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/Spooky/ Anonymous Tue 24/01/2023 12:16:51 PM 1 year ago No. 306
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This thread is for the anons who feel a deeper connection to the abyss. For those who understand everything and trust nothing. Basically, this is an /x/ thread where you can discuss anything you can think of from weird stuff to the paranormal. It doesn't really matter, from ghosts to aliens. Maybe you read a weird book or heard a strange rumour. Internet cults? check. Family horror stories? Weird memories? Anything you can think of applies here.
Conspiracies honestly need to be relabeled to something like "alternative information" since the glowies subverted its meaning and made it a bad thing. nevertheless, they apply too. (political or otherwise.) Do not be afraid to splinter off and make related threads about the similar subject matter or anything discussed herein. No larping or shilling your ARGs
No debunkers plz
Anonymous Tue 24/01/2023 5:47:14 PM 1 year ago No. 309
Claiming to understand everything makes you sound extremely pretentious.
Anonymous Tue 24/01/2023 11:59:29 PM 1 year ago No. 312
 ( ´∀`) Claiming to understand everything makes you sound extremely pretentious.
 ( O┬O
back to /sewers/ I go
Anonymous Wed 25/01/2023 2:45:28 AM 1 year ago No. 313
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I often try to taunt ghosts into haunting me but nothing tangible has happened yet.
I like to think that demons existed in medieval times but got vanquished somehow
Anonymous Wed 25/01/2023 3:54:08 AM 1 year ago No. 315
Thoughts on the recent upticks in UFO related things and the government de-classifying ufo shit?
A classic book from the grandaddy of modern "alternative information" William "bill" Cooper
His Radio Broadcast series "Hour Of The Time"
https://archive.org/details/MiltonWilliamCooper-HourOfTheTime (if your a subscriber to the "Luciferianism NWO is running the world thing, his series called "Mystery Babylon" is what you'll want to hear.)
If you want a taste of mystery babylon, here's a visual presentation someone made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqT1ZHGG258&t=22s
Another classic book which was apparently "debunked" but honestly is a must read.
A website that archives forgotten gems. Good for all truth seekers.
A well known talk show dealing with the spooky shit
https://archive.org/details/artbellshows (fun fact for people that likes Steins;Gate, john titor first appeared on the Coast to Coast AM BBS! He later stared calling in to talk about his time travel experiences.)
(ifi remember/find more bullshit such as PDFs to kewl books, i'll link them!)
>taunt ghosts
lol like those ghost hunter shows on animal planet?
your gonna end up pissing off the wrong ghost lol
>demons existed in medieval times but got vanquished somehow
what do you think made them leave?
Anonymous Wed 25/01/2023 11:21:13 PM 1 year ago No. 320
The fact that they're declassifying it means they're building up to something. They would never do this without good reason.
Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 1:09:34 AM 1 year ago No. 323
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I reread All Tomorrows recently since I noticed it got a surge of popularity for some reason. Probably furries.
It's a short book (112 pages) covering a billion years of speculative human history and evolution, through darkest lows and shining golden ages. The author put it up for download in 2006 and, in his words, it's "had a life of its own as a PDF floating around the backwaters of the internet like a ghost ship." I recommend All Tomorrows to anyone who likes spooky /x/ stories and creepypastas about alien invasion. I think it probably influenced a lot of those. It gets fairly creepy, mostly thanks to the illustrations. I also really like the closing paragraphs that line out the moral, I wish I'd paid more attention to that as a teenager. A check on wikipedia tells me the original author is working on a rerelease that's more professionally written and fleshed out.
Pic related is a member of one of the many species descended from humanity. It made me laugh because he looks like he harasses religious people on facebook.
Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 3:33:19 AM 1 year ago No. 324
some say that its being used as a red herring so we don't look where they don't want us to like a major event such as the scandal with the president having private documents he shouldn't have had (or god knows what else), some people think it's going to be used as a means to control us (link related) and some people think that its finally HAPPENING and the government will finally reveal that aliens are real.
here it is!
Anonymous Fri 27/01/2023 10:16:53 AM 1 year ago No. 345
another big reveal about UFOs is that it was all man made. this can present several problems because it would present the revelations all abductions were caused by the government, the suppression of thousands of years of technological progress by the layman and sometimes the coverup is worse than the crime.
tesla had ufo related shit and free energy ready to go but was fucked over. Nazis actually had decent technology and paperclip meant we took all of their tech and ideas for ourselves https://wikispooks.com/wiki/File:Reich_of_the_Black_Sun.pdf
the list goes on. magazines in the 40's and 50's esteemed gentlemen mentioned leaps of development of fantastic technology beyond our dreams and yet they remain forgotten, and the saucer became a joke. not trying to discount aliens though, i don't know what is real and no one can have direct proof of extraterrestrials and it would be stupid to pretend they don't exist since you never know.
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 7:40:32 AM 1 year ago No. 361
Reposting a ghost story of mine that was posted on old 22.
When i was roughly 4 years old, i slept in my parents' room. They were fast asleep when i woke up. It was bright outside and a few stuffed animals of mine floated out of my room, and into their bedroom. I actually saw the tags of the stuffed toys and to me it didn't even feel like a dream. It was all out of my reach and circled around my head for a bit before leaving the room. i tried waking my parents because it was honestly incredible, but they just got mad and told me to sleep. I had a strong fucking urge to follow the toys, but I had to literally hold myself back because everything felt wrong. Something very fucking evil was just sitting out of sight in the hallway connecting both rooms and was purposely trying to lure me out. i got scared really quick because it was like pinpricks all over my body, I knew something was out there, but I couldn't comprehend it. at that point i went on full retard mode and woke my parents up and they didn't bother and try to understand me. they kicked me out back to my room the next time I tried to sleep in their room. that was the only supernatural experience i had in my life.
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 12:18:14 PM 1 year ago No. 365
You're lucky you didn't follow the toys. I believe certain supernatural entities prey on children because they're gullible and adults always assume they know better. So when the child tells them about whatever they saw the adults never believe them because they think it's just some kid bullshitting.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 6:42:25 AM 1 year ago No. 414
Can cats see the unseen?
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 3:44:13 PM 1 year ago No. 417
That's fucked up, I had a similar experience as a kid. A blue head made out of light that looked sort of like a maoi popped up into my room, called me by name and told me to get up. Then it disappeared. I was thoroughly creeped.
>be the unseen
>cat sees me
>o shit I am no longer the unseen
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 5:38:33 PM 1 year ago No. 420
Cats definitely see something we don't.
Anonymous Fri 03/02/2023 5:00:20 AM 1 year ago No. 424
>blue head made out of light
the fuck even is that? what did he sound like?
tried googling for answers and the result that popped up was some nonsense about blue spirit orbs representing "truth and peace"
>told me to get up
clearly he is of TRUTH and PEACE, did you listen to him?
Anonymous Mon 27/02/2023 7:30:43 PM 1 year ago No. 570
More links incoming
Cooper fan site and archives of content related to HOTT and other stuff.
The book Morals and Dogma, a training book for freemasons of a higher level. Albert pike also made the KKK and he kinda does drop the ball here by basically saying that freemasons worship lucifer. I've noticed the conspiracy circle does frequently cite this book.
another frequently cited book from a freemason who learnt that the illuminati was taking over freemasonry for themselves.
apparently Samuel was following in his fathers footsteps because his father was preaching on how freemasons where taking over America by gaining influential positions in public office. this lead John Quincy Adams to create a anti freemason league which kinda reminds me of Mcarthy and his treatment of communism.
speaking of freemasonry and the Vatican,
I knew the catholic practice of communion had its roots in Egypt but i didnt know how far the rabbit hole actually went.
Now, i will link to several substack blogs that provides an insight into modern conspiracy culture. they also for the most part contain citations to thousands of books, and other fun recourses.
this one basically is like a summed up version of cooper's mystery Babylon . interesting that two different people came up to the same conclusions.
this one thinks the modern day shadow goverment has its roots in prussia.
i actually really dont like the guy who wrote this although the ideas and research thrown out is interesting. TLDR the goverment is devolved.
they seriously hate the above link and think devolution is gay. TLDR the government must have the constitution restored to its proper place.
and of course, fuckin qanon
i have no clue what to make of that shit although i know many a crazy family member who'll be able to quote qanons posts verbatim and by memory.
any fucking circle will have vary similar opinions as to the blogs and links i have posted above.
I wanted to link to alien shit and im mad at myself because i forgot. the only two names that come to mind are whitely striber and David Ike. i was also going to link to a pizzagate blog but to be honest it was gross.
Anonymous Mon 27/02/2023 7:32:29 PM 1 year ago No. 571
Where can i go and what books can i read to learn more about Japanese yokai?
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 5:45:09 AM 1 year ago No. 725
i think the whole A.I craze is fucking hilarious since A.I nowadays is fucking retarded. it is no more then a brainstem without a brain and needs human gidance to even work, even if it can operate in the first place. the elites flaunting that shit as a solution need to seriously fuck off and find another hobby. even if it did work out it would seriously fuck us over. for the retards fearmongering about A.I, it is literally made, by a human, to do a task. it does not havea brain and it is not smarter then a crow or a human child.
Anonymous Thu 06/04/2023 6:13:52 AM 1 year ago No. 745
I read an old book called "Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison." Despite being old, it was quite palatable and fun to read. Here is a short summary for those who may be curious.
1, John explains how he was approached by the creator of the illuminati who wanted to merge freemasonry with his group, angered by this, he decided to write an expose
2, John explains the history of freemasonry from his perspective
3, he then explains the illuminati, their history, goals, and such. tons of subversive behavior from that group.
4, he discusses the illuminati and how they fucked with Germany
5, he discusses how the illuminati fucked over France and how they started the French revolution
6 afterwards he discusses his research, and final thoughts.
To me it was notable on how the illuminati are like haughty schoolchildren with their muh sekret club. they stole from each other, rape each others wives, discuss their plans on taking over fucking everything, and they gave each other silly nicknames like "Spartacus". I'm reminded of the Reiko discord tranny situation. Another notable thing to me is his discussions about the various schisms in freemasonry and how some freemasons act like retards over "the mysteries" at each rank they'd get promised to learn deep esoteric secrets but alas, it was a triangle scheme and they only learnt a handshake or something. freemasons would scam each other over knowing some type of secret all the time.
Anonymous Mon 08/05/2023 9:17:12 PM 1 year ago No. 889
would we know if a time traveler fucked with reality?
How do you guys think dreams work? I feel like they are both a combination of the persons psyche, and what they did that day.
Anonymous Tue 27/06/2023 4:59:08 AM 1 year ago No. 1078
I found this text on an altchan made by an anon and hosted on a sketchy pastebin ripoff. I did the liberty of copy-pasting the text to a non jewish pastebin ripoff
I think it's pretty neat, I have yet to take a deep dive, but I do recognize some of the sources due to me doing my own research.
Anonymous Sat 12/08/2023 6:28:57 AM 1 year ago No. 1281
My mother once saw La Llorona (the Weeping woman). She was driving with friends on some deserted road in cali with nothing around but literal cacti and the sun. Out of nowhere came this woman wearing bloodied bridal outfit crying her eyes out, music was playing in the car and they were pretty far away but you could hear her crying. My mothers friend who was driving drove up to the weeping woman and was literally about to stop the car and my mom freaked the fuck out "YOU FUCKING STUPID WHORE KEEP DRIVING RIGHT NOW" keep in mind her friend was in a trance so my mom started hitting her and she started driving nirmally again, everyone was mad as hell at her but the problem is , that woman came from fucking nowhere. no crashed car, nothing. in CALIFORNIA, IN THE FUCKING DESERT.
Anonymous Wed 16/08/2023 5:03:32 PM 1 year ago No. 1306
My only thought was that your mom was an immature lady in the past and needed correction.
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 2:36:17 AM 1 year ago No. 1360
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 3:14:56 AM 1 year ago No. 1362
your post managed to lure me outside of my home, congratulations. But the moon is obscured by clouds... Maybe take a video? If I don't see proof I'm gonna think you're a schizo
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 3:29:48 AM 1 year ago No. 1363
schizophrenia is always wisdom.
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 6:36:36 PM 1 year ago No. 1367
Alright niggers, i have shit memory nowadays and i couldn't remember jack diggity on what i posted on pthe old thread but i remembered i crossposted some shit on 4chan's /x/ and i'll repost that shit here.

The /x/ halloween collection, 2020 edition
Mega of old cartoons and some movies
4chan halloween css, 2018 edition!
Halloween folklore
Short sci-fi horror story
https://youtube.com/watch?v=pKWB-MVJ4sQ [Play]
Dr. Worse then hitlers Halloween theme

Gonna be diggin for more stuff
Anonymous Fri 25/08/2023 6:38:21 PM 1 year ago No. 1368
When i'm too lazy to make a playlist i usually listen to halloween radio.
Anonymous Sun 27/08/2023 4:48:14 AM 1 year ago No. 1381
Part of an offical alien short story thing in honor of alien's anniversary
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdZugR0wc7bM3KbeVySz4Xv2QuFKQFGXD [Play]
personally, i like "ore"
https://youtube.com/watch?v=36hTq2soGDE [Play]
spoopy halo motion comic
Anonymous Sun 27/08/2023 5:04:18 AM 1 year ago No. 1382
I found this weird ass blog a while back when i was doing a deep dive of the internet, a group of friends dealings with paranormal happenings.
Anonymous Sun 27/08/2023 5:28:21 AM 1 year ago No. 1383
Here's a fun thread about vietnam tunnel rats.
honestly, i love the post talking about the reptillians.
Anonymous Fri 15/09/2023 3:52:23 AM 1 year ago No. 1476
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfrXYzprLsbMNrpGjdeAWwE-T141OXJeL [Play]
Some random retard remastered/restored the score to alien by himself in his home studio. Posted it in a thread in old 22chan back in the day and i'm posting it again here. Good shit.
Anonymous Tue 03/10/2023 6:13:37 AM 1 year ago No. 1577
Fun series i found a while ago, Minor suggestion is to read "the hound of tindalos" before watching because i'm pretty sure its related, unless i'm autistic.
I like this translation of tominos hell.
This site contains archived 2chan threads, in this case there are more spooky ones here.
I like this one although i can understand why it might not be seen as spooky.
While trying to find a spooky 2chan story i heard as a kid (one was about some dude who had a an encounter with a yokai whos name i forgot who had a long ass neck, another was about a schoolgirl whos school gets shut down and the lights shut off with the students inside and all the kids get killed one by one) i stumbled onto this site
which contains some translated threads and creepypastas, i find the titles confusing as fuck but some of the stories are decent.
Anonymous Thu 26/10/2023 8:54:26 PM 11 months ago No. 1712
In honor of spooky month i will post two links from an old 22 thread about disturbing movies, I had all the links saved but sadily after checking all of them only two worked.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vJQxVfjt8g [Play]
>Another movie I watched recently was Felidae, a German film from 1994.
>It follows a murder mystery as a new cat in the neighborhood tries to figure out who's been killing local cats
https://youtube.com/watch?v=tYgjkaTivRM [Play]
Tetsuo, The iron man.
No discription was given.
Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 5:35:15 AM 11 months ago No. 1729
repository of greentexts saved online.
An old classic.
Anonymous Tue 31/10/2023 1:58:44 PM 11 months ago No. 1732
Whenever i find a good story, I save the text and i copy the link and if the site goes down, Atleast i have the story saved.

"The great old pumpkin"

You must know, Doctor, that I did not choose to seek psychiatric help. I have no faith that I shall exit this room a healed man; I know now that I have been destined for the asylum since childhood. No mere conversation with you can steer me clear of that fate. That said, let us proceed with this court-compelled farce before my mad prattle provokes your crabbiness further.
As you are no doubt aware, I am the issue of solid Dutch stock—the prosperous Van Pelt family of St. Paul. Mine was a comfortable and happy childhood, and I spent much of it in the devoted service of the Great Old Pumpkin. For him, I cultivated an annual pumpkin patch—mostly Autumn Gold and Big Max, as I thought he would find the Atlantic Giants tacky. I also evangelized him in the community, relating the tale of how, every year on Hallowmas Eve, the day when the spiritual most strongly encroaches on the substantial, this mightiest of gourds would rise to revel across the world with the most sincere of his adorers. My neighbors were understandably skeptical; after all, not once had this superbeing ever chosen to grace my pumpkin patch or any other place in our town. I vowed that I would coax him into my backyard, and I set out in the manner of a learned man to discover how I might do this.
This quest led me into mouldering libraries, cramped basement antiquaries, far-flung correspondences, and, on one occasion, frightening and persistent telephone conversations with a lunatic in Boston. The last raised alarms in my family. I promised them I would turn away from my studies, all the while resolving to continue them in secret. I committed everything I knew to memory, burned all my papers, and embroidered my most unfathomable and precious secrets in near-invisible thread on my security blanket, which as you can see, I carry still.
My continued investigations led me to certain grim texts detailing eldritch and macabre sincerities—chants, autosacrifice, sinister configurations of pumpkins—which would bait the Great Old Pumpkin to my patch. On the Hallowmas Eve of two years ago, my investigations bore fruit, so to speak. I believe that I saw him—orange, flaming, and magnificent, hovering above me for an instant and then vanishing skyward into the constellations.
Having tasted this small success, I knew that I could not simply sit and await him, but that I must seek him out. Thinking that such a search would be better conducted aloft, I decided to hire an aeroplane. My modest allowance raised complications, though; it took me eleven months and three weeks to save up a sufficient sum. With that money jangling in my pocket, I struck out for the aerodrome and asked after a pilot skilled in night reconnaissance. The mechanics there—diminutive, jaundiced fellows—directed me to a small French-themed café alongside the airstrip.
There, I met my pilot. He was a veteran of the war, with a characteristically large Gallic nose and sharp black eyes that peered from just underneath the seam of his leather flying cap. He nursed his root beer silently, his manner that of the haunted serviceman, and let his two friends supply the conversation. On his left sat a pretty French girl, whose eyes were completely obscured by heavy spectacles. On his right sat a chattering yellow fellow—kin, by his looks, to the mechanics in the hangar.
I approached and sat down with them to explain my business.
"Sounds dangerous, sir," the French girl said when I was finished.
The pilot's small yellow friend warbled at us in a strange language—Aramaic, perhaps.
The pilot waved away this concern and nodded at me, indicating he would accept my contract. We set an appointment for dusk on the eve of Hallowmas—only five days distant—and I left him to his friends, leaving, as a gift, a jug of root beer.
On Hallowmas Eve, I found at the aerodrome a scene of reassuring efficiency. Mechanics fluttered over my pilot's machine—a Sopwith model that was, like him, a veteran of the war. They poured it full of fuel and castor lubricant and fed long belts of brass cartridges into the breeches of its Vickers-guns. I was surprised that we would be going armed, but after a moment's thought, I was again reassured; an attitude of constant readiness befitted my pilot, as a man of action and a daredevil.
The crew chief noticed me and I was instantly incorporated into his bustle. He and his fellows boosted me into an observer's cockpit that had been cut into the fuselage behind the pilot. In their chirping Aramaic, they intimated to me that I would need some kind of headgear, so I wound my security blanket around my head and face in the manner of a Bedouin tribesman. Over this arrangement the mechanics snapped a pair of goggles, and I felt snug as one of the Vickers-gun's chambered bullets.
My pilot appeared then, climbing a ladder and vaulting into the Sopwith. I skritched him on the head to indicate my readiness, and without delay he barked out the order to start his engine. The aeroplane chugged to life, instantly suffusing the air with a hell-hot mixture of castor oil and petroleum vapors. The pilot's silk scarf flapped before me as we bumped off of the grass and onto the airstrip, and within two hundred feet the Sopwith was aloft and headed for Eau Claire, where one of my correspondents maintained a very sincere pumpkin patch.
The Sopwith climbed swiftly, and soon we encountered the first layer of clouds. The air grew wet and unsatisfying and utterly dark save for the flames jetting from the Sopwith's exhaust ports. Unaccustomed to the altitude, I dozed until a sudden roll to starboard jerked me awake.
I sat up in my seat, searching the skies for whatever had drawn my pilot's interest. We had emerged from the clouds and into a supernaturally clear night, with all of creation spreading out in a great inverted bowl around us. And before us, just this side of the horizon, was a faint orange glow upon the clouds.
Within a few minutes the speedy Sopwith had overtaken the glow. My pilot descended until our landing wheels were skimming the orange-suffused clouds and then began to circle slowly. My watch said we had been in the air for fifty-five minutes. We were approaching the limits of our safe endurance. I closed my eyes and prayed that my quest not have been in vain, that I be allowed to see the Great Old Pumpkin, and as I whispered the last beseeching word, I heard my pilot yelp.
There, not more than a thousand yards off our port wing-tips, was the Great Old Pumpkin himself, ascending from the clouds as smoothly as if he were borne by a Manhattan elevator. He was as magnificent as I had imagined; his stem rose majestically from a creamy orange body of heartbreakingly perfect radial symmetry, and bountiful vines streamed behind him like hair from Botticelli's Venus. My eyes were suddenly wet with tears, and I realized that I had reached one of those measuring-lines by which we gauge life's progress, that all days after that one would be ineffably different from those that had gone before.
We came out of our turn and headed directly for the Great Old Pumpkin. I suddenly remembered my camera, stowed on the floor of the Sopwith's observer cockpit. I bent to retrieve it, all the time keeping my eyes riveted on my subject—which then whirled and presented its face to us.
The camera fell from my nerveless fingers and into the clouds below as I beheld this blood-curdling horror. Instead of friendly cross-eyes and gapped teeth, into its wide orange visage were sawn jagged spirals of alien script, and though of course I could not read the glyphs, simply witnessing them was enough to understand their meaning. They dragged my mind away to their subject-places, each of them impressing upon me a cavorting pageant of despair and rot. Worse than that was what lay behind those awful incisions, for instead of a candle or (for safety reasons) a lantern, within the Great Old Pumpkin burned a queer kind of furnace that was tended by thready, murmuring minions. This furnace emitted not light and heat but rather madness, and with horror, I realized that its emanations were not illuminating the clouds, but rather that the clouds were fluorescing under them, just as a squid will fluoresce under certain radiations.
I shrank from this dread emission, pulling my head down into the observer's cockpit. My thumb instinctively found my mouth, and I clutched my security blanket, which had escaped my head somewhat. I sought to reassure myself with a familiar chapter of the Gospels. "In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled!" I shouted to myself. "And there were shepherds out in the fields. . . . I bring you good news of great joy that is born this day in the city of David!" But of course, it was useless; the madness shone through our fuselage as if it were air. I felt my mind changing, unraveling as I bathed in it. Certain parts of my psyche withered to dust; others swelled like an autumn squash. My very essence was reshaped as was the Pompeii of antiquity.
Time ran strangely in the thing's proximity. It seemed I had lived ten years before my ordinarily quick-witted pilot reacted. I can imagine no more pitiful response than the one he chose. He drove us directly at the thing and reached for the triggers of his Vickers-guns. Their sound was hollow and faraway, and their flashes mere sparks before the luminous glory of the Pumpkin.
"Dive!" I screamed at him, but that sound was lost with all the others. My pilot's gloves seemed to have frozen on the machine-gun triggers. We crawled towards the terrible thing, spitting impotent tracers. I slapped my pilot's shoulder, and this finally galvanized him; he ceased firing and nosed the Sopwith over, sending us plummeting beneath the thing. One of the threadlike tenders glanced over its shoulder at us as we passed the lowermost incision. Then, from somewhere in the ventral portions of that awful fruit, came a response: a white-hot hail of eldritch fire that lashed us and drilled pumpkin-seed-shaped holes in the Sopwith's wings and fuselage.
Our engine's tenor suddenly became uncertain. My pilot shook his fist and cursed our enemy, then we plunged into the coal-mine black of the clouds. I was strangely calm as we fell; the sudden, smashing death from a high-altitude crash would be a small toll to pay to escape the grasp of that dread orange being, I knew. The worst horror, though, was yet to come.
The pilot reëstablished control of the plane just as we emerged from the clouds. For a brief moment my sense of self-preservation reasserted itself, and I was flooded with relief, but then I saw the sight that ended my life as a normal man and ushered me into true understanding: beneath us, in all the fields of Wisconsin and Minnesota, stretched a starfield of pumpkins, their luminous orange faces turned upwards towards their god, their mouths wailing mockery of all civilized life. My pilot could not resist this damned noise; he also howled tribute skyward.
The sound overwhelmed me, and I slumped feebly in my seat. I have no further memories of that night; somehow my pilot must have regained enough of his senses to fly us home and put me in a taxicab. I awoke in my own bed at sunrise the next morning. The orange stains and pumpkin-seed holes in my security blanket testified that my awful adventure had been no mere dream.
I will admit that sometimes, I feel a temptation to seek out the Pumpkin again and perhaps learn more for the experience. This impulse is the only lunatic thought alive within me. The cyanide-laced candies I have mailed to my correspondents, the jars of petrol I have flung into the antiquaries and museums, the shootings at the aerodrome café—these are the actions of an eminently sane man. You see, Doctor, while I cannot claim full knowledge of that sinister gourd, I know this much—we cannot risk another encounter with him. If some fool shall call him up again, he shall be no more kind to us than the plow is to the anthill. The only record of my foolish pursuit that I dare allow to survive is my precious security blanket. I have embroidered upon it certain spells and rituals which I hope will serve as a bane to him, so that he will be unable to approach this world. You confiscate it at your peril.
Yet these good-hearted efforts may still come to nothing; still, his servants campaign in the neighborhoods as I once did. Not long ago a cherubic boy came to call on me to tell me of the Great Old Pumpkin. Since then, I have made it a practice to keep my household firearms loaded and in convenient proximity to the front door.
So that is my story, Doctor. I see you leaning over your plywood desk, ready to dispense your wisdom, to say the words that will cure me and free the world of one more mad menace. But before you speak, consider this! To truly heal me, you must reform the cosmos itself. Your words must leap from your mouth and cascade across the universe, undoing all of the uncaring, unfathomable things that lurk outside our cozy cave of a planet. Can you do this, Doctor? Can you? I see the fear in your face. Come, what say you?
"Stay out of stupid pumpkin patches, blockhead. Five cents, please."
Anonymous Sat 18/11/2023 5:36:07 AM 11 months ago No. 1801
all i had was a shit, blurry screencap and after checking a bunch of archives i finally found the original thread, and the post of interest from the shit screencap, quite spooky.
Anonymous Sat 30/12/2023 10:19:40 PM 9 months ago No. 2043
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NenmTnNVFcM [Play]
Fun find on youtube, i have been studying the matter and basically this confirms the rituals and stuff they do which is hilarious (at least to me, the singing is fun too)
The bit at the end with the shitter screencap is false because it actually depends on who is running the lodge, the oldist known bible they use is king james (in america) but really some use the koran and its diffrent per country. For all i know the owner of the lodge could have been a jew, Its speculation.
A lot about masonry is borrowed from diffrent pagan rituals and cultures. Here's an example, The part in the vid where they move clockwise? Circumambulation, I think it was the hindus that came up with that practice.
Anonymous Sun 18/02/2024 8:19:27 PM 8 months ago No. 2308
Do you think there are parts of this earth that has either been totally forgotten or yet to be found? underground passageways, cities, all kinds of things?
i know there are empty towns that have a minimal amount of people in it, for the sake of military testing and every now and then a normalfag will stumble in and get the shock of their life, also people still find hidden areas of new york every day and its wild.
Anonymous Sat 02/03/2024 6:45:34 AM 7 months ago No. 2428
i do not know for the life of me if this was real or a dream or one of those things like sleep paralysis.
for sure it felt fucking real. so i woke up and checked my phone and it was 3:00 in the morning and i instantly felt freezing and a thought came in my head like "huh, my mom is in my room and she must have woken me up" but instead it was this thing that had told me "just go back to sleep and everything will be fine" and i was all like "fuckthisshit" and i tried getting outta bed only to feel fucking heavy and i figured i was done for so i did the thing from the exorsist with my fingers while muttering "the power of christ compells you" and trust me when it did nothing. a few minutes later i feel sick and this blue glow just burns my eyes out and i woke up and pretty much emptyed my guts out. to be fair my room smelled like TV static like from those old 90's televisions so i don't know what happened at all.
Anonymous Sat 02/03/2024 6:48:18 AM 7 months ago No. 2429
i have to say though i most likely was sleeping i mean it has all the signs of sleep paralysis although my phone had readable text on it during that time and i thought you couldn't read in dreams. although perhaps my head filled in the blanks when i woke up?
Anonymous Sat 02/03/2024 6:51:46 AM 7 months ago No. 2430
when i mean thing she was slightly invisible and a single eye kinda like a blakc hole, eight arms and wearing something like a wedding dress but not quite. also her fingers where like 6 inches long for some reason and she did touch my feet for some reason which is why i thought maybe my mom was in my room for some fucking reason also keep in mind also i was filled with fear like if i was having a fucking stroke like i could hear ny heart through my ears
Anonymous Sat 02/03/2024 6:52:54 AM 7 months ago No. 2431
to be honest fuck ghost thats the second time a ghost tried to kill me
Anonymous Tue 19/03/2024 3:38:44 PM 7 months ago No. 2558
i had watched an episode of CSI Vegas and it had to do with cannibalism and i guess i'm retarded because i thought that shit didn't exist anymore but i was way fucking wrong. i guess the old internet has FORUMS on tje clearnet for that shit and a cop killed and ate a dude, and recently some artist ate a penis for "art" reasons and this redditfag ATE HIS OWN LEG and people made news articles praising him...
fucking weird lol sometimes i really hate the internet. even on the clearnet it seems spooky shit happens all the time in the darkest corners.
Anonymous Mon 29/04/2024 1:42:52 PM 5 months ago No. 2730
The spree killer Cho Seung-Hui wrote two plays, Mr. Brownstone and Richard McBeef. I love media killers wrote because in mang cases its the most retarded thing you've ever layed eyes apon.
Anonymous Tue 07/05/2024 6:42:02 PM 5 months ago No. 2747
thoughts on creepypastas? or better yet horror stories posted on the internet? i like "the dogscape" stories that was on 4chan back in the day, there was a blog that had a few stories called "the horror from the vault" which was outstanding but i think the nigger deleted his site which is a shame. i guess there's youtube videos of it on the 'net but for the life of me i can't find copies of the text. dogscape and 'vault have the same story but handle the subject in diffrent ways. currently re-reading but dogscape is when dogmeat of some type infect the lands outta nowhere and the story is from the perspective of a kid who's dad died and hasxto livd on his own to survive. the horror from the vault and thd other stories are from multiple perspective of multiple people because a few jackasses crack open a tomb and unlease fuck knows what which melds everything together into one being and multiple forms to take over earth
Anonymous Thu 09/05/2024 6:59:45 AM 5 months ago No. 2752
I love Cho's works. The absurdity is abundant, and some of the shit he writes really makes me scratch my head. Supposedly he had an imaginary waifu. I wonder if she was a tulpa.
schoolshooters.info is a pretty good website if you're interested in more of this kind of thing.
However, the one that's always stood out to me is frankly Adam Lanza. Compared to others, I felt like his writings were far more lucid and organized, even if deluded in some respects. I was never able to finish Eric Harris' diary because it read like brain-dead word salad to me. Even the most retarded poster on 4chan still could have probably written something more coherent and well put together than him. Reading Lanza's internet posts, he reminds me of some posters on smaller imageboards and makes me wonder if he would have found himself at home on some of them. I never really agreed with the popular notion that he is a pedophile. It's a very touchy subject, and I do not condone pedophilia, nor am I a pedophile, but I think he genuinely was interested in the meta aspects of pedophilia in a manner that would be considered "academic." It seems like a mark of severe social disconnectedness to be able to entertain such ideas without experiencing a knee-jerk reaction. But, the one thing that really stood out to me was the contents of his bookmarks. Mind you, these were from 2008-2011. Guns, mass killings, video games, youtube poops, and more Japanese music than I would have expected. There were also quite a few ED links, and some of them were so specific that it almost makes me wonder if he was a 4chan user. Throw in some liveleak links in there.
>Girugamesh - Encyclopedia Dramatica
>Pear Chan - Encyclopedia Dramatica
>YouTube - 森高千里 17才
I was especially surprised to see 17才, since it is from the 80's, originally the 70's, and that was well before vaporwave took off and 80's jpop became more popular. But it could have been a song in DDR, since he played DDR quite frequently. Also lots of video game music.

Haven't read 'em since I was a teenager. I think there's some really good hidden gems. My favorite is Keep a Diary. But, there's a lot of low-quality garbage. There's many stories that I remember ever so vaguely, but I wish I could remember them fully. Unfortunately, by now, all of the good ones have vanished from my mind, leaving the more well-known, shitty ones behind.
Anonymous Mon 13/05/2024 5:27:22 AM 5 months ago No. 2787
https://youtube.com/watch?v=yO_ewrEc820 [Play]
cant believe i found this on fucking youtube, an anime episode made by a cult that gassed subways in japan
Anonymous Mon 13/05/2024 5:35:28 AM 5 months ago No. 2789
he did have the ability to jump, by flexing hix ass in such a way to where he could reach 3 feet in the air. he would use that trick to convince retards that he could actually ""levitate""
Anonymous Wed 17/07/2024 7:17:40 PM 3 months ago No. 3141
>severe social disconnectedness
it seems to me that most killers like him tend to kill because they had personal and emotional issues, which they didnt get taught to resolve or cope. or they where too lazy and chose a easy way out, or became delusional for various reasons. speaking of severe social disconnectedness , thats one of the main reasons for browsing that type of content besides being an otaku since you might be bored or socially isolated so why not go down some rabbit holes?
Anonymous Fri 19/07/2024 4:18:18 AM 2 months ago No. 3150
I like creepypastas but dogscape specifically just never struck a chord with me. On a surface level it just seems like one-note body horror, albeit on a grand scale, but I feel like horror needs to have some grounding in reality in order to really be effective which is part of why I've never read it.

Some of my favorite stories would be 12 Minutes, The Stairs and the Doorway, and Tulpa. Those I think are genuinely great short stories, but I still hold a lot of nostalgia for ones that I wouldn't say hold up in retrospect like Necrosleep, Morbus.avi, Abandoned by Disney, or a lot of the other more popular ones that would feel chintzy had I read them for the first time today. If I didn't read them as a kid I doubt I'd be so into horror as I am now.
Anonymous Wed 24/07/2024 6:40:28 PM 2 months ago No. 3167
keep in mind i did some minor research and i was not able to find the "original /b/ thread" and i checked various search engines and 4chan archives without results, this pastebin was an archive of the noteworthy posts made about gd matter but the original thread was to be honest shit and the stuff in the pastebin is more interesting.
Anonymous Fri 26/07/2024 1:19:19 AM 2 months ago No. 3171
was digging for stories to read and found this, short but fun.
Anonymous Thu 15/08/2024 2:33:17 PM 2 months ago No. 3246
https://youtube.com/watch?v=xsSdZbv4w9s [Play]
Been itching to link to this video, i had forgotten untill now when i remembered. Quite illuminating to say the least.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4zZhSqcMQlE [Play]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0eOLd0Gv3rc [Play]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wqu2EfbTiks [Play]
The triple links above is from a tv show by Brad Meltzer called Mysteries Decoded. I had posted them on old 22Chan a while back although some people couldn't watch it because of "regional restrictions" and if that happens then i'll see what i can do to deal with that.
Anonymous Sat 17/08/2024 4:25:48 AM 2 months ago No. 3250
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XuAG5sRPZGM [Play] vid is related to the stuff i posted above.
continuing onward i would like to say i'm not a religious man and i'd like to think of myself as a rationalist. i also don't hate religions or something like that i"m just curious and i like to seek the truth of things.
sorry if i'm all over the place, there are things i wanted to talk about but its so fucking hard for me to explain.
when i was a kid i was obsessed with greek and egyptian mythology, and i read a fuck ton of books even the ones my parents wouldnt allow me, and then i took a deep dive into philosophy. when i was 16 i got my hands on a book called " the story of philosophy" by will durant and it kicked off my journey. something i learned and it was grinded in my skull by a history channel documentery was the story of akhenaten who reigned as god emperor of egypt, he re wrote the mythology to fuse himself with ra, the sun god and included his story in the mythology. to the average man at that time they saw the ESOTERIC, the supernatural and such but to the powers that be, they learned the EXOTERIC truth that the religion they held was used as a sort of mind control and that the "supernatural" per se was just a cover for the mind control techniques. there was a hidden truth to the story of isis, orisis, horis and typhon. typhon represents the mob or the masses like you and me, isis was the state and orisis was the church and in another way of viewing things was that isis was the virgin mother aka the holy spirit, orisis was the father and horus was the son/SUN. in a way horus was also in a sense baby moses, sent by the mother to flee from certian death by typhon. plato himself was a student of the mysteries and he traveled to egypt to become a student of sorts and its why his works has to be viewed through the "exoteric" lense because he wrote it in a way for a certian group of people to understand. its also how alexander the great was so fucking powerful, and how the pyrimids where built, through sheer force of will and control over the masses along with training to strengthing the body and mind to in a sense "become god". which is what "they" believe in, secular humanism the belief that man himself is god in a way. i was reading a book called the man who stared at goats and its become apparant that the "occult" and the military are in a way connected. its pretty fucking insane but worth looking into. i mean it makes sense if you listened to the video i posted here and then remember that when you go through bootcamp they break you down mentally like the ritual shit they did back in the day only to build you up again but stronger and subservient to athority at the same time. https://youtube.com/watch?v=5TNhS81w4bM [Play]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_Krishnamurti this guy right here, if no one noticed has the same exact story as paul from dune, raised to be a messiah but rebelled and became a preacher of sorts. dune comes to mind and at the same time the perfect way to understand what i'm saying because there isn't like angels and demons and such, the supernatural was invented and used as a means of control. people doubt the power of religon but look no further then the assassins, the old man of the mountain had brainwashed his people so bad that to the shock of onlookers, had told a man to jump off of a fucking cliff to his death and did so WILLINGLY. the way it worked is that they drugged young kids, usually orphans and dragged them to a secret area filled with beautiful women, flowing rivers of milk and honey, and told the kids that if they fought for the old man of the mountain then they would reach heaven. and that the old man of the mountain IS GOD. later as tome goes by and they level up in rank they learn that everything was a lie and that "nothing is true and everything is permitted" and they learn the ropes on how to mind control the lower ranks. i'm not saying that like all religions are fake and gay its just everything is interconnected in a very weird way and there's so much shit people don't want to talk about.
Anonymous Tue 27/08/2024 4:33:12 PM 1 month ago No. 3287
thought i posted a link to Anansi's goatman story but i was wrong. did some research and found more stories, about a clown and "rootworking"
goatman via archive, has images.
https://old.sage.moe/x/thread/11020659/#11026904 goatman but with more posts in the end
rootworks part 2
Anonymous Wed 28/08/2024 1:31:14 PM 1 month ago No. 3298
Found some more shit
what appears to be a cache of /x/ stuff
ye old creepy pasta collection circa 2012 by the librarian
librarian's mega link prob same as "happy halloween x" but after flipping through there actually more shit like flash games and audio.
Anonymous Fri 06/09/2024 3:26:04 AM 1 month ago No. 3356
Two reading suggestions
Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, by Israel Shahak
Sabbatai Zevi, by Gershom Scholem
Anonymous Sun 08/09/2024 3:56:24 AM 1 month ago No. 3362
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZECezMYug8c [Play]
i thought this video was... interesting to say the least. it kind of relates to the stuff i mentioned here >>3356
Anonymous Mon 09/09/2024 3:37:37 PM 1 month ago No. 3371
i clearly need to research more but i was thinking about if the collective unconsciousness/remote viewing is a way to explain the supernatural, paranormal, and religons.. like perhaps religion recontexualised actions like prayer to tapping in to the cemi field to make changes, like of ghosts are electromagnetic echos of what previously was. maybe the so called "occult" was made to appear taboo or ritualistic as a means of control... i still have more questions like the nature of the "great enemy", it seems the adam and eve story is more of an allegory and from what i understand the snake wasn't lucifer and was just a "talking snake", and lucifer/satan being a made up character, amd if anything satan was a slur for being antagonistic, the same can be said for pagan being a slur/generalization and demons, being a slur for mean people, and the mentally ill. i have been wondering about the pagan rites like communion and baptism being slipped into christianity and there's so much that i'm trying to look at in diffrent ways. i'm not trying to slam dunk on anyone or a hat tipping atheist, i can't prove any of this and i can't speak hebrew to somehow verify shit i just have a bit of things on my mind as of yet.
Anonymous Mon 23/09/2024 12:00:53 AM 23 days ago No. 3437
(231.29 KB 977x1225 )
to be honest i'm pissed at myself for not saving the original fucking thread. it was a pain in the ass to even find an original screencap but it was on 4plebs. also this other thread was a fun read.
Anonymous Mon 23/09/2024 12:29:47 AM 23 days ago No. 3438
i didn't know where to post this one but i'll leave it here, japanese stop motion
https://youtube.com/watch?v=9zOrqCdYPSg [Play]
speaking of stop motion i felt nostalgic for some claymation vids i watched as a kid, back in the day.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=6IyU02E9bdM [Play]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=6d-tNXxTRBA [Play]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BG33zECv8dc [Play]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_SoahbnYwRk [Play]
Anonymous Fri 04/10/2024 2:37:57 PM 11 days ago No. 3487
posted this movie on old 22chan, it was fun.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=VItItJY6Hp0 [Play]
here's some stuff i found.
Anonymous Tue 15/10/2024 4:09:04 AM 1 day ago No. 3522
https://youtube.com/watch?v=WlkBcFX1hNc [Play]
was dicking around on youtube for free movies and i didn't expect to find it whatsoever lol, like a better version of blair witch.
Anonymous Tue 15/10/2024 12:40:04 PM 23 hours ago No. 3524
(70.68 KB 600x600 )
>was dicking around on youtube for free movies
why not just torrent? you won't get viruses or whatever, that's just propaganda spread around by hollywood. but stay away from the pirate bay. their website has some malicious javascript on it. use 1337x.to or torrentgalaxy intead.

use a vpn if you live in usa but if you live anywhere else then you probably don't need one. make sure to use a paid vpn. don't use free vpns, they collect and sell all your data. that's how they can afford to be free. also it'll probably be using most of your CPU's processing power to mine some cryptocoin every time you have your computer on, vpn switched on or not. avoid free vpns like the plague.

oh and one last thing: use a good torrent client. I recommend either qbittorrent or transmission. deluge is also ok but qbittorrent and transmission are better. don't use utorrent, it contains a litecoin miner.
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