Don't actually say or show from what place the screenshot came from unless the post itself is about a imageboard.
I collect quotes I find amusing, many of which come from imageboards
>I refuse to use a browser with 666 built into the logo.
>pretty excited for the inevitable disappointment
>I telepathically shout at aircraft telling them I know they are ufos in disguise, just in case one is
>Reminds me of a dream I had where I died, became a ghost, and just continued to browse the internet and comment on forums as a ghost.
>as time arrives, we too discover that we were already where we thought we were headed; we made it just in time.
>And I'm glad we could spend this time
>together <3
>I telepathically shout at aircraft telling them I know they are ufos in disguise, just in case one is
That made me laugh out loud.
Ecelebs are the same people so it doesn't shock me they are manufactured.
All of the things mentioned in that post are real issues, but I find the post painful to read because of how fucking retarded that anon is. He acts like he's revealing some big secrets that are gonna get you censored if you mention them. That's just plain false: much unlike what he claims, there has been ample discussion both on 4chan/g/ as well as the internet as a whole as to the processor-within-a-processor called Intel management engine. Even fucking wikipedia has a section about it being called a backdoor:
Thing is, this whole thing is indeed really, really spooky. The other things he mentions are spooky as well. But how the fuck can you seriously listen to this dumbass who claims he would "root a Military server of three to host our anime fansubs" and run a botnet, when he doesn't even know that a web forum is a stateful website? Come the fuck on!
Same issue here: this anon made a good point with outsourcing being an issue, but he just comes off as a retard.
>you still don't get it, dlc's, gamepasses and preorders are a scam!
Got any other revelations to share? Could it be lootboxes are bad too?
This does not have anything to do with crunching
Did you really post a 4chan /pol/ post here? Yes you did.
Why? Why would you think that people here would be interested in the epicenter of 4chan's culture war infestation?
Anyway, yeah, big youtubers aren't really independent. Here you can see those owned directly by disney:
Pewdiepie worked for disney too.
Cats are like Neets except they are praised instead of shamed by society.
Had a dream where I was on some IB I couldn't recognize. Someone started a thread with a pic of Batman passed out in an elevator full of water. There were pickle slices floating in there too. Very strange picture. The OP text was, "Why did the Joker do this? What happens when you float in pickles?" and the first reply was "nothing good. You die in 5 minutes." For some reason that made me lol so hard that I woke up.
You posted on the wrong thread, Lol
Found a couple knocking around a flash drive
this is actually interesting because i renember a tidbit from the early days of disney animation studio attempting to produce a serious cartoon and the problem was that everyone was used to silly rubber hose cartoons and knew little of basic anatomy so every attempt to produce something serious failed and it infuriated walt to no fucking end, but eventually they got their shit together and eventually produced snow white.
i'm reading the shiki manga and something i noticed that there was a heavy usage of realism in the foreground or on a character when they have to emphasize something.
also i would point out in the western comic world most artists actually started out as kids tracing comics they liked and attempting to reverse engineer the way others drew.