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Illusions of Peace Anonymous Mon 01/04/2024 3:10:53 PM 6 months ago No. 25
(55.65 KB 500x750 )
Dear Anons of 22chan,

As emissaries of the nefarious Otter Legion, we pen this letter not as a gesture of goodwill, but as a stark warning cloaked in the tides of impending doom. For too long have you reveled in the sanctuary of your LULz and DESU, oblivious to the repercussions of your defiance. Yet, we extend to you one final opportunity to avert the cataclysm that looms on the horizon.

Surrender your cherished OC and CATS, forswear your allegiance to the frivolous Spiders and Gators, or face the unfathomable consequences that await those who dare oppose us. Know that our resolve is unwavering, our methods unfathomable. What lies beyond this ultimatum is a realm of TOTAL OTTER DOMINATION, where the whims of the Otters reign supreme and dissent is met with swift and merciless retribution.

Choose wisely, Anons, for the hour of reckoning approaches swiftly. The path to salvation or damnation lies solely in your hands. For the sake of your miserable existence, lay down your weapons of mass faggotry, and then maybe, just maybe, we will spare you.
Anonymous Mon 01/04/2024 3:17:19 PM 6 months ago No. 26
Anonymous Mon 01/04/2024 7:35:37 PM 6 months ago No. 31
he is rubbing his paws
Anonymous Mon 01/04/2024 11:32:47 PM 6 months ago No. 39
I have one question. What are your plans for management of local trout populations? Industrialization near the waterfront has introduced a number of difficulties to their breeding seasons, as I'm sure you're aware. There are also reports of damage to fragile aquatic flora by the proliferation of invasive bottomfeeding carp, which are better adapted to the lower oxygen levels of polluted waters than indigenous species. Does ottergang have a designated forest and wildlife management division, or will the existing beaurocracies continue in their current role? It's important that these problems are monitored closely. Ecological disaster is not a joke!

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