I know spoon-feeding is retarded but on the topic of pedo-bear I should probably be making a thread on 2ch AA characters on its own but I should probably explain that 4chan hijacked the AA Kuma-san character from 2channel and associated it with mainly pedophile/lolicon stuff because the Kuma (Translating to "Bear" in Japanese) ASCII art was frequently posted on /b/ with links to child pornography and thus the name of pedobear.
So believe it or not originally Kuma-san originated from this thread as a Kaomoji ヽ( ・(ェ)・ )ノ
https://web.archive.org/web/20120218203454/https://mimizun.com/log/2ch/kao/1046353580/ Blue3 who was a very active user in early 2ch who petitioned to Hiroyuki to create the Kaomoji board it basically is said that Blue3 created the art and sent it via messenger software to 見廻りくま who then posted it in the thread (image 1). It said that the original depiction of Kuma-san is where a polar bear got dragged by a fish it caught while fishing from an icebreaker but I can't seem to find the original image. Kuma-san was established as an official AA character a few days after the PS2 game くまうた came out and his final depiction was associated with the character in that game, here you can see him singing Enka songs:
https://youtu.be/tpGZOBWbJZM [Play] He slowly gained popularity on 2channel through media news reports of bears appearing all over Japan through 2003-2004 such as this one as an example (mentioned in a 2ch thread about Kuma):
"At 9 AM on the 14th, a member of a hunting association on alert around the paper mill was "body-slammed" by a brown bear. Information that he was attacked from behind led to road closures and the temporary closure of nearby schools, but the actual situation was a bit different. The hunter was not injured, and it seems that the truth is that the bear, frightened by the alert, ran out of the bushes and accidentally collided with the human."
| ノ ヽ
/ ● ● | クマ──!! (KUMA!!)
| ( _●_) ミ
彡、 |∪| 、`\
/ __ ヽノ /´> )
(___) / (_/
| /
| /\ \
| / ) )
∪ ( \
I believe it originally broke out on the the News Flash (VIP) board in popularity with many different variations of him and then AA started spreading to many other boards like when that one precure flash of him released in 2005 called ふたりはプリクマ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ucPgTTHlms [Play] and then in 2006 when the song called ぼくはくま was broadcasted on NHK's "Minna no Uta" by Hikaru Utada that included a depiction of a bear that a lot of people associated with the Kuma-san's AA so it got an extreme surge of popularity.
He's usually seen in 2ch AA going like "KUMA──!!" and you can find a list of 2ch AA Kuma-san here:
https://aa.yaruyomi.com/file?hash=5da24a4e533dc593ca7460c43e62dcfb and usually when you call him anything but Kuma-san like Pedobear in this instance Kuma-san will strike back as he's a big fighter and has many nemeses:
__ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
NO!!! 〈〈〈〈 ヽ ( 人____)
〈⊃ } |ミ/ ー◎-◎-) ← >>2896
∩___∩ | | (6 (_ _) ) ,
| ノ \ /ヽ! ! ∴ ノ 3 ノ _ ・, ,∵
/ ● ● | / \_____ノ,, ¨・∴, ’
| ( _●_) ミ/ ’∵
彡、 |∪| /
/ __ ヽノ /
So you might be wondering what exact relationship does Kuma-san have to 2channel as a whole? Well we can probably start on the 株式 (Stock) board where people would post AA of Kuma in losing threads like "I'm done... losing so much..." referring to other people as Kuma who couldn't make any money:
。 | ノ ヽ
\<^i u ● ● | < No no no SELL, SELLLLLL!
|ヽ(⌒)、( _●_) ミ oh god i'm going to lose it all SELL YOU FOOL
彡/ ト、_>|∪| 、`\
/ノ / ヽノ /´> )
(_/ / (_/
Then there is Kuma-san who basically portrays stupid 2channel users who take bait given by users:
\ ∩─ー、 ====
\/ ● 、_ `ヽ ======
/ \( ● ● |つ Oh noes, I fell for it again
| X_入__ノ ミ Someone save KUMAーーー!!
、 (_/ ノ /⌒l
/\___ノ゛_/ / =====
〈 __ノ ====
\ \_ \
\___) \ ======(´⌒
\ ___ \__ (´⌒;;(´⌒;;
\___)___)(´;;⌒ (´⌒;;
And there is Kuma-san who portrays not so stupid users who don't take the bait because it is too obvious:
∩___∩ |
| ノ\ ヽ |
/ ●゛ ● | |
| ∪ ( _●_) ミ j
彡、 |∪| | J
/ ∩ノ ⊃ ヽ
( \ / _ノ | | Fishing or really??
.\ “ /__| |
\ /___ /
There are a lot more variations of Kuma-san which I don't think I would be able to get through in a single post but anyways here here are some additional articles, videos, and threads you can look into yourself:
http://www.metafilter.com/92777/Pedobear-Plush#3133023https://w.atwiki.jp/gbeginner/pages/54.htmlhttps://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/クマーhttps://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1107311261/https://web.archive.org/web/20051211044655/http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp/maruheso/aadic/ka.html#kuma-https://web.archive.org/web/20060309193523/http://that.2ch.net/gline/kako/1069/10692/1069288422.htmlhttps://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2357668 [Play]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_UdprUxEZw [Play]https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1051976 [Play]very interesting!!: ttps://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/アナロ熊