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Internet Privacy Thread Anonymous Sun 29/01/2023 6:20:40 PM 2 years ago No. 381
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This thread is for advice on how to be anonymous on the internet among other things. Do not be afraid to share tools that can provide security, such as stripping EXIF data from images, or anything else that comes to mind, such as advice on reducing your digital footprint. You can and should suggest security and privacy-related stuff that works well within 22chan without breaking the site to enhance the anonymous 22channers' overall well-being such as how to use photoshop and tools of the trade to enhance one's threads and posts. If you have any thoughts about the internet or anything else related to it, please feel free to share them.
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Anonymous Sun 29/01/2023 9:27:24 PM 2 years ago No. 382
Opera has a feature that deletes all your cookies upon closing the browser.
Anonymous Wed 01/02/2023 2:29:35 AM 2 years ago No. 397 A website that is back from the dead that discusses everything privacy related from emails to browsers.

I also wanted to mention that everyone who uses protonmail is willingly using a fed honeypot.
[4] protonirockerxow.onion

ProtonMail is a criminal organization that conducted an illegal hack against a target that ended up being innocent. They were proud of it, so they tweeted they broke the law. When they realized ProtonMail leadership could go to prison over this hack they deleted all evidence. VICE wrote an article about it.[1] I just feel bad for the innocent guy who was mistakenly assaulted by a group of criminal PhD's. ProtonMail can never comment about this because if they did it would result in company employees going to jail for criminal behavior.
ProtonMail was created with NSA/CIA oversight[2]
ProtonMail crowdfunded to "Stay Independent." Then weeks after collecting $500k from average people they sold part of their company to a US firm that has close ties to President Obama. How close? The company that part-owns ProtonMail also has delegates to the UN who were selected by Obama.[3]
ProtonMail Behaves like a CIA/NSA "Honeypot." ProtonMail has an Onion domain[4] that allows users to visit their site using the Tor browser. ProtonMail even has an SSL cert for that onion address even though it's completely unnecessary. When a user makes a new account with ProtonMail on Tor they are re-directed from ProtonMail's ".onion" to ".com" address. This is exactly how CIA honeypots operate.
ProtonMail brags about their Swiss privacy protection but ignores the fact that the Swiss have an information sharing MLAT treaty[14] with the United States. So anything on those Swiss servers is likely also on NSA servers.
ProtonMail doesn't provide true end-to-end encryption. A professor who teaches computer science and cryptography Nadim Kobeissi[5] proved that ProtonMail does not provide end-to-end encryption. ProtonMail has since publicly acknowledged that they can decrypt anyone's encrypted content by obtaining their password/passphrase.[6]
ProtonMail's developers do not use ProtonMail. They would know if the company is corrupt, and their dev's do not use it.
Anonymous Wed 01/02/2023 2:30:23 AM 2 years ago No. 398
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Forgot image.
Anonymous Wed 01/02/2023 8:39:18 PM 2 years ago No. 404
Very interesting. I never knew this about Protonmail.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 5:56:48 AM 2 years ago No. 408
I wonder how Librewolf fares with 22chan?
When posting cat images, and screencaps from anime i used these with fun results.
Didn't they also dox some french journalist? (Perhaps i might be thinking of tutanota.)
Anonymous Fri 03/02/2023 12:22:45 AM 2 years ago No. 423
The youtube channel mental outlaw has really impacted the way I browse the internet. He covers news about computer security and also makes tutorials on how to protect your privacy. I haven't really gone all the way, but I do use kpassxc[1], firefox + private user.js[2], ublock origin, searx, libredirect, dns over https [3]


>Didn't they also dox some french journalist?
Yes they did.
Anonymous Wed 08/02/2023 4:53:52 AM 2 years ago No. 473
another useful privacy website
Anonymous Wed 08/02/2023 5:06:45 AM 2 years ago No. 474
Anonymous Wed 08/02/2023 8:15:49 PM 2 years ago No. 478
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>derping around at work cause bored
>browsing 4chan on work PC
>some anon posted a youtube video link
>video looks interesting so i use my phone to take a photo of the thumbnail so i can remember it when i get home
>few minutes later open a new tab and hop on youtube for something else
>that exact video pops up on the front page feed

How the fuck? How'd that info travel between my phone camera and the PC?
Anonymous Fri 10/02/2023 9:30:15 AM 2 years ago No. 483
A extension for both chrome and firefox that redirects popular websites to privacy friendly alternatives.
Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 10:24:45 PM 2 years ago No. 542
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Shit like that happens to me all the time. One time a friend was telling me how Megaman ZX was so fucking good and that I had to play it, and after the conversation later that day I went to watch something on jewtube and I found my recommends full of Megaman ZX gameplays from small channels when I've never searched or watched anything related to MMZX before, at most I had watched some MM classic speedruns
Anonymous Thu 23/02/2023 11:48:45 AM 2 years ago No. 554
Really uncomfortable times we live in.
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 5:18:19 AM 1 year ago No. 719
i have come to the conclusion that the internet as a whole is no more then a 'silent weapon" (silent weapons for quiet wars is a fascinating read even if its fake) or to be exact a tool for social engineering to shape and form society to a mold by a cabal of people who may or may never be known. the only thing people can do is not search terms that would get you put on a watchlist and do everything to stay mentally healthy (avoiding ugly internet bullshit, etc) along with communities to have free discussion but with strict rules to keep bad shit out. i think meme culture is a result of social engineering especially the way memers tend to gatekeep information or even the way people become memers in the first place
1 by encouraging ugly behavior
2 if you don't know about x meme you are the profane and thus to be ignored even by participating in conversation or attempts to befriend memers
3 normalizing degenerate, disgusting, or batshit insane behavior content and ideas
thanks to stuff like rule 34, kids are coming into contact to more online pornography (especially since adults are retarded enough to supply children with internet connection in the first place. also memes are becoming mainstream to children so the next generations of humanity will become more fucked up. [Play]
of course metal gear solid 2 comes to mind lol
even without the internet its like theirs no real escape besides staying inside or living in a sleepy Podunk town in the middle of nowhere populated my elderly people.
Anonymous Tue 27/06/2023 4:37:00 AM 1 year ago No. 1077
For emails i've been using
so far they seem safe.
linking this here.
Anonymous Tue 27/06/2023 5:19:36 AM 1 year ago No. 1080
Made a little typo.
Anonymous Tue 27/06/2023 5:38:45 AM 1 year ago No. 1082
works both ways now.
Anonymous Fri 08/03/2024 10:06:51 AM 1 year ago No. 2468
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Anonymous Fri 08/03/2024 3:58:09 PM 1 year ago No. 2470
There are good options for search engines on this.
Anonymous Sat 09/03/2024 12:34:40 AM 1 year ago No. 2474
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4get is really nice although having to solve the IQ test every 100 searches and also daily is a bit annoying not to mention I can't set it as a default search engine.
Anonymous Sat 16/03/2024 7:34:48 AM 1 year ago No. 2542 opened registration for emails without an invite code. You need to only complete a mining challenge.
Anonymous Sun 17/03/2024 11:25:58 AM 1 year ago No. 2548
I always see a lot of bashing happening around Cloudflare and I am just wondering what's the alternative exactly?
Anonymous Mon 18/03/2024 1:43:32 AM 1 year ago No. 2550
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Anonymous Mon 18/03/2024 9:13:54 AM 1 year ago No. 2552
Cloudflare offers CDN services. That is hosting stuff for your website on a bunch of different servers to make it load faster all over the world. The problem is that 1. the cdn, not just the original website, can track the user, and 2. cloudflare specifically is very popular, meaning that it can track the user across multiple websites as long as they rely on cloudflare.
Since this is a server side thing, set up by the site owner, a user can do nothing but stop visiting that website.
At least, this is my understanding of the situation
Anonymous Fri 17/05/2024 4:46:14 AM 10 months ago No. 2816
i had this link saved since 2020, it was posted on an old /yu/ thread.
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 2:29:16 PM 5 months ago No. 3492
What is 22chan's stance on steam privacy-wise? According to the software watchdog[1], it is spyware.

One thing to understand however, is that once you have a closed-source program on your computer connecting to the internet, you have little way of knowing which data they collect and what they do with it. So IMO you might as well assume that all closed-source online software is spyware. I don't trust privacy policies much and they typically say they can do whatever they want and change the conditions whenever they want anyway.

Now, considering that very few games are open source, the vast majority of games that connect to the internet should be considered spyware. Windows itself too, since it is notorious for being awful privacy-wise.

So ideally, I think your options would be to:
>Play offline games on an always offline windows machine
>Play offline games on linux+wine while firewalling them
>Play open source multiplayer games on linux
>Play closed source multiplayer games on linux+wine if they offer servers for private hosting, you are the one hosting, and you firewall all connections not strictly necessary

Personally, that's a bit much for me, so I compromise by dualbooting windows and keeping all the spyware on the latter. At which point steam is pretty low on my list of concerns. Valve's generally good reputation certainly helps, and they have been supporting and promoting gaming on linux with their steam decks which is nice. But of course, it would be better not to use steam, or any closed source software for that matter.

Anonymous Wed 06/11/2024 6:11:06 AM 4 months ago No. 3668
I am using Tor, does that count?
Anonymous Wed 13/11/2024 1:33:39 AM 4 months ago No. 3704
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Guys what in the fuck is going on with This is extremely abrupt and reads like complete non-sense. If this isn't holding the userbase hostage I don't know what it is.
Anonymous Thu 14/11/2024 1:47:02 AM 4 months ago No. 3716
federal agent infiltration, hopefully none of you were retarded enough to use email for anything serious, right?
The poor guy Vincent really thought that he would be safe in Romania LOL.
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 11:45:33 AM 4 months ago No. 3765
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I just installed Windows 10 LTSC N 2021 (EU version) and I think I am in heaven...? It's empty... No bloatware... I just got in and the first thing I did was uninstall Microsoft Edge after installing ungoogled chromium. It's surreal looking into the "Programs and Features" tab and seeing it completely empty of any windows bloatware. Holy fucking shit why didn't I do this sooner.
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 11:58:22 AM 4 months ago No. 3766
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Oh also I found this on /g/ I forgot to share regarding people use tutanota as their email service.
Anonymous Mon 25/11/2024 4:07:40 PM 4 months ago No. 3768
And i have a tutanota email account..
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 3:10:46 PM 1 month ago No. 4206
[] use an instance where it's disabled. Select the URL on the address bar, click add as search engine, picrel.
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 3:11:48 PM 1 month ago No. 4207
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