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Underrated Vocaloid [Nostalgic] Anonymous Mon 23/01/2023 11:59:00 PM 1 year ago No. 302
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Let us post/discuss more older and underrated Vocaloid videos by lesser known artists.
I made this thread in the hopes of getting actual interesting discussion going about the videos that are going to be posted in this thread so please don't just post a bunch of links and then fuck off.
When you post a video please elaborate in any way you can about that video whether it is describing the feeling you get when listening to it, talking about the artist and his other works, or posting any additional interesting details about that video.
Many of these videos do not have a translation so providing additional context to make the viewer understand what it is about would be appreciated,
or if you want you can subtitle the video yourself using a tool like https://github.com/Aegisub/Aegisub and translators like https://www.deepl.com/translator or https://openai.com/blog/whisper/
VIPPALOIDS are also welcome.
Anonymous Tue 24/01/2023 12:05:34 AM 1 year ago No. 303
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Translated Title:【Hatsune Miku】NO MORE CHAIN【Original Song】
Link to original video: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2510087 [Play]
Translation: https://files.catbox.moe/yykjdl.mp4 [Play]
Original Lyrics: https://w.atwiki.jp/hmiku/pages/2024.html
Translated Lyrics: https://files.catbox.moe/o77yue.txt
It's a rather melancholic song that I found some time ago.
I think of this song as something that holds someone back in life from achieving something great, as these invisible chains are stuck to them, impossible to break.
It's blocking their path whether it's a project they enthusiastically started with their friends but are the only person who is putting work into it,
and it's impossible to let go of this "bad influence" friends because they are the only ones you know who share the same interest.
Anonymous Tue 31/01/2023 10:44:42 AM 1 year ago No. 390
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Link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7fAN7_7Gfw [Play]
Album Download: https://mikudb.moe/album/zoshoku-gimi-x-near-equal-multiplies/
Original Cover: https://files.catbox.moe/yfk3ax.jpg [Show]
HMO is probably my most favorite VOCALOID artist out there and I will probably try to post more of his works in here. I will recommend checking out the linked Album as it has a lot of interesting tracks and not just music.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 6:13:52 AM 1 year ago No. 410
just wanted to point out that this album art is fucking epic
Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 12:16:45 PM 12 months ago No. 1644
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The translated title is: Satellite Love @ Miku-san (Original) by HMO
https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5570346 [Play]
You can find the album here: https://mikudb.moe/album/hmo-and-works-neue-stimme/
I used to listen to this a lot back then especially when I was depressed or something I just would put this on and kind of drift to sleep in my bed. It's a rather very unique sounding song and I especially love how unique HMO makes Hatsune Miku's voice sound in this.
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 12:52:58 PM 12 months ago No. 1653
You know looking at this video I kind of got a community project idea so I'll just write it out before I forget it completely.
Basically we'd make a similar video using the same song (Maybe even slightly change it to fit 22chan style) where we would get someone to buy a suit that looks similar to how Anonymous looks and then they would recreate a similar looking box like she is holding with >>390's image inside of it and they would do a bunch of poses like the girl in the video showing off this box but instead of the background being real life places we would replace it with a bunch of random interesting internet websites and basically it would be as if 22chan is visiting all of these internet websites. We could also rewrite the lyrics of the song like those threads on /sewers/ that we have, ex: >>>/sewers/756/#756
Thoughts? Please let me know if this sounds retarded.
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 5:17:21 PM 12 months ago No. 1655
I would consider nothing to be impossible or retarded, Unless it attracts unwanted attention, And leads what little community we have left down the wrong path. I would also consider security, And logistics. If 4chan can do this https://files.catbox.moe/7qb03n.mp4 [Play] nothing is impossible. We can pretty much do anything.
What i mean by logistics is The people we have and their abilities. Remember that after the great purge we maybe have like 30 people or so. another this is for an example, If lyrics need to be sung i'd sound kinda retarded but i can do it anyway if needed. I am working on my art skills and really i can only draw shitty ms-paint art if that. I can write, and brainstorm and anything involving music is impossibe to me. I can attempt to write music lyrics but shit like lyrical flow isn't my thing lol.
That pretty much goes for everybody else, Some people might have actual musical skill or great drawing ability, It all depends on the amount of people we have.
It also depends of the nature of the project, Would we rely on the OP as a lynch pin? Would it be frustrating for you if its just you, and another person? Who would do the editing? Think of the neocities thread, Not to be rude to the OP of that project but since he's gone or dead any additions to the thread is impossible. (also it might be frustrating to an OP of a project if he is the only one that has to animate something by himself for an example) It can be argued the 22chan Album thread on /mu/ is the same but thanks to embeded mp3s it is now possible to continue the project forever. Even without the OP to add the project to bandcamp, the project lives on forever.
About privacy, As everyone knows this is an anonymous website so anything that can lead to people recognising eachother and so on is something to avoid. As you mentioned about the fellow dressed like anonymous, He should either stand in a room which is either blank or should take measures to make it like those green screen rooms they use to make movies or like what people do to photograph stuff to sell online. Covering walls and floors with sheets and such. I would ask the person to wear a green skinsuit under the suit too. Another factor is that he can literally take the pic of himself holding the thing and go and just draw over it (ms paint or otherwise to make himself look like anonymous. The latter might actually look pretty cool like A-ha's take on me
https://youtube.com/watch?v=djV11Xbc914 [Play]
But that is my opinion and it depends on what everyone would find enjoyable.
Another thing about privacy is niggers and discord. The guy running the neocities thread had the password on the site and a bunch of niggers took advantage of that and shat on the project. Also those type of asshats from other communities trying to take advantage of a project like this to force culture and shit that didn't exist here or is unwanted. If someone from elsewhere wanted to help i don't see the problem with it, Just be wary of not letting people take advantage of shit.
I guess you'll have to see how many people might be interested in such a project and if years go by without any biters you might have to scale it down unless you plan on doing all the heavy lifting which might suck for you. I don't think its retarded at all, If you said something like "lets make a 22chan anime" i might have scoffed since thats a ton of work and takes alot of people to produce. This seems simple enougth.
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 3:21:12 AM 12 months ago No. 1663
>Remember that after the great purge we maybe have like 30 people or so.
I think it actually feels like we have half of that number or maybe even less which does feel a bit discouraging I should say. I checked a bunch of statistic websites which say we get around 500 unique lurkers daily, but sometimes it feels like it's just those 30 people refreshing the page repeatedly, or maybe it's just bots trying to scrape information from our site.
>If lyrics need to be sung i'd sound kinda retarded but i can do it anyway if needed.
I don't think you have to be a good singer to participate in something like that just as long as you tried to the best of your ability and aren't just shitting into your mic half of the time. Plus, nowadays, we can always use AI voices to mask our voices or software like Vocaloid or UTAU if anyone has experience with those tools.
>It also depends of the nature of the project, Would we rely on the OP as a lynch pin? Would it be frustrating for you if its just you, and another person? Who would do the editing?
Those questions and scenarios I guess should be going into account when writing up the OP of the thread in question. However, a lot of the time, it feels a bit like procrastination or just being told to not do it because we get stuck dwelling on these questions and just end up not creating anything to begin with.
> I would ask the person to wear a green skinsuit under the suit too.
Yeah I was thinking about that when I said mentioned an Anonymous suit but I guess they would have to figure out who is going to record them in the first place taking those shots. I guess they could just place a phone camera that takes a video in a bunch of random locations to match the same type of shots as in the original video and then just take screenshots from that video, but really just making sure they don't by accident share something that could compromise them.
>he can literally take the pic of himself holding the thing and go and just draw over it.
That would also be a good idea since the Anonymous character is somewhat easier to draw compared to a lot of other things since he is just a lot less detailed.
> Also those type of asshats from other communities trying to take advantage of a project like this to force culture and shit that didn't exist here or is unwanted. If someone from elsewhere wanted to help i don't see the problem with it, Just be wary of not letting people take advantage of shit.
Yeah that is important to take into account and so it is important that we base the video on the current 22chan imageboard culture and not let some random outsider come in and try to insert their own shit into this.
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 4:29:54 AM 12 months ago No. 1664
>However, a lot of the time, it feels a bit like procrastination or just being told to not do it because we get stuck dwelling on these questions and just end up not creating anything to begin with.

Alright then, So the thread should just be made anyhow. Win or lose, Interest or disinterest, It is better to have the thread up then not trying anything at all. Having it up Also means that people might be intrested in the site in a good way and it might help build a userbase. Also what ever stragglers that browse here regularly will have something fun to do on the regular. The goal now is to make it accessable as possible for anyone to join in, To explain how this shit will be made and make as many threads as possible to help make it. Your probably better off having several threads to make it easier to talk, and create shit, As you mentioned that one thread could be made for the music re-write, another can be made for art and so on.
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