used to having. It still had the little marble in it, and the taste was normal.
Just now, I ate some rice crackers labelled "Happy Turn" (alternatively called Happy-Tan). The package alluded to something called "Happy Powder", which means something else where I'm from. Anyway, they were sweet and crunchy. I like the texture of rice crackers.
There's a bunch more left in the box, so it looks like I'll have snacks for a while.
did you ever try taking the marbles out?
Not really. Is there a good way to get them out?
Personally, I really like Calorie Mates. They're nipshit that tries to market themselves as a "health food." It tastes like dirt, but like the yummiest dirt you've ever tasted. It's oddly satisfying.
what are they made out of?
More Japanese imports. On the right is Mangetsu Pon, a soy sauce-flavored rice cracker. It's nice, but nothing too special. It seems to be from Osaka.
On the left, standing next to its own packaging, is Mini Bottle. I've had this before, and I like it. It's a fine powder in a bottle. The powder dissolves easily, so it works as a drink despite not being liquid. The one pictured is lemon-flavored. The flavor is mostly sweet, like lemonade. The one I had before was cider-flavored. There is apparently also a strawberry flavor, which sounds good. This is a great candy.
Sugar, flour, eggs? It's a biscuit-like substance. Something along the lines of a shortbread. I've been seeing rip-off calorie mates, and I've been wanting to try those, too. I think they're called Power Balance something.
Are you big into senbei?
I had never heard the term senbei, but I do enjoy the rice-based snacks among these imports. Why, did you have something to recommend?
Senbei is just the name for rice crackers like that. I haven't had many senbei myself, but if you enjoyed the Mangetsu Pon, then you may like these. (see pic) Otherwise, I'm not sure if they count as senbei, but they're another good rice cracker. They're called Nori Maki Arare. They taste just like Genmaicha, which is a lower grade green tea with rice bits in it (tastes like popcorn) and is known for being a "poor person's tea."
I've been seeing these Hokkaido Snowy Senbei around. Apparently, they're coated with sugar. They look really tasty.
Those sound good; I like green tea. My imports included some Kit Kats in that flavor. I think some places in the US even sell them.
I tried another cookie from a store that requires a membership, and Idk but chocolate chip cookies tend to taste similar the more you eat them. My mom asked me if it was good, but I honestly didn't know how similar the tastes were.
I just tried the C4 skittle drink, and I have to say it is a amazing drink. The taste is exactly like Skittles except in liquid form. Skittles are one of the few candies I can never resist if I am in the mood for candy. The red strawberry flavor translates into the best strawberry energy drink. I bought a 12-pack of the drink so, I'll elaborate if more thoughts come to my head.
Prime Energy Ice Pop is hot garbage. It doesn't even taste like it is described. To me it tastes like cough drops more than it tastes like a popsicle. To make things worse it is 200mg of caffeine for a bad tasting drink. What a ripoff.
I tried the Reign Sour Gummy Worm, and it was good. The taste didn't seem sour to me, but it felt like what the taste was after the sourness wore off. The post-sour taste is usually satisfying for me, so in my opinion, the drink is great.
I tried the Grape C4 drink and, it tastes a lot like a melted Grape popsicle. It is top tier because it perfectly encapsulates the name of the drink but without the popsicle stick 10/10.
I picked up some Kewpie mayonnaise, since I heard it was good, and I use a lot of mayonnaise anyway. I've tried it on toast and on a sandwich. It's lighter, sweeter, and more savory than other mayonnaise, but only subtly. I like the unique taste. Maybe I'll try the spicy mustard flavor later.
I tried the Ryse Ring Pop flavor, and it tasted exactly like a ring pop. It was like a ring pop, just in liquid form. The artificial flavoring noticeability was kept to a minimum. I'll probably buy cases of this drink in the future.
Ryse Cotton Candy has the highest quality of all the cotton candy drinks I've tried. Ryse tastes similar, but this one feels less artificial than the other cotton candy drinks.
The Ryse Kool Aid tastes like Kool Aid in energy drinks, but it is worse since the taste of Kool Aids does not work well in energy drinks. Compared to regular cool aid, it tastes more artificial.
I tried the Ryse Sunny D flavor, which tasted like the Ultra Sunrise Monster flavor. It slightly edged out the Monster, but the cost of the Ryse makes me prefer buying the Ultra Sunrise. The Ryse tastes more like natural orange than the Monster, but at this point, I'd prefer buying regular orange Sunny D.
I always drank my coffee black, Taking it more as a stimulant then an actual snack, Recently i did something mediocre which was drinking it with creamer. Around winter something i do is boil milk, throw in a chocolate bar, a peppermint stick and some expresso and MAN does that hit the spot. It's tricky to tune everything together but once you figure it out it is really fantastic.
I recently tried the Ryse Peach Cooler, which tasted like the peach monster flavor. The quality isn't strong enough for me to purchase more of this flavor.
I tried the Ryse Pink Splash and, it tasted like a combination of a pink starburst and a strawberry. It was high quality it would taste great in the sun.
Chef Cut Real Jerky Pepperoni seasoned was some high-quality jerky. It got me through a boring wagecuck shift. Initially, I was cutting the packaging with a knife, but thankfully it opened itself, which is a nice touch. The jerky is huge in comparison to Slim Jim's. The taste was addictive, so I ate through five sticks.
I tried the Ryse Green and Blue Sour Patch. They taste like the snack in liquid form. This makes a really good flavors. I'd recommend.
I feel honored and called out at the same time. Thank you Anon!
so ghost made a fucking cereal and as i was checking it out it says that ou can make a legends bowl by combining ghost whey with milk and adding it to the cereal wtf
That sounds gross and kills the drink for me.
I've tried the Monster Strawberry Dream a little more, and the flavor has grown on me. When properly cooled it tasted like a ripe strawberry, and it is great. This is one of the better monster flavors when properly handled
Ryse Rainbow Sherbet is a comfy drink that taste like Sherbet ice creme. In the last week it was a comforting thing in a busy and tiring week.
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How many energy drinks do you drink throughout a year? I basically never consume them myself since with all the chemicals inside of them the benefits are just not worth it.
Energy drinks are a coping mechanism for me to escape the unfairness of the world. Can I not enjoy something?
Are pastry snacks? I kinda lost it for pastry from brutalist town Zelenograd...
I tried Salted Vanilla Pocky. According to the box, this is a limited edition. It's one of the best flavors I've had, with a nice balance of sweet and salty. It reminded me of sugar cookies.
I tried the C4 Blue Jolly Rancher and it was really good. It tasted like some good blue raspberry. It is really one of the better C4 flavors.
Ironically, the Warhead Blue cubes taste like this C4 flavor but in food form. I'd recommend them both. Maybe try them at the same time.
chocolate jamican rum balls are really fucking good, haven't tasted alchohol or rum for thd matter so i'm not able to rate it that way but the flavor profile is rich and smooth (like chocolate cake) and there's a nice numbing sensation in my mouth after eating one.
I tried the black monster energy, and it tasted exactly like the prime drink I am replying to. They taste like sugar garbage, and I don't intend on drinking any more of these flavors unless I get these drinks for free.
I recently bought a Japanese/Korean exotic candy sampler pack and I regret my decision so fucking much because the candy contained within is something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. More than half of it tasted so horrendous but I kept sampling and sampling because eventually something decent will come up right? I reached this one candy which was made out of corn and also looked like a toy replica of a corn and the first bite into it I didn't think of it that much but the after taste sent me to throw up and so I threw all of it away. I stayed away from all sweets for a good while after that.
now i'm curious, do you remember which ones tasted bad? or was it so terrible that you blanked it out of your mind.
I tried the new Blue Hawaiian Monster Energy and it is an excellent flavor. The first time to me it tasted like a carbon copy of the Gold flavor to me. After a few cans, I grew fond of the blue and gold flavors I tasted. The taste has a relaxing feel for me. I'd recommend it if you are a fan of both the gold and blue monster flavors.