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white whale Anonymous Thu 09/01/2025 5:03:39 PM 1 month ago No. 4014
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What are your white whales?
For the longest time since i was a child it was the videogame metal gear solid, and the x files. both of them my parents literally turned into bedtime stories about snake and agent mulder kicking ass and since then it was a major obsession to find those at yard sales. To be honest i knew we had a copy of metal gear solid in my parents storage but getting there would mean literally dumping out a ton of trash that would take ages to sort through, (we're talking about hardcore hoarders here) so it wasn't really an option and to make matters worse it probably would have been for nothing because they might have sold the damn thing without telling me. I was lucky to stumble into a flea market recently and they had nine seasons of x-files just fucking laying there, as for metal gear, i bought the metal gear solid collection and that had the game. My recent obsession is finding the original resident evil, and most importantly silent hill. I would personally like to find a vinyl copy of trench by twenty one pilots. It's a good album, dark as fuck with a pinch of zoroastrianism. The album leaned more heavily into the ongoing story that was barely hinted at in vessel and blurryface. It's a popular album i think and i don't understand why they don't sell that shit in stores.
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Anonymous Sun 02/02/2025 12:31:21 PM 1 month ago No. 4133
I've a lotta obsessions. Lately my obsession is collecting the Ultima games. I have them on GOG but I really want the classic physical releases
Anonymous Sun 02/02/2025 3:41:45 PM 1 month ago No. 4135
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I tried bringing something like that up on wizchan in 2019 all it did was picrel..
Anonymous Mon 03/02/2025 2:58:31 AM 1 month ago No. 4137
Yeah, it means you own them forever and you can dowload them any time, discs are forever.
Anonymous Tue 04/02/2025 2:29:14 AM 1 month ago No. 4139
I'm looking for a vhs copy of the digimon movie. It's getting harder and harder to find because the vhs stock in my area has been slowly drying up over time, or they've been increasingly shrinking their real estate. It' not like they're being destroyed, I feel like they're just being devalued by the shops. The search will continue for as long as I have hope.
Anonymous Wed 05/02/2025 1:44:06 AM 1 month ago No. 4143
Try yard sales and flea markets
Anonymous Wed 05/02/2025 5:28:43 AM 29 days ago No. 4144
That and you can search the internet regular for the item you need.
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