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/cre8/ - Art & Creativity
Shit art thread Anonymous Thu 09/11/2023 5:31:52 AM 11 months ago No. 28
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there are several diffrent ways of looking at this thread.
1: you can draw like shit on purpose (for humor or otherwise
2: you post shit art in general because you lack skill and such and post the art you made
3: /ic/ Artwork/Critique, learn from your mistakes and use this thread to improve
DO NOT POST ART OTHERS HAVE MADE, this thread is for original content only.
another goal is to let people hang loose in the sense that they don't need to fear that "im so bad at drawing lol i just shouldn't even post my drawings on 22chan i'll just be banned or made fun of" nonsense, i think unless your a nigger everything should be fine unless you go out of your way to like break the rules or something.
Anonymous Thu 09/11/2023 2:38:53 PM 11 months ago No. 29
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Anonymous Thu 09/11/2023 7:01:52 PM 11 months ago No. 30
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I want to learn to draw so I wanted to draw a comic for practice. I have some vague ideas about characters and setting but the problem is I'm clueless about what to fill the comic with. I've only really sketched the main characters and doodled something resembling the first page so far
Anonymous Thu 09/11/2023 7:09:15 PM 11 months ago No. 31
I take it you're the anon that drew the Gnostic comic? What are your ideas for this one?
Anonymous Thu 09/11/2023 8:21:19 PM 11 months ago No. 32
I'm not him, but the idea is that those three robots wake up with no memories and try to figure out what's going on
Anonymous Tue 14/11/2023 7:34:37 PM 11 months ago No. 33
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I made this
Anonymous Tue 14/11/2023 10:06:21 PM 11 months ago No. 34
No, I made this
Anonymous Wed 15/11/2023 5:27:20 AM 11 months ago No. 35
All three of us made it :).
Anonymous Mon 27/11/2023 9:52:45 PM 10 months ago No. 36
(i'll eventually post my scribbles here when i get the chance)
for whatever reason i am having trouble composing shapes into objects, like turning a oval to a table or something of the sort. i feel like a child and i have no god damn clue what i'm doing. i found a book that has to do with composing shapes and cartooning and i'm thinking that might help me. (cartoon animation by preston blair) my pencil work is for shit and i have a bad habit of putting too much pressure on what i draw instead of scratching lightly. my penmanship is also piss poor and i find that i have a very shakey hand and i am unsure on how to stop that. after dicking around with a compass i also have trouble using it too, it was made to make a perfect circle but i keep fucking it up lol.
i feel like an idiot and i also have no clue on where to go, what to read and so on even though i have: read a few books on the matter, watched a few vids online, and just drawn without really thinking or putting pressure on myself and it feels like i'm going nowhere. i'm not giving up, it just is annoying thats all. i did draw some shitty ms-paint art that people liked on the old site so i shouldn't be too hard on myself but still i know i have a bit to improve on.
Anonymous Tue 28/11/2023 3:42:10 AM 10 months ago No. 37
Sounds like you're on the edge of a breakthrough, that kind of awareness usually precedes a season of progress. Have you considered leaving behind line entirely? You could try getting a set of soft charcoals and shading forms instead. It'll get your brain working in a different way, even if you don't stick with that method it could do wonders for the way you see lines around you and set them to paper.
Also, examine your grip. Do you draw with the same grip as when you write? If so, you're doing it wrong.
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