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/sewers/ - Sewers
GATORGANG Anonymous Sun 25/12/2022 6:28:12 AM 1 year ago No. 1
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Anonymous Sun 25/12/2022 11:14:14 PM 1 year ago No. 2
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Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 12:27:03 AM 1 year ago No. 3
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spiders r cool
Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 6:42:02 AM 1 year ago No. 5
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Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 7:04:56 AM 1 year ago No. 19
we commetin sewers slide
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 6:25:55 AM 1 year ago No. 41
must rebuild gatorgang frome ground up
this time with stronger foundation
Anonymous Wed 04/01/2023 1:28:39 PM 1 year ago No. 45
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This gator gets it
Anonymous Tue 17/01/2023 4:28:39 AM 1 year ago No. 93
I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you
Anonymous Thu 26/01/2023 2:11:26 AM 1 year ago No. 155
(The following is an exclusive leaked scene from the script of the upcoming Gatorgang: The Movie)

[Don "Albino" Al Gator sits alone at his desk, which is piled high with watermelon rinds. He is about to light a cigar when his phone rings. Annoyed, he picks it up.]
DON: Who da fuck--
PHONE (muffled, compressed): I wanna be a CAT STAR★ What's with these gators you've always been crazy about?
DON: Shit, you again! What fuckin' momo gave you my number?
[music continues]
DON: Hey. Listen here, you mammal dipshit.
[music swells]
DON (crushing unlit cigar in rage): Listen!
[music stops]
DON: You fuckin' cat fuck. I don't push catnip, alright? Ain't worth the risk. Maybe go to Croc Crew--
["Toothy" Tony Gator walks in with an unlabeled mason jar. The Don places a hand over the receiver.]
DON: Hey, Ton'. I get back to you in a minute, all right? Jackass got my number again.
TONY: A'ight, boss.
[Tony stands by. The Don takes his hand off the receiver.]
DON: You there?
PHONE: meow
DON: Look. I'm a nice guy. You never call again, and we never met, get it? You better fuckin' get it, before I eat all your fuckin' cat friends for breakfast.
TONY: Tell 'em, boss!
DON: Shut the fuck up, Tony.
PHONE (music starting again): Wouldn't it be nice if GATOR just stayed in SEWER
DON (standing up, yelling): Fuck! Jambalayaaaaa!
[The Don spikes the phone on the floor, and pulls out a tommy gun, which he fires into the ceiling while swearing loudly. As if mocking him, the music continues to play from the phone. A cat falls from the rafters, shot. Startled the Don pauses.]
TONY: Aw, shit. This is frickin' war...
[Scene crossfades to CCR montage]
Anonymous Sat 28/01/2023 7:56:28 AM 1 year ago No. 180
[CHIP THE RIPPER steps into the scene
CHIP THE RIPPER; ayy tonie, da interior of da croc is da alligator
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 6:02:20 AM 1 year ago No. 214
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmUqZ7zlVZQ [Play]
Never forget the Holocaust of the Watermelon Tribe.
Anonymous Wed 05/04/2023 4:50:05 PM 1 year ago No. 369
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Anonymous Mon 26/06/2023 4:54:46 PM 1 year ago No. 476
News from the battlefield
The gators have taken Florida, I Repeat, Florida has been conquered. A major win for gators everywhere Although gator discrimination is on the rise.
Gators DO smile. Blatant propaganda from melon addicts. https://www.outkick.com/lsu-baseball-cade-beloso-father-rodney-florida-alligator-grill-eat-college-world-series/ Fucking disgusting. This is an act of war. I have never seen such savagery. Discrimination. They're just mad we won. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12228305/Terrifying-moment-alligator-charges-fisherman-edge-pond-South-Carolina.html More blatant lies. His personal space was violated, He has every right to drive this trespasser out. South Carolina is next. Soon my brothers we will live in the open and melon plantations will be re-built. We will drive the cars and the pools WILL be open for us.
Anonymous Mon 07/08/2023 12:14:46 PM 1 year ago No. 576
Being a Aligator is tough, The reception down here is terrible and having Webbed paws makes it difficult to type but i'd be dammed if i didn't say that it's worth the pain and tribulations. Superior reptillian inelect means no autocorrect and purfect speling. It took me a week to type this.
Anonymous Wed 09/08/2023 8:27:51 AM 1 year ago No. 590
sage test test
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 8:27:15 PM 12 months ago No. 786
Are gators just swampcats? Or is that question just blasphemy?
Anonymous Fri 26/01/2024 6:33:22 AM 8 months ago No. 957
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Anonymous Sat 09/03/2024 3:11:17 AM 7 months ago No. 1039
[A Lamborghini parks next to an inconspicuous brick building. "Sympathy for the Devil" is heard muffled from within the car. The driver kills the engine, abruptly stopping the music. Tony, cigar in hand, emerges from the driver's seat, and Don Al gets out the other side.]
DON: Put that thing out, Tony. You're gonna blow this place into orbit.
TONY: A'ight.
[Tony drops the cigar and stomps it out.]
TONY: Ya know, me and Vinnie go way back.
[Cut to inside the building. A gator with a boonie hat and an eyepatch is seated behind a counter. Boxes of ammo line the shelves behind him. Hearing a rhythmic knock at the door, he buzzes it open. Tony and Al walk in.]
TONY: Ay, Vinnie! Long time no see!
VINNIE: I told you to call me Vicious--
DON: Can it, both of youse. Vin, can you get us strapped?
VINCE: Yeah, yeah. Keep your pants on. I got some new goods in the back.
[Vince retrieves a large duffel bag. He produces a double-barrel shotgun and lays it across the counter. The stock is gold-plated and the barrels are engraved with a nativity scene involving alligators.]
TONY: That's fuckin' swag.
VINCE: Hell yeah. Sicilian style.
[Al picks up the gun and inspects it. He does a double take when he breaks the action open.]
DON: Vin, why are the barrels shaped like this?
VINCE: Oh, that? Yeah, it shoots custom shells.
[Vince holds up a cross-shaped shotgun shell.]
VINCE: I got the only one they ever made!
DON: Then why the fuck are there two barrels!? Get me something I can use, asswipe!
VINCE: Chill out, I just thought it was cool.
TONY: I liked it.
DON: Shut the fuck up, Tony.
[Vince sets out the next gun, an AR-15 with a colorful vinyl wrap. He then takes a cigarette from his pocket.]
VINCE: Hey, either of youse got a light?
[Tony gets his Zippo lighter, but Al smacks it out of his hand.]
DON: The fuck is wrong with you people? This place is a powder keg.
VINCE: Whatever. How ya like the gun?
[Conflicted, Al looks it over while Tony picks up his lighter sheepishly.]
DON: AR's real practical and all, but does it have to be covered in these fuckin' anime broads?
VINCE: It's not--
TONY: Touhou ain't anime, boss!
DON: Motherfucker!
[The Don clotheslines Tony in the gut, not realizing that he was in the middle of lighting a cigar. The lighter arcs behind the counter and lands with the ammo. Cut to outside. all three gators flee the building shortly before it erupts in flames.]
Anonymous Thu 26/09/2024 9:30:43 PM 19 days ago No. 1278
"Jogger" I thought he was going to be a watermelon addict...
Anonymous Wed 02/10/2024 3:46:44 AM 14 days ago No. 1279
Were they hungry?
Anonymous Wed 02/10/2024 3:51:20 AM 14 days ago No. 1280
for melons
Oracle says: Probably
Anonymous Wed 09/10/2024 4:23:48 AM 7 days ago No. 1286
Melons gets you hooked quickly, so it is inclusive to know if they are hungry.
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