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/mu/ - Music
Synthetic Music Anonymous Sun 17/09/2023 4:18:13 AM 1 year ago No. 186
(72.76 KB 360x360 )
The thread title is vague, So let me explain myself. Post music that is primarily synthetic and is of decent quality with little to no blemishes. It can be of any type, From moving electronics To EDM, Even AI! Vocaloids, it doesn't matter at all.
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Anonymous Mon 18/09/2023 1:00:29 AM 1 year ago No. 187
https://youtube.com/watch?v=nOMX3deeW6Q [Play]
Who knew you could make music with floppy drives?
Anonymous Thu 22/02/2024 8:09:39 PM 10 months ago No. 238
RPM+ by Colloboh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw7I3Ovqtw4 [Play]
It's neat, I love how it pumps you up without being overbearingly loud or percussive. This song gives me a unique feeling.
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