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Bonfire lit? Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 7:14:23 AM 1 year ago No. 37
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Welcome back gentlemen. This time around we must be much more strict, lest we make the same mistakes again.
Remember, one of 22chans reason for existance is QUALITY. Good formatting, Good thread topic, and Good userbase. this makes us diffrent then most boards since it means anons actually give a damn about what they post.if 22chan sucks like not enough QUALITY posts or threads, set a good example and be the change you want to see.
Yes, comfy means relaxed, but not ignorant. Report content that breaks the rules in any form no matter how minor and start a discussion or debate if the need comes by. but being comfy also means "not edgy" and that relates to not acting like a bitch (without warrant) not posting degenerate shit or say,content that doesnt mesh well with our society. Cancer is an interesting subject since it can mean many things but for us it would relate to degeneracy, overposted, copypasted content and annoying people.Speaking of "content that doesnt mesh well with our society" Be wary of the stuff you post. It could very well change our site and set us off course in a bad direction. Some people say "Anime is Tranime" and although edgy, has some truth to it.Most anime has max gay shit and degeneracy and discussion of such content would attract unwanted visitors.Even if people arent actually posting rule breaking content such as nudity or whatever, it would still attract the type of people who like to "push" things a bit too far but couldnt be banned since they didnt break any rules and would slowly influence fellow anons to follow suit. (sometimes talking shit about say, furfags or somesuch can be just bad as an actual "furfag" so be wary how you discuss those people. (an example would be avoiding posting degeneracy as an example or being careful how you word things.) its like saying "CHRIS CHAN FUCKED HIS MOM" where it would have been better to hint at his unsavory relationship with his mother.
Word of mouth advertising is hell of a lot better then advertising normally and doesnt carry the stigma of looking jewish so remember, tell a friend!
Making our own culture is better then copy pasting it so lets avoid emulating 4chan and other communities.
Remember that we are trying to be more virtuous then 4chan.
Dont go hollow.
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Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 10:56:08 AM 1 year ago No. 42
This should be a pinned post on /meta/ or something. Very good advice
Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 1:54:49 PM 1 year ago No. 43
Why do you think people make bad posts and excuse them?
Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 3:46:57 PM 1 year ago No. 44
I don't think we should go so sensitive with with effortposting rules like you say. Obviously, if someone replies just "lol" or something gay like that we'll tell him that shit's not allowed, but I understand it's a fine line to toe since effort is kind of difficult to define. The only thing i think we should have 0 tolerance for is normalfag buzzwords and sexual degeneracy, and anything else listed in the rules. Also, derailing threads to question if a certain post truly has effort put into it is stupid when instead you could actually, like you said, contribute to the thread yourself.
Granted, I don't know what you mean in your first line with "lest we make the same mistakes again" since as far as I know the original site was fine and was only suddenly purged because the creator went psycho, not because of anything the users did
Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 3:50:39 PM 1 year ago No. 45
I agree with this. OP's post makes it sound like we're not even allowed to curse.
Anonymous Wed 28/12/2022 8:39:30 PM 1 year ago No. 46
This was meant for no.44, not no.4, heh.
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 12:17:09 PM 1 year ago No. 52
I think that we should have different degrees of tollerance toward buzzwords depending on how annoying they sound or how much they have been used.
Like the word "based": the term has been used, consumed, repeated, butchered, remixed, rebutchered, proposed and spewed so many times that it basically became a noise and not a word.
No tollerance towards the term "based", i'm tired of reading it.
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 5:00:03 AM 1 year ago No. 59
i agree with this, but throw in redpill/bluepill
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 1:49:16 AM 1 year ago No. 87
I think anime is completely fine and should not be seen as a discouraged topic like you seem to suggest.
I also agree fully with >>44. And I don't really see the point in using euphemisms honestly.
I agree with the sentiment though! Let's make good posts, OC, elaborate, discuss anything we like and just have fun.
Perhaps these deserve a word filter?
>based -> well-founded
>"Dangerously well-founded"
>pill -> bus
>"Take the red bus anons"
>pilled -> faced
>"well-founded and red-faced"
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 9:30:49 AM 1 year ago No. 93
i find the idea of a world filter very funny indeed, if i were in charge i would put a lot of filters to a lot of words that are repeated ad nauseam.
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 5:40:45 PM 1 year ago No. 94
Loving the idea of some newn1gga coming in here and blabbing about how totally blackfaced he is.
fpbp -> Elaborate
/thread -> Elaborate
saged -> Elaborate
Anonymous Mon 02/01/2023 8:49:42 PM 1 year ago No. 102
There's always two extremes and i think its good to find balance between them. Being a lax bitch who don't give no damn and would gladly watch rome burn is retarded, but witch hunting and raising cain is equally gay. About anime i think there's a partial truth, Not that it was mentioned per say but wouldn't JOJO's bizarre adventure get filtered by the no normalfag rule? Pretty sure hunterxhunter got put on kibosh from the MMC for the same reason. Gundam was allowed even though it contains nudity and we even had a gundam thread. IF someone made a thread for Boku no pico (do not google that) even if there was no nudity or somesuch posted it probably would get deleted anyway (it better)
See what i mean? If someone wanted to talk about friday the 13th then theres no harm in that and if someone requested for that thread to be deleted because "r- rated movie bad" then they are quite retarded, but if someone talks about the scene in predator 2 where some woman is having sex with some dude and either posts screenshots or says something like "god damn her cumming is so fucking hot" then that should be deleted, but predator 2 per-se can still be talked about.
There is a time and place for everything.
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 7:34:13 PM 1 year ago No. 128
>wouldn't JOJO's bizarre adventure get filtered by the no normalfag rule?
Our first anime thread is about death note, which is one of the most popular anime of all time. I personally don't think that thread is low quality or normalfag, do you disagree?
In general, I think popular =/= normalfag, otherwise you'd have to ban discussion of films like fight club, godfather, pulp fiction; music like mozart, the beatles, linkin park; videogames like dark souls, half life, super mario... you get the idea.

What I'm trying to say is that we need a distinction between "popular" and "trendy". Trendy stuff *is* normalfag and it should be avoided. Take the starwars sequels. Popular stuff on the other hand can still be worthwhile sometimes. Where the boundary between the two lies is up to the community to decide

>Boku no pico
That's nsfw, so it is against the rules
>even if there was no nudity
How the fuck do you propose a hentai have no nudity? What would it even be at that point?

Anime has a lot of value to offer rather than just degeneracy, and has in fact had a great influence on imageboard culture as a whole. Even if we hate new 4chan, we owe the old one a lot, and we would do well to respect our roots
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 8:35:58 PM 1 year ago No. 131
I think you are autistically overthinking this, my man.
Anonymous Wed 03/05/2023 9:17:45 PM 1 year ago No. 868
>you'd have to ban discussion of films like fight club, godfather, pulp fiction; music like mozart, the beatles, linkin park; videogames like dark souls, half life, super mario... you get the idea.
I dont get why this would be bad, all of these have been discussed to death and nothing of value can be gained by talking about them, any and all meaning that could be taken out of them has already been and run into the ground. Outside of Mozart the music you listed don't even have anything to really discuss, they're basic pop music with little interesting in them. The Beatles can only really be appreciated from a production standpoint and even then they got helplessly outmatched by other bands in that department, call me a contrarian but most music outside of classical, jazz and some progressive rock has little to be discussed as its consumption is by design meant to be passive rather than active. Beatles are meant to be heard on the radio while you're on a morning commute, this means that it cannot have any profound musical ideas to explore, it has to be a simple monophonic melody with basic harmonization and simple rhythms.
You can discuss the lyrical content, perhaps, but why not discuss true poets in that case?
Anonymous Wed 03/05/2023 9:17:54 PM 1 year ago No. 869
meant for
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