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Tag Feature Discussion Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 10:18:08 PM 1 year ago No. 252
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I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread where we could discuss the tagging feature on 22chan focusing specifically on the optimal utilization of various tags. The feature itself is currently only in its infant state given how such a feature was not present anywhere outside of NND for decades. Therefore, its usage is still very much open to interpretation and development. I encourage you to share any ideas you may have regarding potential improvements to this feature. Additionally, please feel free to use this thread as a space to report instances of tag misusage, as well as to request the locking of specific tags to a particular thread.
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Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 4:37:45 AM 1 year ago No. 253
I was thinking of labeling threads in a way to make threads based on interests easier to find. For an example, i'd label threads that have the theme of horror, paranormal and so on with something like /x/ So like if i'm a newfag and i want some spooky shit, the dead space thread, the paranormal thread, the evil within thread might be shit i'm interested in. If there are threads based on hobbies, and DIY, Anything that can be put into a group. I think its fine for tags to be abused on /sewers/ since thats the nature of the board although i did label some gatorgang threads as gatorgang.
Anonymous Mon 23/10/2023 3:26:38 AM 1 year ago No. 254
I was thinking of labeling every flash like how it was on the old site, like if a flash is an animation or a flash loop or a game.
Anonymous Wed 22/11/2023 8:39:40 PM 1 year ago No. 261
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This would be great
Anonymous Fri 24/11/2023 1:56:56 PM 1 year ago No. 262
Original like [G] or in full like Flash game?
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