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Talk about the Current State of the Board Anonymous Thu 23/02/2023 3:28:59 AM 2 years ago No. 550
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This thread will discuss the state of the board on 22chan. If there are any trends you want to see continue or if there is anything you want to stop, let us know. This thread is only for actionable advice. Remember, rule 7 applies especially to a thread like this one.
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Anonymous Thu 23/02/2023 11:46:32 AM 2 years ago No. 553
Isn't this thread more suited for /meta/?
Anonymous Sat 25/02/2023 11:02:53 PM 2 years ago No. 564
More people visit /b/ and /b/ is the most popular board. Twoot back in the day used to ask 22chan how the board was every three months on /b/ too.
Anonymous Wed 22/03/2023 2:36:05 AM 1 year ago No. 682
/a/ is so dead apart from the occasional maruko chan poster. Did everyone who watches anime leave 22chan? Where did that one anon that talked about old anime leave to?
From what I understand the /mmc/ is still watching anime daily but unless I'm missing something it turned into it's own "thing" now that the active users on there aren't posting anymore.
I don't like it...
Anonymous Wed 22/03/2023 3:06:50 AM 1 year ago No. 683
None of my threads about Lupin, Cardcaptor Sakura, or Doremi have made it anywhere. I'm thinking about starting a thread tomorrow for ZZ Gundam and Slayers, but other anonymous members are needed.
Anonymous Wed 22/03/2023 10:21:58 PM 1 year ago No. 684
I don't see "catalog." Man, my favorite button is missing.
Anonymous Thu 23/03/2023 2:11:22 AM 1 year ago No. 685
what the fuck is up with this imageboard software, its literally a board archiver, use vichan or atleast something that looks like its constantly in mobile viewing mode
Anonymous Thu 23/03/2023 2:12:32 AM 1 year ago No. 686
*not constantly in mobile viewing mode
Anonymous Thu 23/03/2023 3:33:46 AM 1 year ago No. 687
making any changes to vichan requires proficiency in not just PHP but also vichan itself
for example, there's a pretty serious bug in vichan that causes the thumbnail extension to be completely incorrect for the file it's displaying. i can somewhat read php but i couldn't for the life of me figure out where exactly in vichan's code this happens
Anonymous Sat 25/03/2023 12:21:16 PM 1 year ago No. 688
I checked out what Hayden is when the site went up and I also thought it was odd this site was running on archival software, but I never really looked at the github until now. The owner of the repo only really started to update the imageboard software component in November of last year, and the commit "frontend overhaul" was pushed on 28 December, which was basically when the site went up, right? There have been zero pull requests either, nor has it been forked, so I'm guessing that the work done was all this guy and not necessarily anyone affiliated with 22chan, unless he is part of team 22chan now?

Not that I have anything against the guy, or whoever is running the site, but I just find it odd that he added all this functionality to his archival software around the time that 22chan was in need of a new site. In fact, he says in reply to an issue that 22chan is the only public instance of a site using the software that he knows of. I have to applaud the guy though, as he made a shit load of commits from November to January, I'm guessing so that the site could function properly. That's even more impressive considering he also runs repos for modding tools in Unity games (which I've used before in the past to download mods) which have much larger userbases than Hayden.

Maybe it's not my place to ask, but what is the relationship with this guy? Did he volunteer to help the site out or did the moderation team reach out to him? Are there other developers working on the site too? Also, as Hayden is open source and accepting pull requests, could anyone contribute to it and have the changes reflect on the site?
Anonymous Sun 26/03/2023 5:20:34 PM 1 year ago No. 693
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I'm the dev of Hayden; I'll give a brief overview of the history of the repo
Originally I made Hayden as a contribution to Desuarchive to replace their existing archiver (Asagi) that was becoming impossible to run, as it was literally consuming around 192GB. (I'd link the desuarchive thread but the site seems to be down right now)
I also wanted my own scraper as at the time ~4 years ago there was basically no choice that I was happy with.
Later on I realize that I wanted to be able to actually look at the scraped threads in my browser so I made a basic web frontend, which I ended up touching and improving over time to show as a proof-of-concept for Desuarchive
At some point I got reached out to by a 22chan moderator that I previously knew if I could extend the frontend to function as an imageboard. In my mind it was straightforward as the data structures and functionality was very overlapping due to the nature of a *chan archiver, but in reality it was a big issue working on it because my IRL job had picked up significantly in workload and requirements to be on-premise. Basically I would just be exhausted after commuting for several hours each day and had no mental capacity to do anything in my free time, which is why 22chan's release got pushed back until christmas. The only development I could get out was if I smuggled the project onto my work laptop and did it whenever I was waiting for builds pretty much

>>687 is an anecdote from me. I'm intimately familar with the most popular imageboards' code to be able to write a scraper module for them, and vichan has a lot of issues with its API that got in my way, which I had to try and investigate.
The other issue is the only PHP developers that are still around are working for Facebook and aren't doing anything for free. The frontend that pretty much all 4chan archives use ( has not had any attention for 7 years because the community straight up cannot find any PHP developers to make any critical changes. So they're stuck with a derelict application that is actively killing smaller archivers because they don't have the experience or know-how to get around specific issues with the software, similar with the Asagi scraper
The only solution from their perspective was to rewrite everything from scratch in a language that they knew, could be easily learned and is maintainable. I chose C# and Svelte because that's what I know, and I've been helping a couple of the 22chan moderators to learn as well so they can make changes in my stead
Likewise vichan was abandoned for a very long time because no-one knew PHP other than hotwheels. Currently it's been picked up by kuz and his henchmen(or so I heard), but that should probably give some concern as their intimate knowledge of vichan is from buying out or otherwise absorbing a lot of smaller imageboards running it
>Also, as Hayden is open source and accepting pull requests, could anyone contribute to it and have the changes reflect on the site?
Yes. There are a few things that are 22chan specific that I still have to push to the repo and make it properly configurable so that the repo isn't specifically tied to 22chan, otherwise I do accept PRs
Anonymous Sun 26/03/2023 10:43:39 PM 1 year ago No. 694
Do you have a image of how the 22chan CATalog looked like?
Anonymous Mon 27/03/2023 5:24:47 PM 1 year ago No. 697
Thanks for clearing things up. After I made my post, I realised that I may have actually been speaking to you the whole time so I hope you didn't find me referring to you as "this guy" and "the guy" too rude lol.

I know C#, but I've never used Svelte, so I'm not sure how much I could feasibly contribute. Looking at the code though, it doesn't seem too confusing to at least add some small things that are missing from the site currently, so I'll try my hand at it when I get some spare time.
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 5:23:51 AM 1 year ago No. 720
do you have advice on how the mmc should be fixed?
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 8:20:21 AM 1 year ago No. 732
Remove it or make it separate from 22chan...? It seems to be a place where a bunch of anons gathered that unmasked themselves that have built a relationship up with each other overtime. Last time I checked it was those regulars just spamming a bunch of emotes and making discussion amongst themselves. It seems to be its own thing and there's no changing it which doesn't surprise me as they basically almost stream something every single day instead of something like gathering up a bunch of anons on a single day to watch something together. Anime is the most regular thing they watch there but /a/ was pretty much dead for months up until recently. I can honestly not think of a situation where a regular person browsing 22chan can join in there and instantly feel at home.
Anonymous Mon 03/04/2023 8:24:02 AM 1 year ago No. 733
I'm also unsure if this is the exact right place to mention this but 22chan feels a bit dead sometimes and it feels like one of the reasons for that is that there isn't a catalog and people are a bit lazy to go page by page to find something, so I think this is one of the major things that the devs for 22chan should be focusing on and it's also a very simple thing to do as it just requires you to make a new .html file just like the board page and change the styling with the .css
Anonymous Tue 04/04/2023 4:41:49 AM 1 year ago No. 738
then it sounds like it should either be reformed or removed. making things separate from the site means a separate community and that always spells trouble.
Anonymous Wed 05/04/2023 2:13:55 PM 1 year ago No. 740
There have been next to zero attempts for anyone outside of the regular crowd to join. I can only speak for myself, but I have been making posts on /a/, and I wish the responses I got were more substantial. I usually merely get a video with a brief comment and anons waiting for me to lead the thread. These other anons don't seem interested as well. Streaming every day allows groups of friends to simulate doing something in person and speeds up threads. The /a/ threads are not active, as they should say more about those attending and anons in general when a thread is posted. If you want /a/ to be more alive you can also, post yourself like I am. Also, you can try to participate during the stream. 22chan anons will not feel at home if they are not joining.
Anonymous Sat 29/04/2023 3:01:22 AM 1 year ago No. 857
What is everyone's thoughts on 22Chan 3.0?
Personally, I am excited, and it means development hasn't stopped yet. There has and will always be potential for 22chan. If we lose posts, so be it since it means that we got new features like mp3 support which is an excellent trade off to me. (i know its seriously a bitch to lose stuff and remaking threads but whatever, at least 22chan isn't dead.) I don't really have anything negative to say yet although i shouldn't really give a full review until the new site is fully set up.
Seems like your suggestion was added!
Anonymous Sat 29/04/2023 3:08:03 AM 1 year ago No. 858
>feels a bit dead sometimes
I'm curious to know why this is happening. If we get down to the bottom of this, I'm sure we'd solve an important mystery that would help our survival. Personally, my absence is for both personal issues that have gotten in my way and for work that takes up most of my time..
Anonymous Sat 29/04/2023 3:07:43 PM 1 year ago No. 860
It's gotten to the point where I'm just talking to myself. I'm not sure what to do because other anonymous aren't talking.
Anonymous Sun 30/04/2023 12:45:45 AM 1 year ago No. 862
What if, all this time you WERE talking to yourself. What if i am you? What is reality? Other anonymous is no more than an extension of the self and 22chan is no more than a tool to further break down your psyche. Do you remember writing my post? What are cats? Many such questions we should ask ourselves.
Anonymous Mon 01/05/2023 11:23:42 AM 1 year ago No. 863
Like the knights of old, I have taken a Solemn oath and won't be posting until 22Chan 3.0 is fully running so there will be activity.
Anonymous Mon 01/05/2023 3:03:04 PM 1 year ago No. 864
I wonder how many anons also thought that while we were on livechan
Anonymous Tue 02/05/2023 1:35:32 PM 1 year ago No. 866

I was one of those anonymous posters feeling as we are now. My thoughts are the same (currently), unfortunately.
Anonymous Mon 08/05/2023 6:13:22 PM 1 year ago No. 888
I saw you guys were back thanks to a thread on Kissu. I'm glad 22chan is back! I will be posting more often because I want this board to succeed. Many chans have died and when 22chan closed I felt really sad and also felt like it was partially my fault for not coming here more often. I had the same feeling when Dreamchan closed. I don't want the same happening here.
Anonymous Tue 09/05/2023 3:17:45 AM 1 year ago No. 891
nice trips!
we've been back since december 2022 lol. i think you missed out on a lot.
Anonymous Thu 01/06/2023 5:52:23 PM 1 year ago No. 977
I am glad to see how far we have gone since the end of 22chan 1.0, which was this time last year.
Anonymous Fri 02/06/2023 3:15:57 AM 1 year ago No. 978
Been away a few weeks, came back to frames. Feels really nice
God fucking damn it, what a way to find Dreamchan died. It was one of the realest places I knew. Add it to the list. Never did think 22chan of all places would be the oldest IB I'd visit in a given month, strange feel but it's a feel nonetheless.
Anonymous Fri 09/06/2023 5:51:17 AM 1 year ago No. 997
It seems like the user base hasn't recovered from last year's shutdown. I wonder what can be done.
Anonymous Sat 10/06/2023 1:27:27 PM 1 year ago No. 998
Yes, kinda sad. I like this place even if it's slow and I personally post rarely.
How many anons are here I wonder?
Anonymous Sat 10/06/2023 3:36:17 PM 1 year ago No. 999
I need more material to reply to or get inspiration from. I am very sad because it appears people who were kicked off by Twoot have moved on to other places. There are some ways in which 22chan is objectively better now, but that isn't being realized fully.
Anonymous Wed 21/06/2023 5:43:59 AM 1 year ago No. 1036
spread word to family and friends? via word of mouth and in a responsible manner? let people trickle in naturally over time?
been here for 4 years
Anonymous Mon 03/07/2023 10:31:01 PM 1 year ago No. 1108
We need the people here to use the site more because they can't recommend much if they aren't putting much thought into 22chan and if they use the place they are more incentivized to talk about somewhere they spend time at.
Anonymous Thu 06/07/2023 12:33:10 PM 1 year ago No. 1112
I remember how I used to feel like 22chan was too slow. We worried about it like now and talked about how to be more active on the site. Then, once we started approaching 1pph, I finally felt like 22chan had reached a healthy, sustainable activity level. And then it died dammit.
Anonymous Thu 06/07/2023 2:18:30 PM 1 year ago No. 1113
That probably was one person driving all the activity. For that reason multiple people should be posting so we remain active when someone is out of ideas or life circumstances stops them from posting.
Anonymous Wed 02/08/2023 1:51:38 PM 1 year ago No. 1218
What are people's current thoughts on how active this place is? I am unsure if it is a lot of the times the same people posting but it seems it has gotten somewhat faster as of late. Although this place doesn't get as many posts as some other places I think it certainly makes up for it by prioritizing quality over quantity. Sure you could have some altchan that gets 1000-1500 posts a week but what if all of those posts are just boring one-liners talking about some stupid bullshit instead of trying to lead actual discussion? I think in the end even if we get something around maybe 50-100 posts a week in this place it is still more worth than one liner 5000 posts on some retarded altchan.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 6:30:57 AM 1 year ago No. 1221
I'm going to be real here, We do not have a living, breathing community. Here is an example, if i started a project everyone thought is cool, it wouldn't be finished or even worked on because if the same 7 people (and maybe a person who'd return and then leave every few weeks) it would never be finished or worked on. look at the net character thread, do you see anyone contributing? maybe two i can think of made art but its not like we're debating about the oracle or telling stories. on the old site we literally made the 22chan album and we worked on the 22chan rules for the internet in a few days and finished it. We are fucked and we need to try to do something about it. i get what you mean by quality over quanity, but we dont even have a userbase to make that argument.
if 20 people post 100 times per week something is going wrong here because we have no
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 6:35:33 AM 1 year ago No. 1222
lol trips of fail
fucking can't delete the post because i forgot to enable password deletion. i should have deleted the last bit.
i'm not saying we need thousands of posts that are shit quality, i'm just saying we have been atrophying and none of this is normal. we have fast weeks and slow weeks but this doesn't feel right to me.
Anonymous Thu 03/08/2023 4:22:44 PM 1 year ago No. 1231
Yeah, the hardest part of the community is that the anons do not take advantage of the threads we do have. Whenever we see some activity, lurky users prematurely celebrate, and the momentum dies. Momentum should never be lost. It would be easier for these projects to succeed if momentum never died. I would say altchan communities like this are on life support, not dead. It is unfair to the old users who stayed to say 22chan is dead. I get that it doesn't look amazing now, but all hope is gone when everyone stops trying.
Anonymous Sun 18/02/2024 8:16:01 PM 1 year ago No. 2307
i'm not giving up either, i'm gonna post here no matter what but when the site does get quiet it does suck.
personally i like all the new features and updates being added on the regular unlike how it was on the old site.
Anonymous Sun 25/02/2024 1:23:55 AM 1 year ago No. 2361
22chan won't be completely dead till the last poster ceases to post.
Anonymous Tue 02/04/2024 4:24:03 PM 11 months ago No. 2598
What was YOUR thoughts on this april fools?
Anonymous Tue 02/04/2024 9:37:53 PM 11 months ago No. 2600
It was really scary, those otters sure are a piece of work.
Anonymous Wed 03/04/2024 3:30:33 AM 11 months ago No. 2601
It was wholesome that /pol/ was more like /sewers/ than it was /pol/.
Anonymous Sat 15/06/2024 12:20:22 AM 9 months ago No. 2975
i was trying to figure out /a/
i was thinking of making a thread for shiki but honestly a part of me feels like it would just be me talking to myself but at the same time it's stupid because it's a fucking imageboard and so what? maybe a month will go by without takers and hey maybe someone who watched the anime will stumble by or whatever and the thread will get flooded by posts. Another problem of mine is either i'll get distracted while watching an anime and lose interest or find it hard to bother watching something that someone mentioned, am i the idiot here or is there more like me? is this some type of writers block but with anime?
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