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American Psycho Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 7:45:47 AM 7 months ago No. 3241
This thread is dedicated to anything related to the American Psycho novel by Bret Easton Ellis and the film directed by Mary Harron, which explores the 80s yuppie culture that serves as a perfect breeding ground for a psycho like Patrick Bateman.

I decided to create this thread because I've spent the past week or more putting together a comprehensive source material pack for American Psycho. While I initially made it for MAD making, it can be used for anything you want.
The pack includes all scenes from the movie in OAR (1920x800) and Open Matte (1920x1080), each cut up and labeled by scene, including everyone present in the scene. The OAR release comes with multi-audio channels, allowing you to isolate the dialogue without music or background noise (I’ve included a DAW Reaper guide for that). There’s also a "Dialogue" folder that contains every single line spoken by every character, labeled by speaker, making it easy to find specific lines.
I included the Open Matte version because a lot of material gets cut off in the OAR version, which is useful if you’re creating a greenscreen.
There’s also an "Extras" folder with a documentary about the 80s, behind-the-scenes content, and deleted scenes.
Here is the magnet link (Please use a VPN):

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Anonymous Sat 31/08/2024 1:36:31 AM 6 months ago No. 3313
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One of my friends managed to order the Japanese dub of American Psycho on blu-ray which might just be included in the source material pack later in its own section.
Anonymous Tue 03/09/2024 2:14:48 PM 6 months ago No. 3333
the "paul allens card" sequence is related to something called "color theory" and the psychology of color.
you probably heard rumors that politicians have teams of retards who debate what color tie they must wear and something so simple, if ignored will cost them the race. well it is seen that red is a sexual, agressive color. hot like lava. blue is representative of masculinity, but also purity, faith and coolness like flowing water. to the average joe this is fucking retarded but in some circles its life or death, so yes the font and fucking eggwhite vs bonewhite on cards is serious buisness. someone having the better card is like watching your bank accounts getting emptied and thousands of customers leaving you, in their eyes.
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 6:32:26 AM 6 months ago No. 3340
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I always thought that the business card scene was more about Patrick Bateman's insecurities rather than some deep psychological analysis of color theory. You know despite his high-status job Bateman is more like a NEET in a suit who is going through extreme motions to fit into the corporate world, but really spends his time listening to music, doing cross-word puzzles and drawing gore in his day planner. He's a child of nepotism that basically does no work at all, and the people in his social group, like Timothy Price, Van Patten, and Craig McDermott, they don't seem to get their positions through merit either. It’s all about appearances, connections, and nepotism, just like Bateman, or how else would he feel about facing his colleagues if his only value was his dad basically owning the company? Like Kimball said while Bateman was putting those CDs away, "I know how busy you guys can get." The competition in Bateman's group is all about surface-level traits, but then Paul Allen shows up, and he’s seen as higher in the social hierarchy (Rothschild account, Dorsia insider), and that’s what really sets Bateman off. What's worse I think is Paul Allen talking shit about Bateman, and people actually listen to him, like his words carry more weight than anyone else's. When Price shows off Paul Allen’s card to Bateman, I can’t take Bateman’s reaction seriously, he's being sarcastic, basically saying: Your card is just like mine, so why are you getting all this special treatment? Not to mention, don’t you think it’s strange that Bateman praises Paul Allen's card for having the exact same features as his own? "Oh my god it even has a watermark." He's pointing out how similar their cards are yet he’s the one left feeling inferior. When Louis, on the other hand, presents his card, Bateman feels like his whole social circle is being undermined. If a guy like Louis who’s lower on the social hierarchy can fit in with everyone else it just makes Bateman feel like a joke. And when Van Patten and Craig McDermott say, "what about dinner" and "cheer up" Bateman is in shock that they don’t see the significance of this, or maybe they just don’t care in the first place.
Another thing I wanted to mention is that scene where Bateman asks Paul Allen how he got the Rothschild account which makes me just think how that information would benefit him in the first place if he's not doing any work in the first place, or maybe it's just me not understanding how these wallstreet people operate in the first place...
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 10:57:25 AM 6 months ago No. 3344
>I can’t take Bateman’s reaction seriously, he's being sarcastic
I don't know about that, I think this scene is about pointing out how shallow that type of attitude is. In a way, this kind of dick measuring contest based on what people own is not that uncommon, today I'd assume people compare stuff like phones or cars or shoes or TVs or whatever. But by presenting it through a lens unfamiliar to the viewer (visitor cards) the movie shows just how dumb this all really is. I also think that this obsession with something so ultimately insignificant shows how empty and meaningless their life is: as you said, they're not doing any work, or much at all really. So they have nothing to care about but dumb shit like this. Bateman has such an over the top reaction because he's trying really hard to fit in and so is even more obsessive about these things. That's my opinion at least
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