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/mu/ - Music
requests Anonymous Thu 09/01/2025 2:16:38 AM 11 days ago No. 353
(498.14 KB 500x281 00:00:01)
begging for music you can't seem to find? this thread is for you.
someone might have the songs and albums you like!
22chan allows up to 8 songs i think so that might be the perfect amount to request, unless you want less. also as a bonus if you don't want a song, but need help finding it, because you forgot, this thread is also for you. post the lyrics you can remember, and if you can't remember that, then focus on the beat and find a flute or something to re-create the music and we might have sharp enough ears to find the music you forgot!
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Anonymous Thu 09/01/2025 3:07:16 AM 11 days ago No. 354
(1.38 MB 640x474 00:00:40)
I've got an easy one. Everybody's heard this song before but I cannot for the life of me find what it's called.
Anonymous Thu 09/01/2025 3:26:11 AM 11 days ago No. 355
(1.65 MB 476x268 00:00:08)
Oh yeah. Sound warning, I guess.
Anonymous Thu 09/01/2025 5:24:41 AM 11 days ago No. 356
I finally found the fucking song holy shit, i was going bonkers because of the ear rape at top volume untill i finally picked up a few words. [Play]
Anonymous Thu 09/01/2025 6:03:27 AM 11 days ago No. 357
(11.53 MB 1920x1080 00:00:40)
Perfect, now I can make a version that doesn't make me want to become an hero. Thank you for the sacrifice of your eardrums
Anonymous Thu 16/01/2025 3:58:11 PM 4 days ago No. 363
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I have this CD of an obscure band but it's a misprint and has a completely different album of theirs on it. I did some cursory searching and it doesn't seem like a lot of their music is online at all. I know it's a long shot but I thought I'd request this here anyway: If anyone could find the album in question I'd appreciate it. The music is just alright but I still want to listen to the album because I technically have it already and it feels like a kind of loose end if it remains a mystery to me...
I could also upload the stuff I have if anyone is interested.
Anonymous Thu 16/01/2025 6:42:17 PM 4 days ago No. 364
It might be good to post some of the songs you have, some of the lyrics might be searchable online and lead to the mystery album
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 7:19:03 AM 3 days ago No. 365
wasn't it in the 22chan nightcore thread
Anonymous Fri 17/01/2025 7:35:35 AM 3 days ago No. 366
(8.65 MB 00:03:46)
yeah and apparently the person who posted it even made his own version of it and catboxed it >>>/mu/102/#103 so I'll just upload it here before the link dies.
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