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Prepping and Survival Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 5:15:34 AM 2 months ago No. 3975
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whenever you hear the name "prepper" usually you think of edgy people acting all hardcore, maybe paranoids running around like headless chickens or yelling at you for "not being on their level" and many other negative associations. maybe its living in dirt huts, being scared all the time, and suffering, always wondering if "things will get back to normal".
i think thats stupid, if anything prepping should be comfy. i tend to think of moments like the book of eli, where the main character had an ipod to wind down to at the end of the day, or in school live, where the girls did what they could to live life normally, and they even had stuff like a portable CD player and when they made it to a collage, they played vidya.
i think it's rude to think that preppers are crazy or that it's stupid to be prepared, even if it isn't anywhere near an emergency scenario. also, it's a waste of money to just buy all those stupid kits that end up containing stuff that you wouldn't ending up using in the first place. MREs are fucking awful, ate them off and on from my childhood to like around 2017 when i had to deal with an actual emergency that lasted months, and its not too good to have in an emergency situation, the sodium content is way too high and that sucks because trust me, water is something your not always going to have access to, so your going to get fucked up. i don't know of it changed nowadays but it is something to be wary of.
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Anonymous Fri 10/01/2025 6:15:04 AM 2 months ago No. 4017
Shortwave radios are fun, i threw my SWL antenna on top of a long tree and i'm pretty sure i got a signal from some japanese station. Another station i picked up on was "" which was some wild as fuck new age ecumenism shit. I guess in short if you want to get information from around the world, then it's good to have one. Also mine has the ability to "listen in" to ham radio frequencies which is great. Yes, there's alot of boring old people talking about useless stuff but in an emergency is when it becomes a total free for all and you can get information you really need.
Anonymous Mon 13/01/2025 7:05:09 AM 2 months ago No. 4052
Sometimes i'll go to an area, far away where i live and shout stupid stuff in my Handheld radio, one time it was the classic NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER, and another was CQ, CQ, CQ THIS IS PAPA ECHO NOVEMBER INDIA SIERRA CALLING IN, WE HAVE A CODE BLUE, OVER
so far the FCC hasn't got my ass, even after i stoped dicking around and talked normally. I was tuned into a repeater too and they asked who the fuck that guy was screaming in the mike, so i'm still home free.
In all seriousness something not talked about is the range and effectiveness of a handheld, especially if the repeaters are down. With repeaters, you can go real far especially on a hot day, you can talk cities away but in a situation where there are no repeaters, the range is super limited. I'll use my UV-5R+
With a good antenna, a counterpose, settings all clocked in, clear visual line of site, up high on a hot, cloudless day i could get maximum 4 miles, in reality i can only get roughly 2.5 miles if i'm lucky. Lets say i get a better model with higher wattage like 10 watts, then the "if i'm lucky" factor increases to roughly 10 miles max but at that point i'm dropping 90 bucks. (the regular ass uv-5r cost me 20, the antenna cost me 15) To be be clear, what you are buying is a glorified cell phone, and it's useful if you have a specific reason to use it, and if you lose cell signal its better then nothing. Although you can focus on buying high quality GRMS devices and you don't need to deal with the headache of getting a FCC ham radio operator licence, and if you have a family only one person needs a licence and the whole family can mooch off of yours, where if someone wanted to talk and uses your ham radio licence you'll get your ass handed to you.
I don't know too much about your regular ham radio and i'd like a real one, maybe a "shack in a box" so i can't say much more about the matter.
Anonymous Mon 13/01/2025 7:11:00 AM 2 months ago No. 4053
Forgot, it's General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) not GRMS. Also with handheld hams there's a secret tactical value because you can snoop in on GMRS, police bands and all kinds of fun stuff.
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