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Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 8:51:50 AM 1 year ago No. 928
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How much do you know about theology?
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Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 9:30:10 PM 1 year ago No. 934
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In the pursuit of not following the footsteps of the other goofball retards in this thread, I'm gonna talk about Theology.
I don't really consider myself a "Theologist" in any way, and most of my knowledge of the subject is just gained through osmosis from topics I'm interested in that often brush shoulders with it, such as philosophy. I haven't read any religious texts and in general I'm not very learned in the subject.
However, I do have my theories upon the nature of God. I'm a believer in the "we are God experiencing itself" brand of 'religion'. If you break the world down into the tiniest of things, we are all made of basically the same stuff-- atoms and matter. Everything is made of matter. Despite that fact, we as sentient beings also seem to be "divine" in some manner. We haven't figured out which parts of the brain are actually responsible for consciousness, so it reasons that our sentience comes from somewhere outside of our material realm, I.E the soul or something similar.
I believe that this "soul" that is responsible for us being... well, us, is God. That God is us, and we are God. We are also matter, and "of the world". God is everything, and we are OF everything, therefore we must also be God. We are divine in the sense that we can experience the reality that is ultimately the same as us, yet different.
What the implications of that are I haven't quite figured out, but it's what I believe.
What do you believe, anons?
Anonymous Wed 17/05/2023 2:11:29 PM 1 year ago No. 939
There is a special place in Hell for faggots and OP you are being one. You remind me of 1 Corinthians 6 9-10. Don't try to play God as well as 22chan with poor OP.
Anon Wed 06/11/2024 12:37:34 AM 4 months ago No. 3666
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If you're really serious about theology, how about starting with the basics?
- The Bible was originally written without columns, like a normal book for the time of writing (clay tablets then papyrus/other material scrolls). So why not format it like a normal book?

Pic is of a church in Georgia, with a double walled defence from the musket days.
Anonymous Wed 15/01/2025 6:38:03 PM 2 months ago No. 4061
If you want to have a laugh then go check out "the message" bible, it's written with contemporary english and slang. I actually own the audiobook and the actual run time is a week long, it took me a whole day of ripping the discs to my computer.

>10 Jesus’ refusal was curt: “Beat it, Satan!” [Play]
Anonymous Wed 29/01/2025 3:04:02 PM 2 months ago No. 4127
I'm not a religious person, and I'm sorry for intruding on this thread, but I'd like to tell you anons of an amusing encounter I had recently. I was approached by two asians (koreans I think) at my university, shortly before an exam. Feeling curious, and having a few minutes to spare, I decided to hear them out.

They opened a powerpoint on a tablet, and told me the following:
>In the bible, the word used for God is sometimes plural
>God created humans in his image, which includes both men and women
>It follows that there is actually both a male "father" God and a female "mother" God
After they finished, they looked at me expectantly. I said that I had to go.

Truth be told, I had already heard of the fact that God is referred to with a plural word in the bible ("Elohim") from a friend. Wikipedia [1] suggests that it could be the result of Judaism evolving from a polytheistic/monolatry religion to monotheism, or that the plural form actually means "Godhood" and not multiple Gods. My friend also suggested that perhaps the ancient polytheistic Gods were aliens that ruled over men for some time, but I assume that's a less popular scholarly theory.

Anyway, I'm posting this because I found it interesting to actually meet people who say stuff like that in person, not because I believe there's much merit to these ideas. Then again, I'm not very knowledgeable in theology.

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