"i has risen"
Its caturday, post and discuss cats.
"i has risen"
Its caturday, post and discuss cats.
The first caturday is the first to enjoy the gifts that keep giving which are cats.
Gentlemen, Meow.
(your cat will understand this message)
Today i saw a stray and i fed him some water. a lovely russan gray shorthair.he seemed quite calm for whatits worth and i managed to pet him.
Have a strong urge to hug a cat today.
How many fellow 22channers own cats? I sadly don't.
I don't own one, but our neighboors do. And those cats fear me, for some reason
I have a cat and we are best friends.
>those cats fear me
you have been cursed.
i wish i was you.
Many cats are meek, so don't take it the wrong way.
Where do I enter?
Through the litterbox.
he is singing the song of my people
That, and either lay on the floor or sit. Let cat sniff you first before anything. Standing can be seen as a form of aggression and sniffing is important since cats dont like strangers and attempting to pet before doing so could be seen as a threat.
i dont think im responcible enough to own and care for a cat. i love looking at and discussing them though.
i want to squish his face
Do cats like water? and baths?
Catanon was a superior mascot. I must say I'm happy it was preserved on the neocities.
In the caturday thread! Happy caturday!
Remember that Jesus loves you, And CatJesus only tolerates you if you feed him.
You are in both of their worlds remember that.
CatJesus DIED for YOUR SINS. (He also died because of curiosity but don't worry he has 7 lives left.)
Ask him.
That is you to answer.
He won, but at what cost?
The cat will just have to eat his/her way out or jump.
Finally, they are selling something good for high fashion.
Throwing a party at my place for Caturday! Who's with me!?
if you like CatJesus you are a CATholic
but what about Mewslims? do they believe in Mewhammad?
low quality tiktok garbage
I don't use tiktok and I think it's pretty funny.
These cats are too cool...
Thank you for reposting this work of art.
Thats a nice cat! what is his or her name? What is his or personality like?
such a deep and profound statement.
im mad there isnt any cat conventions or a cat society anymore.
Thanks. She is named Hattie. She's quiet, but she has a lot of energy.
hattie is a good cat name
Imagine opening the door and seeing this cat greet you
https://youtu.be/YHqCmua8O7s [Play]
I love this commercial. I'm saying I drop whatever I'm doing and immediately resign my full attention to this ad whenever it plays
There is too many of them!?? This is censory overload
I pet a stray today. I didn't take a picture, but it was a cute kitty. My own cat didn't seem to like her though and I had to stop them from fighting
That adds up because when I got a new kitten my main cat had to get used to the cat.
47 years ago, when I was 12 years old, I began taking good old-fashioned real LSD, and I started a 3-year-long journey of psychedelic self-exploration
During this 3-year-long fantastic Journey, I came to the profound realization that cats are the most amazing form of life on planet Earth...
I literally began worshiping cats, and although it sounds ridiculous, I modeled myself after cats in many ways, which is what I attribute My Success with women to....
At the age of 12, I realized that cats encompassed all of the attributes that women find attractive...
Their lack of neediness and complete absence of clinging dog like Behavior... they're stealthiness and fluid undulating rhythm, so in touch with nature and so confident in their abilities, that they view the world from the Throne of kings and queens...
I've dedicated more than 50% of my living existence to cats, to the devoted caretaking and nurturing of as many cats as the universe sent my way...
I've had so many amazing friendships with dozens and dozens of wonderful Feline specimens, and I've been blessed...
but of all the many many truly amazing cats I've loved, I can honestly say that I HAVE NEVER MET A SMARTER CAT THAN "SEXY BOOM BOOM"
Sexy Boom Boom is SO GOD DAMN SMART, that it's remarkable!!
he's TOTALLY 100% COMPLETELY AWARE of even the most subtle of situations, continually astounding my wife and I with his unique connection, 24/7, eye to eye contact, with subtle innuendos and clear indications that he is fully aware of what we are talking about and thinking about...
he's a fucking GENIUS !!!!
Just look in his eyes, and you'll see it
He's less like a cat and more like an alien Buddha sent from another planet
My wife and I are so honored to have been chosen to be his parents
My wife and I do animal rescue, and we have managed to successfully save dozens and dozens of aimals' lives....
I'm talking about Veterinary Care, spaying and neutering, rabies shots, vaccinations, and successfully locating qualified loving foster homes, adopting dozens of cats & other animals into safe forever homes...
Five of these rescue cats were special needs, and we had no choice but to claim them as our own
in fact, that how we got Sexy Boom Boom
We saved him from a certain death
Again, cats are the most intelligent form of life I've ever seen. They are the definition of superiority in every way, and they make humans look pathetic and incapable
sexy boom boom : meme machine
He looked like a goddamn toy, only perfect.. they've never made a toy that perfect before
Believe it or not, Sexy's mother gave birth to him in a weird drainage ditch that was built into the side of an old 1880's church, a strange tunnel built into the walls of this old 1880s historic church, up about 15 or 20 ft from the concrete below
My wife and I had to climb our way up to the hole everyday and bring food and water while we developed a perfect Rescue strategy, but this was very weird because if he fell from that hole, he would drop to the concrete below, and he was just a teeny tiny kitten smaller than my hand
It was going to require a very complicated rescue strategy, because there was no way to access this strange Civil War drainage ditch
Needless to say, we managed to rescue him with precision, and he has lived like a king ever since that day
he was SO fucking cute, that he seemed unreal...
He looked like a perfect Asian cartoon, and I'm not talking about any anime crap.... he looked like the perfect Asian toy, the most adorable stuffed toy I had ever seen, but he was real...
even as a kitten, he had already developed a much deeper connection to my wife and I than any other cat we had ever seen in our lives, together or individually
Even as a young kitten, he somehow transcended the normal relationship between cat and human, and it was obvious there was something slightly Supernatural about him
but this little kitten wasn't like the others
he CONNECTED, as in: he became Inseparable with my wife, as well as with me, but it's safe to say he literally FELL IN LOVE with my wife, like some kind of umbilical cord relationship, and his entire world revolves around her, although he loves me very very much as his father, he is such a mama's boy it is hilarious! I can't even begin to tell you the bizarre hilarious antics of sexy boom boom...
You would probably think I was fabricating the stories if I told you the actual details, because Sexy is keenly aware of what she and I talk about, actually aware of what we talk about and he can read our energy on everything, and he reacts accordingly
His stories are different than normal cat stories, because they actually involved humans, and he's somehow an active participant in the story
He reacts to situations, and it's fucking hilarious
For example, my wife and I will discuss something strange, and we will turn and look at sexy boom boom, and his eyes will be wide open, like a comical reaction, or if we're talking something involving him or our other rescue cats, he will start rolling and trilling, talking to us and reaching out to us, whereas if we told sexy boom boom "the plumber will be here in a minute", he will understand what I'm saying, and he will zip off into one of the back bedrooms two hide because he doesn't like anybody except my wife and I...
he literally reads our minds... he can tell what we're thinking... there have been times when he could read us and he knew it was time to hide, or other times he will react accordingly to whatever we are talking about, as if he's an actual participant in the story.. because he actually is a participant here
He's the first cat I've ever seen who seems to think he's playing an active role in the management of the family
he's smart as SHIT
and he's always been so good looking! He was the cutest kitten ever, and he grew into the most handsome rugged distinguished intelligent looking adult cat ive ever seen
He's cat food label model material.. he would be great on the nine lives label
Sexy Boom Boom is continually making different expressions with his face, Expressions you rarely see on a cat, and they always seem to be appropriate to the situation happening at the moment.
The only thing that's missing is a laugh track and the noise of a Big Spring going BOIIING !!
Like I said, it's hard to explain, but if you were here in person hanging out around sexy boom boom for an entire day, he would have you rolling on the floor laughing, your sides splitting
Because he's always right there, right in the middle of everything, making his expressions and behaving in a way that expresses the moment at hand
It's quite different than your average relationship with a cat
cats are THE most superior form of life I've ever dealt with
Here is a fun cat fact.
"Mau" (Meow) in the ancient Egyptian language means sun, or cat.
1, his name is lux.
2, the news says he is holding them hostage, but what where his terms and conditions? what terrorist group was he associated with? clearly the news is lacking important details.
Happy caturday! I hope you can be comfy like this cat.
This cat in bread form is thinking very hard.
When I was a kid, I was at a Halloween festival and a white cat just stopped walking with his owner. the cat then (like human) pushed his collar off in defiance. I still think about that.
ralsei from some shitty game
A stray cat became friends with me last Halloween, He was black and his tail was up, very chatty and loved getting a belly rub. Never saw that cat again.
refraction of the light caused by special structure that helps cat see in the dark. aka they use that to shoot lazer beams at those who dont feed them.
Very metal
I love watching cats eyes change.
I gave my cat a bath today and was amazed at how strong the cats were trying to escape. My goal was to get the fleas out and it remains to be seen if they are out of the woods with the fleas. At least they smell good now.
is it possible to acclimate your cat to taking baths? how about bringing in toys to play with?
finally, caturday.
Caturday came so fast for me this week. It is probably because of my wagecuckery.
Well, his plan of eating all the food was foiled.
he looks scared
Scared he was caught.
That's a fat cat.
It isn't caturday but I need help figuring out what he is looking at.
Caturday is a frame of mind, And he is looking at You.
What a harsh statement, I don't think I'm that fat.
july the 10th was national kitten day
How widely is that celebrated?
If you don't celebrate it here, Don't even bother calling yourself a 22channer. Also in case no one knows, Oct 29 is international cat month, and august 8 is cat day.
That's a good photo.
its crazy how out of nowhere the get the urge to fucking RUN and they'll just fly around the room and the next minute they become a fat lazy fuck
I like how the sun on the cat's fur does to how the fur looks.
Why do they love us?
I was reading the sandman and I learned some deep cat lore. cat used to be huge, and they both played with us and ate us, humans decided they had enough, and they tapped into the collective human unconsciousness via dreams and changed reality to where the big scare cats became housecats. I wish cats where big so I can ride them like hinaichigo did in rozen maiden.
Hopefully, if that does happen the cats don't eat us now that they can do that more easily.
This cat is fighting the good fight against the normalfags.
The cat almost blends in with the carpet the only flaw is that cat is cute.
Hello, it is caturday today!
i dont know if i mentioned it here yet but i met a black cat on halloween last year. she was a stray/feral black cat who was very nice and friendly. she rubbed against my legs and her tail was up, meaning she was happy. she kept meowing at me and she let me pet her and rub her belly. needless to say i wish i meet her again this halloween.
Were there signs she was a stray or a cat with an owner?
she was friendly with people which is something stray cats dont tend to do. she did not have a collar and she had very long fur like she never got groomed before.
It is caturday.
Can someone describe how each cat is different?
Norwegian forest cats?
One on the right looks angry.
That is too cute to handle.
∧ ∧
It is caturday, The alarm has been sounded. Do you heed the call?