Albino penis envy magic mushrooms!
An easy-to-grow magic mushroom strain which is grown using liquid culture and a grow bag, and this liquid culture can be bought and ordered legally online… liquid culture is a collection of mycelium inside a syringe! (Not to be confused with spore syringes, which are much harder to grow from)
All one has to do is search for a "mushroom grow bag" online which has an obvious magic mushroom theme (some good indicators would be it being rainbow colored, stuff like "magic grow bag") , buy an albino penis envy liquid culture from another company, and then follow the grow bag company's instructions for how to grow mushrooms from a liquid culture!
The compound in magic mushrooms, psilocybin (sigh-low-sigh-bin), desynchronizes brain signals, this means parts of the brain that normally don't talk to each other start to talk to each other under the influence of psilocybin (this is what causes the hallucinations), meaning it can act as a truth serum of sorts, so if one is the kind of person who thrives in negative thought patterns and keeping secrets, these compounds may not be for them.
One should not take magic mushrooms if one is on antidepressants, amphetamines, opioids, or St. John's Wort as it can lead to serotonin syndrome.
If one is going to ingest a magic mushroom, one should have around 0.1 to 0.5 grams dried. These things are stronger than one would would think.
Alternatively, one can fly to Colorado where magic mushrooms are legal and book a $100 dollar magic mushroom nature escape and trip with other people and under professional supervision.