my hobby is collecting misleading video ads of some shitty facebook game
I fucking hate facebook games so much, please post more.
Sure thing bro. In this video you can see another character that often appears in those ads, the princess. Usually the MC is supposed to save her, but fails horribly.
cheap games made for immature brains
>Implying those are the actual games
The real game is called 'Hero Wars' and it's some shitty pay2win... I don't know, RPG? Never played it, only saw gameplay on youtube. But I only appreciate the effort put into those ads.
Post more, I love these they're hilarious
These ads are designed with the most braindead simple style and aesthetic in mind to appeal to kids. In 10-20 years this will be what they will feel nostalgic about. It's all going down the heckin' /sewer/ bros.
This ad features complicated moral choices