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Favorite Posts Thread Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 4:02:58 AM 2 years ago No. 326
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In this thread, discuss some of your personal favorite posts/threads on 22chan.
These could be your favorite post of the year, month, or maybe you just really like the post.
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Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 4:07:04 AM 2 years ago No. 327
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I'll go first
My favorite post made on 22chan during the month of December was the Missing features thread.
With 22chan rising from the dead and being made from scratch, it was clear to everyone that the site was more simple compared to its older counterpart.
With the missing features thread, it encouraged anons to throw out suggestions, whether serious or not, to be discussed and decided on whether it should become a part of 22chan.
This is a great thread as the suggestions being made are by the userbase itself and the suggestions being brought up can also be built upon and discussed further within the thread itself by other anons.
The fact that 22chan has been revived on a clean slate creates plenty of room for the userbase to suggest and implement features that it knows 22chan needs.
Even with the less serious suggestions, it's still interesting to see what ideas anons come up with, as in 22chan's current state creativity is very much encouraged.
If you're reading this and have not visited the Missing features thread yet, then I recommend you give it a check out, as maybe even you could come up with your own suggestion that can potentially improve 22chan for the better.
Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 4:44:42 AM 2 years ago No. 331
I think about this a lot. The philosophical impact of this statement is important, this reminds me of that old /i/ post with the cat that said that man's sins will leach on to the animals. Will cats finally climb up the evolutional ladder and supplant us? What is a man?
Do you suppose that's why God lives in the Heavens? Because he lives in fear of His creations?
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 6:04:31 AM 2 years ago No. 409
I cannot understate how much i love OC.
The 22chan edit of the vocaloid album art, the gatorfolk songs, i dont think i can list them all but it really feels nice to see people make stuff.
Anonymous Sat 04/03/2023 7:09:48 PM 2 years ago No. 598
I very much agree, OC is always a pleasant sight to see, but I have a major soft spot for Niniba art.
And speaking of Niniba, there were several Ninba images made during the month of February.
Sadly I can't point to every single instance of it in this post, but I thoroughly enjoyed every single drawing of Niniba.
But if I had to choose a personal favorite, it would be:
Not only was there a really good quality Niniba drawing, but there was also a really good lyric edit of the song "Stop Nagging Me" to make it fit within 22chan.
Let's all love Niniba
Anonymous Wed 05/04/2023 5:19:31 PM 1 year ago No. 743
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My favorite post for the month of March has to be the Net Characters for 22chan
First of all, sick Niniba image!
But more importantly, throughout the many years of 22chan's existence, there has been many attempts by anons to make oc for 22chan.
Sadly as an unintended consequence of 22chan first going down, many of these oc's who we lesser known or fell into obscurity would become lost.
This thread intends to help bring back the memories of these lost, but not forgotten oc's, while also trying to dig up as little backstory about these characters that existed.
I myself will need to go back into the old archive to scout out what oc's were missed and haven't been posted yet, as I know there are still a few that have yet to be seen.
And if anyone who is reading this has any sort of images or information on lost 22chan oc, then I'm sure me and many others would love to hear or see it!
Anonymous Sat 08/04/2023 4:37:54 AM 1 year ago No. 748
My post >>132 on /meta/ also counts here lol
Anonymous Sun 03/09/2023 5:41:59 PM 1 year ago No. 1428
My favorite posts for August have been the most recent replies for The Binding of Issac thread.
I like to see a discussion of specific video games and while there are also worthy threads doing something similar it is something that caught my attention. /vg/ will thrive as we get more posts like this.
My favorite post for this month was simple, but if anyone has any posts that stood out to them, please let me know.
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 1:53:44 PM 1 year ago No. 1666
I appreciate this thread for keeping the lights on around here while still being fun. To me, it's what /sewers/ is all about.
Anonymous Fri 08/12/2023 5:39:27 AM 1 year ago No. 1887
Sewers post 811 was my favorite post from November because it teaches us to be grateful for what we have.
Anonymous Mon 25/12/2023 4:53:22 PM 1 year ago No. 2002
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Get, screenshotted.
Anonymous Fri 02/02/2024 5:08:43 AM 1 year ago No. 2216
My favorite post from last month was /yu/ post number 502 because it has a comfy topic and a great cat photo.
Anonymous Sun 03/03/2024 6:12:42 PM 1 year ago No. 2445
My favorite post from last month was /b/post-2325 because it is what I want to see on the random board something completely random and interesting. I'd also be remiss not to mention that the net characters thread was cool and I look forward to future developments.
Anonymous Sat 09/03/2024 3:57:07 AM 1 year ago No. 2475
Amazing, I absolutely love reading these scripts. Although I wanted to mention that from my viewpoint, unlike the previous one, I think these scripts need to be more in line with what's on 22chan. Since, I think the only Touhou-related post that we had on this new instance was like the 9/9 thread on /sewers/, and there was like no previous discussion about Touhou not being an anime or just in general? Anyways, I'm very interested in seeing where this will go in the future.
Anonymous Wed 15/05/2024 3:23:31 AM 10 months ago No. 2797
Does anyone have the image of niniba dressed ad peenile from ergo proxy?
Anonymous Wed 15/05/2024 5:47:03 AM 10 months ago No. 2802
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I had almost forgotten about drawing that. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it in my archives. All I could track down was this thumbnail. The original was 600*800.
Anonymous Wed 15/05/2024 5:50:26 AM 10 months ago No. 2803
Thank you! This is now my favorite post of the month.
Anonymous Sat 03/08/2024 1:31:47 PM 7 months ago No. 3208
Post 3184 from last month is excellent and it shows the frustration of this generation. That anon is the voice of the people.
Anonymous Sat 03/08/2024 9:53:03 PM 7 months ago No. 3211
More like that anon is the voice of your post
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