Check the clocks, it's caturday. Post and discuss cats. (cats aren't real, this thread wasn't made by a cat, leave now)
>FUCK your scheming human designs
The cat must commit total destruction on the normalfags stupidity.
I touched cat ears but the cat got pissed and hit me.
Some cats hate being touched. One of my cats doesn't mind me grabbing him and the other one grows when he is touched more than light pats.
What conditioner does she use
It is natural and just the superior genes coming through.
In case of emergency, become bread.
I didn't realise how long cat tongues are. LOOONG
Cats are strange i don't understand their anatomy.
It doesn't feel that long when I am licked by my cat. When my cat hisses the tongue seems long though.
Happy Catnesday, meow „≽^•⩊•^≼·
Saw storecat again (cat who works at the local hardware store)
She was tucked into her catbed, she had a mini pillow under her head, and she was sleeping, holding a stuffed animal (rabbit)
She moved her head in a super retarded position to sleep better, imagine being payed to sleep on the job, lucky.
Apparantly she tried escaping by climbing into a stroller, they caught her at the last second because her tail was sticking out.
The cat's life seems eventful. I also sleep in retarded permissions to get to bed.
This is hardcore.
I was working in a shed and i was leaving and i spotted an orange cat stalking something and when he noticed me i decided to chase after him and he climbed over the fence, and he looked back at me before jumping off.
Very suspicious
He could have stayed, we could have been friends.
Remember to destroy things, imitate the wisdom of the cat.
You gotta break things to teach the humans a lesson. [Play]
Saw a panther on the street the other day, (just like vid related) scary!
Did anything of note happen?
Got aggressively meowed at one day, at the next he walked up to me, but then ran away. Can't tell if stray or owned.
You know, i forgot about supernatural but honestly i feel like this was the only scene that i feel like actually matters. [Play]
I wish i can talk to them.
Cats understand better than any other living life form that actions have consequences. It is simply a fact of the universe.
I was watching a Russian film today, and noticed this cat squirming as it was tied up. Absolutely adorable.
what cat breed is it
My cat played with my earbud tips. It was cute because he could never get the tip in his paws.
Maybe he wanted to listen to some mewsic.
Storecat was sleeping but wasn't having a good dream, her ears was switching but her face was moving and she moved her paw, and kicked her leg. Then she woke up with a shocked expression on her face, and then she went back to sleep. Maybe she had a nightmare?
My cats have lately been running away from me unless they are sleeping like pic-related.
Why are they running?
They are playing together. I guess I am a hassle to their activities.
Yesterday a random cat came up to the door and stared at my cat. The cat hissed and left. It was weird but the cat was cute. I guess it was a territorial thing. [Play]
I was at a yardsale and i heard a noise, so i bent down to look under a chair and i saw a gray cat with large eyes, irises fully open and ears down. I tried touching him but he backed up a bit but he kept looking at me. He didn't blink either, just stare
Was he looking at my DNA? Or even deeper, my soul?
>Human Connor had better watch out or he'll be replaced by AI Connor
There can only be one.