oh my god!!!
haha tricked you it was just a green screen
you got me good, Rigasaurus
oh no... I knew filming this by the side of the cliff was a mistake!
Serves you right, fuckass
The game was Rigasaurused from the start.
Fool, Rigasaurus is a notoriously fast thinker
Wait. Does this mean that Rigasaurus' fall wasn't an accident?! Somebody is trying to kill him!
But did he live?
But where can he land?
Rigasaurus Rex is an enigma in the sense we don't know what he will do next or why does he do the things he does.
Some people fear the enigma--they want the world to stay in order and move like clockwork. Fools they are, who cannot grasp that chaos is the ultimate freedom. Now somebody's gotta teach them a lesson
Hail The Anointed One Master of Ruses and rustler of Jimmies. He has returned in this hour of need to Ruse them all.
What a symbol of freedom Riguasarus Rex is. I bet if he was alive during the start of burgerland he would be a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
he'd be a turncoat just to fuck around
Lies and slander why would Rigasarus do it on burger freedom day? He gets a free burger this way.
It isn't looking good for the Rigasarus guy!
Contacted ur mum. She told me he was on the milk carton, Sure enough after inspecting hard and well he has been discovered.
It was quite astute of him to hide in front of the milk carton... Yes... Thank you kindly for helping me find him. A shame he got away! Oh well, I willfind him. And I will show him his place! RIGASAURUS YOUR TIME IS TICKING! YOUR STUPID TRICKS WILL SOON BE AN OLD, FORGOTTEN JOKE; WHILE I WILL BECOME LEGEND!!!
at least ice cube had some nice drawings this looks like someone took a huge shit
Make some other OC thread I can shitpost about then
Goo goo, gaa gaa, waaaah! Awoo, awoo, babababa! giggles wugga wugga! yaya brrrp! Boing boing gaa gaa whoo whoo! Ba ba cha cha, weee waah!
So true, so true.
weeeeee waaag i am baby
Rigasaurus is somebody who rules the world. He's kind of like a spirit. He lives up in outer space. He kinda started all the plants growing, and he started people- well, I guess he's kinda big and fat? He can see us wherever we do. Whatever we do he has his watchful eyes- he doesn't have millions, or thousands, but billions! and he can still see us when we're bad. He could be sitting on the table right now but you can't see him! If he was a bad man he would make everyone bad, we wouldn't have electricity, he wouldn't make people, and that's what would happen if Rigasaurus wasn't nice. A lot of people think he's just a feeling, but I feel that- he's a real person, and he's watching over us right now.
rigasaurus had some nice drawings of ice cubes mom
Tell me more rigasaurus!
Where is he? Riga left us hanging.
No... We're not the ones he left hanging...
oracle, is he dead????Oracle says: Yes, definitely
Please no... This has to be another ruse..
Picture of riga with Jesus or it is fake.
I don't believe you.
ASK trying to forcefully kill off another 22chan NET character
It is mere propaganda to lower morale. Rigasaurus is not someone who can be captured so easily. Rigasaurus seems like a magician who is one step ahead of us, mere mortals.
It was not the real Rigsaurus it was a stunt double.
clearly he is the master baiter and i expect nothing less from the ruseman,unless....
He is merely hiding from a more dangerous faction.
Et tu, Patrick?
So this is what he does in the background, I fucking knew his house salesmanship was a front for his work as an assassin for hire
Rigasaurus used my coffee as his portal to return!
That explained everythingOracle says: No
coffee allows one to tap into powers that was once forgotten, no wonder he escaped
I think he is planning something for around chrims time this year. What will he be doing?
your mum
It has to be bigger than that lol.
Rigasaurus has invaded my home. I heard munching from my closet and opened it to see the revenant had grown enormous. I tried to run but could not outpace the coffee boosted dinosaur. I cried "this is insane" before his boosted ass slap killed me instantly.
His crimes are rampant but not widely reported for some reason.
What the fuck? Is he a time traveler?
That must be what rigasaurus has been up to. I wonder when he will return to us?
His name suggested he was a Latvian national, but this reveals that not only is he Turkish but it seems likely that he played some part in the Armenian genocide. His disguise has been fallen. I cannot believe that Rigasaurus, OUR Rigasaurus, would do this. For shame.
He was framed! Rigasaurus is a real American!