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/sewers/ - Sewers
Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 1:04:02 AM 5 months ago No. 1113
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meowdy pard'ner, im the sherrif of these here parts
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Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 1:38:21 AM 5 months ago No. 1114
Sheriff, sheriff! Mangy Ted is outta jail, word is he and his boys are ridin' for town to get you for putting him behind bars to start with. What are you gonna do?
Anonymous Mon 10/06/2024 5:06:36 AM 5 months ago No. 1115
we got to git gator don, his gangs the only one who has the firepower to rival mangy ted
Anonymous Wed 12/06/2024 3:30:11 PM 5 months ago No. 1127
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It's simple: We, uh, lock the cat bar.
Anonymous Thu 13/06/2024 1:28:54 AM 5 months ago No. 1135
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Mangy Ted, huh? That does sound like quite the pickle you're floating with. I'd help, but the gangn'me're goin straight. Won the right to a shiny new train station that'll buy more goldfish than any blood work I could dream up. Won it all square like, know you can respect that. Rolled the legs offa the guy that killed my brother. Last blood I need to spill now the tourists are rollin through. 'Sides, I seem to recall some of my boys spending time in the brig on account of your "justice." Maybe all that's comin' round, is what's been goin' round.
Boy's talkin' sense. Mareep won't like it, but it's what needs be done.
Anonymous Sat 15/06/2024 4:22:56 AM 5 months ago No. 1139
That is a war crime but by any means necessary we need to solve the problem.
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