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Types of people who Annoy You. Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 5:09:38 PM 2 years ago No. 537
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In this thread, we will talk about the types of people you find annoying.
>gym people
Unrestrained people who feel compelled to talk about constantly going to the gym. The gym is beneficial to these people, as well as enjoyable for them. It becomes annoying when people these people shame skinny guys and act all high and mighty. The gym is regarded by some gym-obsessed individuals as a magic solution to issues such as being friendless or having trouble finding a girlfriend. You can benefit from the gym, but if you have deep-seated problems, it won't be helpful enough.
>Wise Guys
The self proclaims wise guys can be very annoying when they are not wise in reality. Despite claiming to be smarter than you, they will struggle to explain concepts you can understand when you are wise.
>Tough Guys
This last type has a lot of overlap with the other types I mentioned. There isn't much to say about these people online because their credibility is as good of a troll, but in real life, these people are cringeworthy. Rarely they will prove it, and most of the time they are just annoying faggots.
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Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 5:42:52 PM 2 years ago No. 539
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You probably know these ones because they are fucking everyone now. The kind of insufferable individual who can't enjoy anything genuinely and instead has to do it "ironically" by just spouting memes and incorrect ideas of a subject and shame anyone who actually likes said subject by calling them "cringe". The kind of fags that roll their eyes and go "UGH; Japan amirite?" whenever they see an ecchi joke in one of their FOTM anime, game or whatever
Anonymous Sat 25/02/2023 11:01:06 PM 2 years ago No. 563
>they are fucking everyone now.
That is probably the biggest problem with the internet now. Everyone you meet who doesn't admit they are retarded act as if they are some kind of savant that no one has discovered yet. I can never have any good times with these individuals because they can't get over themselves and be geniune.
Anonymous Sat 04/03/2023 2:03:55 PM 2 years ago No. 596
>Culture Warriors
The sort of people who have to constantly shove their political beliefs in to conversations that have nothing to do with the subject. They're also obsessed with current events and will make sure you know exactly what you need to be furious about, before forgetting about it the following week. They view life as a constant war between the reds and the blues, and anyone who doesn't want to participate in their nonsense is on the other side. These types, along with megacorps, have largely choked the life out of the internet, and rotted the brains of countless amounts of people.
Anonymous Wed 08/03/2023 12:21:28 PM 2 years ago No. 615
Being political doesn't do anything for you unless you are a grifter. They lack balance, and they are doing it for free. When was the last time their politician mowed your lawn or did any tangibly good for you? All I see happening in those types is their lives get worse and worse as they shill for some fringe ideology.
Anonymous Fri 10/03/2023 2:58:35 AM 2 years ago No. 621
That reminds me of when I join multiplayer lobbies in games and the people inside of them start immediately start talking about politics. I play games for the sole reason of escaping reality so why the fuck must people shit up my experience by inserting real life politics into it wherever I go. I even recently had to listen to how some faggot started complaining to the people who told him to shut the fuck up about politics saying they were stupid idiots who don't care about what happens to his shit hole country.
Anonymous Fri 10/03/2023 9:28:59 AM 2 years ago No. 622
I find niggers annoying.
Enjoy your monthly bump.
Anonymous Sat 11/03/2023 3:32:21 PM 2 years ago No. 628
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Anonymous Sun 12/03/2023 4:57:45 AM 2 years ago No. 629
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Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 5:31:09 AM 1 year ago No. 724
internet memers, internet culture
i cannot even say how annoying it is to see internet shit getting discussed or shown irl
Anonymous Tue 11/04/2023 10:17:08 AM 1 year ago No. 764

There are some memers who are not able to think outside of the memes they are told to like. There is something very sad about reducing a culture that was fun to one-liners. There are some people who are neither funny nor smart, and these memes are neither. They lack self-awareness and should give up.
Anonymous Mon 15/05/2023 11:13:48 AM 1 year ago No. 937
Honestly, the type of person that annoys me the most is people who think they have everything figured out. I don't get annoyed by idiots and retards, I just accept that some people are stupid and move on. But what I really can't stand is people who put themselves on a pedestal and despise everyone else. It's shocking how common it is! It seems everybody thinks they are right on everything and everybody who disagrees is not just wrong, but a complete idiot.
But guess what? Reality is so fucking complicated, nobody's _actually_ got a clue what the fuck is going on! And yet MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF ARROGANT ASSHOLES JUST CANT CONTAIN HOW RIGHT THEY ARE ON EVERYTHING. Fuck you. FUCK you!
I also hate everybody who gets off on seeing deranged/dumb people who disagree with them. I've read somewhere that humans feel pleasure in having their own beliefs be confirmed; this must be some perverse exploitation of that principle. It goes something like this: if you believe that apples are better than oranges, for example, you would look on twitter for orange-supporters, and out of all of them look, retweet and laugh at the most retarded and braindamaged ones you can find. Then you comfort yourself with the idea that if such dumb people believe that oranges are better, then surely they must be wrong and so you must be right! Fantastic. FUCK OFF CUNT SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UPP I SIMPLY DO-NOT-CARE ABOUT WHAT RETARDED PEOPLE THINK DONT SHOW ME
These types are really annoying and frustrating to me. But I think I understand why they are like this: to develop an actually robust opinion on any subject requires a lot of effort and since everything keeps changing it's like building a sandcastle. Unsurprisingly then it's not really feasible to do that for every subject, actually not even for the ones you do need to have an opinion on for practical reasons. So people have to cope with having cheap opinions somehow. Or maybe I'm just insecure and projecting.
Anonymous Mon 15/05/2023 3:09:58 PM 1 year ago No. 938
I don't think you are insecure at all. Lately, everyone on the internet wants their echo chamber. The hug box mentality is especially common with people who like to discuss politics. They will constantly try to prove how more "based" they are. When you disagree with them, they act deranged and sperg out.
Anonymous Fri 19/05/2023 4:01:06 PM 1 year ago No. 943
Absolutely, this is my biggest peeve. I consider myself an open-minded person. I have no desire to impose my beliefs on anyone. But one group I cannot stand? Mother.fucking.wiccans.
I hate when they get uppity about any of their beliefs being "the original." When they talk shit about Christianity just stealing/rebranding "wiccan" holidays. Blatantly false. Wicca was not a thing, barely even a word, before 1954 or '56. Its holidays are built off of a calendar that historical pagans would not have had any familiarity with. Wicca was a movement headed by post-WWII counterculture with the faintest veneer of historicity painted unceremoniously across its face. Every wiccan I've met has been legitimately low-iq, finding "faith" in nothing more than the feeling that they're owning the christian normie patriarchy. They are completely unwilling to engage in independent research, just as bad as the most bigoted fundie christian. When someone tells me they are wiccan I instantly know they are only interested in using faith and belief to boost a certain aspect of their self-image, not to provide moral framework or pursue profound truths or whatever else religion can be used for.
You wanna call yourself a historical pagan? Fine, I don't have any grief with that. If your beliefs are well researched and thought-out, whatever they may be, I can learn something from you and that's something I appreciate. Wiccans don't have that and never will. It's one of the biggest farces of the 20th century west, and that's saying something.
This isn't even getting into the outright delusional/vindictive side. I fully invite any wiccan here to lay your worst curse on me. Burn your oldest yew, your driest sage, your dankest weed. Bring it the fuck on, asshole.
Anonymous Tue 23/05/2023 12:56:39 PM 1 year ago No. 952
I can't believe these individuals haven't been stated, but white knights are some of the most detestable people with zero actual backbone. I hate how they will put on an "alpha" act around guys usually, and then they treat females with kid's gloves no matter how cuntish they are. These people can never be reasoned with, or will they change because women will always get unearned attention, and the white knight will always be desperate. I don't see any way to successfully counteract this behavior because it doesn't bother most people.
Anonymous Thu 08/06/2023 4:47:20 PM 1 year ago No. 995
People who promise and never deliver. Words lose meaning when you talk to this type of person. I don't want to associate with people who don't try to make their words a reality.
Anonymous Wed 24/07/2024 2:20:55 PM 7 months ago No. 3166
i was going to go in a long rant but i'll keep it short by saying this isn't new behaviour either. this isn't just now and because of muh trump and muh libs or something, take a look at old comicbooks since the '30s to atleast roughly the 90's, the coldwar, the commies, the natzis "muh racism" the russians, and in the 2000's it was the muslums as "terrorists"
the amount of moralfagging and strawmanning is unreal and there's always a bugaboo bad guy to be scared of. you always have to upkeep some type of social norm and if you don't, you must be "insert bugaboo here" and you better fucking watch out the bugaboo is everywhere.
i was reading an agent of shield comic and i had to stop reading that shit because of a character introduced called the "hate mongerer" who had a "hatred ray" that made people ""racist"" AND GUESS WHAT AFTER BEING UNMASKED THE HATE MONGER IS LITERALLY HITLER ZOMG HE SURVIVED and this shit was written in like 1963. i was watching the umbrella academy show and in season two a character gets transported back in time and participates in fucking black suffrage even though literally no one cares its the 2000's and that shit wasn't in the original comics and continuing onwards there was a show i used to watch called supergirl on the CW and it was pretty much a comfy show about an outsider and it was hardcore comicbook shit like the red tornado makes an appearance but then out of fucking no where the culture war makes an appearance and it becomes hardcore anti trump muh racism
these people are brainwashed even jews still jerk off about hitler and blacks jerk off about muh whitey at this point you really have to scoff at how obsessed people are about conflicts that are 100 years old or even just 8 years old.
although slightly unrelated of a topic if people want to consume media to escape they want to fucking escape not get sucked in to the culture war and its getting really old.
Anonymous Sat 27/07/2024 3:37:46 AM 7 months ago No. 3177
I hate people who will hold grudges. I can't do anything and I won't beg for you to like me again and there is nothing I can do.
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