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/meta/ - Meta
Anonymous Mon 17/06/2024 3:46:19 AM 9 months ago No. 324
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This /meta/ thread is dedicated to the discussion of the creation of new threads, which would potentially serve as a kind of replacement to the previous "ideas" thread >>>/b/2003.
Many posts outline good thread ideas in detail, but due to laziness or other factors, they never lead to the actual creation of those said threads by the users. So this thread aims to potentially turn those ideas into collaborative efforts instead.
Share any of your potential thread ideas here, whether you plan to create them yourself, seek input from others, or believe someone else could execute them better. Others are encouraged to refine and improve each idea, including suggestions for thread starter images, correcting spelling errors, thread structure, and more.
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Anonymous Wed 28/08/2024 3:43:06 AM 7 months ago No. 341
I was thinking of a thread that would be dedicated towards sharing resources on how to draw. Whether it would be for example just artists sharing drawing tips on their pixiv account or e-books dedicated on studying anatomy and then also maybe sharing software that would help with references and such
Anonymous Wed 28/08/2024 7:05:32 AM 7 months ago No. 343
If you do that, I'll post some helpful notes on linear perspective. I use them all the time.
Anonymous Tue 03/09/2024 9:58:05 PM 6 months ago No. 344
i would check that out
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 12:25:31 AM 6 months ago No. 345
to elaborate a bit, i would check it out because i might learn a few things due to other peoples perspectives and things they learned that i might have been in the dark about.
Anonymous Wed 04/09/2024 8:21:57 PM 6 months ago No. 346
I've prepared everything I wanted to share, but I'm getting 502 errors when I try to post it. Maybe it'll work later.
Anonymous Tue 24/09/2024 3:42:39 AM 6 months ago No. 356
Somewhat of a dumb thread idea for /sewers/ but I remember there being a thread on a regular porn site's /wsg/ where users recorded themselves (their screens) just using 4chan. So I was thinking how dumb but funny it would be to do this with 22chan
Anonymous Thu 26/09/2024 9:30:16 PM 6 months ago No. 357
i was thinking of making a gundam thread on /a/ but i was wondering if i should make a thread about all gundam stuff under universal century or make singular threads for whatever UC gundam anime in peticular.
Anonymous Thu 03/10/2024 2:40:19 AM 5 months ago No. 359
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Not sure on what board this thread would fit in best (maybe on /cre8/?) but basically a draw thread where we take posts from 22chan and then turn them into drawings like comic strips? As an example: >>>/b/1114/#1958 >A cat meowed at me when i went for a walk the other day, for all i know he could have said "nigger".
Anonymous Thu 03/10/2024 3:09:38 AM 5 months ago No. 360
i don't know about anyone else but that sounds fun
CAT Thu 03/10/2024 3:46:22 AM 5 months ago No. 361
I was thinking to myself about how we as a community could produce stuff together that doesn't require as much effort as some of the other community projects threads and I think this one could work extremely well and in higher volume(?) basically the thread would be based around a random song that fits in with 22chan board culture or something and then make a slide-show by having users post images/gifs/videos(muted) that fit the song theme or lyrics which could be placed randomly or with specific timestamps.
Basically something like this: [Play] (that's how I came up with the thread idea)
Now the question is where? I think /cre8/ might produce higher quality results but it would also work extremely well with /sewers/ culture?
I wonder if anyone has any other suggestions for this as well e.g. in what format the thread should be posted.
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 12:44:58 PM 5 months ago No. 362
/cre8/ makes more sense, that's what it's there for.
Anonymous Sat 05/10/2024 3:13:57 PM 5 months ago No. 365
I wonder what song suggestions there are for the first thread of this? It can be stuff posted before even.
Anonymous Sun 06/10/2024 2:39:32 PM 5 months ago No. 366
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Not sure how it would relate to board culture exactly but what about this rendition of Canon in D Major?

Mysterious melody
Dance to it
Teach me sincerely

The beat of the heart's (can't stop throbbing)
metronome is (the rhythm is jumping and spinning)
starting quickly (can't wait any longer)
Look at the future, raise the tempo (Overflowing with hope)

Ah- I'm in love, in the world flowers are blooming and songs are made
Ah- I'm in love, the song I sing now is a love song

Teach me again

The shaking heart's (The viola and the timpani and)
Orchestra (...the horn and the oboe and)
I can hear it clearly (the piano, creating a song)
Follow and obey the musical notes (Composing a miracle)

Wait, I think I'm dreaming
My heart won't stop beating. Ah-

Ah- I'm in love, boy and girl are going out today
Ah- I'm in love, the one I'm seeing right now is you

Ah- I'm in love, in the world flowers are blooming and songs are made
Ah- I'm in love, you can see it clearly too. I'm in love.
Anonymous Sat 19/10/2024 10:15:49 PM 5 months ago No. 368
not really related to thread creation but i really love the halloween/october design of 22chan. it would be awesome if this was a permanent optional site appearance
Anonymous Sat 19/10/2024 10:19:22 PM 5 months ago No. 369
its the spider theme...
Anonymous Sat 19/10/2024 10:43:05 PM 5 months ago No. 370
let me explain myself by saying its the spider theme and it's up year round, its just pinned on halloween.
Anonymous Sat 19/10/2024 10:48:49 PM 5 months ago No. 371
>tfw spider keeper
i wouldnt mind a spider if they didnt bite me in real life. interesting article -

privacy is in fact a human right.
Anonymous Sun 20/10/2024 12:18:45 PM 5 months ago No. 373
ah, i see. i didn't know 22chan had more themes. its pretty comfy while still being spooky themed.
Anonymous Thu 31/10/2024 3:03:47 PM 5 months ago
(edited 1x)
  • Oct. 31, 2024, 3:14 p.m.
  • No. 386
    If anyone’s up for making this thread or I'm gonna save it for later, I was thinking it’d be interesting to have a dedicated thread to talk about creating our own ASCII art characters, and I’m not just talking about a place to throw out random AA creations (that could be its own thread), but more of a space to go deep into the process of building and developing these characters. On some AA boards on 2channel, they’d spend months or even years refining an AA character until it had a consistent look and well-defined personality. We could also talk about the software out there for creating AA and specific rules to follow. The preview feature here can be tricky since you’re constantly adjusting to get things lined up, but I know there’s Japanese software that makes it a lot easier and some even let you use a transparent image as a background to trace AA from.
    Here are some external resources that could help with making this thread (these websites lead to other websites essentially.):
    Anonymous Tue 05/11/2024 7:35:53 PM 4 months ago No. 388
    i wanted to make a thread. it's about two things, Imageboards, and Anonymous. the goal isn't to sound masturbatory or nostalgafag, it's to examine the deep roots of the subjects at hand if that makes sense, the culture therein, history and literature that had influenced anonymous (not the faggy hackers) the psychology of anonymous imageboard users, even fucking music if it can somehow be related. some pagan folklore comes to mind and i was thinking about catcher in the rye and how holden's "phonies" relate to "normalfags"
    i'm thinking of the origins of the imageboard with the japanese underbelly and how later it was normalised in a sense so people could talk shit about their bosses without getting their asses fired, discuss hobbies, bicker about koreans and also come together during natual disasters and such.
    part of my problem is HOW THE FUCK do i even start creating the thread in the first place.
    Anonymous Mon 02/12/2024 9:45:29 PM 3 months ago No. 420
    A thread where people can link to posts on 22chan that they would recommend for newcomers or just users in general to read or consume. There are a lot of really interesting posts randomly scattered around everywhere it would be nice to compile them in some place so they are not lost to the bump order.
    Anonymous Thu 05/12/2024 10:30:27 PM 3 months ago No. 422
    I was thinking of making a thread on /a/ in which if you spot a cat in an anime or manga, you post a screenshot. people can guess the genre and story of the anime based on how the caf is drawn. a more cartoony cat might mean comedy, a realistic cat might mean serious stuff, and so on.
    i re-read threads on the regular even if i don't post on them so i can see how this can work in general like that dark souls 3 thread with the story that guy wrote.
    𝄞 𝄡 𝄢 𝄖 𝄗 ( ) $ ¥ £ ¢ ω Д ´ @ _ + × ÷ = π
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