"i has risen"
Its caturday, post and discuss cats.
"i has risen"
Its caturday, post and discuss cats.
My local liberary celebrates cat day.
The cat is doing a favor for his reader owner.
The cat is mortified by his fellow cats' gluttony
https://youtube.com/watch?v=fmTsLjapM6c [Play]
No one told me soap operas where so fucking good. Do you think they will find a way to fix their marrage or is it over for them?
I think they will make up while sharing a bowl of treats and wet food (drogas for cats).
It's over, she deserves better.
Here's a fun cat fact: the average cats reaction time is 20 to 70 milliseconds.
Happy Caturday! I hope today is comfy for you like it was for this cat.
This cat is just bragging about how comfy his life is.
The cat doesn't seem like he knows what to do next.
He was caught on the table where he wasn't supposed to be.
Pallas cats, they are the best. Expressive, Emotional, And cute!
Things have become so brutal when they made cat food more addictive!
there was a kitty who used to show up in my back yard, he was a tabby and would lay on the same tuft of grass, and would always sleep. i never approached him and after a few years of him showing up, he left. When i was 10, i was eating outside and a brown cat ran at mach speed, flew to the table i was sitting and stole my sandwhich from me. it climbed a fence and looked back at me before dissapearing. when i was maybe 17 it was winter and freezing cold outside. another brown cat approached me and greeted me. he let me pet him and he was warm and toasty. he left afterwards.
Was the cat in good shape weight-wise? Cats of a normal size are always great to pet. That story is heartwarming anon by the way!
All of the cats where, besides the tabby who was kinda fat.
I forgot another cat story. I was going for a walk when a white cat approached me. I'm pretty sure i posted about him on the caturday thread on old 22, and you guys said that he looked thirsty and i gave him my bottled water. He drank the whole thing.
That is adorable! White cats seem very cute in photos, and I can only imagine how cute they are in person. Good on you for giving the cat your water, by the way.
Happy caturday!
A grey cat attempted to break in to my neighbors house. He jumped at the door and scratched at the viewport. He did this 5 times.
I love that cat's face. He has a cute kid face!
I ate at a resturaunt that made food that was home grown. You could go to the back and check out the farm and garden. There where FOUR barncats out there, all calicos. They where friendly and nice, one didnt want to be pet though, and another one got frustrated at people because they kept pestering him while he was eating. Those cats work hard.
Were they all related?
I think so.
Caturday already? Its been ages since the last one.
A russian grey scottish fold, incredible.
Allah akbar everyone, Its the international day of rage. Be wary of your feline.
Damn, i forgot about cat day.
Good cats.
The cat was getting ready in the other photos.
Happy caturday!
The cat is the big cheese in town!
Here is a greeting card photo of cat for caturday.
found these again recently: pictures of my two kitties I developed myself from back when I had access to a photo lab. In the smaller one at the top we're on opposite sides of a glass window. I like how the dirty glass distorts the light.
This is proof that cats are ART
My cats have been craving the cat hammock that I installed. I guess it is because they have more access to the sun being higher up, but it is very interesting to witness as the hammock is fresh.
do they share or do they fight over the hammock?
I did hear some hissing last night, but for the most part, they don't get in each other's way. They can't fit on it together because both of them like to stretch out in a way that is too wide for the other cat to also be on it.
They cooperated today, which is not surprising since at the end of the day, they only want to feel the sun. Happy caturday by the way.
Happy caturday!
I am not sure what this cat is shocked by.
I saw a tabby out yesturday, It was cold outside and i'm wondering if he's ok.
If he was shaking aka shivering probably not.
Happy caturday!
That third cat looks like it found the meal of its life, what a lucky one...
He is just very happy to see you. It is quite simple anon.
I'm not that tasty anon, please tame him before he does anything vicious!
Cats imitating wagecucks.
A more accurate image of how great it is to be a cat.
Chrims is approaching so I hope you are as comfy as these two cats. Happy caturday by the way.
louis lain
so this is what the "fat cats" that are talked about in the history books look like.
Wain is the patron saint of the board.
Question time
If you were a cat, what qualities, characteristics and behaviours would you desire from your human food-bringer?
the fact im flexible enough squeeze though under the door or when i fall from a 12-story building
and came out with minor injuries
I want them to pedestalize me and to cherish me like I am the best thing since sliced bread.
Happy caturday!
I met a cat today. As i was walking to the store, I heard rustling, And a cat stook his head out. "Maiu?" He looked at me, Then hid back in the bush. I am guessing the coast wasn't clear.
Happy caturday!
Let's post some cats for good luck this year!
That first cat is me.
They are Melon Addicts.
Do you think Wain would like 22chan?
Waincats are 22chaners.
Happy caturday!!
These cats are very comfy. My favorite is the first one.
Happy caturday!
What would you do if this cat blocked your path and demanded food?
Dire, Are the consequences for those who do not pay the toll.
Good choice. Your contribution will be noted.
Today i learned that the tabby featured in "breakfast at tiffanys" was a very famous cat actor, and his name is orangey.
Happy caturday! I hope you can be as lazy as these Cats.
One kind thing my cat did today on caturday was rub up against me when I was having disgusting stomach issues (I think you can guess what was happening). I had to barf a few things but my cat rubbing up against me made me feel better.
This poor cat has seen things no cat should ever witness...
He watched his tabby friend turn into a throw pillow like Optimus Prime, you can see it behind him
He saw a dog use his litter box.
i'd grab her paws. also, why do cats lay like this or even sit on couches like human beings? are they copying us on purpose or do you think they just try and figure out the best ways to get comfy?
maybe they also just find it more comfortable than sitting on the ground like us humans
I rub my cat's belly when they do that.
and how do they react to the belly rubbing?
i'm still mad. i was at a gas station and a kitty (scottish fold) was just sitting there. he looked exausted, his tail was messed up and his fur was matted. i had a paper bowl in my truck and i intended to fill it up with water for the kitty and this nigger noticed me i guess and scared the kitty away on purpose. i still left the bowl out there just incase the kitty comes back.
Happy caturday!! I hope this caturday treats you well!
its been AGES since tabby tuesday, maybe they have forgotten the old ways...
LOL i didnt know ace hardware had diversity hires, because i walked up to pay for some stuff and the person working the cash machine was a cat. brown cat, a tabby i think. female, around a year old. from what i understand she appeared and hunted mouses so they made her an offical employee who works full time in the store! she's not shy either, she likes people.
His faith in the affirming nature of obsession as facilitated by the whole lasagna thing has been shaken. He is filled with ennui, regret, despair: the sicknesses which approach death. Anomie will bud and then degenerate into hedony, then this garfield will follow motivated reasoning to justify his unhinged levels of consumption. The reasoning will be built on a rotted foundation, and will one day topple; and so, the cycle rolls forward.
My cat roamed the attic and almost got stuck, but my brother's cat meowed uncharacteristically a lot. I was also hearing something above my room. I am glad I was able to rescue my cat before anything bad happened.
Good thing you found the cat before it could watch you masturbate
How did you not know your cat was missing?
I wasn't the one who went up in the attic and there is a trend that my cat is on the other side of the house.
What was your cats reaction to being found, And taken out of the attic?
He was meowing a lot of and was eager to get out of the attic.
Happy tabby tuesday! Cats are relaxed that they are safe.
That's true, And there's nothing like a relaxed cat to make your day more comfy.
It is nice watching my cats who are comfortable with my presence. They are a nice welcome from the normalfags who make me feel uncomfortable.
Happy caturday! Today wasn't a physically relaxing day thanks to my schedule and my cat waking me up but it did manage to rest my mind like these cats are physically resting.
Happy caturday my cat today got in my window after I open the window sort of like these cat with these funiture.
how dare you spoil dune part two
I'm not sure how to tell you this, but this is leaked from part three
i like how he shakes his little ears and then he meows like if he's saying "why did you call me here?"
Happy caturday! I hope you know what your doing like computer or scooter cat!
i was thinking of buying some cat food to feed some strays, thoughts on what i should buy?
i say this not because im lazy, its just i think cat owners may know more then me.
Happy caturday! I love cats in unique spots.
after months of passed with no cats in sight, while going for a walk today i met 8 cats in a circle, talking to eachother. when i was passing by them, they noticed me and stopped talking to eachother. one of the cats jumped to the roof of a car and kept looking at me. i must have disrupted an important meeting. no wonder i havent seen any cats. they are planning something!
why do cats like circles?
They probably have their own fight club.
dude stfu you're not supposed to talk about it
walked to the same area where i saw them last today, they left... seems suspicious.
I figured I'd share some cute things my cat has been doing lately. One cute thing my cat did yesterday was sleep in my socks rack and I couldn't do the chore of picking out the best socks to keep because my cat is too cute. Today he was running while licking his paws. From the back, it looked like he was dabbing.
Was about to take a walk in my backyard when I noticed this stray black cat feeding her kittens.
lol why was he licking his paws while moving?
cute kittens!
Warning cat owners, if your cat is missing and if your napkins are gone too, then your cat must be outside wearing your napkins as a hat and having a supernatural hoedown. God forbid your cat is ten years old and grows a second tail, we can't let that happen in our society. Beware of feline yōkai! They very well could be drinking your lamp oil as you read this and you don't want that happening, What will felines do next? Steal your wives? The truth is, around CATs, never relax.
The white gift is the most valuable present!
Help the cat out of bed!
Weeks later, there is another cat added to the backyard family. This time, it is now a haram, and apparently the second female is trying to get the first female pregnant again, and is conspiring with the male to made with her again, despite the first female being pregnant already.
This reads like something out of a fucked up rape doujinshi, but I'm witnessing this with cats in real time.
Whoops, meant to say a harem. Still trying to process this.
And meant to say "mate" instead of "made". Negotiations with both females still in progress, but I did see the first female get agitated at the second female's inconsiderate advances.
No kidding, it reminds me of every scenario involving one guy and two girls. The girl's best friend looks from a distance and saw her best friend and her new boyfriend really happy, and she cannot stand it, so she will come in, get involved, and throw a wrench in the machine. I can't believe I'm seeing the cat version of this in realtime.
how are the kittens dealing with this?
One of the kittens are resting atop my grandfather's lawnmower rear bag, after playing with rope left behind by my father. The black kittens that you saw in the original photo are out playing in my grandmother's garden. Side note: my grandmother is very grateful she does not have to put in those repellents to deter the squirrels and rats infesting her garden, now the cats are hunting them down and taking care of it for her, so she feeds them constantly to keep them here (but do not tell the government, don't ask don't tell, but for cats and not for perverts).
So the kittens are not getting involved, especially since one of them is sleeping atop the lawnmower, and the two cats fighting are hiding behind a bike I left behind. Domestic issues like this are not something to be doing around kids, but also trying to mate out of nowhere is not something that the male cat should do in front of his kittens either. I'm observing parallels with the human condition with these cats.
Oh, forgot to add this, but two of the kittens that you saw in the photo as well are gone. Don't know what happened, my dad thought they were taken away from eager beaver humans or thinks the mother killed two of the kittens. I need to look this up since I know nothing about how cat behave and act, especially in a family setting like this.
I also heard loud shrieks around the middle of the night, and my dad told me they were trying to mate with each other, but it seems the female is never in the mood. Thought someone tried to kill one of the cats or kidnap them.
Another update, I guess the second female gave up. She ate pig's feet that my grandmother left behind, as well as bones from a chicken wing my grandmother previously left behind, underneath a stool in the backyard. After that, the female in question groomed herself and then went out for a walk to calm things down. Meanwhile, the male and female are just staring at each other in a relaxed state thinking it over, as the male stopped making further advances and relaxed; same with the female.
I'm starting to see very acute parallels with human beings, although the sad thing is, cats appear to have more common sense than young humans right now. With situations like this in the human front, they would either destroy their smartphones, steal their car and drive it into a ditch, or call the police/their family and make up something stupid to get the significant other into more trouble (if they are (un)lucky, they will appear on YouTube reuploads of police bodycam footage in questionable quality, especially since COPS got cancelled here in the US and there isn't any notable alternative to gawk at trashy people who lost the plot). Holy moly, we sure have devolved compared to the cats.
Just now i was working outside and a siamese cat just had climbed up the fence, inches away from me. He walked for a bit and just realised i was near him and gave me a look like "oh shit, a human is here" and jumped down at the other side of the fence.
Have you considered naming each cat that's still there? I think it'll add to the drama if they have names.
catz are cute !!!
Today was a sleepy caturday
The female cat, that shrieked when the male cat attempted to mate with, hissed at me when I was trying to go outside to find something. Didn't see the cat, and then she decided to just sleep near the door for the night. Letting stray or feral animals stay in our backyard isn't all cute as I initially made it out to be.
Happy caturday. Have a great cat day! I am laughing at the winter cat photo I found during summer.
Meow meow caturday!
It turns out cat whiskers grow back? I was worried because i was thinking of rude people that cut off cat whiskers but it turns out it takes a few months to grow back and now i'm happy because cats really do rely on whiskers to navigate.
you know once i had seen a cat chirping like a bird once i wonder if they do it on purpose
I think they do based on my cats actions when he is outside.
Can the media not lie about something? Cats are more important than humans so the media should act like it.
Saw a stray cat the other day and i'm pissed off at myself for not buying cat food to feed them. He didn't look so good too which isn't helping my feelings about it.
If you end up buying cat food you are a hero anon!
I for sure will this time, Yes they are stray but honestly i won't allow them to suffer.
THE CAT IS BACK AGAIN. he jumps up on the fence and when i try and take a pic he runs off but when my phone is in my pocket hes back on the fence.
Do you think he will be more receptive if you bribe him with treats?
I'm pretty sure he was trying to hunt birds at that moment, there was a tree very close by the fence and he might have been distracted.
sometimes it feels like i'm the only cat in a dog world
What the actual FUCK as i was typing this not only did he just appear he brought a friend along too, Are they stalking me? Do they not appreciate me talking about them on a islamic cat worshipping forum?
Happy caturday and I hate normalfags!
Happy caturday again!!
Today i met a cute cat in a store, she was on top of a seed bag, taking inventory. (hard worker) She meowed at me and let me pet her, good cat.
I would pet them till they leave out of annoyance. Happy caturday!
My cat during one of my wagecuck meeting settled next to me. He went to sleep while hearing some boring work stuff. Catto warmed my heart.
The cat being on my keyboard might be a full-on trend for my cat. I think he's noticed me using the computer for wagecuckery and decided to give me a break.
Or maybe it is his turn to post on 22chan.
What do you think his favorite board is?
I love cats and caturdays!
i am still wondering how a fat cat can climb a fence. the only thing i can think of is thst he wasn't as fat as i thought he was and it was fur, but at the same time, its incredible how high cats can jump and climb tall things.
I think the paws just have a power and persistence us simple humans don't understand.
I saw another cat who was just as fat, when i inspected the fence i found visible claw marks.
I would like to point out the fence is 7 feet tall lol, it boggles he mind on how they can pull this off.
Did the claw marks seem deep?
Wow the cat is pudgier than I thought. I guess that cat is some sort of celebrity.
This week has been hectic, tiring, and crazy. I hope y'all enjoyed caturday!
Will all the black cats come out on Halloween?
Saw a fat bermese cat, climbed the fence but then climbed down and walked next to the window near my kitchen and looked directly at me. I went outside to say hi and he got scared and ran off.
He is the king of cats
I'm the cat in the middle
An old folks tale.
One winter’s evening the sexton’s wife was sitting by the fireside with her big black cat, Old Tom, on the other side, both half asleep and waiting for the master to come home. They waited and they waited, but still he didn’t come, till at last he came rushing in, calling out, “Who’s Tommy Tildrum?” in such a wild way that both his wife and his cat stared at him to know what was the matter.
“Why, what’s the matter?” said his wife, “and why do you want to know who Tommy Tildrum is?”
“Oh, I’ve had such an adventure. I was digging away at old Mr. Fordyce’s grave when I suppose I must have dropped asleep, and only woke up by hearing a cat’s Miaou.”
“Miaou!” said Old Tom in answer.
“Yes, just like that! So I looked over the edge of the grave, and what do you think I saw?”
Cat tombstone
“Now, how can I tell?” said the sexton’s wife.
“Why, nine black cats all like our friend Tom here, all with a white spot on their chestesses. And what do you think they were carrying? Why, a small coffin covered with a black velvet pall, and on the pall was a small coronet all of gold, and at every third step they took they cried all together, Miaou–“
“Miaou!” said Old Tom again.
“Yes, just like that!” said the Sexton; “and as they came nearer and nearer to me I could see them more distinctly, because their eyes shone out with a sort of green light. Well, they all came towards me, eight of them carrying the coffin, and the biggest cat of all walking in front for all the world like–but look at our Tom, how he’s looking at me. You’d think he knew all I was saying.”
“Go on, go on,” said his wife; “never mind Old Tom.”
“Well, as I was a-saying, they came towards me slowly and solemnly, and at every third step crying all together, Miaou!–“
“Miaou!” said Old Tom again.
“Yes, just like that, till they came and stood right opposite Mr. Fordyce’s grave, where I was, when they all stood still and looked straight at me. I did feel queer, that I did! But look at Old Tom; he’s looking at me just like they did.”
“Go on, go on,” said his wife; “never mind Old Tom.”
“Where was I? Oh, they all stood still looking at me, when the one that wasn’t carrying the coffin came forward and, staring straight at me, said to me–yes, I tell ‘ee, said to me, with a squeaky voice, ‘Tell Tom Tildrum that Tim Toldrum’s dead,’ and that’s why I asked you if you knew who Tom Tildrum was, for how can I tell Tom Tildrum Tim Toldrum’s dead if I don’t know who Tom Tildrum is?”
“Look at Old Tom, look at Old Tom!” screamed his wife.
And well he might look, for Tom was swelling and Tom was staring, and at last Tom shrieked out, “What–old Tim dead! then I’m the King o’ the Cats!” and rushed up the chimney and was never more seen.
Old yet important cat poem.
1. I and Pangur Bán, my cat,
'Tis a like task we are at;
Hunting mice is his delight,
Hunting words I sit all night.
2. Better far than praise of men
'Tis to sit with book and pen;
Pangur bears me no ill-will,
He, too, plies his simple skill.
3. 'Tis a merry thing to see
At our tasks how glad are we,
When at home we sit and find
Entertainment to our mind.
4. Oftentimes a mouse will stray
In the hero Pangur's way;
Oftentimes my keen thought set
Takes a meaning in its net.
5. 'Gainst the wall he sets his eye
Full and fierce and sharp and sly;
'Gainst the wall of knowledge I
All my little wisdom try.
6. When a mouse darts from its den,
O! how glad is Pangur then;
O! what gladness do I prove
When I solve the doubts I love.
7. So in peace our task we ply,
Pangur Bán, my cat, and I;
In our arts we find our bliss,
I have mine, and he has his.
8. Practice every day has made
Pangur perfect in his trade;
I get wisdom day and night,
Turning darkness into light.
Today, my cats were pretty friendly with each other. Usually, the two boys like to play fight each other, but today they did stuff together. They sleep next to each other, and they explored the garage when I was doing a walk in the garage. It is nice to see cats having dynamic friendships.
do they talk to eachother?
Yeah, the majority of meows from the younger cat is to the older cat.
met two farmcats the other day. both let me pet them and one of them was shy. their names? corncob and cornpop. corncob was a brown tabby and she was pregnant. she rubbed against me. cornpop was a tuxedo cat who was shy, meowed at me and then let me pet him. good cats overall.
Today was the fourth anniversary of taking care of my cat. Thank you catface for being a joy!
I think its wild that calicos are viewed as lucky around the world.
I befriended the cat who works at the local store. I did not realise their tongues are like sandpaper!
Free him, he has commited no crime.
Cats are always sitting on my fence now, this time it was a tabby. I laugh because maybe he is a government agent and he is monitoring me? Also when he looked at me through the window he did a squinty eye face, does anyone know what that means?
If my cat is monitoring me he knows how weird I am. Is the cat a stray cat?
He is stray, and there are plenty of other stray cats who do the same. For some reason there have been a ton jf them chilling on my fence.
That makes me think the cats are having some kind of allergies from food, dust, pollen, dust, or fles but I don't know the cats situation.
i read an article and that could be true, cats squint when they have allergies.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=7utuuiw7v0U [Play]
cat owners of 22chan, remember to synchronize your cats.
Storecat tried running away, They had to spray her with a water bottle to stay away from the front door. She seemed desperate, she meowed at me and when i left she pawed at the door. Such is the curse of wagecucking, you cannot leave. Perhaps that is why she sleeps on company time, to stick it to the man.
I wish my cat looked this intently at me.
I wonder why storecat tried running away, from what i understand she'll get the strong urge to flee sometimes and after it passes she just chills.
I was at a yardsale and i had to inspect a power tool, and as i was distracted a calico cat jumped at the table and put his front paws on me, and looked up at my face. When i noticed him i put the tool down and gave him a hug and he purred. Everywhere i go i make new cat friends it was never like this before.
The cat was lazily asserting dominance.
Maybe the cat didn't like the racket you were making.
I rarely see cats outside of my home. You seem to have some good experiences meeting cats.
I found such wonderful webms, you all must bear witness.
Meh. I've seen these so many times now. Do better next time.
What a classy gentleman, he knows that you have to swish the wine before tasting.
My sister's cat has been over for almost a week now, and she has fit in well. She has gotten in skirmishes with my cat and she has surprisingly won a lot of the skirmishes. My cat seems to be shocked with the boldness of my sister's cat.
My cat had flea medicine applied wrong and he ended up having a seizure. Thankfully he is Ok now, but it was a rough day for my cat.
is he feeling ok now? did he shake off the trama?
someone remake this thread tomorrow before I forget
Why does my cat run off when I notice him?